by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-19 10:19:37

When Alice came home after a hard day's work, she saw the duo lying on the ground all day playing with the bird and got a little angry, "Why are you still playing? aren't you going to work?"
Michiko was more obedient and stood up and said, "Ronnie, let's finish our work and then play!"
"Okay!" Ronnie reluctantly stood up and yelled at his sister in displeasure, "You're like a landlady, always making us work, we have to work before we can eat, how cruel!"
"Alright, here are two potato pancakes for you to eat on the way!" Alice smiled and handed out what was in her hand.
The duo reached out and took them, then walked out the door. This time they wanted to set up the beacon first, and on the way they talked and laughed, and before they knew it they were at Straw Hat Rock. Ronnie stood at the top and joked, "We saw the red tent down here a couple of days ago, if we see anything again this time I promise I'll be scared to death,”with that, he walked to the edge of the cliff and stepped down to look down. "Wow!" he exclaimed, "there's something down there!" he rubbed his eyes as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "This can't be!" Michiko's face suddenly turned white as she shook her head, "Impossible, how could there be such a coincidence unless there really are ghosts and monsters in this world," she muttered, her eyes filled with fear and disbelief.
Ronnie looked at her frightened look and covered his stomach "haha ..." and laughed out loud. Michiko then reacted, knowing that he was lying to himself. Seeing him hunched over and covering his stomach, she raised a foot and kicked him hard in the buttocks. The kick just hit the crack in the middle of his buttocks and there was a strange scream. Ronnie jumped up with his butt covered, looking like a frightened monkey. When Michiko saw his strange behavior, she laughed so hard that she shook her body. The two of them fought for a long time and gradually calmed down. Ronnie covered his butt with a bitter look on his face and said, "You kicked me so hard.”
 "Who told you to lie to me, you deserve it!" Michiko beamed. The next moment, she said with a serious expression, "Let's get to work, or Alice will get angry again!"
The two of them discussed and agreed to divide the work, one person to collect wood and the other to look for rocks. Ronnie was in charge of looking for rocks, and he formed a sixty centimeter high by fifty centimeter wide square enclosure out of the rocks he found, then threw in the wood Michiko had picked up. They had planned to put a cover on top to keep out the rain, but they really couldn't find any waterproof material, so they had to give up. So a simple beacon was made. The next step was to make self-defense weapons that could be carried. The first thing they thought of was a crossbow. It was easy to make and could be fired from a hidden place, making it the most ideal offensive weapon. It took them an afternoon to find the right materials and two days to make three crossbows, each with two arrows. To make the crossbows, Ronnie contributed the waistband of his pants. His own was not long enough, so he stole Michiko's elastic waistband. When she found out, she chased him and beat him for a long time before she was relieved. Although the crossbow was rudimentary, it had a range of thirty meters and an effective killing power within fifteen meters. After completing the crossbow task, Ronnie next dug hiding places in three different places on the island, and also dug a three meter long by two meter wide trap in front of their house. His original idea was that if the three of them were home and someone tried to break in, the enemy would fall into the trap. Unfortunately, he didn't catch any of his enemies, but instead fell twice himself, falling on his face each time, and then he got angry and filled the pit back up. There were two protective doors at the front and back of the passageway, and then a mechanism was set up in the original house so that when an enemy entered the house, the three of them would hide in the secret room and activate the mechanism, and every ten kilograms of stone in the house would be smashed down from the top of their heads.
 "Ronnie, I thought you said you didn't want to kill anyone, with all those big rocks coming down, people will definitely get killed," Michiko spoke up.
"That depends on their luck, I'm not one to be messed with!"
"If the rocks don't hit, we can't escape to the secret room!" Alice also asked.
"Right, I hadn't thought of that," he thought for a while and then said, "then let's dig a passage in the secret room that leads to the outside, digging to the west should only take twenty meters.”The two women thought that was a good idea. For their own safety, they immediately started working, and the three of them dug through the passageway at a rate of one meter per day for more than twenty days.
Seeing the results of nearly a month's work, Ronnie was filled with anticipation, "Sister, Michiko, I'm now looking forward to those two coming soon so we can try out our defenses."
 "It's better if they don't come, we can live in peace as well," Michiko said.
As for the coming February, the two falconers never showed up again. Ronnie was a little disappointed, feeling that all his preparations had been for nothing. Under Michiko and Ronnie's care, "Monta" grew to nearly a foot long and followed Michiko around all day like a goose. Michiko held it every time she slept, and Ronnie was jealous, saying, "Aren't you afraid that 'Monta' will poop on your face? aren't you afraid you'll get dirty holding it all day?"
"What do you care?" Michiko gave him a blank look.
Just then Alice came over to Ronnie and said, "It's February, aren't the potatoes from the 'Little Garden' ready to eat?"
"Yes, I forgot if you didn't say so, let's go over there now, dig them up and have a look."
The three of them immediately went to the “Little Garden”. When it saw Michiko go out, Monta followed as well. The three of them and Monta soon arrived at the Little Garden. Alice suddenly realized, "Oops, I forgot to bring a shovel! "
"That's okay, let's dig with our hands!" Ronnie volunteered. He crouched down to find a branch to use as a shovel, a potato seedling on his hand, and more than once dug up a plant with three potatoes on it. He said happily to the two girls, "Look, three on one plant, the whole garden has enough potatoes for us to eat for a year.”
Just as he finished this sentence, the sky darkened and in a few moments a heavy rain crackled down like dense grains of beans. The three hadn't expected the rain to come down so quickly, and they had no chance to take shelter. They wanted to run back, but their clothes were already wet. Ronnie said, "Forget it, don't run, the clothes are all wet anyway, just walk slowly like this!"
The three of them returned home like drowned chickens, and as soon as Ronnie entered the house, he stripped naked in three or two strokes. Michiko hastily covered her eyes, "Ronnie, are you ashamed?"
"What's the matter? I can't even undress myself?"
Michiko glared at him and huffed as she went into the secret room. Alice didn't say anything and followed her into the secret room. When the three of them wanted to change their clothes, they realized that they had no clothes to change into, and usually the three of them would change their inner and outer clothes to wash. This time, their inner and outer clothes were all wet, and there was nothing else available. The three of them stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. In the end, it was Ronnie who opened his mouth first and called out to the secret room, "Sister, I'll go find some leaves to use as clothes, we'll also learn from the primitive people, you wait here, ”with that, he ran out of the room. With three trips back and forth like this, he finally found enough leaves to cover the three of them and gave the two women a rope. Michiko was good with her hands and quickly made clothes from the leaves. She and Alice left the secret room and gave Ronnie a small one that could only cover the lower half of his body. The dress the two women wove was a bit more complicated, with both top and bottom parts, both wrapped around the private parts.

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