by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:04:59

Ronnie came out of the bathroom, still wearing his pants, with a lazy look on his face. He said, "Sis, how about we go to the casino today as a family of four?"
"No, make it five, he could be your brother-in-law in the future," Alice said.
"Ah! Sis, you have a boyfriend, good job keeping it a secret, I didn't even know," Ronnie looked surprised.
Alice used the Big Butler to send a message to her boyfriend. A short time later a man appeared in front of the group, Alice pointed to the man and introduced him, "His name is 'Uma', he's a garbage collector."
Ronnie looked Uma up and down and saw that the man was short, had a rough complexion, wore a pair of ill-fitting shorts and a pair of worn-out sneakers on his feet. Worst of all, his big nostrils were open like a hippo's and he felt sick in his heart, "How could my sister find such a man? what blindness!"
Out of politeness, he shook Uma's hand and introduced himself, "My name is Ronnie, I'm Alice's brother, nice to meet you."
Uma smiled and said, "I heard your name a long time ago in the city-state, and your sister mentions you often."
After a few introductions, Alice picked up little Vega and the five of them headed out the door. The casino had a total of three floors in the eastern area on the third and fourth floors and the negative floor, the first and second floors were the item self-service area. The five of them went straight to the third floor, Park Hye used to work here, she held Ronnie's hand and led the way. Today was a day off and the place was already crowded. Park Hye introduced the few people, "There are stage plays, amusement arcades, music cafes, saunas, theaters, cinemas, Thrill Island, bowling alleys, dance halls, and concert halls, which one do we want to play?"
Alice looked sideways at Ronnie for an idea, and Ronnie thought for a moment, "Since we're out here, let's play something exciting! let's go play on Thrill Island."
Several people agreed at the same time, Thrill Island was on the negative floor and they went back down the elevator. To play on Thrill Island you have to be in a team, with a minimum of two and a maximum of five people. They first boarded little Vega in the makeshift nursery, then donned protective suits and helmets, and had to sign a non-disclosure agreement before they could go. The four made their way through a long, dark tunnel, and gradually a bright light appeared ahead. They reached the light and realized that there were three doors. Ronnie looked at Alice and asked, "Do you want to go together or separately?"
Alice secretly wanted to go with Uma, but was too embarrassed to say so and asked rhetorically, "What do you think?"
"Hey!" Ronnie guessed what she was thinking and laughed, "then we'll go separately.
"Fine, we'll meet at the end and see who gets there first," Alice nodded in agreement.
The siblings went their separate ways. Ronnie took Park Hye and chose a door in the center and pushed it open. In front of them was a wooden bridge, thirty meters long and only twenty centimeters wide, and it was dark underneath, with occasional echoes and crows cawing from the depths when stones fell. Park Hye tugged at his arm and said in a trembling voice, "Ronnie, I'm a little scared."
Ronnie was also scared, at this time, he regretted walking separately with his sister, he could only comfort her, "Don't be afraid, it's just some sound effects, how can there be crows cawing when this is the underground level? it's all fake.”
Just as he finished his words, a crow flew out of the darkness and stopped by a tree by the bridge. In his heart he said, "These people are really down for it, real birds are being brought in,” he bravely walked toward the bridge and asked Park Hye to follow closely behind him, speaking as he walked to give himself courage and to teach the lesson of chasing away fear: "Don't look under the bridge, just look at the bridge.” The two of them, one after the other, it took them five minutes to reach the other side of the bridge, which was only thirty meters away, standing on solid ground, they sighed with relief, looked at each other and smiled, unconsciously embraced, a burst of passionate kisses, then they walked along the road. In front of a house, a wooden sign hung in front of the door, through the faint moonlight, two people went up to check, only to see the above written:
Please consider carefully, enter the house, if you pass the test can quickly enter the next level, as failed to pass the game over.
At this point, Ronnie's mind wondered, "Why is there a moon on this negative level?"
"Should we go in?" Park Hye asked as she looked at him sideways.
"It's better to go in! It's only right that we get there faster than my sister."
Ronnie made up his mind and pushed the door open, entering the house followed by Park Hye. There was only one table in the house and the candles on the table suddenly lit up as they entered the house and Park Hye was startled by the automatic candlelight. She rushed to Ronnie's side and asked in a low voice, "How did it light up all by itself?"
Ronnie put on a knowing expression and said pretentiously, "The candle must be an electronic product, someone remotely controlled it as soon as we walked in."
Park Hye nodded in agreement. The duo looked around to see if there were any clues. But after a long search, they couldn't find anything; the candle had burned out and the house was suddenly dark. Park Hye was afraid to hide in Ronnie's arms when the wall lit up with a white light, then a paragraph of text appeared, only to see the wall written: There are two roads in front of you, one is a dead end road, people standing there telling lies, one is the right road, people standing there telling the truth, you can only ask one of them a question, please find a right road. Ronnie thought for a moment and was about to answer when he heard a sharp knock from outside the door, "Someone inside save me, someone is trying to kill me.
Park Hye, who was already frightened, became even more frightened and said with a trembling voice, "Isn't this a game? how come there are still killers?"
Ronnie was not much better than her, his face was white, "I don't know, what the hell kind of game is this ..."
The woman outside was even more worried, "Open the door, she's after us, please!”
There was no other way, Ronnie gritted his teeth, told Park Hye to hide and went to open the door himself. Just as he opened a small crack, the woman entered the house in a flash, when he saw the woman's face, he shouted, "Mocha!”
Mocha just froze when she saw that someone had recognized her and didn't really care. Ronnie didn't care about past grudges and asked urgently, "Who's after you?"
"It's Michiko, when she saw me it was like she was crazy to cut me."
Hearing that it was Michiko, Ronnie immediately grabbed the door and left. As soon as he was out of the door, a girl came running angrily from a distance, and when she saw him, she asked, "Where's Mocha? Where did she go?"
"Michiko, I looked so hard for you!" Ronnie was thrilled, "where the hell have you been?"
Michiko seemed to recognize him at that moment, she said, "It's you, go away, I'm looking for Mocha,” she said as she pushed Ronnie aside and stepped into the house, she saw the two women at a glance and asked Ronnie who was following her, "Who's that girl?"
Ronnie didn't dare speak but Park Hye opened her mouth, "I'm his girlfriend.”
Michiko was furious when she heard this, "Good! no wonder you don't want me, so you have a girlfriend, I'll kill her first and then you."
After she finished speaking, a small knife appeared in her hand and she lunged at Park Hye with the knife. Mocha and Park Hye stood on opposite sides of the table, and as Michiko lunged at her with the knife, Mocha pulled Park Hye toward her and grabbed the door herself. Pushed out, Park Hye was just in time to be stabbed in the chest by the sharp knife Michiko was holding.  "Ah!" she screamed miserably and fell down, blood spilling all over the floor. Seeing Park Hye stabbed and Michiko coming towards him, Ronnie tried to turn and run, but he couldn't get out of the house with all his strength, as if he was immobilized. Michiko raised her knife to his head and he screamed and woke up. Lying in bed, Park Hye asked, "What's wrong?"
"I just had a nightmare, it was horrible."
"What kind of dream?" Park Hye asked.
Ronnie had to tell the story of the dream and Park Hye's face sank as she heard it, "You saw me being killed and actually turned around and ran?"
"I'm sorry, it was just a dream and you shouldn't take it seriously," Ronnie said apologetically.
Park Hye listened to his explanation and didn't say anything, but when she saw him close his eyes and fall asleep, she suddenly lunged and pinched his neck. She cursed in her mouth, "You damn man, I'm going to kill you ... kill you ..."
Ronnie's neck was strangled and he couldn't breathe, but his mind was terrified: "What's going on today? the women are crazy. is this another dream?" At this thought, he immediately woke up. Then he realized that Park Hye was looking at him. Fearing that this was another dream within a dream, he quietly pinched his thighs, which still hurt a little. Park Hye asked softly, "What happened to you just now?yelling and screaming."
This time, Ronnie didn't dare say anything more about the dream, only that he had had a nightmare. Still uneasy, he took out a "Bira coin" his sister had given him, picked it up, put it on the small table by the bed, and gently turned it with his thumb and forefinger to make it spin. If the coin stopped, it was real; if it continued to spin, it was proof that he was still in a dream. He had read about this in a book and it was said to be very effective. This time he saw the Bira Coin stop quickly, his heart a little calmer. It turned out that ever since Alice had knocked on the door in the morning to wake them up for dinner, Ronnie had been having a long dream within a dream, and now that the dream was finally over, he was returning to reality.

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