by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-18 22:21:59

Ronnie lay on his bed. He was excited at the thought of seeing his sister tomorrow, he always thought of talking to Michiko, but she seemed to be really asleep and didn't pay any attention to him. He tossed and turned in his bed and couldn't sleep until it was almost dawn when he finally fell asleep. The next morning, the two of them got up early, went to the town with the "Bira coins" to exchange them for three thousand six hundred star coins, then came to the detention center, paid a fine of three thousand, and then waited for more than half an hour before finally seeing Alice. Her face was a little pale, as if she had lost a circle of weight. When she saw Ronnie's duo, she looked unusually excited, "What are you doing here?"
 "Sis, this time, luckily there is Michiko, you can come out smoothly, let's go home and talk slowly at home."
Alice took Michiko's hand and said, "Michiko, it's been hard for you."
The three of them left the detention center and returned to Umbrella House. Ronnie told her sister about the events of the past week, and after listening, Alice said, "I can't believe so much has happened in just a few days.”
"Sister, what are we going to do next? will we build another ship?"
"Yes, but the main thing is to find out who set us up, what's your idea?" Alice asked rhetorically.
At that moment, Michiko, who was standing on the sidelines, interjected, "Let's build another boat, pretend to go out, and then watch from the side, that person will definitely make another move on the boat."
"Good idea, but what if the guy doesn't fall for it?" Ronnie said wisely.
"You got a better idea?" Michiko gave him a blank look.
"Okay then, we'll start building the boat tomorrow and you'll come over after school to help, just like last time," Alice made the final decision.
With the experience of the last time, the boat was built quickly over the next few days, this time a bit bigger than the last time, and they parked the boat on the beach and just waited for the trapper to show up. But they watched and waited for three days, the person who stole the boat still didn't show up.
"Sister, this person may not come. we're here like fools ... eek ..." Ronnie hadn't finished speaking when he saw a person quietly approaching the boat. "How could it be her? Mocha, the chimp."
"Maybe she just wants to see the boat, wait a little longer," Alice said.
Mocha was seen looking around, and when she was sure no one was around, she pulled up the anchor and threw it onto the boat, then was ready to push it. Ronnie yelled sharply at the sight, "Mocha, you thief, we've got you this time.”
Mocha heard the scream, pulled her legs up and ran. Her speed was extremely fast, the three people did not react, she had already run out of sight. "Sister, calling her a chimpanzee is really not wrong, she can run much faster than a chimpanzee, I could not catch up with her."
"Ronnie, you need to stop calling people nicknames in the future, maybe it was because you called her a chimpanzee last time that you pissed her off," Alice said looking at Ronnie.
Michiko on the side chimed in, "Mocha is the one who hates it when someone calls her ugly, you must have offended her."
Ronnie yelled at the top of his lungs that he was being wronged, "What's going on? now I'm the bad guy."
"You weren't supposed to be good," Michiko covered her mouth and laughed softly.
Time passed and it was already August. During these months, Ronnie had read nearly a thousand books in the school library, and his basic knowledge had improved greatly, especially in science. That day, bored with idleness, he said to Alice, "Sister, today is a holiday, why don't you take Michiko and me out to sea together?"
"That's fine, there aren't many fish around lately, and with you two, we can go a little further," after Alice finished speaking, the three of them began packing their fishing gear and preparing to head out to sea. Ronnie took a small oar and the flag he had designed. He took the lead and headed for the beach. They soon reached the beach, the sea breeze blowing gently and the salty, humid air hitting their faces. Ronnie placed the flag in his hand on the bow of the boat and climbed aboard first, followed hastily by Alice and Michiko. The boat traveled five or six nautical miles, "All right, let's get off the net here!" Alice pointed to the sea.
"Good!" Michiko took out the fishing net that had been prepared long ago, and then the three of them began to cast the net. Ronnie sat on the bow of the boat, hands clasped to his chest, staring underwater without looking away. About ten minutes later, a thresher shark suddenly jumped out of the water, flicked its tail and made a splash. He screamed with excitement, but the next moment he shook his head in disappointment because the thresher shark did not swim into the net. He impatiently pulled up the net, but it was almost empty, with only two small shrimp floating around. "Sister, why are there no fish?" he turned his head and asked Alice.
"The sea shark just scared all the fish away, and you're in such a hurry, of course you won't get any good results, let's change places."
The three of them changed several places to set their nets, but they only caught a few small fish. "Sister, I read in a book that there's a place called 'Strange Island' that has a lot of fish, should we go there?"
"'Strange Island', why haven't I heard about it?"
Michiko also shook her head, "I haven't heard of it either, Ronnie, are you pulling out the science fiction?"
"How come? I remember where it is, about twenty nautical miles from here, heading west," Ronnie was confident.
Alice disagreed, "Twenty nautical miles,that's a bit far for our ship to take six or seven hours to get there."
"Sister, you're so unadventurous, no wonder you can't catch fish all the time," Ronnie said in exasperation.
Strangely enough, Michiko also agreed with Ronnie's suggestion this time and said, "Alice, let's try it, there's still an island where we can stop and rest."
"All right, since you all agree, let's go over there," Alice couldn't resist the duo's persuasion and nodded.
Ronnie was overjoyed to see his sister finally agree and clapped his hands, "Haha ... You can't go wrong with me."
The three of them immediately turned the boat to sail west, and when the boat was halfway there, the sea suddenly blew a gale, then the sky darkened, and lightning and thunder were heard. In a few moments, the torrential rain poured down like a waterfall, the originally calm sea seemed to be activated by the lightning, and the waves suddenly became turbulent. A sharp wave hit, swallowing the boat in an instant and throwing the three of them out at once, their bodies sinking involuntarily. Ronnie swallowed several gulps of water and desperately grabbed a piece of floating debris. Luckily he can do a few dog paddles without drowning, at this time he saw five or six meters in front of him, there were the pieces of wood from the hut that were washed away, and he tried to paddle his limbs and swam desperately forward, but before he swam to the floating object, he only felt that his body was lighter and his whole body was pulled onto the boat, "Sister, it's you!" he panted. Alice lay on the side of the boat to pull him up. After he was rescued, the first thing he asked was, "Where's Michiko?"
Michiko was lying on her back on the other side of the boat, and when she heard his scream, she kicked him with her foot and laughed, "I'm here, counting on you to have a conscience and remember me."
"Sister, pick up the flag in front of you," Ronnie pointed to the flag floating about twenty feet from the boat and said.
"What do you want it for?" Alice asked rather angrily.
"Where there's a man, there's a flag! It's the crew's faith!"
Alice had no choice but to go back into the water and fish up the flag. After about half an hour, the sea finally calmed down. The three were thrilled to have survived the disaster. But when they saw the ship's cabin washed away and the sails torn to pieces, they were not happy. What were they going to do now, the pulp was gone, the three people were at a loss. Toward evening, Ronnie covered his stomach and cried out, "Sister, I'm so hungry, it looks like we're really going to die at sea this time."
"I'm hungry too, what's your good idea?" Alice knew he had a lot of ideas and couldn't help but ask.
"It's going to be dark soon and it's going to be very cold later, let's fix the flag to the sail and we'll hide inside for a while at night."
"Okay!" The three of them immediately moved their hands to support the flag, a small tent was erected with the sail as the center, the three of them squeezed in and hugged each other, but they were still shivering from the cold. "It won't work, the clothes we're wearing are too wet, we should blow dry them before we wear them." "With that Ronnie stood up and took off all the clothes on his body and stood naked in front of the two women, "Why don't you take them off?" he asked as he finished undressing and looked at them with a strange look.
Michiko blushed and lowered her head, "I'm not taking them off, you little rascal!"
 "We're girls, it's not like us to be naked," Alice cut in.
"If you get sick, how am I supposed to take care of you all by myself? you are too selfish!" Ronnie couldn't help but yell.
"Will we get sick if we don't take our clothes off? You just love to talk nonsense," Michiko replied defiantly.
"Then you should take off your jackets and change your underwear after it dries," Ronnie made a new suggestion, "women are such a pain in the ass!" he added.
Alice and Michiko finally took his advice, took off their jackets and followed his example, tying their clothes and pants to the sail.

continue to next part