by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-19 10:16:41

"Why don't I feel tired every time I wake up?" Ronnie said as he awoke from his sleep and rubbed his eyes.
Michiko said, "I didn't sleep well last night and I had a nightmare."
"What kind of nightmare did you have?"
"I don't remember, but it was terrible."
Alice had long since gotten up and made breakfast, when she heard the conversation between the two she jumped in, "You two come and eat your breakfast, you still have to go to work, get there early while it's not too sunny, I'm going out to sea first," having said that, she turned to leave.
Breakfast consisted of potato pancakes, maybe it was the stove, they looked a bit battered and burnt, but for Ronnie's duo it was considered a delicacy. There was only one pancake and it was cut in half and the two of them shared it. When they were finished, they grabbed their homemade shovels and headed out to the garden. They talked and laughed on the way, and soon they arrived at the "little garden”. Ronnie walked in front of them, and Michiko followed carefully, she had been bitten once, so she walked very slowly, "Don't walk too fast, be careful of snakes!"
"I know, I'll clear the way for you with a shovel," Ronnie replied without looking back, tapping the shovel around to scare away the snakes, insects and ants, the duo's goal was to get rid of the grass, but the weeds in this valley were really lush and some were even taller than a man, it wasn't easy to get rid of them. The two of them snaked forward, with Ronnie walking in front of them, knocking down the weeds and then stomping on them a few times. While Michiko followed behind, pulling weeds. That's when he saw the pouting Michiko and the idea of mischief came to him. He quietly ran behind Michiko, grabbed the shovel and reached out to pull down her pants with one hand, and suddenly a round ass appeared in front of his eyes. "Hahaha, so white!" he laughed triumphantly.
"Ah... rascal!" Michiko let out a scream and turned just in time to see the shovel Ronnie had thrown on the ground, picking it up and swinging it at his head, but he easily dodged it. Undeterred, she swung up for another swing. Unfortunately, she missed again, and Ronnie had long since run away, yelling as he ran, "I'm sorry Michiko, I was joking with you, I won't next time.”
"You rascal, I'll beat you to death," Michiko ran after him, shovel in hand.
Ronnie hadn't expected the usually so gentle girl to become so ferocious, he was so scared that he ran desperately towards the beach, only his sister could save him now. The two of them chased each other for two kilometers, finally reaching the beach, he saw a figure in the distance, raised his hand and shouted, "Sister, help!"
Alice was collecting the "fishing nets", heard someone shouting, turned around to see her brother being chased by Michiko, thought they were fooling around again, so she said, "Why don't you two go to work? You fool around all day."
As she spoke, the two had come close, and Ronnie jumped into her arms, his voice shaking slightly as he said, "Sister, come on, come on, Michiko, she's gone crazy again!"
"Who are you? go away, I'll beat this child to death!" Michiko, who had followed, pointed at the duo and said angrily.
Alice froze for a moment and stepped forward, "Michiko, I'm Alice, don't you recognize me?"
"What Alice? go away or I'll beat you both up," Michiko's face was full of anger, she picked up the shovel and brought it down on both of them. "Clang!" with a sound, Alice blocked it with her hand and the shovel landed on the ground, taking the opportunity to pull Ronnie and turn to run. She knew that more explanations would be useless and Michiko seemed to be really angry. "What just happened to you? why did she have to hit you?" Alice asked as she ran.
Ronnie didn't dare to tell the truth, "I was just joking with her and she got mad and kept chasing me.”
The sibling duo ran extremely fast, and Michiko wasn't slow either, following close behind, her mouth still screaming, "You rascal, don't run away. ”At this time, she was delirious and panicked as she ran after them for more than three hundred meters when suddenly her feet gave out and her whole body fell to the ground, "Ah!" she screamed in shock. Ronnie heard her scream and immediately stopped and yelled at her, "Michiko, are you injured?"
Michiko had stumbled over a rock and the pain hadn't gone away yet, she didn't hear him yelling, she just felt him yelling at her and thought he was teasing her again. Her anger grew and she climbed up through the pain, grabbed her shovel and went after him again. This time she had a wound on her leg and her speed was obviously much slower. The sibling duo ran a long way in one breath and found a large rock to hide behind.
"I wonder if Michiko just fell hard?" Ronnie said with a worried look on his face.
Alice's heart sank a little as she said, "Ronnie, I noticed that you care a lot about Michiko."
"Don't you care about her too?"
"Of course I care about her, it's just that yours isn't quite the same as mine."
"Shh ... keep it down, she's coming over," Ronnie warned softly as he held his index finger to the tip of his nose.
The two quickly crouched down as Michiko followed her to where she lost her target, "Get out of there!" she shouted. But she only stayed for a moment before picking a path and chasing them out again. The siblings were suddenly relieved to see her go. "Sis, will Michiko get hurt again running around like that? should we follow her?"
"Aren't you afraid she'll hit you? she doesn't know anyone now."
"If we follow quietly, we'll just be discovered by her, and she can't run away from us, even if she's hurt now," Ronnie hemmed and hawed.
"All right then! I'll go ahead, you follow me, and if she comes after us, you go first."
The duo followed the direction Michiko had run and turned a few corners into a clearing, but there was no Michiko in sight. "That's strange, where did she go? could she have gone home?" Ronnie speculated.
"Be careful, maybe she's hiding too, just waiting for us to come out?" Alice warned.
As soon as her words were out, a figure jumped out from behind a tree, screaming and waving the tool in her hand, "Let me see where you're running.” At that moment, she was cloaked, her eyes were red and hollow, and she looked terrifying.
As soon as Ronnie saw her appearance, he was so scared that his scalp went numb, "OMG ...she's really here!"
"Run!" Alice pulled him to run, the siblings ran wildly all the way to the other side of the island, they were out of breath, leaning against the mountain wall, panting heavily, after a while, "Sister, you don't run slower than the chimpanzee mocha, I'll fly if you pull me up."
"I was just shocked too, it was a conditioned reflex," Alice wiped the beads of sweat from her brow and smiled.
The sister and brother hid until five o'clock in the afternoon, when the sky began to darken and their stomachs rumbled with hunger. "Sister, would you like to go home and look around? it's been so long."
"All right! Let's go back quietly," Alice nodded.
The duo went back the way they came, and after making a half circle around the island, they hid. Only to see Michiko standing in the doorway, looking around, sometimes sighing, sometimes very angry. "Michiko looks a lot more normal, shall we go over there?" Ronnie asked.
"She seems to be waiting for us to go back, Ronnie you wait here first, I'll go over there," Alice said as she stepped out from behind the tree. Michiko just happened to turn her head to see her and asked sharply, "Alice, where did you go? where's ...? Ronnie? not with you?"
Ronnie, who was hiding behind a tree, was delighted in his heart when he heard Michiko calling him, and was busy answering, "I'm here!" with a wave of his hand, he jumped out from behind the tree. When Michiko saw him, a smile immediately appeared on her face and she ran towards him.
"Don't come over!" at that moment, Ronnie suddenly remembered how she looked when she was cloaked and took a few steps back in fear, getting into a position to run away at any time.
"Why did you back up when you saw me? where were you running to? you're only home now," Michiko huffed.
Ronnie rubbed his nose and asked cautiously, "Have you forgotten everything from a few hours ago?"
"What happened? all I remember is that we went to the 'Little Garden' together in the morning, and then I blacked out and woke up to find myself back home."
"Are you serious?" Ronnie looked at her, his mind racing, "Is she playing dumb or did she really forget? has she lost her memory?"
Seeing that he didn't say anything for a long time and just stared at her, Michiko frowned and asked, "Why don't you say something? what are you thinking about?"
"Oh... Oh!" Ronnie snapped back to his senses and coughed a few times to cover himself, "Nothing, let's go home!"
Alice, who was standing in the distance, saw that they had been talking for a long time and said impatiently, "What are you talking about? It's taking so long!"
"Nothing, sister, let's go home!"
The three of them returned to the house, it was already dark, Alice started to prepare dinner, she said as she scraped the fish scales, "You definitely didn't finish your work today either, I'll go with you tomorrow!"
"That's great, with your help it will definitely go a lot faster," Ronnie said happily.

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