by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-18 22:15:17

Michiko was the first to wake up the next morning, rubbing her eyes and laughing at the sleeping positions of the four boys to her left, Ronnie's face contorted as she saw Ronnie sleeping in the middle, pinned down by the curled asses of Rajeev and Paulino sleeping on their sides.
She walked over and slapped Rajeev awake and said, "Damn you two guys, little Ronnie is all squished up.”
"No wonder it was hot behind my butt last night, it was Ronnie's face, did he steal a drink? he didn't even wake up like that," Rajeev apologized.
"He even danced with me last night, I didn't see him drink, Rajeev, you wake up Paulino and my brother, I'll get Alice up and talk to her, we should go home now," Michiko said and walked in the other direction.
"I'm so sorry! I had too much fun and too much wine last night, is everyone up?" Alice said as she stretched.
"Some of them are, so we should say goodbye, I'll come over and hang out with you sometime."
"Okay, I hope you come over a lot," Alice said as she opened her arms and hugged Michiko. Rajeev and a few others also came over to say goodbye to her one by one.
Ronnie woke up and looked at the empty house, his heart felt a little bad and said, "Sister, I suddenly feel so lonely!"
"Don't be sad, didn't you say you wanted to design a flag? why don't you do it now?"
"Let me get emotional, you cruel woman."
"Fine! You get emotional here, I'm going to the aid station," Alice said and turned around.
Ronnie, not expecting his sister to leave when she said she would, quickly followed her out, "I ... Sister, don't go! aren't you even going to take care of your dear brother?"
Looking at her distant back, Ronnie could only give up. He remembered what his sister had said as she left and prepared to make a flag. He found a piece of blue fabric left over from building the house, found a makeup brush and makeup paint from Alice's backpack, spread the blue fabric flat, then drew a triangle on it with white paint, then drew a small circle in the center of the triangle, then drew a large X-line in the center of the circle on either side of the triangle, and finally wrote "Umbrella House" over the pattern. Ronnie looked at his work with great satisfaction and thought to himself, "I am the genius people always talk about.” He found a straight tree branch, removed the top branches, tied the painted blue cloth on both sides, and hung it outside the window, three hours later.
"Why isn't my sister back yet? why don't I go and catch up on my sleep?when I wake up my sister should be back," with this thought in his mind, he went back to sleep, and this sleep lasted until four o'clock in the afternoon, when he realized that Alice had still not returned. Intending to go out and look for her, he first went to Rajeev's house and explained the situation to him, and after Rajeev heard this, he also came out with him to look around, and later the two Michiko siblings joined the search party and they asked around until the next day when they saw Alice in the hospital, at that moment she was dying, life threatening. She was lying on her back with thick gauze wrapped around her back. The doctor said she had been stabbed in the back and was brought to the hospital by a passerby.
Ronnie's face was filled with tears as he held Alice's hand and asked Rajeev and the other three, "Is my sister going to die?”
The three shook their heads and said nothing. Time back to yesterday, Alice left the Umbrella House and went straight to the subsidized station, and when she arrived there, she inquired a bit, but the food was still not delivered, and when she was disappointed, a man in his twenties, who was not tall, white, and looked quite gentle, approached her. He introduced himself as Dorsom and wanted to know more about Alice, and he said he could take her to another delivery point and asked Alice if she wanted to go with him to check it out. Alice hesitated for a while, but finally agreed. Dorsom led the way, and as they walked and talked, the subject became more and more explicit, and Alice immediately became suspicious and wondered if she should follow him any further. At this time they just came to an alley corner, Dorsom suddenly stopped, a turn around and embraced her, and low to her breasts a burst of wild kisses, Alice struggled desperately, she was full of shock, her hands were tightly clamped, unable to move, But fortunately her feet can move, she lifted her foot with the heel of her shoes in the Dorsom feet on the surface of the foot hard stomping, he was very painful to loosen his hands, Alice took the opportunity to kick him in the crotch, and then pulled her legs and ran away.
Dorsom was furious, endured the pain and chased after her, pulled out a short knife to catch up and stabbed her back with force. "Ah ..." a scream rang out, Alice collapsed in response. Dorsom covered his lower body and slowly stood up straight, looked at Alice who fell in a pool of blood, sneered twice, casually tossed the knife in his hand and turned to leave.
Alice was hospitalized for over a month. During that time, Rajeev and Michiko came every day to take care of her. The stay at City-state Hospital was free, but they didn't provide food, and they had to bring meals every day. Hasegawa came by occasionally, and Ronnie stayed with his sister all day, watching her gradually improve and cheer up. On the day they were discharged from the hospital, the five of them didn't get more than a few steps out of the entrance before stopping, because there were three people blocking the way, it was Dorsom and his two little henchmen.
"Bitch, last time I thought you were dead, this time you won't get away, Rajeev, don't hide, so she followed a loser like you," Dorsom stood in front of them and said viciously.
As soon as Rajeev saw Dorsom, his body involuntarily took a step back and whispered, "This man called 'Dorsom' is a villain, he was removed from the city-state within two years of joining it, and everyone in the 'Shire Town' is afraid of him. "
Ronnie looked up at Alice and asked, "Sister, is this the man who bullied you last time?"
Michiko tried to pull Ronnie behind her, but he crouched down, picked up a rock the size of a half egg from the ground, and threw it at Dorsom without saying a word, only to hear a "bang" sound! He hit his opponent right in the nose, and with a "wow" sound, Dorsom covered his nose and blood ran through his fingers. His eyes widened in anger and one of his hands clenched into a fist, his bones whitening in obvious rage, he walked straight up to Ronnie, grabbed his hair with one hand, lifted him up and slapped him with the other. "slap slap..." The ringing sound was continuous, Ronnie's feet were in the air, he was fanned dizzily, in the struggle he grabbed one of the other's fingers and bit down hard! "Ah!" Dorsom screamed in pain, in a violent rage, he pulled hard, pulling Ronnie's hair off with his scalp, blood stuck in his scalp, Ronnie passed out from the pain, with half a severed finger in his mouth. What just happened happened in a very short period of time, the crowd didn't react.
Dorsom looked at the missing half of his little finger and sat on the ground in pain, yelling at his two followers, "You two idiots, hurry up and get my broken finger."
Alice helped Ronnie who was lying on the ground, pulled the half of the broken finger out of his mouth, threw it on the ground and looked up at Dorsom, "Dorsom, one day I will let you die in my hands," then she picked up Ronnie and went back to the Umbrella House.
Two days later, Ronnie woke up, "Sister, did I win?"
Alice looked at him like a loving mother and reached out to touch his forehead. "You've been asleep for two days, does your head still hurt?"
"It doesn't hurt anymore, are you the only one here with me?" Ronnie asked sadly, looking around the empty house.
"Michiko will be here soon, you must be hungry, eat something."
"What about Rajeev, why isn't he coming?" Ronnie asked again as he took the burrito Alice handed him.
Alice was silent, since the last time he had a conflict with Dorsome, Rajeev never showed up, in the last two days only Michiko came every day to bring food.

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