by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 20:58:58

For the next month, the two were as close as they could be. Ronnie had long forgotten about going to the island and the city-state. Vinique came several times to press the matter of going to the island, but to no avail, and finally she had to give up. Ronnie had suffered on the island for almost ten years, but in one month, Yurina had gradually changed him with food and her body. He lost his fighting spirit and his body wasted away day by day. That day, Alice saw him and called out to him, "Ronnie, why have you become like this? the interview for the City-state is coming up in a few days, do you still want to go or not?"
"Sister, doesn't it end in October? don't be in a hurry. I'm going to Yurina's first, bye!" after Ronnie finished speaking, he waved his hand and left without looking back.
Alice couldn't help but sigh as she looked at his distant back. The conversation between the siblings was also overheard by the passing Baron, who also shook his head and whispered softly, "It seems that the beauty barrier is the hardest thing to deal with, if it continues like this, this genius will turn into a waste.” He turned and walked towards Vinique's residence. "Dad, why are you here?" Vinique was surprised to see the Baron.
"I'm looking for you for something!" the Baron nodded his head and said with a serious expression, "Ronnie can't go on like this, you take Yurina to your aunt's house now and stay there, just tell Ronnie that she's pregnant and needs to go recuperate."
"Ah ... Yurina is pregnant, why didn't I know that?" Vinique's mouth dropped open in shock.
"This can't be wrong, Yurina is the one I sent to get close to Ronnie, it looks like the girl is doing well," the Baron said with a smile on his face.
"Then why did you separate them?" Vinique asked with doubt in her eyes.
"Now that Yurina is pregnant, when the child is born, Ronnie will also be considered our family, if he stays at home, he will at most become the Baron's son-in-law, only by entering the city-state will his talent be utilized, perhaps our family will have to rely on him to support us in the future."
"Father, are you overestimating him? is he as powerful as you think?"
 "Would I be that stupid? I went to the school to do some more research recently. From the various professors who came in contact with him, I learned that he is indeed a genius, which is why Professor De Silva was looking for him," the Baron said confidently.
"Then I'll go find Yurina," the father-daughter duo ended their conversation. Vinique walked out the door and went straight to the door of Yurina's room, she knocked lightly on the door "Boom Boom ... Boom Boom Boom ..." there was no answer. She increased the intensity and knocked five or six more times. The door opened a little and a round head popped out, it was Ronnie, "What can I do for you Vinique?"
Vinique looked at him with a haggard face and there were two dark circles under his eyes, a sickly look, there was anger in her heart, she opened her mouth and scolded, "Ronnie, you can't get out of the sweet surrender when you're in it, right? and you're really something, what kind of man?"
Ronnie's face was expressionless when he heard these words, at this moment, he had been numb for a long time, he impatiently said, "Everyone says the same thing to me, aren't you tired of it? my being with Yurina doesn't bother others, why do you care so much?"
"You!" Vinique's anger increased, "then go away, I'm going in to find Yurina," she said, pushing the door open with all her might and bursting into the house. Ronnie was both knocked down by her push and he sat on the floor with his pants still in his hands. He muttered, "Women are so barbaric these days, they're so uneducated..."
His words were just finished, Vinique had already entered the inner room, saw the half naked Yurina, did not have the good sense to say, "You hurry to put your clothes on, I can't imagine that at your young age, you are really good at seducing men, and fascinated Ronnie to the point that he lost his soul. Vinique has always thought that she is much prettier than Yurina, men should all look at her first, she did not put this sister in her eyes at all, she wanted to test Ronnie and let him slowly fall in love with her, but she did not expect that Yurina did not follow common sense and directly used her body to attack to steal Ronnie in a short period of time. Now that her father appreciated Ronnie, she couldn't help but feel jealous of Yurina. This woman was no longer the original cute sister, but her love rival. On the other hand, Ronnie, who was pulling up his pants, heard the two women mention his name and quietly pushed his way out. Yurina didn't listen to Vinique as much as she used to, she slowly got up and got dressed, ''Sis, what's wrong? the moment you come in you're mad at us."
"Dad said you're pregnant and asked you to go to our aunt's house to rest for a while."
"I'm not going, don't think I don't know, this must be your idea, you want to break up Ronnie and me, don't you?" Yurina asked back excitedly.
"Believe it or not, it looks like we'll just have to wait for Dad to talk to you directly," Vinique scoffed.
Yurina immediately softened when she heard that she had to tell her father: "Then I'll talk to Ronnie and come back tomorrow.”
"Good then!" Vinique said nothing, turned around and left.
After she was gone, Ronnie was called back into the house by Yurina. The two looked at each other lovingly and sat down together at the bed. Yurina suddenly lowered her head and murmured, "I, I want to tell you something, I'm pregnant."
"What? can you speak louder?"
Yurina had no choice but to raise her voice and say it again. This time Ronnie heard it and exclaimed, "Really ... that's great!"
He jumped up and down with joy, rubbed his hands together and walked around the room excitedly. Yurina hadn't expected him to be so excited, and she felt that she had found the right person. After waiting for him to calm down, she spoke again, "Just now Vinique came over and told me that Dad wants me to go to my aunt's house to recuperate and he wants me to go there tomorrow.”
Ronnie froze for a moment after hearing this before saying, "That's okay, we'll be together as a family when you have the baby."
"Hmm!" Yurina shot out and wrapped her arms around his waist and whispered in his ear, "Now that we have a child, you don't have to go to the city-state, okay?"
"Okay then! I'll listen to you," Ronnie casually agreed, and the two of them said they were intertwined again. The next day, Ronnie woke up to find Yurina long gone. He had worked extra hard last night because of their impending separation, and now his legs were a little weak. As he pushed himself out of bed, he realized that it was already three o'clock in the afternoon. At this point, he remembered his sister and went to Alice's house. After knocking on the door a few times with no response, he was about to scream when a woman approached and handed him a letter. The woman explained, "Your sister asked me to give you this letter,she left yesterday," Ronnie quickly opened the letter to see what it said:
I don't know when you will read this letter because I have left and I am glad to see you in a good place. Forgive me for not being able to stay with you, I have my own mission, I will enter the city-state not only to find Michiko, but also to fulfill our mother's last wish. On her deathbed, she asked me to return to the city-state to find our father, something I didn't tell you when you were too young. Father and Mother were found guilty by the City-state. Mother was only banished from the City-state because she was pregnant with you. Then Mother took me with her and wandered around until you were born. Ronnie, I hope you can be strong and get out of your own way, I will wish you well from afar.
August 28th
Sister Alice
After reading Alice's letter, Ronnie was struck by lightning and immediately came to his senses. He let out a long sigh and said, "Everything here is like a dream, I should wake up too."

continue to next part