by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-19 10:21:24

That day, Ronnie saw Michiko, who was wearing a tree coat, exposing her back and asked curiously, "Michiko, why do you have so many scars on your back?”
Michiko's face immediately changed, "Who are you? why should I tell you?"
Alice, who was mending the fishing nets at the side, overheard the conversation between the two and quickly winked at Ronnie to tell him to stop asking questions, but Ronnie didn't understand what she meant. He continued, "Your temper is really getting worse, no one will dare marry you in the future.”
What he had thought was a banal remark infuriated Michiko. She picked up a bowl on the table, raised her hand and smashed it against Ronnie's head, Ronnie was caught off guard and was hit right in the forehead, "Wow!" he let out a pitiful cry, his hand covering his forehead, blood oozing from the cracks in his fingers. Instead of stopping, Michiko got angrier and raised her hand to hit him again, seeing this, Alice rushed forward and hugged her, shouting, "Ronnie, get a rope.” Michiko's anger grew as she realized she was being held and she struggled desperately to free herself. Alice was stronger than her and held on for dear life, unable to stop yelling, "Ronnie, hurry!"
Ronnie covered his bloody forehead and pushed through the pain to find the rope. He felt like he was going to faint, but he clenched his teeth. The two siblings worked together to tie Michiko up. Just as she was tied up, Ronnie couldn't hold on and fainted. Alice tore off a piece of her underwear and bandaged his wounds, then took the crazed Michiko into the secret room. Michiko's hands and feet were tied, but her mouth kept cursing: "You two animals, I must kill you."
Seeing her like that, Alice was worried. She now had two patients to take care of, one was injured and the other was crazy. "Monta" ran out of the door in fear when she saw Michiko going crazy. When it saw that the house was quieter, it came back, and when it saw that Michiko was not in the house, it went into the secret room, and when it saw that she was behaving like a madwoman, it was frightened and ran out again. It surrounded Alice and wanted food, Alice was in a bored mood and kicked it, "Go away!"
Ronnie woke up at three o'clock in the afternoon, and as soon as he pulled himself up, he asked, "How's Michiko?"
"She's sleeping now, she should be tired after swearing all morning," Alice replied and after a few moments asked, "Ronnie, what's wrong with her?"
"I've been thinking for the last few months that it's most likely a split personality,someone who has suffered great psychological damage creates a second personality to protect themselves. I read a book in the school library called '24 Billys' that had cases like that."
"What about it, can it be cured?"
"I don't know, Michiko becomes dangerous when she's sick, I can't imagine those two 'coins' doing that to her, it's all caused by Mocha setting us up, if we can get off the island we'll definitely get her," Ronnie said angrily.
At that moment, the sound of Michiko crying came. The siblings rushed into the chamber and as soon as she saw them, she asked, "Why are you tying me up?” Alice was about to explain when Michiko saw the bandaged wound on Ronnie's forehead and asked urgently, "What's wrong with you? why are you tying up your head?"
Ronnie didn't know how to answer and stammered for a long time without making a sound. Luckily Alice came out and explained, "He just walked out and fell and his head was bleeding.”
"Then why are you tying me up?" Michiko asked again. Neither of the siblings said anything, just looked at her with a somewhat complicated expression. After a long time, Ronnie said, "Sister, let's be honest! maybe Michiko can control herself better that way."
"Alright then, you say it," Alice hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded in agreement.
After getting his sister's consent, Ronnie crouched down and untied Michiko, then told her everything that had happened that morning. Michiko couldn't believe it for a long time after hearing it, "So I'm the one who hit you on the head."
"It's okay, it'll heal quickly, it's not serious," Ronnie could only be so reassuring.
From that day on, Michiko tried to control her emotions, afraid she would have a sudden attack and hurt the one she loved. Ronnie also taught her a breathing technique called "478" to help regulate her emotions. Whenever she was emotionally unstable, she used this method and it worked very well for her.
Time flies like an arrow, years like a shuttle, the three of them have been living on the island for seven years. Ronnie was sixteen years old and also five foot seven, almost ten centimeters taller than Michiko, but still shorter than Alice. Alice had also changed from a teenage girl to a mature woman in her twenties. Michiko had never had an illness since one two years ago. In seven years, they waited until a ship passed the island, and Ronnie rushed home to get a firelighter and ran to the beacon to relight it. By the time he lit the fire, the ship was long gone. He did not give up, and built a small boat to the sea, but the boat was too small, after a day of walking on the capsize, the three people escaped from death, it was difficult to return to the island. Later, as long as Ronnie had the idea of leaving the island, the two women were against it at the same time. Now he had given up the idea of leaving the island, and he was getting used to life on the island and wanted to spend his life here. Michiko had a secret in her heart. When she saw that Ronnie no longer mentioned the matter of leaving the island, she had the idea of marrying him. It was mentioned to him many times, explicitly and implicitly, but Ronnie wasn't interested, he was only interested in various researches. Seven years of reconstruction had changed the island. He had planted over five hundred trees from cuttings and built a cistern to collect rainwater. He extracted iron ore from the rocks and made iron products for everyday use, such as iron pots, shovels, table knives, and kitchen knives. He also spent three months digging a large fishpond on the beach, bringing in water from the sea and raising fish, shrimp, crabs, shellfish, and seaweed. Alice no longer had to go out to sea, she now had absolute trust in Ronnie, and as long as there was no talk of leaving the island, she would support him unconditionally. Every day she followed Ronnie to do all sorts of research as his assistant. "Monta”, who now weighed almost ten kilos, followed Michiko around like a bodyguard. Michiko had nothing to do but think about marrying Ronnie. Today was her birthday and she wanted to spend it alone with Ronnie. Ronnie was working on making wine out of potatoes and didn't even look up, "What do you want from me, Michiko?"
Michiko blushed, "It's my birthday, do you want to celebrate with me?"
"I know!or I told you the date, my sister said the birthday doesn't start until the evening and she's getting ready!"
"I-I!" Michiko whispered as her head hung lower, "I mean it's just the two of us, I'm ready!"
Ronnie looked up in surprise, "Why? what about Sis? are you going to leave her alone?"
Michiko was a little embarrassed, "Then we'll celebrate with the two of us now, and then we'll celebrate with your sister in the evening."
"Why two birthdays on one day? women are such a pain," Ronnie complained. But he finally agreed, put down his work and the two of them walked out of the lab together.

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