by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-18 22:20:09

Ronnie looked at the balance of star coins on Alice's nine-star watch, "It's okay, I'll go back and earn it back after we spend it."
"How can it be so easy? how is it possible to meet someone like the Professor every time?"
"You still don't believe me. did you ask Michiko if I'm famous at school?" Ronnie got worried and continued to brag about himself.
"You are famous, a show-off," Michiko covered her mouth and laughed.
Alice said, "Well, you two go to bed, you have school tomorrow and I have to work.”
The next day, when she went to work as usual, Mr. Mondoza told her not to come in the future and that she was fired. The person refused to even give a reason for firing her. On her way home, she thought about the reason for her dismissal, but in the end she thought it might have something to do with "Dorsom". "Forget it, I'd rather not think about it, but what should I do next?" Alice thought to herself. She suddenly realized that she was getting further and further away from school, Michiko's joining them was putting pressure on her, and if all three of them went to school, it definitely wouldn't work. It seemed the only way was to figure it out on her own, and that's when a bold idea came to her: "If I just had my own boat, I wouldn't have to work for anyone else, and all the crops would be mine.” The more she thought about it, the more feasible it seemed, so she ran to the shipyard to inquire about the price of a fishing boat, and when she realized that the smallest fishing boat cost fifteen hundred star coins, she became depressed. Now she only had about four hundred star coins, which was far too much, so she could only go back to the Umbrella House. When Ronnie came home from school, he saw her sad face and asked, "Sis, what's wrong with you?"
"I got expelled, I wanted to buy a boat and I don't have enough Star Coins, it's really bad luck today," Alice sighed and said.
"Then we can build our own ship, it's not difficult," Ronnie patted his chest and said.
"Would you? Don't be silly, it's not a child's toy."
"Sis, you really don't know anything about your brother, I'm capable of a lot!"
Michiko, who was coming home from school, happened to overhear this and couldn't help but choke up, "The braggart is bragging again.”
Ronnie didn't say anything and decided to prove his strength with actions, he found a pen and paper and drew, and in a short time he drew a drawing and held it out to Alice and Michiko. The drawing was very simple, it consisted of eight four-meter long logs tied together, divided into two layers, four per layer, less than a meter wide. On top were sails, cabins, and a flag.
"How can you call this a boat if it's so rudimentary?" Alice had a questioning face.
"Sis, the most important thing about a boat is that it floats, and the eight logs can keep our feet out of the sea. The sails can power the boat, the cabin can protect us from the sun, and the flag can boost our morale. Most importantly, it only costs two hundred star coins.”
Michiko listened with deep concern and nodded, "Braggart seems to be right this time.”
"Alright, I'll prepare the materials tomorrow and you can come over after school to help." Alice decided to give it a try.
Over the next few days, the trio got busy, with Ronnie and Michiko going to the beach after school to help. By the fifth day, a simple wooden boat had been built. "Sis, let's try it in the water today!" Ronnie suggested.
 "OK, let's get in the boat and go for a walk on the nearby beach first, don't go too far."
The three of them pushed the boat into the sea, each of them holding a paddle, and when they reached deep water they quickly jumped into the boat, each of them finding a good position, and paddled out to sea. When they were about three hundred meters from shore, Alice raised the sail and they felt much more relaxed without having to paddle any harder. Ronnie was the most excited, it was his first time at sea.
"Sister, are there any fish around here?"
"Yes, there are, but they're smaller, and I've been going farther and farther to catch fish."
"It's a pity we just wanted to test the water and didn't bring a net, next time you'll have to take me fishing."
"If you're on vacation this weekend, I'll take you out."
"Sister, how is this boat? isn't the boat smooth, I'm not lying!"
"It's great, count your credit this time, when I make money, I'll buy you chocolates."
"It's been so long since I've had chocolate, I've almost forgotten what it tastes like," Ronnie said, licking his tongue.
"Aren't we a little far from the coast," Michiko interjected suddenly.
 "Let's go back then, the first test of the water counts as a success," Alice said, turning the boat around and heading back.
The three of them quickly returned to shore, dropped the anchor, secured the boat, and then returned to the Umbrella House. They chatted for a while and then went about their business. Michiko was doing her homework, Ronnie was reading a book he had borrowed from the library, and Alice was busy making scones. "Sis, why don't you come and read, don't you have exams?" Ronnie asked.
"Ronnie, what did you say? I didn't hear you! Just wait until I'm done, okay?" Alice yelled back.
"What an old mom," Ronnie muttered.
Michiko, who was doing her homework, got a little angry when she heard him talking like that, "Ronnie, you should be grateful to your sister instead of being sarcastic, without Alice's dedication we wouldn't have been able to go to school every day without a care in the world."
"I know, sycophant."
"Come over for dinner! both of you," Alice called.
Michiko and Ronnie put down the books in their hands and sat down at the newly purchased dining table. The three of them sat in a circle and Alice asked, "Ronnie, what did you want to ask me?"
"I wanted to ask you why you don't study anymore, don't you have exams to take?"
"I thought about it recently, it's better to wait until life is better later, I'm not good at studying either."
"Sis, we go to school together, Ronnie and I can help you with your work," Michiko urged.
Ronnie also gave Alice an expectant look. "Okay, I promise I will go to work during the day and come back to review at night and try to go to school with you in half a year."
Both of them were happy to hear Alice's promise, Michiko looked at Ronnie across the table and said with a little embarrassment, "Ronnie, there's a question I don't know how to do, can I ask you?"
"Haha ... you have time to beg me too. didn't you say I'm a show-off?"
"Forget it if you don't say it, cheapskate!" Michiko said angrily.
"Just kidding, what's your problem? let me see," Ronnie said solemnly.
Michiko pointed to a physics question and asked, "Can you solve it?"
Ronnie looked at it but didn't say anything, thinking to himself, "Why can't she know such a simple question? looks like I got it right, she's an idiot."
"What's wrong with you, what are you thinking? Don't you know how?" Michiko saw him dazed and waved her hand twice in front of his eyes. "Of course I can!" Ronnie came to his senses and said slowly, "I just remembered something.”
Then he explained the puzzle to Michiko, who nodded her head repeatedly. When the explanation was over, Michiko finally accepted the fact that Ronnie was smarter than her. She realized that Ronnie was more understanding than her brother Hasegawa, as if he was born to be a teacher. At this point, Ronnie was no longer the brat in her mind and she would no longer call him a braggart.
"Ronnie, you're a senior now, why don't you just go to college?" Michiko asked.
"I want to read 10,000 books in the library first."
"Gee ... how long would it take to read that?"
"I'm reading ten books a day right now, and I have to ask the teachers about some of the ones I don't know, otherwise it would go a little faster."
"Ronnie, how has your brain grown? so smart!"
 "Worship me now, right?"
"Count on you!" Michiko said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

continue to next part