by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-22 09:48:31

Ronnie had recently fallen in love with the Blessed Virgin's weekly readings on her hearing days. This clone of the Sister had a much better voice than Alice. Today was the weekend, but he didn't wait for the readings. Three days later he learned that the Virgin, Anna Leta, was in critical condition in a hospital. According to reliable sources, the Holy Virgin had been poisoned, and now her entire body was as black as a piece of charcoal. Doctors in the City-state were at a loss, and the final diagnosis was that Anna Leta had been chronically poisoned for half a year. When Ronnie heard the news, he shook his head in disgust and said, "This must be the work of the 'Crow' organization again.”
"What are you going to do? do you want to go see her?" Alice asked.
"Of course I'll go, she's your clone, and she's kind of my sister."
"I won't go, I'll freak out if people see me looking like the Holy Virgin."
"Right, just stay home and wait for my news," Ronnie nodded.
It was a bit far from town and Ronnie tried again to borrow the cloak from Amandine. This time he learned to be smart and just said: "When I Come back ,give you three rides."
Amandine, however, stretched out five fingers, "Not even one less, the last time I need Auntie to carry me."
"Why do you want Auntie to carry you?"
"Your back is too hard to sit comfortably, and if Auntie had the strength, I'd like her to do all five rounds."
Ronnie looked at her sister and asked, "So? you do the last lap."
"Okay!" Alice laughed.
With the cloak of invisibility, Ronnie easily made it to the Zi City train station, and as he was about to enter, he took off the cloak. If you weren't from Zi City, an ordinary person would need an invitation to enter the city. But Ronnie was a recipient of the First Class Order of the Holy Virgin and could bring three people in, and after registering, he soon met Anna Leta who was lying in a hospital bed, this was the first time he had seen this clone sister up close. Unfortunately, she was in a coma and unaware of Ronnie's arrival. A short time later, a doctor in his sixties walked in from outside, saw Ronnie and asked, "Who are you to her?"
"I'm one of her relatives, I heard she was sick and came to check on her," Ronnie paused for a moment and then asked, "Is she going to wake up?"
The doctor shook his head, "I'm afraid it's difficult."
Just as he finished his words, Anna Leta slowly opened her eyes. Ronnie couldn't help but think in his heart, "It seems that in the future, the doctor's words should be listened to backwards, they are not reliable at all."
"It could be that the medication has just taken effect," the doctor explained with a slight blush on his old face.
Dazed, Anna Leta did not see Ronnie when she asked brokenly, "Who's talking?"
Ronnie rushed forward, walked over to her bedside and whispered, "I'm Ronnie, I wonder if you recognize me?"
"Ronnie, Ronnie! that name is so familiar," Anna Leta muttered.
With a doctor present, Ronnie was not in a position to reveal his identity, so he turned back to him and said, "Doctor, can you leave me and Anna Leta alone for a while?"
"Yes, please don't be too long," the doctor, knowing his place, turned and walked away.
Only after he was gone did Ronnie explain in detail that the poisoned Ana Leta didn't have a good memory and could only vaguely remember some things. She kept repeating one phrase: "I have completed my mission and can leave the City-state."
"I promise you that you will leave the City-state and I will take you to find your father," Ronnie said with a firm look as he looked at the girl in front of him.
"Thank you!" after saying these words, Anna Leta stopped breathing.
"Rest in peace, sister!" Ronnie murmured as he ran his fingers over her cold face.
That day, he petitioned the City-state to transport her body back to her hometown for burial. The Grand Council of Elders discussed the matter for three days before finally agreeing to his request. During those three days, he spent every day, like a year, waiting for news from the Grand Council of Elders, and he was prepared to be rejected. If he was rejected, he would quietly transport the body out of the City-state, which was the last thing he wanted to see. With the approval of the Grand Council of Elders, a series of City-state ceremonies were completed, he transported the Holy Virgin's body back to the city of "Bernal" for burial, and then inscribed her plaque: "Brave warrior woman of Ullian, guardian of the Watson family-Anna Leta."
After taking care of the Holy Virgin's business, Ronnie wanted to visit Yurina in the "Shire Town" before returning to the City-state, and was furious to hear that she had left home a few days after their last fight. It had been more than a month since they had fought, and he wondered why Yurina hadn't been kidnapped by the Crows, but why hadn't they informed him? He couldn't figure that out. He immediately contacted Yurina via "War Rose". Yurina had waited at home for five days after her fight with Ronnie, thinking that he would come to her, but when she waited and saw no one, she was so disappointed that she left the house in anger. The Crows changed their plan and stopped following Ronnie when they realized that he wanted to leave the City-state. At this point, Yurina goes back to the men she used to be with. She was so drunk that a handsome man advised her, "Stop drinking, you've been drinking for three days, if you keep drinking you'll get into trouble."
Yurina laughed, "You still care about others, much better than Ronnie."
"I was afraid that if something happened to you, Ronnie would come after me," the boy explained.
"Patrick, you've become so timid, I was wrong about you," Yurina said as she slammed the wine glass in her hand on the floor, shattering it and spilling the drink all over the floor.
"What are you doing?" Patrick said in surprise.
Yurina ignored him and stumbled to the other side to get another glass. The War Rose suddenly appeared and said, "Master, Mr. Ronnie is looking for you, asking where you are.”
 "You are not allowed to tell him where I am, just tell him not to see me again."
Yurina said this in anger and regretted it when she said it, but she couldn't change her mind in front of Patrick, so she pretended to take a shower and took the "War Rose" to the bathroom. In the bathroom, she immediately changed her mind and told Ronnie where she was and asked him to come and get her. Ronnie already knew where War Rose was when he found her and was on his way. Yurina took a shower and got dressed to meet Ronnie. When she came out of the bathroom, Patrick saw her makeup and said, "Are you getting married? all dressed up."
Yurina said excitedly, "Ronnie is coming, of course I can't be too casual."
"Didn't you just say you didn't want to see him, you changed so fast, women are amazing."
"Patrick, be realistic, later you'll say we're classmates and you won't say anything else," Yurina reminded.
"I'm not stupid, by the way, if Ronnie finds out about our relationship, will he kill me?" Patrick asked cautiously.
"He won't kill anyone, but he'll have his bodyguard beat you up," Yurina covered her mouth and laughed.
Patrick was a little scared, "I'd better go first! you'll be fine here alone," with that he pushed the door and left without looking back.
Yurina waited here alone, not waiting for Ronnie, but waiting for that tall, skinny monkey Bennett first. Bennett was stabbed in the back by Yurina and spent a month in the hospital. As soon as he got out of the hospital, he started looking for Yurina and Ramash. He first went to Yurina's house, and after inquiring that one person had died and one person had run away from home, he began to look around for Yurina. Yesterday, when he got an important clue, he came here, hid in the dark and watched all day, and found out that there was another man in the room besides Yurina. After waiting for this man to leave, his chance finally came. Yurina was shocked when she saw him appear in the doorway, she exclaimed: "I can't believe you're not dead.”
"I'm not dead, it's your turn to die this time," Bennett said viciously, pulling out a pistol as he spoke. Yurina shouted sharply, "'War Rose' stop him for me." The other party seemed to be prepared for this and raised his gun and fired a gelatinized bullet, instantly controlling the "War Rose", then he slowly approached Yurina and said as he walked, "I'll give you a taste of the knife as well.”
Yurina backed away in fear. As she went back to the table, she picked up an apple from the table and threw it at her opponent, then turned and ran. Bennett rushed after her and pulled her back by the arm. Yurina screamed and raised her leg to kick him." AHHHHHH!" Bennett screamed in pain and crouched down to cover his crotch. Yurina took the opportunity to get under his armpit, but just as she ran a few steps away, her opponent stood up again and caught up with her, grabbing her by the hair and pinning her to the ground, then slapping her hard. Yurina's eyes were glazed over and her cheeks were burning, but she still struggled without giving in. Bennett roared and kneed her in the back, causing her to scream in pain and pass out. Bennett raised a sharp dagger and slashed her face and body dozens of times before finally kicking her in the chest. It was two hours later when Ronnie arrived. As soon as he entered the house, he saw Yurina lying on the floor, covered in blood and with a scratched face; the person had been dead for a long time. At this sight, he let out a scream and sat down on the floor with his hands on his head. He could not believe it, his mouth repeating the words over and over again: "This must be a dream, I must be in a dream!" but the reality was so real that he gritted his teeth, stood up trembling, walked over to Yurina, embraced her body and said, "This time you can no longer escape ... can no longer escape ..."
In three short days, he buried two of his relatives. When he returned to the City-state, he broke out in a high fever, and Alice stayed by his side day and night. Amandine watched him lie in bed for days, whispering, "When will Papa wake up? he hasn't given me a horse to ride yet!"
Alice hadn't told him about Yurina's death, and now she felt she should. She took Amandine's hand and said, "I'm going to tell you something unpleasant, and I want you to be strong."
"What is it? did someone die?" Amandine seemed to have a premonition.
 "Yes, your mother, Yurina, died a few days ago, and that's why your father got sick."
Amandine calmed down after hearing that, "Who killed her?"
"We don't know yet."
"I will find out, and I will make the person who hurt the Watsons pay with his death," by the end of his speech, Amandine was already grimacing and murderous.

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