by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-18 22:21:28

The next day, the two of them woke up early, Michiko said, "Ronnie, you need to bring the star coins Alice gave you, you can't play without money."
"I know, let's go!" The duo set off immediately, walking with trepidation. They walked all the way, and it was almost noon before they arrived at the Monte Carlo Casino. As they entered, they saw an old woman scrubbing the floor, and behind her stood a tall man in a black suit and sunglasses. Ronnie was a little scared to see this man and ducked back, Michiko took his hand and said, "Don't be afraid, he's just a bouncer, he won't hurt us.”
The two of them continued to move forward, through a long corridor, they came to the inside of the casino, there were several divisions here, each division was equipped with a gambling table, as soon as they stopped, there was a woman wearing a kimono, her chest tattooed with a pattern of white lotus flowers to welcome them. "Welcome, may I ask what game you two would like to play?"
"Guess the twins," Michiko replied.
"Please follow me!" The woman led the way, first to the chip exchange and then to a card table in the western section. "Ronnie, why are you here?" A voice suddenly rang out.
Ronnie was a little surprised to hear someone call him, it was his first time here, how could anyone recognize him? When he turned his head to look around, he found that it was his classmate Mish, the female classmate who had entered the school at the same time as him, "Mish, it's really a coincidence that I can actually meet you here. ”
The two were actually not familiar with each other, just the general relationship of classmates, talking adds up to no more than three sentences. But Ronnie was a super idol to Mish, she came here today with her brother because she heard that there was a memory card game and she came to check it out. And her idol was the best at memorizing, she felt that the two of them meeting today was an opportunity given to her by God. "Ronnie, are you coming to play 'Guess the Twins'? it's so good for you, we've all lost several games."
"Yeah, I want to make some money to save my sister," Ronnie said honestly.
Mish clapped her hands excitedly and shouted, "That's great, I'll bet with you, how much do you want to bet?"
"I'm going to watch a round before I say anything, are those two with you?" Ronnie asked pointing at the two boys next to her.
"One is my brother and the other is his friend,they're stupid, they lost a few times, I'll tell them to bet with you too, they can't win anyway," Mish grumbled.
"Fine, but don't blame me if you lose."
"Oh ... how could you lose? you're a school star," Mish flattered him to the utmost.
The round ended and Mish's brother lost again, they hung their heads in shame, all three of them had lost seven hundred Star Coins today. Mish turned to them and said, "Brother, stop playing, shame on you, let me introduce you to our school's Super Memory King, Master Ronnie," as she said this, she pointed at Ronnie and proudly introduced him.
Ronnie was stunned by the words and did not realize that he had suddenly become a master. But to show the high level of the master, he didn't answer. He just stood there, cold and uninviting. Michiko saw him "giggle" with laughter. She said, "Ronnie, you've become a dumb master."
"Ronnie, come and play, we'll bet with you," Mish said.
The Dutchman was a little surprised to see only a teenager coming to play and asked, "You're the one playing?"
"Yes, you deal the cards."
"How much do you want to bet?"
"Two hundred star coins, I think," Ronnie returned.
Mish was also busy saying, "We'll call him for three hundred star coins as well."
The dealer quickly dealt fifty-two cards and gave him twenty seconds, and Ronnie quickly memorized them all. The dealer randomly selected the "nine of hearts", Ronnie closed his eyes for a moment and pointed to the fourth card on the second row of the table. "I'll take this one."
The dealer looked at the card and saw that it was the nine of diamonds. Mish exclaimed excitedly, "This is amazing, Master is different.”
That was her first win of the day, and in the next few rounds Ronnie won five more, for a total of one thousand star coins. Michiko watched him place his bets from the sidelines, a little impatient, and whispered in his ear, "You're winning too slowly like this, can't you just place more bets at a time, go home when you have enough, don't be too greedy."
"All right then, bet a thousand this time, play two more and go home."
Seeing that Ronnie was playing for big stakes this time, Mish also bet a thousand star coins with him. Unfortunately, it was a loss this time, and Ronnie's face suddenly turned green as he said sharply, "That's impossible.” The Dutchman looked at his expression, an unintentional smile flashed across her face, she thought to herself, "Little boy, you're still a little too young, the water here is deep. ”Ronnie remembered himself and didn't think he had made the wrong choice. He yelled, "You cheated."
"Kid, did you just read the wrong card?" the Dutchman wasn't angry and replied with a smile.
Michiko and Mish also felt that Ronnie might have misread the card, and both persuaded, "Ronnie, is it possible that you really misread the card and try again? It shouldn't be a problem."
This time even Ronnie felt that he might have misread the card, he scratched his head and said with an apologetic face, "I'm sorry, maybe I misread the card, I'll bet four hundred star coins this time.”
Hearing Ronnie say that, the smile on the Dutchman's face became even more intense. She dealt the cards again, this time Ronnie opened his eyes wide so as not to miss any details, when he saw that the card he had chosen was being changed by the Dutchman at a very fast pace, he shouted angrily, "You're stealing and changing the cards."
The Dutchman's face changed slightly and she pushed lightly under the table, and in a few moments two burly security guards armed with electric batons rushed in with fierce looks. The Dutchman pointed at Ronnie and said, "This kid is causing trouble.” The two guards immediately stepped forward, one of them reaching out with a big hand to pull Ronnie's hair and drag him away from the table. Michiko started to step forward but was pushed away by the other. Ronnie was being dragged outward by his hair as he struggled, screaming, "Let go of me! let go of me!"
Ignoring him, the man dragged him to the door, kicked him in the butt, and said angrily, "I'll spare you this time, but the next time you give me any trouble, I'll break one of your legs.”
Ronnie stumbled and fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Michiko followed, she crouched down and looked at him with tears in her eyes, "Ronnie, are you okay, does it hurt? I'm sorry, I'm the one who got you into trouble ..."
Ronnie shook his head, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up stubbornly and said, "I'm not afraid!"
Inside the gambling house, Mish's brother looked at Mish and laughed, "Didn't you say your classmate is a Memory Master? how come he got kicked out anyway? what a joke!"
Mish looked incredulous, she hadn't expected her idol to be so embarrassed. Michiko was relieved that Ronnie wasn't hurt. "I really shouldn't have asked you to come," she helped Ronnie, step by step, towards the road home. It was a much slower walk this time, and it was almost dark by the time they reached home, and when they saw that the place where the boat was usually parked was empty, they gasped, "Where's the boat?"
"Could it have been blown out to sea by the wind? let's look around," Ronnie said.
The two of them immediately split up to look for it, each in a different direction, but they still found nothing after looking around, it was already completely dark, by the faint moonlight, they went back to the place where the boat was anchored, "Ronnie, look, there are footprints here, it looks like someone came close to the boat and pulled up the anchor, pushing the boat into the sea," Michiko said pointing to the beach.
"Who the hell could that be?"
"It would be the same person who set us up, the person who is taking revenge on us from the shadows."
"It looks like we can't even think about going out to sea, and I don't know how long my sister will be locked up," Ronnie sighed deeply.
Michiko stepped forward and hugged him, comforting him, "It's okay, I'll find a way, wait for me at home." after saying that, she turned and left.
"Where are you going? Michiko!" Ronnie asked in a hurry.
Michiko smiled at him, "Don't worry, I'll be back soon."
"But ..." Ronnie said before he could finish his sentence, she had already left. He returned to the Umbrella House, lost in thought, his hands on his cheeks, his eyes staring blankly at the sea. One day, two days passed, Michiko still did not return, he began to panic, "Is she gone? or has something bad happened to her?"
He got up, went to school, went to her original home, but could not find her. At this point, he felt more helpless than ever, he didn't know what to do next, and it was just too hard to live every day on the support of the relief station. On the seventh day, Michiko magically appeared, she was tired and looked very weak, but Ronnie was pleasantly surprised, he went over and hugged her tightly, "I know you'll definitely come back, Michiko, where the hell have you been?"
"Here are two 'Bira coins', exchange them for star coins tomorrow and Alice can go home," Michiko replied.
"Where did you get the 'Bira coins'?"
"Don't ask, it wasn't stolen anyway," Michiko lowered her head as she said this.
"Michiko, thank you!"
"Go to sleep, we'll pick up Alice tomorrow." Without waiting for Ronnie to answer, Michiko had already fallen asleep, Ronnie couldn't calm his heart for a long time as he looked at her back, "What's wrong with her? she seems like a different person. "
 Hearing his words, Michiko rolled over and lay on her side facing the wall, pretending to be asleep, while her left hand secretly wiped away the tears that seeped from the corner of her eyes from time to time.

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