by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:12:00

He got up and walked to Lily's room, "Knock, knock!" he knocked on the door three times, "Who?" Lily asked.
"It's me!"
"Who are you?" Lily asked pretending not to know.
"It's me, don't you hear my voice?"
"Why should I know?" Lily covered her mouth and almost laughed.
"It's your dear Ronnie, the most charming man in the Den of Wolves."
"What can I do for you?I'm going to bed," Lily asked as she opened the door a little.
"I need to talk to you about something, let me in."
"Can't we talk tomorrow? you have to find me in the middle of the night, do you ..." Lily said, blushing slightly and lowering her head.
"Can't you just let me in ? don’t block the door."
Lily blushed even more, "Is this a proposal?" with a sidestep she let him in and closed the door. Ronnie, for the first time in her room, looked at her pink bed and a painting hanging on the wall and froze, "Who is this man?"
"That's my boyfriend," Lily said.
"You have a boyfriend?" Ronnie was surprised to hear that.
"Your son has a girlfriend, why can't I have one, is that weird?"
"Huh, why does that guy look like you?"
Lily laughed, "You see that?"
"See what?" Ronnie asked rhetorically.
"You're blind, that's me, I took the last picture in a man's costume."
Ronnie stepped forward for a closer look and smiled, "One breast is big and the other is small, it's really you."
"Fuck off!" Lily kicked him and said angrily, "What the hell do you want from me?"
"I want to move my sister and Vega's glass coffin here, what do you think?"
Disappointed, Lily said, "Wouldn't that be too much of a move? maybe the 'Crows' are still around."
"Then we'll eliminate them first, Amandine's leg is almost healed and now we have the money to fight back."
"How are you going to fight back?"
"First make a thousand warriors to guard the place, then split a few waves to bomb their headquarters, we have cloaks of invisibility, it should be easy to sneak in."
"That's a good plan, we'll discuss it with Amandine tomorrow," Lily hesitated then added, "It's late, do you want to go back?"
Ronnie grinned, "What? you don't want me to go?"
"Who doesn't want you to go, don't flatter yourself, get out of here!" Lily snapped angrily.
After he left, Lily leaned against the back of the door, hiding her face as she cried and muttered, "Ronnie, why can't you take me seriously?"
The next day, the five of them discussed the battle plan. In the end, it was decided that Ronnie and Lily would produce robot fighters in the Den of Wolves, while Amandine and Enos would scout out the Crow's headquarters and various branches, and Qiaoqiaoxing would contact Saria to purchase airplanes. Ronnie and Lily were the only ones left in the Den of Wolves. "Strange, Amandine has been gone for ten days, why haven't we heard anything? he hasn't contacted us either."
"Can't you just contact him directly?" Lily asked rhetorically.
"No good, if he's in the middle of the cloak, wouldn't that expose him, better wait until he contacts us!"
Amandine was indeed alone in a branch of the African region of the Crow organization, and Enos had been left behind in the hotel. He was getting taller now, so he couldn't be as stealthy as he used to be, both on horseback at the same time. He was hiding in the corner of a conference room when the door creaked open and people began to file in. After the last middle-aged lady entered, the meeting began. The middle-aged lady was the first to speak, but all she talked about were topics that didn't matter to Amandine, and it went on for over ten minutes before Ronnie's name came up, and Amandine immediately pricked up his ears to listen intently, "Regarding this Ronnie, the higher-ups want us to get our hands on him, but only if he's taken alive," the middle-aged lady said.
"Why do we have to take him alive? it would be very difficult to catch him alive," A man in white asked.
"I don't know about that," the middle-aged lady shook her head and replied.
At this time, a bald man laughed, "Our new boss is seventy-two years old, and I heard that he also bought the 'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid' this time, so that might be the reason why he wants to capture Ronnie alive!"
The crowd nodded in deep agreement after hearing this. "It seems that we can only capture him alive, if we beat him to death, our new boss will come after us," the man in white said.
"They still want to capture my father alive," Amandine cursed angrily in his heart, "You rotten bastards, one day I will kill you all,"as he said that, he gestured, but he also forgot that there was a blackboard next to him, which just happened to hit his arm. Only to hear "Bang!" It fell down with a thud, and the bald man who was facing away from him saw an arm quickly disappear, and he shouted, "There's a sneaky man here."
As he shouted, the conference room was suddenly thrown into chaos, alarms were immediately sounded, and in the blink of an eye, this conference room was surrounded, the middle-aged lady and others hurriedly left the place, and the armed men put on their "fast reveal" glasses and entered the room. They looked around, but couldn't find any cloaked person, and one of the black-faced members said, "Captain, there doesn't seem to be anyone there! are you mistaken?"
"Yes! there is not even a ghostly figure here, so where is a stealthy person?"
"You said it was the writing board that fell down for no reason, was it blown down by the wind?" the black-faced member guessed.
"Huh! there really seems to be a footprint here," the captain said as he looked at the corner floor.
"Could it have been left by someone in a meeting?" the black-faced member asked.
"I don't think so, who would stand on the corner with both feet at the same time, and it's a pair of sneakers, people in meetings don't come in shoes like that."
"But we really didn't find anyone! how does that explain it?"
"Tell them to search again," the captain ordered.
Amandine screamed at the sound of the alarm, and he hastily got up to follow the middle-aged lady, going out with her as she walked out the door. By now he was long gone from the building, a trick he had learned during his years of stealth, to follow the most important person in the most critical situations, and in the worst case end up taking the other person as a hostage.Enos waited anxiously in the hotel, almost three hours had passed, which was almost twice as long as the time they had met, "Has he been captured?"
She thought uneasily.
While she was pondering, there was a knock at the door, she was delighted and rushed over to open the door, when she saw the visitors, her face changed and she vigilantly asked, "Who are you?"
Outside the door stood two young men in their twenties, from three days ago when Enos stayed alone in the hotel, these two were fascinated by her, they wanted to get close to Enos but found that she was almost housebound, even her meals were in her rooms. Although they had only had a glimpse of her, the beauty of Enos made them unable to forget her for a long time, and the two were guilty of lovesickness at the same time. Today they finally plucked up the courage to knock on Enos's door, and one of the taller young men said excitedly, "Miss, are you alone? can I be your friend?"
Enos frowned slightly when she heard this, "I am alone, but I don't want to make friends."
Another person heard her say this and suddenly shot out to spray liquid in her face. Unfortunately, they ran into a robot, and Enos immediately understood and quickly grabbed the other person's bottle before punching each of them on the bridge of their noses. These two were just normal people, they were knocked out instantly. Afraid of arousing the suspicion of others, she dragged them into her room, after about ten minutes, there was another knock at the door, this time she was much more careful and opened the door only after double checking. Amandine manifested as soon as he entered the room, when he saw the two on the floor he was shocked, thinking he had been exposed.He pointed to the floor and asked, "Who are these two?"
"Don't mind them, just two hooligans," Enos said.
"Oh!" Amandine asked no more questions and then added, "Let's get out of here."
The duo just packed up and left the hotel. Arriving at a secluded place, Amandine immediately sent a message to Ronnie. Ronnie received the message with a confused look on his face as he asked Lily, "The people from 'The Crow' actually want to take me alive, why is that?"
"Didn't Amandine say why?"
"No, he probably doesn't know either." This time Ronnie guessed wrong, Amandine was just too lazy to write that much.
Ready to scare him, Lily said, "Maybe they want to bury you alive, and maybe they want to capture you and torture you to death."
Hearing that, Ronnie couldn't help but tremble and said, "Then we should increase our warriors to two thousand."
Another month or so passed, Amandine returned to the Den of Wolves in a dusty state, and as soon as he saw Ronnie, he exclaimed, "Dad, your fame is getting bigger and bigger, I hear the name Ronnie everywhere I go."
Ronnie was more concerned about being taken alive and asked, "Why do they want to take me alive? do you know?"
Amandine told him what he'd heard about the telomere rejuvenation fluid, which reassured him, and boasted, "That's why I'm so valuable."
Lily looked at him and laughed, "You're pretty thick-skinned too."
"Really? how many of your warriors have you produced?" Amandine asked.
When he heard that there were only a hundred or so warriors, he shook his head in disappointment, "So few."
"This is not a City-state, the conditions are not so good, it is considered good to have these," Lily explained.
"Looks like it'll take another half a year to get enough."
Ronnie nodded and said to Amandine, "Get some rest, we'll do the rest."
"Yes, my lord father," after he said that and took Enos's hand and ran into the house, Lily turned to Ronnie and said, "Your son is as horny as you are."
"How am I horny? don't you dare accuse me, I haven't touched a woman in over four years since Yurina died."
Lily didn't answer, just looked at him with skeptical eyes. Qiaoqiaoxing had returned half a month earlier and also looked skeptical when he heard this.

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