by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:10:52

"Sister, sister ..." Alice heard a voice calling her name in a daze and struggled to open her eyes. Realizing it was Ronnie, she got up and opened the door. Ronnie saw her disheveled and asked, "What's wrong? why are you up so late?"
Alice put her head down and said nothing, and when Ronnie pressed her further, she still didn't say anything. Ronnie knew something was definitely wrong, but she wouldn't answer and he was worried. Alice saw his worried look and had to tell him what had happened that morning. When Ronnie heard this, he flew into a rage and punched the wall, his clenched fist bursting into skin and blood. He said hatefully, "What a bunch of city-state scum, I will kill them.”
Alice looked at his hands full of blood, her heart aching, and for a moment she could find nothing to bandage his wounds, and cried sadly again. The two siblings remained in the room for more than half an hour before their spirits began to settle. Alice spoke first: "Let's go, let's finish your quest first. Ronnie nodded in agreement. The duo came to lab 72, the project really needed two people, Alice also helped a lot, the duo was busy all afternoon, ate some bread and then started again, they were busy until more than ten o'clock. "Sister, why don't you come and stay in my room?" Ronnie said.
"OK!" The two siblings went to room 25. One slept on the floor, the other on the bed. In the middle of the night, the temperature dropped and Ronnie was so cold he was shivering all over, so he had to climb on the cot and squeeze in with Alice. It took the siblings another five days to complete this secondary task. Ronnie also made a small pistol from the remaining pieces. It can shoot a very thin ice needle with an effective range of thirty meters and can be fired six times. He handed it to Alice and said, ''Sister, take this, if anyone dares to bully you, shoot him. If you hit him in the leg, he'll immediately fall to the ground and they won't be able to see any wounds.”
 "That's fine, I'll take it," Alice happily took it.
Today, they went to exchange items, and halfway there, they ran into Little Eyes and the Tall Man again. The duo had been inquiring about the relationship between Ronnie's siblings for the past few days, and had specifically blocked off this area to wait. "They were the ones who bullied me last time," Alice whispered to Ronnie next to her. Ronnie's anger rose at the sound of this and he rushed out in spite of everything. Though he was brave, he wasn't good at fighting and within moments he was pinned to the ground by the larger man. Learning his lesson from the last time, the men dragged him to a dark corner where there was no surveillance and no one else would pass by, so he was ready to teach Ronnie a lesson.
Alice saw Ronnie being beaten, her heart burned, she wanted to go up and help, but Little Eyes was in her way, she could only beg bitterly. At that moment, she completely forgot that she still had the little gun Ronnie had given her. The taller man stomped on Ronnie's head and turned to him, "You were lucky last time, not this time, no one will see you here.” He kicked as he spoke, cursing foul language. Ronnie covered his head tightly, not saying a word, he didn't want his sister to hear his screams.
"Please let him go, I'm coming with you," Alice cried out.
When the little eyes heard this, they were happy, "Haha ... Then take off your clothes first, I didn't see enough last time."
Alice blushed and shivered as she undid the first button. Then she suddenly remembered the small pistol, fished it out of her pocket and without hesitation fired a shot at each of them. She had practiced shooting when she was a city guard in the city-state, and she was still quite accurate, the two ice needles hitting the big man's thigh and small eyes respectively, only to hear a "Whoo!". They both fell down at the same time.
Alice breathed a sigh of relief and quickly ran to Ronnie and picked him up, "Are you okay, does it hurt?" whe dried her tears with her hands and looked at the swollen sack on his head, her heart aching. Ronnie forced a smile, "don't worry, I won't die, we're lucky to have this little gun."
"Yeah," Alice nodded. She pointed at the little eyes and the big man on the floor, "What about those two?"
"Don't worry about them, they can't die anyway."
The duo discussed it and still prepared to go out to exchange items. Alice became a frightened bird, she put her hands in her pockets and gripped her pistol tightly, always ready to deal a fatal blow to the incoming offenders. Nervously, the two of them went to room 203, where they first turned in their quest, passed the test and received 30 points. Then they went to the item exchange in room 204 Doomsday Bunker, spent 10 points exchanging a bucket of water, 2 points for four liters of pure water, a cooked turkey, twenty slices of bread, and finally left with 8 points. This time they came out and didn't see the little girl Dan. They took the food and went home happy. They had been in the Doomsday Bunker for a week and hadn't eaten a piece of meat, and their mouths watered when they saw the cooked turkey. They sat down on the edge of the bed and quickly devoured the turkey.
For the rest of the day, Ronnie was on a mission frenzy, sleeping only two hours a day. He never felt safe here because every time he and Alice appeared, there were a dozen pairs of eyes staring at them, especially when some of the men looked at Alice with a lustful look in their eyes. There were over two hundred and fifty people in the Doomsday Bunker at the moment, but there were only thirty-one women, and they were all surrounded by a group of leering men. Even an old and ugly woman of fifty had five or six suitors around her. She was probably the only person in the whole Doomsday Bunker who didn't want to leave.
Alice is the most beautiful woman in the Doomsday Bunker and follows Ronnie around all day, making all the men here angry when they see her. He wants to earn more points to upgrade to a deluxe room. The deluxe room costs a whopping 100 points a month, but it's on a different floor so Ronnie and his sister can avoid these people. For now, all he can do is guard Alice like a treasure all day long for fear of her being bullied. Ronnie only chooses items that he is familiar with when he takes on missions so that he can complete them quickly. After more than twenty days of hard work, he earned one hundred and twenty points, and after exchanging the points for a deluxe room, he brought Alice and moved in. The deluxe room was just a little bigger, with two beds, a table, two chairs, a bathroom, and a free bath. But Ronnie was happy, at least it was a lot quieter and the people who lived here were some of the top scientists and wouldn't be so wild. Alice also took her first bath since entering the bunker. After washing, she said to Ronnie, "You go take a bath too! it's very comfortable."
Ronnie did some math and figured out that if he wanted to stay here all the time, he would have to earn at least 160 points every month. After the siblings' "Big Butler" was taken away by the people in the Doomsday Bunker, the only way they could tell the time every day was by listening to the radio, which reminded them that it was already 10 o'clock at night. Listening to his sister, Ronnie also went to take a shower.
At the same time, in a city in North America, Elliot was talking to a middle-aged man, "Haven't you found them yet?”
The middle-aged man replied, "Yes, we lost their trail when we tracked them to Cape Horn, they should have entered the South Pole.”
"Then you will continue to track them and make sure that you find them.”
After the middle-aged man left, Elliot grumbled, "What a bunch of losers."
He said a few words to the screen in front of him, and moments later four people who looked exactly like Ronnie walked in. Elliot said to two of them, "Numbers 3 and 4, take ten men and go to the South Pole immediately to look for Ronnie and Alice.”
Then he pointed to the other two, "Nos. 5 and 6, take thirty men and go to the town of 'Bernal' to retake the base."
These four Ronnies received their orders and left. Five minutes later, a girl who looked like Alice came in. She looked at Elliot with an indignant look on her face and asked, "Dad, what's wrong, what happened?"
As soon as Elliot saw this Alice, a smile immediately appeared on her face, "There is bad news, three days ago I received news that Ronnie and Alice were kidnapped a month ago."
"Ah! and how are they now?" Alice asked.
"They haven't been found yet."
"How could they be kidnapped? what kind of person would dare kidnap someone from the city-state?"
"They were taken in the town of 'Bernal', supposedly to find me, after we retreated from there, people from 'Nine Stars United' occupied it, and it must be the same people who kidnapped them."
"Dad, they touched our bottom line, should we declare war on them?"
"We need solid evidence before we can do that, right now it's just a suspicion, if it's really them then we can only go to war with them."

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