by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-19 10:22:50

Time flies, in the blink of an eye, it was the 26th of July, the two siblings got the application form at the New City Preparation Office, which had to be filled out: name, sex, age, education, current nationality, language, marriage, work resume, occupation to apply for, contact method, and so on. Ronnie looked at the "Occupation to Apply for" and asked, "Sister, there are eighteen occupations here, which one should we choose?”
Alice took her own copy of the application form and read it carefully, and saw that it said
1. Scientific Researcher (492/5000)
Must be between the ages of 16 and 52 and must provide evidence of relevant professional qualifications and relevant academic degrees.
2. Teachers in schools and universities (68/600)
3. medical and nursing staff (78/600)
4. External knights (54/300)
Primarily responsible for funding the city, promoting the New World to the outside world, and implementing the city-state's scientific research, they consist of stock traders, lawmakers, entrepreneurs, intelligence officers, and all sorts of related professionals.
5. City Guard (8/60)
Maintain order in the city and organize foreign wars.
6. Council of the Prime Minister (15/60 members)
Manages relations with other cities, reviews and appeals job applications within the city, financial management, dispute resolution, and organizes festivals.
7.Item Food Manager (23/60)
Sorting and logistical distribution of food for self-help areas, procurement of food items.
8. Mechanical and Electrical Design and Production and Maintenance (57/300)
Design and manufacture of all types of machinery and maintenance of all types of equipment such as elevators and computers.
9. Paramour (2/300)
10. Garbage collector (1/30 names)
11.Station keeper (0/30)
12.Farming and breeding personnel (27/90 names)
Provide daily food for self-sufficiency within the city-state.
13. Backup Emergency Personnel (23/300)
Handle emergencies. Provide temporary help when there is a shortage in a profession; manage pets.
14.Cooks (12/90)
15.Cleaning staff (2/60 members)
16. The team of the Holy Virgin (0/12 fixed)
Six assistants to the Holy Virgin and six escorts (all female) are needed to organize the annual tournament and ceremonies in the New World.
17. New City Preparation Office (0/18 fixed)
18.Guardian of the House of the Three Wolves (8/100 names)
Responsible for the daily care of minors between the ages of 3-16 and handling emergencies.
After reading the application form, Ronnie regretfully said, "Sister, I think you're best suited for 'The Holy Virgin's Team', but it's too bad there are no more spots left.”
"Then I'll choose the career of 'Farming and Breeding Personnel', I've been farming fish on the island for so many years, and I have experience as well. Ronnie, you go with me!"
Ronnie's face showed a look of difficulty, "Sister, I want to choose 'City Guard' so that it will be easier to find Michiko."
"All right then! I'll go with you," the siblings finished their discussion and waited for the interview in September. The duo left the New Town Preparation Office and returned to the subsidized station. They lived there for nearly a month. After Alice lost her nine-star watch at sea last time, she now opened the nine-star payment, she originally had more than two thousand star coins left, the siblings had saved for the last month, and currently had about one thousand six hundred star coins left. At that time, Ronnie saw a boy chasing after a girl, shouting, "Vinique, wait for me, why are you running so fast? ”The girl stopped when she noticed someone staring at her on the side of the road and asked, "Do you know me?”
If someone hadn't called out the name "Vinique," Ronnie wouldn't have thought that this pretty blonde woman was the scrawny little girl sitting at the table next to him.
"I'm Ronnie, I don't know if you remember me?" Ronnie said as he rubbed his nose.
Vinique looked him up and down a few times and exclaimed in surprise, "Are you really Ronnie? I haven't seen you in ten years and you've grown taller."
The boy who had been following them had now come up and looked at Ronnie unhappily and pointed at him, "Who is this guy?"
"Vincent, go away and don't get in the way of me talking to Ronnie," Vinique said and pushed the boy aside.
The boy grunted in exasperation, "Then you guys talk, I'm leaving." He had expected Vinique to offer words of retention, but she didn't even look at him, let alone offer words of retention.
Ronnie saw him leave and said to Vinique, "Aren't you going to follow?"
 "I'm not following, just so I can dump him," Vinique beamed and then asked, "Ronnie, where have you been all these years and where do you live now?"
"I live here." Ronnie pointed to the subsidized station, then added, "I'm moving to the city-state with my sister in a few months."
"Live here?" Vinique was surprised, "how can anyone live here? Ronnie, if you consider me a friend, stay at my house, I have plenty of empty rooms."
"This ... "Ronnie wanted to push back, but seeing that she was so sincere in her invitation, he just couldn't open his mouth to refuse. He glanced at Alice, who was standing across the street, to ask for her opinion, but unfortunately she didn't give any instructions. Seeing the looks exchanged between the siblings, Vinique couldn't help but ask, "Is she your girlfriend?"
 "No, she's my sister, her name is Alice," Ronnie was busy waving.
"Wow! your sister is so beautiful!" Vinique couldn't help but praise.
"Vinique, it's really inconvenient for both of us, my sister and I, to go to your house, thank you for your kindness," Ronnie apologized.
As soon as he said that, Vinique actually got a little angry and said, "Ronnie, it's the same wherever you sleep as a man, but Alice is a girl and sleeps with you on the street all day, how dare you?"
Ronnie's face turned a shade of red and white when she spoke to him, and he finally had to agree. At this time Alice also came over, "Ronnie, you take the idea, I'll listen to you.”
Vinnie could see that the siblings agreed and was overjoyed. She pulled Alice's arm and said affectionately, "Sister, let's go!"
Vinique's house was in the center of town. She led the siblings through a few streets before they arrived. She pointed to Ronnie's duo and said to one of them, "These two are my friends, from now on they can come and go as they please.”
The guard nodded and said, "Yes, Miss Sixth.”after saying that, he looked at the siblings and memorized their appearance.
Ronnie didn't know that Vinique's family was so rich, he smiled and said, "Vinique, I can't believe you're a rich lady.”
"If I could choose, I'd rather have a good head on my shoulders like you, you were a school star back in the day."
 "Why didn't I know that? I always thought I kept a low profile," Ronnie looked incredulous.
"You spend all day in the library, of course you don't know anything, a lot of things about you are rumored by our teachers."
The two walked and talked. Alice followed them silently. Every time the three walked a little, someone would bend down and bow to Vinique, but she just waved her hand and didn't say anything. The three of them walked down a long corridor and reached the drawing room, and the siblings' eyes lit up. The hall was gilded and decorated with extreme luxury. It looked like a church, with a circular structure at the top on which a thousand strange patterns were painted, and various reliefs were carved on the walls. The room was divided into two floors, with a small balcony on the second floor where a girl of sixteen or seventeen was standing. When she saw the three of them enter, she asked, "Sister, did you bring your friends back to play?"
Ronnie looked up in surprise, almost shouting out loud because the girl looked a lot like Michiko. Vinique waved her hand at the girl and called, "Yurina, come down here and I'll introduce you to my two friends."
Yurina heard her sister's call and immediately ran downstairs. As she ran down Vinique explained, "Yurina is my half sister, her mother is of Asian descent, ”as soon as she finished speaking, Yurina came running down, panting. She reached out her small hand and shook Alice's, smiling, "Sister, my name is Yurina, please take care of me from now on," she looked at Ronnie again with some hesitation, "are you an older brother or a younger brother?"
"I'm nineteen, I should be older than you," Ronnie smiled. This time he took the initiative and extended his hand, holding her soft and gentle hand, he immediately remembered Michiko, remembered the scene when they danced in the "Umbrella House" and couldn't help but feel a little infatuated. "Brother, why do you keep holding my hand?" Yurina shouted with a slightly flushed face.
Ronnie woke up as if in a dream, his face was embarrassed and he apologized, "I'm sorry, I just remembered something.”
Vinique introduced the siblings to Yurina, "This beautiful sister is Alice and this is Ronnie.”
"Ronnie! you're Ronnie, I heard your name a lot when I first started school," Yurina squealed as she clapped her hands at her words.
Ronnie really couldn't imagine how famous he was that a little girl would remember him ten years later. He unconsciously straightened his chest, a smug look on his face. Inexplicably, Yurina suddenly lowered her head and whispered to Vinique, "Sister, you should introduce Ronnie to Dad, he should be very interested."
A look of difficulty appeared on Vinique's face, "I'll think about it."
Both siblings were confused as they listened to the duo's conversation, not knowing what they were talking about. Ronnie wanted to open his mouth to ask, but was stopped by a look from Alice, so he had to hold his tongue.

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