by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:15:01

Since moving into the manor, through half a month of observation, Ronnie realized that Park Young was not dull and had a very good voice, completely comparable to Saria's, of course not when she spoke, but the sound she made when she sang. One day in the middle of the night, he secretly climbed up and squatted at the door of Park Young's room, his ear pressed against the door to listen to the heavenly music coming from the house, and he was mesmerized with his eyes closed, "It's really good! there is actually someone in this world who sings so well, no wonder she doesn't want to speak, is she afraid her voice will break?"
At this time, a voice shouted, "Dad, you're so perverted, I've been staring at you for a long time, why are you sneaking around and squatting at Park Young's door?"
"Shhh!" Ronnie put his index finger to his mouth and whispered, "Don't yell, I'm just listening to a song, do you want to hear it too?"
"What song?" Amandine was curious.
"You'll find out when you hear it," Ronnie said as he pointed to the door of the room.
Amandine also put his ear to it, but after listening for half a day, there was no sound, by which time Park Young in the room had heard the commotion outside and was too scared to sing again. Ronnie also tried and found that there was really no sound, and said disappointedly, "It must be that your screams just now frightened her."
"She's not a bird, is she that shy?" Amandine argued defiantly.
"No!" Ronnie narrowed his eyes, "She's a singing lark."
"Dad, you must be in love with her from the look on your lewd face."
"Am I lewd?" Ronnie asked as soon as he touched his face.
"Seriously, right down to the drooling," Amandine said with a solemn look on his face.
Over the next few days, Ronnie would still get up in the middle of the night to listen to the songs, but was disappointed when he never heard Park Young sing again. In order to curry favor with her, he courted her and raised her monthly salary to thirty thousand star coins, and now everyone could see that he was courting Park Young. The nursing mother heard that Park Young's salary was actually many times higher than her own, and her heart was 10,000 times more unconvinced. She made Ronnie's pursuit of Park Young public in a jealous way.
"Dad, do you know what they're saying about you out there right now?"
"What's being said outside?" Ronnie asked uneasily.
"People are saying that you fell in love with a mute girl and proposed to her on your knees in front of the door and she ignored you, it's so embarrassing."
"Who made that up? nonsense."
"Be decent, don't do anything embarrassing again."
At this time, Catherine came over, she was extremely dissatisfied with Amandine's attitude and said, "So what if dad likes someone, he also has the right to fall in love. Let those people say whatever they want, it's not like they're talking about you, mind your own business."
"Do I like her or do I like her song?" Ronnie hadn't figured it out either, and he was ready to find Park Young and have a good talk. That day he took a shower, sprayed himself with perfume and wore a nice suit. Amandine saw this and teased, "Dad, are you going on a blind date?"
"Yes! handsome?" Ronnie asked, sweeping the corners of his hair.
"Cool!" Amandine gave a thumbs up like Billy. As Ronnie walked away, he followed with, "Just weird."
Ronnie came to Park Young's door with a nervous look on his face. He knocked three times and the door opened a moment later. Park Young saw that it was him staring at him with wide eyes and a question mark on her face. "Can you come out and talk to me for a minute?" Ronnie asked.
Park Young nodded and she stepped out the door, closing it behind her. Ronnie led the way and the two made their way to a small garden at the back of the house, communication was a big problem right now. Ronnie found a way to get only nods and shakes of the head from Park Young. He asked the first question, "Did you stop singing the last time you heard me talking to Amandine?"
She nodded.
"Did you like the clothes I bought you last time?" Ronnie asked the second question.
This time Park Young smiled and nodded again.
"What do you think of me? am I worth trusting?" when the third question was asked, Park Young neither shook nor nodded her head but just looked at him blankly, "It seems that this question is a bit complicated," Ronnie thought in his mind as he asked in a different way, "Do you like me?"
Park Young blushed and nodded her head. Ronnie couldn't help but be pleased, "You really like me?" then he asked, "Will you be my girlfriend?"
This time Park Young nodded first, then shook her head vigorously, "Is it okay or not?" Ronnie asked sharply.
Park Young didn't know whether to nod or shake her head, so she lowered her head and stopped answering. That put Ronnie in a hurry, he wanted to know exactly what the other party's attitude was, and since she couldn't speak, he used writing. He found a pen and paper and handed them to Park Young. Park Young took it and wrote two words on the paper, "Dad".
"You mean you want your father's permission?" Ronnie asked.
Park Young nodded her head this time and even gave herself a sound effect, "Uh-huh!
Ronnie got the yes and immediately dragged Park Young to meet Neeson. Unfortunately, when they got to his house, it wasn't Neeson who opened the door, but another woman who asked, "Who are you looking for?"
When Ronnie saw it was a stranger, he thought it was Neeson's new girlfriend, "Is Neeson home?"
"Neeson? you're asking about the previous owner of the house! he stopped living here a long time ago."
Neeson was a gambler, and at the moment he was losing money in a hurry at the casino. The one million star coins that Ronnie had given him were long gone, and he had even gambled away his newly purchased house. "Neeson, don't you have a mute girl? how about betting on her too!" a bald man laughed.
"Beelzebub, can you lend me some more money? my daughter is working at Ronnie's house now, and she has five thousand star coins a month, so she can pay you back soon."
"Five thousand? how come I heard it went up to thirty thousand?" Beelzebub squinted at him and said.
"Who did you hear that from?" Neeson asked excitedly.
"It seems you are not close to your own daughter! you don't even know that."
"Well, can I borrow it?" Neeson asked next, undeterred.
"But I want your daughter more, I want to know what Ronnie sees in a woman," Beelzebub couldn't help but laugh as he finished.
"That's impossible, it's just that if I agree, Ronnie won't."
Beelzebub saw Neeson loosen his grip slightly and struck while the iron was hot, "Ronnie is not her father, can he care so much? as long as you agree, I'll lend you a hundred thousand star coins, and you don't have to pay back all the money from before, how about it?"
"I'll think about it!" Neeson was eager to win back what he had lost. At the moment, he was living in a rented house with another child. It was only ten square feet, the air inside was damp and dark, and there wasn't even a toilet. After some soul-searching, he gritted his teeth and agreed. Beelzebub was so happy that Neeson agreed that he drew up a contract for Neeson to sign. The content of the contract was roughly as follows: Beelzebub lends Neeson one hundred thousand star coins, and Neeson must return one hundred and fifty thousand in one month, and if he is unable to pay it back by the due date, his daughter, Park Young, will belong to Beelzebub.After signing, Neeson received one hundred thousand star coins, and this time he gambled carefully. By the next day, he had lost all the hundred thousand star coins he had borrowed. Beelzebub came over, tapped him on the shoulder, and said, "In a month, I'll come to your house to get the money, or you know what happens next!"
Neeson walked out of the casino in a daze, wanting to find Ronnie, but when he got to the Umbrella House Commune, he couldn't even get in the door. He didn't have a Hummingbird and couldn't get to Ronnie directly. After some inquiries, he found out that Ronnie had already moved to Lake Sapala. Now he came to the lake, stood there and called for a long time, but no one cared, so he returned home disappointed. The next day, at noon, he did not give up and went to the island manor, this time intending to wait until Ronnie appeared. In the evening, instead of waiting for Ronnie, he waited for his son, Amandine. Amandine was coming home from a long day of playing when he saw Neeson by the lake. He recognized the man, but pretended not to know him: "Who are you? what are you doing here?"
Neeson hastily introduced himself and Amandine asked again, "Are you here to see Ronnie?"
"What do you want with him? it's not another loan, is it?"
Neeson didn't answer, just nodded. Amandine was furious when he shouted, "Didn't Dad give you a million star coins last time? how long has it been and you're asking for it again? do you know how much money you, father and daughter, have taken from my father? it's more than I have, and I have to make my own money now."
Neeson's face went red to the ears as soon as he heard Amandine's rant, but he had no other recourse: "Please, let me see Ronnie! I promise this is the last time and I'll never gamble again."
"What? you're still going to gamble?" Amandine gasped even more.
The duo's bickering was seen by Ronnie through the surveillance. He came out in his boat and when he saw Neeson he said happily, "I've been looking everywhere for you and you came just in time."
"Dad, this guy is a gambler and now he comes to borrow money and you're still so nice to him," Amandine said with great discontent.
Ronnie was stunned for a second and looked at Neeson, "Borrow money? how much do you want to borrow?"
"Two ... two hundred thousand!" Neeson saw a rare opportunity and asked for another fifty thousand.
Ronnie felt that two hundred thousand was not too much, immediately transferred to him. With just a beep, two hundred thousand Star Coins appeared on Neeson's Nine Star Payment Card. Seeing the money in his hand, Neeson said "Thank you!" to Ronnie, and then turned around and ran away, fearing that Ronnie would regret it. Ronnie wanted to talk to him about Park Young, but it seemed that he would have to wait for another time. Amandine saw him handing over money so quickly and was extremely disdainful: "You're so horny, you're completely blinded by women."
Neeson went back to the casino, and after paying back the 150,000, he was left with 50,000. As he was about to go home, Beelzebub called out from behind him, "What? you don't want to gamble anymore?"
"No more gambling, it's hard to borrow money."
"Want to experience a new way to play?"
"What kind of game?" Neeson was immediately on board.
"This kind of game is generally not qualified to play, now that you have Ronnie as a backstage it's different, do you want to try it?"
"Can I see it first? I'll decide if I want to play or not when we get there."
"Sure, let's go!" Beelzebub led him into another room with red doors that were usually closed. Neeson's eyes glazed over as soon as he entered, for the women here were almost all topless, each with a wooden sign with a number on her chest. Beelzebub introduced, "The minimum amount of money required here is 100,000 dollars at a time. The people who came were all respectable people from the City-state and the 'free world', and there was no banker, everyone was free to set the rules, and as long as both sides agreed, any kind of gambling was allowed, and the winner could just hand over some profit."
At this point, an old man in his sixties walked up, saw Beelzebub and Neeson, and, pointing to Neeson, asked, "This man is very unfamiliar, I do not know what he does."
"He's a friend of Ronnie, that's why I brought him," Beelzebub introduced with a smile.
The old man nodded, "Good!" then he looked at Neeson and asked, "Would you like to play, sir? I've got some pretty girls on my hands, and they're all yours if you win."

continue to next part