by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:18:42

Amandine was happy to know and said, "Dad finally figured it out."
"What does Dad need all that money for?" Catherine asked curiously.
"Why don't we contact him and ask him?" Amandine suggested.
"I'm not going to ask, I trust dad, he must be up to something."
Saria wondered even more, before Ronnie had given her most of the profits, now it was the other way around, this time she only got 10%. She wanted to find Ronnie to ask him, but she couldn't get in touch with him, so today she came to the "Lone Island Manor" to ask what happened, Amandine saw her and said with surprise: "Why are you here? it's so rare."
Saria didn't want to beat around the bush and asked directly, "Does Ronnie really need the money now?"
"We don't know," Amandine said with a shrug.
Catherine, of course, was speaking for her father, and she said with slight dissatisfaction, "The 'Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid' was originally produced by him, so he can spend it however he wants, and it's out of our hands.”
"He took over a billion Star Coins this time."
"That much?" Amandine said in surprise.
At this time, Saria took out three "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquids" and said to Catherine, "These three were given to you by Ronnie for safekeeping, you can distribute them freely."
"Why didn't he give them to me?" Amandine exclaimed.
Saria laughed, "He's probably afraid you'll spend them frivolously."
"I don't believe you, I'll ask him."
"Don't try, I've tried many times before and I've never been able to reach him."
But Amandine still took out the hummingbird to contact him. As Saria said, there was no answer at all. "Has something happened to Dad?" Catherine said worriedly.
Enos, who hadn't said anything, spoke up: "Let's go to the Den of Wolves to see him! I want to see Father so badly."
Several people agreed with her suggestion, and this time even Saria wanted to come along. Two days later, the four of them arrived near the den of wolves on Saria's private jet and walked another five minutes to their destination. As they entered, Amandine called out, "Dad, come out! we're here to see you."
The "Masked Commander" of the Den came out and explained to them, "General Ronnie left here ten days ago."
"Dad's a general now? he can really call himself that."
"And where did he go, do you know?" Saria asked.
"He took a time machine and went to look for his sister Alice."
"Ah! Dad really invented the time machine," Catherine's mouth dropped open in surprise.
They didn't know that Ronnie was returning home after more than ten years. Ten days ago, Ronnie got out of the time machine, turned on the invisibility button, and just after taking two steps, he saw a couple with their pants up looking at him with a horrified look on their faces, and he laughed with an embarrassed look on his face and said, "You guys go ahead."
After saying that, he kept his head down and rushed to the airport. More than forty minutes later, when he took out his Nine Stars Payment Card to buy a plane ticket, he couldn't succeed, only to see the message "The system can't recognize it.”
"I bought it last time! why can't I do it this time?" Ronnie was confused.
He hastily sought advice from the staff, who looked at the card and then looked at Ronnie skeptically: "Where did you get your card? we've never issued a card like this before."
Ronnie was concerned, "Look again, it's the one you issued!"
"Sir, the card we have now was issued in 2620 and it looks like this," after saying that, he took out a card and waved it in front of Ronnie's eyes.
"What do you mean? how many years is it now?"
The staff showed an impatient expression, but still said, "Sir, this year is 2630."
As soon as Ronnie heard that it was the year 2630, he suddenly understood that the last time he was able to buy a plane ticket was when he used Yurina's card. Of course, it was impossible for Yurina to have a card when she was only five or six years old, and one of his own was even worse, it was too new. Realizing that the date was wrong, he immediately headed back, taking another forty minutes or so to get to the time machine parking lot, where he was surprised to find it gone. "Those two guys must have stolen it before," he guessed in his mind.
He immediately went to the nearby village to look for the couple and searched for three days with no luck. He sat on the ground in despair and thought, "What now? even though there are two hundred million cards, they can't be spent in this era, now he has become a pauper, the worst thing is that there is no time machine, I can't go back to the original era, right now I can only take one step and see what happens," he thought to himself.
Finally, he decided to go to Shire Town, but first he had to solve the problem of the plane tickets. He pulled out two Bira coins and hesitated for a moment, he couldn't bear to part with his sister's legacy, but finally he pulled out the Ice Needle Pistol. He stood on a corner and asked passersby if they needed it, and when he reached 103 people, one young man was willing to trade a plane ticket for the pistol, so he boarded the plane and came to the Shire Town. 2630 was also the year he and his sister arrived here, and he went to the Umbrella House and found the door. He walked up to the Umbrella House and noticed that the door was unlocked. He went in and waited for Alice to come back to meet them, he also thought of an identity for himself, he would say he was a friend of their father. After twenty minutes of waiting, he got bored and took out two Bira coins and drew a circle on the floor, then threw them into the circle as he had done as a child. After a few rounds, there was sudden movement outside and he unconsciously hid. The one who came in was not Alice and others, but Mocha, only to see her looking around with an excited face, suddenly she saw the two "Bira coins" on the ground, and she was so happy that she wanted to go over to pick them up, when Ronnie shouted, "Mocha, what are you going to do?"
Mocha didn't realize there was someone else in the house, and with a loud scream, she turned and ran for the door. Not long after, there were voices outside again, and there was more than one, Ronnie thought that Mocha had brought someone over, and hurriedly hid under the bed. This time it was the three Alice who came in, only to hear little Ronnie say, "Sister, why do I feel like someone has been in our house?"
"You're being paranoid, maybe there's a wildcat outside."
"Huh ... sister, look, here someone drew a circle on the floor, and there are two 'Bira coins' in the circle."
Ronnie hid under the bed, when he heard those familiar voices he was thrilled with hot tears, he quietly stretched his head and saw Alice couldn't help but call out, "Sister!"
Outside, Alice heard the call and asked, "Ronnie, was it you who called me?"
"I didn't call you, you heard wrong!" little Ronnie replied.
In a short time, three city guards came in, and of course Ronnie knew everything that happened after that, he didn't realize that in the end it was his two 'Bira coins' that caused his sister to go to jail, and Michiko went crazy trying to save her, and that's where their fates began to change. After Alice was taken away, Ronnie waited for Michiko and little Ronnie to fall asleep and then quietly left the house. What he had to think about now was how to get back to the original A timeline and how to survive here, "It seems that I can only build another time machine, but that requires star coins, if I build one and use it only once, it will cost at least 1.5 billion, surviving requires even more money, I can only find a way to make money,” he sighed in his mind.
He wanted to go to "Dasco Town", which was much bigger than "Shire Town", and should be easier to survive.The two places were more than 300 kilometers away from each other, and he hitchhiked on other people's buses all the way to walk around, and it took him about ten hours to reach "Dasco Town". He traveled for about ten hours before arriving at "Dasco Town. At that time, he was hungry, he had been to some subsidized stations but did not get any food, he chose a smaller restaurant, want to eat some food without paying, he was ready to be beaten up. After finding a good place to sit down, he ordered six dishes at once.The restaurant is run by an old couple, usually there is not much business.Today they saw someone ordering so many dishes, they were happy, they thought a big customer had come, they served him cheerfully. Ronnie had been starving for days, and now that the food was in front of him, he didn't care about his image, he let go of his stomach and ate as hard as he could, ready to eat two days' worth of food, until he burped, and then he stopped the cutlery in his hands. "I really can't eat any more," he muttered.
The old lady saw him finish eating and came over with a big smile to ask him to pay the bill, "Sir, the total is 230 star coins." Ronnie's face turned red as he ate for free for the first time, he squealed, "I'm sorry, I've been starving for days, that's why I did something like this, I'll definitely find a way to make it up to you."
The old lady called to her husband, a small old man, "What are we going to do? this gentleman has no money to pay the bill."
The old man looked him up and down, shook his head and sighed, "Forget it, you go!"
"No, let me work for you to make up for it! do you need people here?"
"This gentleman, our business here is not good, where do we need fellows? one more person is more like one more mouth," the old lady explained.
Ronnie was even more embarrassed now, he didn't realize that he had chosen such a poor restaurant to eat for free, in the end he had no choice but to leave. He said goodbye to the old couple, he wanted to apply for a job as a teacher in a school, there was a university in the town, he asked for the address and went there. To apply for a job as a teacher, he had to pass three tests, the first two were professional, and Ronnie passed them easily. The third was the interview stage, he straightened his clothes and went to an office.As he entered, he saw three people sitting inside, two men and a woman, all in their forties and fifties.Ronnie nodded slightly at the three before sitting down in a wooden chair across from them. One of the white-haired men spoke first, "Introduce yourself."
"My name is Ronnie, I'm twenty-five years old, I went to 'You City Preparatory School', and all my subsequent knowledge was self-taught, my personal characteristic is that I can't forget anything, and I have a strong ability to learn on my own." Here he was lying, according to his actual age, he is sixty-seven years old this year, but he has been injected with "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid" and at this time he looked only in his twenties.
"Can you really remember everything?" the white-haired man asked.
"Yes, you can test it."
The other woman turned and pulled a book out of her back and handed it to Ronnie, "Read it and I'll ask you again."
Ronnie looked at the title of the book, it was an educational novel called "Émile, ou De l'éducation", he frowned, "That's too common, isn't it, I've read it a long time ago."
"Then memorize the fourth volume for us," the woman didn't believe that he could memorize a book she had picked up out of the blue.
"How quickly we spend our lives in this world! The first quarter of life is as serious before we know how to use it ... as if it had not been preached to a quarter of mankind." Ronnie had memorized until the woman cried out sharply, "That's enough, we trust you with this."

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