by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 20:58:18

Ronnie had not been idle since his return to the Shire Town, taking the time to go to the school library every day for the past twenty days or so. This time the Baron wanted to test him, he was still very confident, only a little disappointed when he heard that it would be three days before there would be a yacht to Strange Island. It was time for the evening banquet that had been held in the lounge during the day, and by the time the Ronnie duo appeared, the lounge had been packed for a long time, with almost the entire Flange family of three generations who could attend. These people were mostly young people and teenagers, all of them good looking. There were also some small children under the age of ten. The scene was chaotic, much like a food market. The Baron was sitting in the master's seat, and when he saw the siblings come in and wave to him, Ronnie, who was very unaccustomed to this kind of event, suddenly felt at a loss. Alice, on the other hand, being generous and decent, took Ronnie's hand and walked over to the Baron. The Baron's first and second lieutenants were already sitting to the left of the two old men. One of them saw Ronnie and asked, "Are you Ronnie? I'm De Silva, remember me?"
Ronnie was also happy to see a familiar face, "Of course I remember you, I even won you a 'Bira Coin'."
"Haha ..." Professor De Silva couldn't help but laugh, "I can't believe we can meet again after ten years, I've been looking for you ever since, where have you been these past few years?"
 "My sister and I were trapped on an island for nine years, we just got out last year," Ronnie answered truthfully, for some reason he always felt that this professor had a familiar smell.
"Ugh!" De Silva sighed, "I can't imagine what you could have accomplished if you had used those nine years wisely.”
"I'll be entering the city-state in a few months, so maybe we'll meet again then."
"Ronnie, I hope you will accept my invitation to the Institute this time," De Silva looked at him sincerely and waited for his answer.
"What about my sister?" Like last time, Ronnie asked the same question.
"She can, of course, but she'll have to go through the normal channels."
"I'd better go with her then! It won't take more than a few months anyway," Ronnie insisted stubbornly.
"Alright then!" De Silva had a disappointed look on his face, "We'll get in touch when you enter the city-state, here's my contact information," he said and showed Ronnie the identification number on his watch.
The Baron was quite unhappy to see the two of them chatting, and he was about to speak when De Silva turned his head to him, "Flange, I don't think we should test him, I definitely won't look away.”
"All right then! I trust you," Flange nodded as he placed the siblings in the third and fourth seats. From a distance, Vinique saw that Ronnie was already seated and walked straight up to him, calling a boy of about twenty who occupied the fifth seat and sitting on her own butt, while Yurina sat in the third seat from the bottom in that row, across from the Baron's wives. The Flanges were fiercely competitive, and the individual children were divided into ranks, as could be seen from the seating arrangements at the banquet. The eleven children of the family were divided into two factions, the practical faction led by Doyle on one side and the hedonistic faction led by Vinique on the other. There were only four girls among the eleven children, and all the others were boys. Doyle was thirty-six years old this year, second in line, smart and capable, and considered Baron Flange's most capable assistant. Now only the third, fourth and seventh were in the same camp with him. Except for the two younger brothers, who were still minors, the others all followed Vinique. The oldest brother was crazy, but it was clerical crazy, logical crazy, and he didn't beat people up for no reason.
The Baron had a bit of a headache right now. He had just heard Ronnie say that he was going to the city-state, which was the complete opposite of his plan, and now he had to find a way to keep this genius. What way was that? As he thought hard, Ronnie's perverse behavior made his eyes light up, and he noticed that every time he spoke, he would intentionally or unintentionally look down at Yurina. "Could it be that he likes this girl Yurina?" the Baron wondered in his mind. Usually, the Baron didn't care much about Yurina, he always had the feeling that this daughter wouldn't amount to much. Apart from being cute, there was nothing attractive about her. This was also due to her young age and her ignorance, and only when she became a little more enlightened in the last few years did she realize that her father's love had already been shared by her older siblings. She usually didn't dare to go directly to the Baron and had to follow Vinique before she dared to go. Ronnie had a good feeling about Yurina and felt especially close to her because this girl reminded him of Michiko. At that moment he saw Yurina sitting on the third last seat and wanted to go over there, but he was embarrassed. Yurina also noticed that Ronnie was looking at her and blushed and bowed her head. The party went on for more than two hours and then it was time to dance. Everyone went to find their own dance partner, and the beautiful Alice became the center of attention at the ball, with people constantly asking her to dance. Ronnie, on the other hand, sat alone. He looked around and jumped at the chance to get up and ask a girl to dance, he wanted to ask Yurina but gave up when he saw that she was already dancing with another boy. Gathering his courage, he made his way over to an ordinary looking girl. "Excuse me miss, may I have a dance with you?"
The girl looked at him and said disdainfully, "Bumpkin, don't think that sitting next to the Baron means that you're a person of status," with that, she walked away without looking back.
Ronnie looked confused and rubbed his head, "Strange, how did I offend her?" he could only return to his seat, "forget it, I'd better watch the others dance, I'm not very good at it either, lest I make a fool of myself. This isn't the Umbrella House where I can be so casual," he thought to himself.
The Baron, who was smoking a cigar on the other side of the room, looked at Ronnie sitting alone and went over to Yurina. The boy she was dancing with saw him coming and let go immediately, "Uncle, I have to do something, I'll go first, bye!"
When the boy was far away, the Baron whispered to Yurina, "I've noticed that Ronnie likes you a lot, he's sitting alone right now, go over and dance with him, and you also have to find a way to keep him in our house."
Yurina didn't realize that the first time her father took the initiative to talk to her was to ask her to seduce a man. Still, she was happy to oblige. She was also looking for Ronnie when she danced with the others just now and was still jealous in her mind when she saw him later approaching a girl. She turned around and finally saw Ronnie sitting alone in the corner and laughed softly, "What's the matter, too ugly to be served?"
"I just tried to ask a girl to dance and she called me a bumpkin?" Ronnie blushed.
Yurina graciously took his hand and laughed, "Then why don't you dance with me! I won't call you a bumpkin, don't worry."
They danced until the end of the ball, when Yurina whispered in his ear, "Would you like to come with me to my room? there are lots of fun and delicious things there," she covered her mouth and smiled fondly as she finished speaking, her eyes filled with ambiguous intentions.
Ronnie couldn't help but be stunned, and after a while he said, "Then I'll talk to my sister, wait for me," he paced back and forth, using only a short ten seconds or so.
"So eager!" Yurina was amused.
The duo left the living room, and after two turns, they came to an attic building, and they went up to the second floor. When they pushed open the door, the room wasn't large, but it was exquisitely decorated, with several oil paintings hanging on the walls and a thick, soft carpet on the floor. The whole room looked cozy and comfortable. Yurina sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, her eyes flickering with a mischievous and mesmerizing glow. "Why don't you come over?" she stretched out her white, jade-like arm and pointed her finger at Ronnie.
"I, I!" Ronnie was a little incoherent, his cheeks flushed.
"You what?" Yurina suddenly stood up and came towards him, their bodies almost colliding.
"I..! I want a drink of water first," Ronnie swallowed, the knots in his throat rolling. He was nervous, his palms were sweaty and his breathing was rapid.
"Yeah? then I'll get you a cup of coffee," the corners of Yurina's mouth turned into a bright smile. She had just taken a step to leave when Ronnie couldn't hold back any longer and pulled her into his arms. "Ah...well... you guys, so bad...well...! " she screamed, but in her heart she was happy, she knew that this man had been defeated by her.
The next day, the two woke up from their sleep, Yurina cuddled up to Ronnie. She opened her mouth and said, "Ronnie, I'm your wife now, will you marry me?"
"But I'm going to the city-state, do you want to go with me?" Ronnie asked.
"I'm not going, I'm asking you to stay in this house," Yurina said.
Ronnie got worried, "That's impossible, I'm going to the city-state to find someone."
 "Who exactly are you looking for, do you have another woman?"
"She's a woman, but she's not my girlfriend yet, her name is Michiko, my sister and I lived with her on the island for seven years, then she disappeared. I want to find her, to make sure she's still alive in this world.”
"So there was another person on the island with you, it seems like you must have loved her very much, otherwise you wouldn't have searched for her like this."
"I don't know if this is love,but I have to find her," Ronnie said with a determined look in his eyes.
Yurina lowered her head sadly, "Then go! I hope you won't regret it."
Ronnie looked at the girl in his arms in surprise, "Why are you all saying the same thing? that was the last thing she said to me."
"So do you regret it?"
"I regret it, if I could go back in time I would never let her go."
"Ronnie, can you stay with me until you go to the city-state?" after saying these words, Yurina rolled over on top of him and pressed her lips against his. Feeling the softness and scent of the girl, Ronnie felt his whole body become hot, his body reacted at once and the two of them intertwined their necks, their noses and breaths intertwined.

continue to next part