by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-18 10:48:40

They caught a live crab, but could not eat it raw, and wanted to find a place to cook it over a fire before eating it. When they left the fishing boat, they walked another two kilometers, and from a distance they saw a cave on the reef by the sea, which technically shouldn't be called a "cave" because it was just an extension of a piece of rock, and from a distance it looked like the half of an umbrella. "Huh! that's a nice cave,"Ronnie said, pointing to the reef rock.
"Let's go up there and check it out."
The "hole" on the reef was more than seven meters high from the ground, Ronnie lifted his legs and climbed up, Alice followed him and helped him to lift his butt from time to time, although his climbing posture was not too nice, but the two of them finally reached the "hole" without any problems. Looking inside, the place was quite spacious, there were cacti growing on the rock wall outside the cave, and there was a pile of burnt charcoal inside the cave. "Sister, this place is really nice, we can hide from the sun during the day and sleep here at night," Ronnie said excitedly.
"Ronnie, do you think anyone lives here? look at this pile of charcoal, it looks like someone made a fire here."
"No sis, those charcoals look like they've been burning for a long time, no one's been here for at least ten days."
Alice pondered a bit and agreed deeply, "That's right, then let's find a way to cook the crabs first, you wait here, I'll go down and find some branches for the fire. Give me your cup, I'll go into town and ask for more water, I still have most of the jug in my kettle, if you're thirsty drink some of it, don't drink all of it, we still have to cook the crab!"
Ronnie nodded, turned around and found a mug in his own backpack and handed it to Alice, who took the mug and headed down the hill. After she was gone, Ronnie put down his backpack and emptied it of all its contents, which consisted of a pair of small and worn leather shoes, along with a pair of knives and forks, a lighter, two small and pretty rocks, and a hat. The hat had been a birthday present from his mother when he was five, and it seemed a little small for Ronnie, who was now eight, but he still couldn't bring himself to throw it away. He picked up his dinner knife and tried to dig a hole in the ground to start a fire so he could cook the crab for dinner, but with all his strength he could only dig a small and shallow hole, and then he couldn't dig any more. He threw the knife away and cursed, "What kind of hole?can't even dig a pit?"
Looking around, he noticed three blackened stones in the corner of the entrance, probably left by the last group. He got up and walked over to them, bending down to carry them. Unfortunately, each stone weighed about fifteen pounds, and he couldn't move them with his small body, so he had to change tactics and use his hands and feet to push and stomp.
With great difficulty, he pushed the stones to a position in the center of the cave and arranged them in a triangular shape. "It's still really heavy, pity my little delicate hands!" he muttered as he looked at his small hands, which had a bit of torn skin.
After whimpering, he went to the corner of the "hole", took out of the packed backpack a pair of leather shoes that were covered with the smell of acetic acid, skillfully overlapped the two shoes in reverse, as a simple pillow, and took out of the backpack a hat to cover the shoes, which was considered a gas mask for the shoes to prevent the stench from coming out. He found the most comfortable position to lie down, humming a song in his mouth: "Cockroach ah! Cockroach, can no longer walk, because it does not have, because it lost, two small hind legs, people say cockroach, is very small animal, when it entered the house, It immediately turns into a master, if the boy likes the girl, but the girl has no love, like bald man, picked up a comb on the railroad tracks ..." with the song getting smaller and smaller, unconsciously he fell asleep. It was evening when he woke up and was awakened by Alice.
"Sis, you're back, how long was I asleep?" Ronnie asked, squinting his sleepy eyes.
Alice stroked his head and said, "It must have been four hours, I cooked the crabs and there's a fish! aren't you hungry? hurry up and eat."
Ronnie rubbed his eyes and looked at the half crab and a fish that his sister brought in an iron pot and asked, "Where did this iron pot come from?"
"You eat first, I'll tell you later!"
It turned out that Alice had gone out to look for branches to make a fire, and on her way back she met an old woman named Penny and her little son Rajeev. Penny was a sweet woman with big eyes and a gentle smile. She was fat, but had a good voice and was very talkative. Her son Rajeev was seventeen or eighteen years old, big and tall, with a collapsed nose and two eyes parted like a flounder. Rajeev never took his eyes off Alice after seeing her, and ended up resting on her breasts. Alice frowned slightly at the sight of his lustful eyes and became a little angry, wanting to turn around and leave. But the enthusiastic old woman called out to her, "Girl, don't leave in a hurry! what are you doing?"
Alice had no choice but to pick herself up and explain her situation. After hearing what had happened to her, the old woman decided to step in and help the siblings. She told Rajeev to bring an iron pot and a fish from home and invited Alice to visit her home, which Alice thanked her for.
Rajeev had listened to the conversation between the two women, but before he could say a word, the girl he liked had already left, and when he saw her fading away, he was stunned for a moment. Alice recounted the situation to Ronnie in colorful detail, not mentioning Rajeev's lustful eyes, of course.
"So you met some nice people."
"Yes, are you still sleepy now? It's a beautiful moon tonight, shall we go bathe in the sea?"
"Sister, you go and wash! I'll finish the crabs and fish first, then I'll play for a while," Ronnie waved his hand and said.
Alice stopped trying to convince him and decided to wash herself. She took off her jacket and pants and went to the beach in her tight-fitting underwear. After his sister left, Ronnie picked up a half-shelled crab and turned it around to find the best place to put his mouth. He was still very methodical when it came to eating seafood, and in a while the crab and fish were in his stomach. After eating, he took out two small stones and played, first drawing a circle on the ground, then drawing a straight line two meters away from the circle, then aiming at the center of the circle and throwing it.
"Good! two throws and two hits, good luck, I'm sure I'll sleep well tonight!" Ronnie was all excited. When the game reached seventy-two throws and fifty-one hits, Alice came back from the shower.
 "Ronnie, why are you still playing? why don't you go to bed?"
 "I'm not sleepy yet, let me play some more!"
"Then turn around, I have to change my clothes."
Ronnie replied impatiently, "Why do you have to turn around? You didn't turn around when I was changing!" Nevertheless, he listened to his sister and turned out of the "hole". When Alice saw him turn around, she went to the deepest part of the cave, took off her clothes and pants one by one, dried the water stains on her body, changed into a set of tight clothes and pants, coiled up her hair, and finished dressing. "Ronnie, I'm changed, you can turn around now."
Ronnie turned around when he heard the words, and when he saw Alice's coiled hair and the exquisite figure revealed in the tights, he couldn't help but freeze, and only said after half a minute, "Sister, you're so beautiful, just like the female angels in the Garden of Eden!"
Alice laughed slightly when she heard this, "Little Ronnie, did you put honey on your mouth tonight? that's so sweet."
Ronnie touched his head awkwardly, "Sis, where are we going tomorrow? are we still staying here?"

continue to next part