by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:53:20

Somewhere in a secret location in the United Nine Stars Division in North America, Don Stark looked at the hit list on the wall with fifteen names on it. At the top of the list was Ana Leta, the new Holy Virgin, number three was Ronnie's father, Elliot, and Ronnie was number seven. Don Stark was one of the nine presidents of the Nine Stars, the head of the North American branch, and the founder of the Crow.
Three minutes later, a lady came in and reported, "Ronnie is now hiding at Baron Flange's house in the 'Shire Town,' and we've ordered him to give up his people.”
"Do you think Flange will turn anyone over?" Don Stark asked.
"I don't think so, they're ready for a fight now, and according to the last report, Ronnie has some stealth people with him, which is a big problem."
Don Stark clapped his hands lightly and a moment later a man came in. If Ronnie were here, he would be stunned when the man who entered turned out to be the bearded man. "Jackman, you introduce them!"
The bearded man nodded his head and took out a pair of glasses and introduced them to the lady, "These are the 'Quick Reveal' glasses invented by Ronnie that can see invisible people, and the last time you failed in your mission was because of this, now we've copied three hundred pairs of them, and you'll have to wear them on all future missions."
"That's great," the lady said happily.
"Try to send some people to attack tomorrow, don't make too much noise, it's near the City-state," Don Stark ordered.
"Yes!" the lady accepted the task and left.
Don Stark turned to the bearded man and asked, "Is your identity out now?"
"Alice is beginning to suspect me, but she has no direct evidence."
"If you were asked to kill Ronnie directly in the City-state, could you do it?"
"Ronnie has a 'Silent Shadow Man' with him who is very powerful and not easy to get to, and he's suspicious of me too now."
"Trick Alice out of the City-state, then get Ronnie to come to the rescue, do you think he'll come out?"
"That shouldn't be a problem, Ronnie loves this sister the most, even more than his own life," the bearded man hesitated for a moment and then said, "If you save Ronnie, can you save Alice?"
After a long pause, Don Stark said, "I can promise you that,” after the bearded man left, he walked to the window, raised his eyes to the distance, and muttered, "As long as it's the Watson family, I won't leave a single one of them behind."
At that moment, a teenage girl walked in from outside the house and called out, "Daddy, did you avenge my mother, brother and sisters?"
"Kasia, that day will come soon, they will not have died in vain, I swear to you."
Ronnie spent two days setting up the Ghost Eyes, and then, in the middle of the night on the fourth day, the Crows attacked and the alarm sounded immediately. At that moment, he was in Yurina's room, sleeping with her in his arms, when he suddenly heard the alarm and sat up with a jerk. "Are they really coming?" Yurina said with a nervous look on her face.
"Get dressed," Ronnie said, the two of them got up and put on their clothes, and both put on their glasses, and at a glance they saw "Cool Bear" and "War Rose" standing in the corner of the wall, which gave them a lot of stability. At that time, the Baron's family members were hiding in the house, outside of the more than 200 "shadows" and the other side started a fierce battle. Both sides are wearing glasses, camouflage has lost its effect, It's all about strength now. Ronnie wanted to find Alice, he wanted his sister to live with him in the same house, but Yurina refused to agree, it was a bit risky to go out at this time, he could only contact his sister through the "Big Butler". Alice lived alone in a room, she heard the alarm and woke up a long time ago, she was ready to fight, when she heard Ronnie's call, she shouted, "Ronnie, don't come out now, stay inside, I'm fine here."
"Then be careful," Ronnie said.
The "Crows" sent more than twenty people to attack this time, thinking it was more than enough to deal with a baron's house, but unexpectedly they ran into the "Shadow" bodyguards, who were not bad in combat. In less than fifteen minutes, they were surrounded. Ronnie saw through the "Ghost Eyes" and then brought out the "Cool Bear". He said to Yurina, "Go tell everyone that the killers are under control and tell them not to worry."
Ronnie now had a headache about what to do with these twenty people, if he killed them all, he couldn't do it, but if he let them go, he wasn't ready to do it. Half an hour later, Alice also walked out, Ronnie saw her and asked, "What about these people?"
"Let them all go! they are following orders from above, too."
"Okay!" Ronnie followed his sister's advice, and after first handing over the weapons of these twenty-odd people, he said viciously to these people, "I'll let you go this time, and I won't be soft if you dare to come next time.”
About ten minutes later, the Baron's family knew that the battle was a great victory, all came out to celebrate happily, the Baron himself was also very happy, and loudly praised Ronnie, "Your 'shadow' bodyguards are really good at fighting."
Billy ran out of his room in his shorts and was pleasantly surprised to see so many people, "So many people, today must be the finals."
With the crowd out of bed, Ronnie suggested that everyone celebrate with a drink. In no time, barrels of tequila were brought out. Ronnie was happy in his heart and drunk when a sexy woman walked up to him, her upper body wrapped in a red cloth around her breasts, the rest of her body completely naked. She was Rihanna, the fifth sister of Yurina, who walked right up to Ronnie and whispered in his ear, "Do you want to come with me?"
"Go, go where?" Ronnie asked dazedly.
"Anywhere that makes you happy, of course," Rihanna covered her mouth and laughed quietly.
Ronnie understood immediately, and a tent went up underneath him. Dizzy he followed her, Alice was sitting on the other side, she was still uneasy in her heart, had stared at Ronnie, saw him following a woman, stood up and ran straight after him, calling after him: "Ronnie, where are you going?"
Ronnie seemed to have lost his soul and didn't hear her call, still following Rihanna all the way. When Rihanna heard Alice's scream, she immediately quickened her pace, and the stealthy "Cool Bear" realized the problem and quickly pulled Ronnie back. At that time, two bullets shot out of the darkness, "Cool Bear" made a dodging move forward, the bullets just hit his chest, only to hear "Boom! Boom!" The bullets bounced off and fell to the ground. The sniper fired another shot, this time hitting Cool Bear in the right leg. After Cool Bear was shot, the sniper paused for a few moments and aimed his gun again at Ronnie, who was on the ground. Ronnie's buttocks were facing the sniper, who wanted to kill him with a single shot, but couldn't see his head and hesitated for a moment; it was that moment that saved his life, as Cool Bear moved away and fell to the ground in a flying heap, shielding him. Seeing that he had lost his chance, the opponent turned and ran, and Alice rushed up, calling, "'Ullian Warrior', grab the gunman in front of you."
Alice's "Silent Shadow Man" was extremely fast and caught up in a flash. She raised her leg and kicked out, causing the opponent to stumble a few steps and fall to the ground, then she pressed her leg against the opponent's back and held his hands behind his back. The noise drew the attention of the celebrating crowd, and Yurina and some of her siblings ran over. The first thing Yurina saw was Ronnie lying on the ground and she exclaimed, "Is he dead?"
"What are you looking at? isn't his leg still moving?" Alice said angrily.
Yurina hurriedly ran over, crouched down to help Ronnie up, and looked up to ask, "Why is he on the ground?"
"Rihanna just lured him here and then a gunman shot Ronnie," Alice explained.
"You mean the fifth sister was involved?"
"Yes, Rihanna is supposed to be with Nine Stars United."
Alice's Silent Shadow Man was no longer invisible, and she escorted the gunman over. Yurina couldn't help but praise the "Ullian Warrior" when she saw it for the first time, "Alice, your Silent Shadow Man is so beautiful.”
When Yurina's siblings heard that Rihanna was also involved in the attack on Ronnie, they couldn't help but say angrily, "Rihanna, the traitor!” after cursing, they immediately split up and went looking for Rihanna.
Alice saw the crowd leaving and said to Yurina, "You help Ronnie back,” she then interrogated the gunman and ordered Ullian, "Get him on his knees, I want to interrogate him.”
The gunman, a young man in his twenties, looked horrified and said sincerely, "What do you want to know? I'll tell you everything."
"Who are you?" Alice asked.
After some questioning, this young man was not a member of the Nine Stars United, but just one of Rihanna's many admirers. He had been practicing shooting and was hired by Rihanna as a shooter. Rihanna didn't want to do it at home, she didn't expect Alice to follow her and ruin her plan, she could only use the alternative.
After listening to him, Alice asked again, "Is Rihanna someone from Nine Stars United?"
"I don't know, I really don't know," the young man was busy explaining.
"Then she gave you the glasses?"
"Yes, she told me to wear them when she said they could see invisible people."
Knowing she couldn't ask any more questions, Alice said to the young man, "Go away, I hope you don't do this again, or if I catch you again, I won't let you go.”
The young man had a surprised look on his face, he didn't expect to get off so easily, he stood up straight and solemnly bent down and bowed to Alice.

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