by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:17:47

This year Ronnie had produced five Telomere Rejuvenation Fluids to give to his family and friends; Amandine, Catherine, the Baron and Saria had all received them, and the last one he was going to give to Prof. De Silva. The two of them met at the "Chirpan Restaurant", and they were both on time, arriving at the meeting place at about the same time. Ronnie hadn't seen Prof. De Silva since he left the City-state, and he looked much older. When he received the "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid" in Ronnie's hand, he wasn't excited, he just nodded and said, "Thank you!"
"Professor, I would like to ask you something?" Ronnie came here today with a question.
The professor waved his hand and said, "Go ahead!"
"I cloned my dead sister, but I noticed that their personalities were very different, why?"
"A lot of a person's character is cultivated later in life, your sister originally grew up in a hard environment, the clone's comfortable life certainly can't be compared to hers, which is why their characters are completely different."
"So what should I do? how can I find my original sister?"
"Ronnie, that's impossible unless you have a time machine or can enter a parallel universe," De Silva finished looking at him meaningfully.
After hearing Professor De Silva's words, Ronnie began to work on the time machine as if he were possessed. He went back to the Den of Wolves alone and stayed in the lab day and night doing research. At the island mansion, Catherine was worried: "What will happen to father if he continues like this? I'm worried about him."
"What's there to worry about? it's not the first time he's gone crazy, as long as it's about our aunt," Amandine said.
"This time he said he was going to build a time machine and told us not to bother him."
"And we didn't bother him, what's your hurry?"
"Why don't we sneak over there?" It was Enos who spoke.
Amandine hastily stopped him and said, "I'm not going, I'll get scolded by him if I go, why bother?"
While the three were talking, the Ullian warrior came in and told them, "Park Young wants to see Ronnie, she's waiting by the lake to answer."
"That mute girl hasn't been seen for over ten years, why would she show up now?" Since Park Young had married another man, Amandine had been even less impressed with her and had called her a mute girl.
Of course, Catherine and Enos didn't have the same feelings for her as they used to and just treated her as a common friend. Amandine looked at the two women and asked, "Shall we ask her to come in?"
"Invite her in! I'm curious what she wants," Catherine said.
Park Young was led to the trio by an Ullian warrior. She was forty-five years old and had wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, as soon as Amandine saw this face he guessed the purpose of her visit, "Have you come to see my father about the Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid?"
The purpose of Park Young's visit today was indeed for the Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid. She had left the Swan Amphitheater after marrying Cileng ten years ago. She bought a house in the countryside of Dasco Town and lived there with Cileng, her younger brother, and her father, Neeson. At first everything was fine, but soon Neeson started gambling again and ran up gambling debts. After Park Young helped him pay it off a few times, Cileng became unhappy and the two of them often fought about it. In the last two years, after Neeson lost all his money, Cileng left the house. Park Young had to take her brother and Neeson back to Shire Town, and the three of them rented a small bungalow where Park Young worked as a waitress during the day and sang in bars at night, earning a meager income. Recently, she met Beelzebub and wanted to talk to him about reopening the theater. But the other side saw her as old and sickly and didn't want to talk to her. But Beelzebub showed her the way to Ronnie. The duo could still work together when she got younger, so she came here with a hard-on.
Park Young nodded, "Yes, is he home, please?"
Amandine laughed out loud after hearing that, "That's a pretty good guess, I live up to my high IQ."
"I'm sorry, my dad isn't home, he's out of town," Catherine said.
"Where did he go? when will he be back?" Park Young asked.
"This ..." Catherine hesitated, she didn't want to tell Park Young where Ronnie had gone.
"Why are you asking about that?" Amandine said bluntly, "Why should we tell you?"
Park Young sniffed with an embarrassed look on her face, "Then excuse me."
Catherine couldn't bear it in her heart and explained, "Don't get me wrong, my dad really isn't home, he hasn't been home for half a year."
"Oh!" Park Young nodded and walked out the door disappointed. As soon as she returned to the lake, Neeson stepped out from behind a tree, "Well, have you seen Ronnie?"
"No, he hasn't been home for six months," Park Young said shaking her head.
"Didn't you borrow some money from them?"
"Dad, how can I say this? Amandine says some nasty things, and he's not as nice as Ronnie."
While the father-daughter duo were talking, little Alice came back from outside, saw the two of them, walked over and asked, "Who are you two? what are you doing standing by my lake?"
Park Young had taken care of Alice when she was very young and immediately guessed her identity, "Is your name Alice? Ronnie's sister?"
"Yes! who are you?" Alice asked back with a surprised look on her face, since not many outsiders knew her true identity, people thought she was Ronnie's daughter.
Park Young seemed to have seen a savior and hurriedly introduced herself, "My name is Park Young, I was your nanny a dozen years ago and even hugged you."
"Oh! I heard Ronnie say that, why don't you come into the mansion and sit down? what are you doing standing there?"
Park Young laughed, "I just came from inside." She had wanted to get closer to little Alice, but unfortunately her next sentence made her fall into a hole in the ice. "Alright then! see you later," after saying that, Little Alice walked away without looking back.
"These rich people are really hard to get along with, that last sentence was said nicely, in a moment they change their faces," Neeson said dissatisfied.
"Let's go! maybe we shouldn't have come at all."
 Little Alice entered the mansion and when she saw Amandine, she asked, "What did Park Young just come over for?"
"She came to Papa to get the 'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid.'"
"She only hugged me for a few days and she dares to make such a request?" Little Alice was surprised.
Amandine laughed, "Maybe she thinks the Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid is a cabbage you can take with you anywhere."
 "Dad used to chase her, but unfortunately she married someone else," Catherine came over to explain.
"Ah...! what kind of vision does Ronnie have to actually look at a nanny?" Little Alice was even more surprised to hear that.
"The most annoying thing is that Dad even got dumped by her, he hasn't been happy for over ten years," Amandine shook her head and sighed.
Qiaoqiaoxing had finished his doctorate and was now working in the laboratory of the Umbrella House Commune of Saria. He met with Amandine once a month for two days. Today it was time for them to meet again. Catherine ran up to Amandine and said, "Can I come with you?"
"Why do you want to go? it's a man's party."
Catherine blushed and looked down, "I want to see him."
"Why?" Amandine stared incredulously and after a moment it dawned on him, "Are you in love with him?"
"Uh-huh!" Catherine's face reddened even more and she nodded slightly. Amandine thought for a moment that she was right, there really weren't many men in the world who were better than Qiaoqiaoxing, he was tall and handsome, and he was a scientist with a good personality. "You have good eyes, so I'll take you there!"
This time, Amandine did not take Enos with him, and went only with Catherine. The meeting place was a game town in Dasco Town, and the two of them arrived at the entrance of the game town after boarding the "Air Express". When he saw Catherine following Amandine, he was surprised and asked, "What are you doing here?"
"Why? can't I come with you?" Catherine asked unhappily.
Amandine exclaimed, "Qiaoqiaoxing's great news, Catherine is in love with you, so be happy!"
Catherine did not expect Amandine to say what was in her heart directly, she said angrily, "Don't talk nonsense, when did I say I love him?"
"Didn't you just nod your head and admit it?"
"I just nodded my head because I didn't sleep well last night, my neck is a little sore, so I'm just exercising."
"Then why did you come with me? you're not who you think you are."
Having guessed the general idea, Qiaoqiaoxing said to the two of them, "Okay, let's go inside! there's a new game I've developed today, and I invite you two to play it with me," after the three of them went in, Qiaoqiaoxing led them straight to a single room, and when they entered, he asked, "Do you want to play the real mode or dress up?"
"You introduce them to us," Amandine said.
"The real mode is when you enter the game and look exactly like you do in reality, the dress up mode will give you a change of clothes and appearance."
In the end, Amandine chose Real Mode while Catherine chose Dress Up. After choosing, the room immediately changed into a medieval castle and the three of them stood inside the castle, "This is the game you made?" Amandine asked.
"How is it? Glorious chivalry is from that era."
"It's a bit scary!" Catherine said.
Qiaoqiaoxing quickly changed the scene, only to see the place immediately change into a vast prairie, "Ah! it's so beautiful here, and it smells like grass,” Katherine praised.
At that moment, the sound of horses' hooves came from the distance, growing louder and louder. In a moment, more than fifty knights came into sight, jumped off their horses and bowed to the three of them on one knee, "Two princes and princesses, please come with us!"
Amandine rejoiced, "Has the game begun? I've become a prince, I should have known to dress well."
The trio followed for about ten minutes before returning to the castle, "The rooms are so small here, why don't we bump into the walls?" It was Catherine who asked this time.
Qiaoqiaoxing smiled and explained, "The floor here is covered with a four-way floor, and when we walk, it moves with us, as well as the fact that everything in the game is edible, but you have to pay for it when you go out."
"So awesome!" Amandine exclaimed.
"It is, and with enough Star Coins, you can even live in this game."
As they spoke, they had entered the outer walls of the castle. As they walked through a long corridor, a large garden appeared before them, with green and dense woods on both sides of the garden, and on the other side was a tall castle with a flag planted at the highest point on the left side of the castle. As they approached, a gate appeared, and at the entrance stood two dozen knights, who, uncharacteristically, gave the three of them a knight's salute. Amandine puffed out his chest and took on the appearance of a real prince, and when Catherine saw this, she laughed and said, "Amandine, are you getting into the act so fast?"
After entering the front door, several people went up to the second floor, and within a few steps a beautiful woman came out of a room and walked gracefully toward them, and Amandine asked curiously, "Who is she? so pretty."
"She's my wife, her name is 'Shanmag'," Qiaoqiaoxing said with some embarrassment.
"Ah! you actually got married in the game."
Catherine said with disdain, "How boring, marrying an imaginary person."
"She's not an imaginary person, she also plays the game," Qiaoqiaoxing explained.
"Is she that beautiful in real life?" Amandine asked.
"I've never seen her in person, this is her image in the game."
Shanmag saw Catherine and also asked, "Who is she?"
As Qiaoqiaoxing asked each side to introduce themselves, the two women looked at each other, both sizing each other up and making secret comparisons to themselves.

continue to next part