by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:50:13

Soon the first day of the new year came, Ronnie was ready to go to "Shire Town" to look for Yurina, when Saria hurriedly came to him and said: "Park Hye has disappeared, she has not come to work at the base for five days."
Ronnie shouted in his heart that this was not good and hurriedly followed her out of the City-state, and the two of them talked about what happened as they walked. It turned out that Barry had also left the City-state ten days ago, he found out where Park Hye's workplace was and spent the whole day looking for her to make up with her. The "Little Goody" next to Park Hye taught him a lesson a few times, and after that, Barry found out the key to the problem. He knew that Ronnie was behind it. He dug a trap and waited for three days on Park Hye's way home. Park Hye comes home once a week, and this time she was halfway home when she fell into the hole Barry dug. The "Little Goody" behind her was busy going down to pull her up, but just as she was climbing up, a large net suddenly fell from the sky and covered both her and Park Hye. Although Barry could not see Little Goody, he could tell from the movement that there were two people in the net. He went down to the pit and tied up Little Goody, and when Park Hye saw him, she shouted, "Barry, what are you doing? "
Without saying a word, Barry knocked her unconscious and dragged her out of the pit. Afraid of exposing his whereabouts, he backfilled the pit with dirt, leaving "Little Goody" buried in the pit. Knowing that Ronnie would come looking for Park Hye, he didn't choose to go home, but took her to a small town more than 600 kilometers away from Shire Town. Park Hye woke up in a hut, lying on the bed with her hands and feet tied. Barry came over and said quietly, "You're awake, are you hungry?"
When Park Hye saw him, she said angrily, "What is wrong with you? what is this place?"
"You're too cruel to leave," Barry replied.
"You let me go!"
Barry laughed and said nothing, turning around and walking out. Park Hye was tied to the bed and refused to eat for the first few days, curled up with her eyes staring blankly at the wall. Barry tried to feed her, and she also closed her lips tightly, looking as if she would rather die: "If you don't eat, you won't see Ronnie again,” only then did Park Hye open her mouth to eat.
For seven days in a row, she ate, drank, and pooped all over the bed, finally putting her head down and promising Barry that she would never run away. Barry was uncomfortable, although he loosened the rope, but still locked her in a shack of only five square meters, the only thing in the house was a chair and a white cloth made into a bed. Barry found a job outside, working during the day and bringing her food at night.
Ronnie searched the Shire Town area for more than a week without a clue. Saria said to him, "A while ago, Barry was looking for Park Hye, so he should have taken her with him.” Ronnie, who couldn't find anyone, could only comfort himself by thinking, "At least Barry won't hurt Park Hye, but now we can only take our time to look for her."
Park Hye stayed in the hut all day, hoping that Ronnie would come to rescue her. After two months, she realized she was pregnant and didn't want to tell Barry. That night, Barry stripped her naked, saw her slightly bulging belly, and asked, "Are you pregnant? or have you gained weight from eating?"
Park Hye saw that she could not hide it, so she had to tell the truth. Barry was overjoyed, "Great!"
The pregnant Park Hye gradually let Barry's guard down and allowed her to walk around the house. She couldn't wait for Ronnie and thought that she could only rely on herself. One day, five months into her pregnancy, she took the opportunity to run out of the house when Barry forgot to lock the door when he went into town to do some shopping. She walked very slowly with a big belly, and Barry came home to find her running away and rushed out after her. She was chased when she reached the train station, but she was no match for Barry. The man grabbed her hair and pulled her back. Park Hye was in despair, and as soon as she arrived home, Barry slapped her hard and yelled, "You are pregnant with my child, but you still think about him, you bitch!”
From that day on, Park Hye was locked up in the hut again. When he came back at night, he didn't care whether she wanted to or not, he just pressed her to the floor to vent his emotions. For the first time since she was captured, she thought of death and she touched her stomach and dismissed the thought. More than half a year passed, and that day Barry came home from work and heard a baby crying in the cabin. He opened the door to find blood all over the floor, a baby lying there, and a chair overturned. He looked up and saw that Park Hye was already hanging in the middle of the room, her feet off the floor, her eyes wide open, rolling back in her head in death.
"Ah!" Barry cried, falling to his knees at her feet and clutching her legs in a heartbreaking scream. It wasn't until three hours later, well after eight o'clock at night, that he walked out of the room and into town with the baby in his arms. When he saw a grocery store, he went in and said to the store owner, "Please watch the baby for me, I want to go to the bathroom. ” The shopkeeper was a warm person and she smiled and took the baby. Barry thanked her and went home alone. He threw all the flammable things in the house into the shed and closed the door. He walked over to a chair, stood on it, and lowered Park Hye's body from halfway across the room. He sat with his back against the wall, straightened his legs, and placed Park Hye on his lap. Moments later, the hut went up in flames. In the darkness of the night, the flames could be seen from five kilometers away, and neighbors, stunned by the sudden blaze, rushed to put out the fire, which was not extinguished until the latter part of the night. Early the next morning, people found two charred bodies in the rubble, and an elderly woman said, "That must have been a couple, you can see they were still holding each other before they died.”
Ronnie never knew that Park Hye was no longer alive and thought that Barry had taken her to live somewhere else. He was in Yurina's room. He had been here for three days and Alice was beginning to urge him to go back to the City-state. Yurina looked at him affectionately and asked, "Why don't you leave the City-state too? that way we can be together all the time."
"This ..." Ronnie had never thought about that and could not answer for a moment, but inside he was reluctant, now he had his own team in the City-state and was well fed and clothed, as well as his sister who definitely would not agree.
"We'll talk about it later! I'll come over on the weekends if I can, so you won't be too lonely."
"Alright! then you have to keep your word," Yurina nodded helplessly. She hadn't gotten her hopes up and had just asked casually.
After Ronnie left, Vinique came into her room and said to her, "Why have you changed? you don't go out to play either, don't you get annoyed with a Ronnie all day long?"
Yurina laughed, "Vinique, I know you have a lot of guys now, but most of them have been dumped by me. Not that you're picky, you've kept them all."
"You just have a Ronnie, what are you so proud of?"
"You always had a crush on him, didn't you?" Yurina asked.
"Hmph, you're the only one who treats him like a treasure," Vinique said and turned around and left.
Ronnie came out of Yurina's house and went back to Park Hye's house. When he saw Neeson he asked, "Is your sister home yet?"
"No, Mr. Ronnie, she hasn't been home for almost a year." Neeson replied with a bitter look on his face.
 "What happened?"
At Ronnie's question, Neeson burst into tears. As he cried, he told of his misfortune. It turned out that after Park Hye disappeared, he also went out to look for her a lot, and then he was fired by his employer. Park Hye used to feed them when she was at home, but he was suddenly cut off from her food source and unemployed himself. He had three children, two boys and a girl, and the youngest boy died of starvation. Another was so hungry that he ran out to steal food and was caught and had his legs broken and was now lying at home, while the eldest daughter was not talkative and was known as a mute girl. In the past few days he had gone out to look for work, but unfortunately he could not find any. When Ronnie heard how unfortunate he was, he shed tears with him and decided to help Neeson. What he did not know was that Neeson's favorite hobby was gambling. A long time ago he lost all his money with the "Enlightenment Chip" in exchange for money, of course he did not want to tell him that.
Ronnie went back to the Baron's house, but this time it was to find Vinique, who happened to be huffing and puffing as well as coming out of Yurina's room, and the two of them bumped into each other halfway down the walk, and she asked strangely, "Aren't you gone? why are you back?"
"What a coincidence, I was looking for you," Ronnie said.
"What's going on?"
"I have a friend who doesn't have a job in the Shire Town, can you give him one?"
"What can he do?I don't keep idle here."
Ronnie, knowing that Neeson was a useless man and certainly had no skills that could be taken, stammered. Thinking he had something he didn't want to say, Vinique laughed and asked, "What? is it a girl?"
"No! No! It's a man, only he doesn't seem to have much ability, you even give him a bite to eat!"
"Then you must promise me two conditions before I'll consider it."
"What conditions?"
"I want you to stay with me for a few days and then make me a stealthy person like Yurina's."
Ronnie was surprised to hear that, "You know about invisible people too?"
"Of course I know, don't try to hide it from me."
After thinking for a moment, Ronnie agreed, but only promised to make her an invisible man. Neeson went to work the next day, and when he said he was working, he was actually working as a henchman for Vinique. Ronnie returned to the City-state and walked from the train station to the central district and was about to get on the elevator when he saw Alba, who was also in prison. She saw him too and said in surprise, "I was looking for you and you showed up, we really are meant for each other."
Ronnie hated this woman from the bottom of his heart and coldly asked, "You got out too?"
"Yes, I just got out yesterday and wanted to visit you."
"We don't seem to know each other very well, is that necessary?" Ronnie rubbed the still cold tip of his nose.
"I came to apologize for what I did to you in prison," after saying that, she bowed slightly to Ronnie and turned to walk away.
This time Ronnie froze instead and it took him a long time to come to his senses, "She changed her mind?"

continue to next part