by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-19 10:19:15

The three of them dug three pits on the beach. Ronnie was the first to lie down, and the two women were busy piling sand over him to bury him. The second was Michiko. Alice was the last. She covered her legs first, then slowly pushed the sea sand around her up to her body. Without help, she made very slow progress. As a result, one arm was still exposed and she had to make do with what she had. Three people lay there until almost noon. One morning of sun exposure, they were almost baked, dry mouth, starry eyes, just harder than death. By this time, Ronnie really couldn't take it anymore, he yelled: "Hot damn!" He was up in a flash and running north. Seeing him running around like crazy, the two women quickly got up and ran after him. They ran after him screaming: "Ronnie, stop!"
Ronnie didn't listen. He just kept running. When he almost reached the north beach, he slowed down and hid behind a rock. The two women didn't dare scream and followed him to hide. The three of them looked down the beach, the original spot where the speedboat had been parked was already empty. Ronnie cautiously stepped out from behind the rock and looked around, when he was sure that no one was there, he walked along the shore. The duo just followed him as they made a full circle and returned to the same spot, "Looks like they're long gone," Ronnie muttered.
The two Falconers were indeed gone when they awoke the next day. The anger of last night was long gone, and feeling that they had lost nothing and captured the eagle, there was no point in staying, so they left at first light. Unbeknownst to the three, they had spent the morning on the beach in the sun for nothing. They returned home to find the house in disarray. Three bowls and a pot had been smashed. They were a little numb by now and didn't really care. Alice cleaned up the house and said to them, "I'm going to check the fish pond and bring back some fish to cook, so you can rest for a while, "With that, she went out.
The two of them, Ronnie and Michiko, were so tired that they lay down on the floor, and the two of them lay on their sides looking at each other, and it didn't take long for them to fall asleep. Alice came back and saw that they were asleep and didn't wake them up, she wanted to cook the fish before she said anything. Fortunately, the fire on the stove was not completely out, so she added some firewood, set up a pot, removed the fish's guts and scales, added water to the pot, and threw the fish directly into the boiling water. After waiting quietly for ten minutes, the fish was cooked. Alice woke up the two people, "Today's fish is a bit small, the big ones were taken by those two men."
"Those two scumbags, they don't even spare the fish!" Ronnie cursed.
Michiko comforted him, "Luckily, they didn't take them all and left some for us."
"Are you grateful to them at all?" Ronnie looked at her unhappily.
Alice on the side suddenly interjected, "Do you think they'll come back?"
"It's possible, it looks like we have to be prepared, if they dare to come back next time, we'll tell them to come back with no return," Ronnie spoke through clenched teeth, clearly hating these two with a passion.
"You want to kill someone?" Michiko looked shocked.
"I just want to express my anger, who said I want to kill someone?"
"Then how are we going to prepare? Ronnie, you have a lot of ideas, tell us," Alice asked for advice with an open mind.
After a moment of silence, Ronnie said, "We still need to build a beacon and some hiding places so that if someone comes to the island, we can go to the nearest place to hide, it's best to dig some pits to make traps and make some defensive weapons.”
After listening to Ronnie's introduction, Alice nodded, "All right then, you and Michiko are in charge together, no arguing, I'll come and help you every day after fishing, now rest for the day after you eat the fish and start working tomorrow.”
The three of them slept until noon the next day, when they got up, Ronnie stretched, "That was a lot of sleep this time, made up for the whole year."
"Ronnie, why do you keep pushing on my leg when you sleep? it's weirdly heavy," Michiko grumbled at Ronnie.
"I'm not, don't be ridiculous!" Ronnie vehemently denied it.
 "You'll find a place to sleep on your own from now on, don't crowd the two of us."
Ronnie didn't say anything, a fierce color flashing on his face as he slowly approached Michiko, and when she wasn't paying attention, he raised his leg and stomped hard on the top of her foot, then turned and ran away, and Michiko immediately chased after him, screaming in pain. Seeing the duo fooling around again, Alice shook her head and yelled at the distant duo, "You two aren't tired after running all night last night?"
The duo didn't even hear her yell as they continued to chase one after the other. Michiko ran for a while, pretending to fall. "Ouch!" She crouched down with a scream. Ronnie stopped when he heard her scream and turned his head to ask, "What happened to you?"
"I twisted my foot, come help me," Michiko had a pitiful look on her face.
Ronnie was about to go over when he saw her furtive look and stopped immediately, smirking, "Your acting is so bad, I'm not going to fall for your tricks."
Seeing that it didn't work, Michiko got up and chased him out again. The two chased each other until they reached the tree where they found the sea eagle. Ronnie in front suddenly stopped. Michiko, who was behind him, saw him stop and stopped as well, asking worriedly, "Why did you stop running?”
"Look, there's a little white-tailed eagle," Ronnie said as he pointed to the ground.
Michiko followed his pointing and looked down to see that there was indeed a small fluffy sea eagle lying in the grass not far away. She crouched down excitedly, touched its soft feathers, lifted its head and smiled at Ronnie, "What a cute little sea eagle, how did it fall on the ground?" "Maybe the big sea eagle was captured by those two, it was hungry and wanted to come out to look for food before it fell," Ronnie explained.
"Ronnie, let's take it home! wait for it to grow up before we release it back here."
"That's what I thought, I'll catch it."
The little sea eagle saw his little hand reaching out and thought it was food and pecked at it. His hand was pecked and peeled off and he still couldn't catch it. Michiko on the side couldn't stand it, "You're so stupid, you can't even catch a little bird.”
"Then you do it, I don't think you're even ... better than me," Ronnie hadn't even finished speaking when she had already taken the little sea eagle in her arms.
"You win this time, but the little sea eagle was found by me, it should be mine."
"Must we still divide it so clearly? isn't yours mine?" Michiko ignored him and turned around with the little sea eagle in her arms.
"Give it back to me!" Ronnie was worried and ran after him, raising his hand to grab it, but unfortunately it was small and Michiko held the little sea eagle high in the air, so he couldn't reach it at all. "Give it back!" he was angry and shouted.
"I won't give it to you, what can you do?" Michiko was so proud of herself that she got tired of being pestered and pulled her legs out and ran away. As she ran back home, Alice saw the two of them and smiled, "How did it turn around this time and become Ronnie chasing Michiko?"
"Sister, she snatched my little sea eagle," Ronnie jumped in with a confession.
But before Alice could come out to do him justice, Michiko opened her mouth, "Ronnie, what do you think the little sea eagle eats?"
Ronnie hadn't expected her to be so friendly and was at a loss for words. At the same time, he felt he was being too petty, so he said with a little embarrassment, "The little sea eagle's favorite food is fish, and it also likes to eat frogs."
"That would be great to keep, we have lots of small fish. Let's give it a name,what do you think about calling it 'Little Bit'?"
Ronnie shook his head, "It's okay to call it 'Little Bit' now, but it won't sound good when it grows up and calls itself that." After a moment's pause, he added, "How about we call it 'Monta'? that name is very commanding and fits its noble identity."
"Hmm, not bad!" Michiko nodded, and the two made up. They went out to find some hay to make a nest, and went to the fish pond to catch some small fish for "Monta" to eat. To take better care of the little eagle, they put the nest next to their bed, so they could see it every day when they woke up.

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