by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-31 22:20:18

Ronnie picked up Michiko and laid her flat on the speedboat, then drove to the hospital as fast as he could. This time he made it back to the dock in an hour, put Michiko on his bac123k and ran to the hospital, luckily it wasn't too far or he might have died of exhaustion. He arrived at the hospital out of breath and Michiko was taken to the emergency room. He waited anxiously outside, not knowing how much time had passed, the doctor came over to him and said, "Your wife is awake, but don't disturb her yet, let her rest for two days."
Ronnie was ecstatic, "Thank you so much, it turns out she was alive the whole time."
The doctor looked confused at the clueless words, but not wanting to ask any more questions, he turned and walked away. Ronnie didn't dare to see Michiko for fear of scaring her, he could only wait patiently for two days, he hid outside the door and peeked into the hospital room, Michiko's face was much better and she was able to sit up. She saw a figure dodging outside the door and asked, "Who is it? why don't you come in?"
Ronnie had to come in stiffly, he wanted to explain himself but Michiko recognized him right away, "Ronnie, you've grown taller again, have I been lying in bed for years?"
"No, you've only been in bed for two days, it's because of something else, I'll tell you more slowly when you get out of the hospital."
"I've been better for a long time, I want to get out of the hospital now."
At Michiko's insistence, Ronnie took her back to his place. "Where is this place?" Michiko asked.
"I bought this house and lived in it for years."
"When did you buy it? how come I didn't know? weren't we always on the island?"
"Michiko, do you believe me? what I'm about to say might be a little hard to understand."
At that moment, Michiko suddenly shot out to hug him and said softly, "I believe you, I'll believe anything you say."
The next thing Ronnie did was to tell her something about the future, "So why did you come to this era? is it to find me?"
"Yes," Ronnie didn't dare tell the truth, so he answered sheepishly.
"I'm so glad you remember me after fifty years," Michiko hugged him tighter.
Ronnie, on the other hand, felt more and more guilty that Michiko had taken his lie seriously. But then he thought that if he saved his sister, he would definitely come to this era to find her, and he felt much more at ease. "Michiko, let's get married!"
"Really? then why did you reject me a few days ago and say that you've always thought of me as your sister?" Michiko asked angrily.
"A few days ago?" It was a few days ago for Michiko, but for Ronnie it was over fifty years ago, and he didn't answer for a moment. "Have you forgotten?" Michiko became more and more annoyed.
"Oh...! of course I remember, I was only sixteen then, I didn't know anything about being in love, so please forgive me."
The two talked more and more and soon their mouths were pressed together. Ronnie picked Michiko up and went to the bedroom, stripping her naked in three tries and then couldn't wait to get on top of her. Michiko blushed and closed her eyes, a happy smile on her face as she murmured, "We're finally together."
Ronnie had always thought that Michiko was a virgin, but this time he realized that she wasn't. He wanted to ask, but didn't dare speak up, and after the two of them had a good time, Michiko lay in his arms and said, "Alice and Ronnie are still on the island, we should pick them up."
"No, if we pick them up, there is a possibility that history will be changed, they are not in danger on the island now, it's better to follow the original history and rescue them two years later."
"What happens if we change the story?"
"There is a chance that we will disappear or you won't survive this time, no one can predict that."
"Have you changed history by saving me this time?"
"No, my saving you should still be part of the original history, and you didn't really show up in my life after that."
"Oh, that's a relief."
The two were silent for a moment, "Let me show you something?" Ronnie said.
"What is it?"
"You'll find out when you go with me."
Ronnie led Michiko into the basement and pointed to a car-like machine in front of him, "This is the time machine."
"Ronnie, tell me the truth, are you going to leave this time?"
"Michiko, come with me, okay? we'll definitely be happy in the future."
"What if I want you to stay?"
"But I have to save my sister, I can't stay here," Ronnie yelled.
Michiko looked at him with a surprised face, "Why are you being so mean to me?" then she seemed to remember something and added, "You said you can't change history, Alice is already dead, if you save her, aren't you afraid that history will change?"
"If I save her, I'll take her to the Den of Wolves, as long as it doesn't affect anyone else, it shouldn't be a problem."
"Then what's the difference between her and being dead, never being free?"
"I don't care, I'm going to save her," Ronnie roared.
Michiko was devastated, "Then go away! don't come back to me in the future."
When Ronnie heard this, he came to his senses and was busy apologizing, "I'm sorry, let's not talk about it."
"Aren't you going to leave?" Michiko asked.
"Not leaving!" Ronnie nodded helplessly, still afraid of losing Michiko again. Michiko happily took his hand and said, "Come on, let's do it again."
The two went back to bed and they were entwined and inseparable, their genitals clashing fiercely. Ten months later, a beautiful baby was born. Michiko held her and asked Ronnie, "What are you going to name her?"
"How about 'Meiko'?"
Michiko looked at the baby's adorable face, touched her little lips lightly with her hand, and whispered, "You have a name, it's 'Meiko' from your father."
During those ten months, Ronnie sneaked down to the basement to build the time machine, he still wanted to get out of here, and he planned to discuss it with Michiko again when it was finished. Unfortunately, he was discovered when little Meiko was a month old. Michiko was furious when she found out, "Why did you lie to me? do you have to leave?"
Ronnie was most afraid that she would go mad again and was busy explaining, "No, I just came here to look around when I was bored."
"You really didn't lie to me?" Michiko's anger half subsided after hearing his explanation.
"Of course it's true, how could I lie to you?" Ronnie smiled and walked over to her, then hugged her and kissed her forehead, "Michiko, I will never leave you again, please believe me," but in the back of his mind he thought, "If I have to go, I'll take you and Meiko with me."
And so the two lived happily, taking care of little Meiko during the day and cuddling and sleeping together at night. That day, Ronnie took Michiko and her daughter into town to buy some baby clothes for little Meiko. He's a big spender now, and every month "Fierce Dog" puts the money he steals on his card in exchange for Star Coins, but Michiko didn't know about it and asked, "Ronnie, where do you get the money? I haven't seen you working."
Ronnie didn't want her to know that he was a thief, although he only stole from his enemies, "I'm a scientist, there are many ways to make money, I don't always have to go out!".
Michiko trusted him very much and didn't pursue the matter further. The two entered a Mom and Pop store, the owner greeted them with a smile on his face, he saw the little budgie in Michiko's arms and patted her on the back, "What a cute baby, is it a boy or a girl?"
"It's a girl," Michiko replied with a smile.
A few pleasantries were exchanged and the store owner showed the couple some baby clothes, "Nice! not bad!" Ronnie kept nodding his head, the store owner was overjoyed, his face was filled with smiles, but Michiko was less than pleased, "What's in your eyes, that was a boy's top just now, and you said it was nice too."
"Is it a boy's? they all look the same to me." Ronnie said in defense.
The shop owner was too excited and took out a boy's top. His old face turned slightly red and he coughed twice in embarrassment. Then he introduced them, "This is the newest model this year, and it has its own diaper pad inside the pants, so it's most comfortable to wear when you go out."
As they left the store, Ronnie followed behind Michiko holding three large bags of baby clothes, "Michiko, let's go home first! I can't carry any more shopping."
Michiko turned her head and laughed, "You're useless, you're not as strong as me."
"Then who was it in bed last night who said I should be gentle?" Ronnie said with a lecherous grin on his face.
"That's all you got!"
The duo went home anyway. Michiko took out her clothes and tried them on for Meiko one by one, Ronnie wrapped his arms around her slender waist from behind and whispered in her ear, "Come over here and keep me company."
"Don't fool around! I'm busy, let's talk later!"
While she was busy, Ronnie ran to the basement again, the work on the time machine was also nearing its end, he wanted to find a chance to discuss with Michiko about leaving this place, he didn't dare to stay longer, he quickly returned, "What's going on?" Michiko asked as she watched him sneaking around.
Ronnie didn't answer directly, "Do you want a change of scenery? Like living somewhere with water on all sides."
"You mean back to 'Strange Island'?"
"No, that's my new future home, it's beautiful and it's in the middle of a lake."
As soon as she heard that, Michiko's face immediately changed, "You still want to go back?"
Ronnie lowered his head in silence, "Isn't that right?" Michiko asked annoyed.
"Listen to me, there's nothing ... there," Ronnie was only halfway through his sentence when Michiko turned and walked away with the baby in her arms. For days she didn't say anything, Ronnie had been smiling with her to please her, and Michiko was taking a towel to take a bath when she bumped into Ronnie with a leering look on her face and angrily yelled, "Go away, get out of the way!"
Seeing her enter the bathroom, Ronnie followed. Michiko took off her clothes and lay in the bathtub, Ronnie looked at her white as jade skin and plump snow white breasts and couldn't help but ask, "Do you want me to help you wash?"
"If you really want to go, go!" Michiko replied.
"What about you?"
"I don't know, maybe we should never meet again," Michiko said with tears in her eyes.
"No, I'm not going, I'll be where you are."
"You promised me that last time too, but can you?"
The next morning, Ronnie woke up to find that both Michiko and Meiko were gone, and he yelled, "No good!" Sure enough, he found a note left on the table that read, "Ronnie, by the time you read this, I will have left here with our daughter, thank you for being with me for over a year, and these days have been some of my happiest moments, but happiness is always short lived, And when I saw the time machine you made, I had a bad feeling that one day we would part again, I just didn't expect that day to come so soon, maybe fifty years of searching is a long time for you, but for me it's just a blink of an eye. Since the last time I was rejected by you on the island, I thought about dying, but this time I won't, because we have our dear Meiko, maybe leaving is the best thing for me, please don't come back to me, I'll go to a place where you'll never find me again, please forgive me for being selfish.Yours, Michiko."

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