by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:47:45

Ronnie, fearing another Valinor, kept Cool Bear with him and told him to hide in his room during the day. In fact, there was another Silent Shadow inside the prison, sent by Alice, but she stood outside looking in through the bars. Alice was worried about Ronnie and sent her own "Silent Shadow Man" to report back to her on his daily situation. She visited the prison once a week. During Ronnie's time in prison, Saria, De Silva, Vega, George, Brown and members of the Rebirth Partners all visited him. Another six months passed and Ronnie had been in prison for a year. The prison population had grown to thirteen, and the newcomers were a man and a woman, a father and a daughter. Peter joked to Ronnie, "It's rare for a father and daughter to be in prison at the same time.”
The girl was in her mid-twenties, and as soon as she walked in and saw Ronnie, she stared at him intently. Ronnie's heart tightened, "Is she my enemy again?"
The father asked the girl, "Alba, why do you keep staring at that man?"
The girl named Alba replied, "That's Ronnie, my idol."
"Oh! I've heard that name before, but the man is not handsome, he looks like a monkey."
The girl laughed, "I've said that before, but he's a smart monkey," she finished her sentence and walked over to Ronnie. Ronnie was in jail because of the peach blossoms, and now the sight of a woman was giving him a headache, but the other girl didn't seem to think too much about it and walked up to him anyway.
Ronnie wanted to speak first when he asked, "What do you want from me?"
"Could you sign behind my shoulder?" Alba got right to the point.
"Why do you want an autograph on your shoulder?" Ronnie asked curiously.
"Oh, I want to tattoo your signature on it."
"I don't have a pen right now, how am I supposed to sign it?" Ronnie said as he held out his hands.
Alba pointed to his right hand, and when she saw Ronnie's broken thumb on his left hand, she let out an "eep" and didn't ask any more questions. She then explained, "Sign with your finger.”
Ronnie was even more confused, Alba saw him looking confused, suddenly grabbed his right index finger out of his hand, put it in her mouth and bit down hard, "Wow!" A pitiful scream, Ronnie's index finger suddenly gushing blood. Alba quickly took off her blouse, revealing her shoulder, she called to Ronnie, "Write quickly or you'll have to bite it again when it's dry."
Hearing her say that, Ronnie endured the pain and signed his name behind her shoulder. After he finished signing, he thought to himself, "This girl is really violent, it's better to stay away from her.”
The others all looked over at Ronnie when they heard his screams, and Alba, wearing only a bra on her upper body, gathered around her. She was the only woman here and immediately became a goddess to the men. Alba was a paramour and was used to all this, and she didn't put on her clothes for fear that the blood would not dry and be wiped off. She smiled and whispered in Ronnie's ear, "I won't let you bleed for nothing, keep your door open at night and I'll be there for you," after saying that, she also gave Ronnie a wink.
The people around him asked sharply, "What did she say to you?"
"Nothing, nothing really," Ronnie explained, but his explanation was so pale that none of them believed it.
Alba, however, puffed out her chest and said graciously, "My name is 'Alba,' and in the future, if any of you men listen to me and do things for me, I will accompany him for one night."
Hearing this, Ronnie's jaw dropped to the floor in shock. As soon as Alba finished speaking, the room erupted in loud applause. A dozen men shouted in unison, "Alba ..... Alba ...."
By the end of the night, Ronnie struggled with the idea of leaving the door open for Alba. Finally, reason overcame impulse and he decided to take matters into his own hands. As he finished shooting his stock for a couple days, he heard a knock on the door. Ronnie was secretly glad, "I'm glad I took care of it myself, otherwise I would have had to get up and answer the door with my fixation."
He covered his ears not to hear the knocking, Alba knocked halfway outside, but the door was tightly closed, muttering to herself, "He came in for sexual harassment, how come he's a sage now?" she was so angry and stamped her foot, "Ronnie, just wait.”
Alba became the queen of the prison and all the men worshipped her except her father and Ronnie. Her father saw Ronnie standing off to the side by himself and went over to him and said, "Why don't you go over there? don't you like women?"
"Your daughter is too wild and I'm a little afraid of her," Ronnie said with a sincere face.
Alba was angry in her mind about being locked out by him last night. She said to the men around her, "You guys escort Ronnie here.”
Two men were especially obedient and immediately ran behind Ronnie and put his hands behind his back, Ronnie yelled, "What do you want?” but he wasn't as strong as those two men and was still brought before Alba who said contemptuously, "Do you think you're so great? I want you to kneel before me now."
With a wave of her hand, the two men desperately pressed down on Ronnie's head, trying to make him kneel. Ronnie had his own backbone, he fought back and straightened his chest, he didn't want to kneel and beg a woman for mercy. A moment later a city guard rushed in, he pointed at the two men and yelled, "What are you doing? let him go quickly.”
The two men were also thugs, and as soon as they heard the city guard's yell, they quickly released their hands. Everything Ronnie did here was seen by the "Silent Shadow Man" sent by Alice, and she reported it all to Alice. After hearing this, Alice's eyebrows furrowed slightly and she thought to herself, "Where did this wild girl come from? such a tyrant."
She gave an order to the Silent Shadow Man, "The next time you see this girl bullying Ronnie, go in and teach her a lesson.”
Her Silent Shadow Man had been modified by Lily and could easily pass through the prison bars.
Ronnie got help from the city guards and escaped for a while. In the afternoon, Alba wrapped her arms around his shoulders from behind and whispered in his ear, "I'm giving you one more chance, I'll see you at night."
Ronnie was not surprised to hear this, but he was shocked and thought to himself, "How did I end up with such a female hooligan?"
After nine o'clock at night, he was lying in bed when there was a knock at the door. He was ready to ignore the woman, he felt insulted by what Alba had done during the day and thought that if she bothered him again, he would have Cool Bear teach her a lesson. Alba didn't knock on his door this time and had to give up and knock on the door next door instead. There lived a middle-aged man with a red nose who was as excited to see Alba as if he had hit the jackpot, and soon the room was filled with Alba's guttural moans. Alba also gave up on Ronnie after being rejected twice, but that only saved her from herself.
In the blink of an eye, Ronnie had been in prison for almost two years. He was going to be released in three days and he was so excited that he couldn't sleep. For the past two years, Park Hye and Barry's relationship had not improved at all, but had gotten worse, and they often fought. That day, Barry angrily shouted at Park Hye, "He'll be out of jail in a few days anyway, go find him!"
 "I think you're crazy," Park Hye shouted back.
After saying that, she walked out the door and didn't know where she was going. Without realizing it, she went to Ronnie's house, stood at the door, hesitated to go in, and stayed there for ten minutes when Vega came home for the weekend and saw her, "Auntie Park Hye, why are you standing at the door? why don't you go in?"
Park Hye hesitated for a while, but finally followed Vega into the room. Alice was a little surprised to see her and couldn't help but ask, "Why are you here? what happened?"
Park Hye recounted the events of the past two years, Alice advised, "When you left Ronnie in a fit of rage, now you can only accept Barry, there is no such thing as divorce in the City-state, unless you leave the City-state."
"Leave the City-state! leave the City-state!" Park Hye muttered, she had thought about it but didn't know what she could do if she left. Alice, afraid that if she stayed too long she would get Ronnie in trouble again, stepped aside and tried to get her to leave quickly, and Park Hye, hearing what she said and fearing that too, excused herself and came out. When she returned home, Barry was filled with anger, "Where did you just go?"
Park Hye was too vain to tell the truth: "I didn't go anywhere, I just walked around down there.”
But she didn't realize that Barry had followed her out the door after the fight and watched as she entered the door of Ronnie's house and stayed inside for more than twenty minutes before coming out.
"How dare you lie to me!" Barry was furious and raised his hand to slap her hard. Park Hye was hit by a man for the first time and looked at the man in front of her in surprise. Her delicate face immediately turned blue. Barry wasn't relieved and grabbed her long hair again, pulling her towards him, "Tell me quickly, where the hell have you been?"
"Let...let hurts...," Park Hye's eyes welled up with pain as she shivered, "I was at Ronnie's."
Barry hated to hear the name Ronnie now. Hearing her say that made him even more jealous, and he slapped her five or six more times left and right until blood flowed from the corner of Park Hye's mouth and he stopped. When he stopped, he realized that Park Hye had fainted and he was so heartbroken that he screamed and rushed out the door like a madman.

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