by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:00:12

Before he left, Ronnie thought he should say goodbye to Vinique and the Baron and headed to their place. After turning the first corner, he came face to face with a big fat man. He shouted happily, "Brother! will you play sumo with me?" Ronnie, confused by the collision, muttered, "Sumo? what sumo?" no sooner had he finished speaking than the fat man made a lunge, lifted him over his head with one hand, and threw him out with a little force. Ronnie had been almost drained by Yurina in the last month, all that was left was his skeleton, skinny as a monkey, weighing less than a hundred pounds, he was thrown six or seven meters at a time and fell heavily to the ground. The fat man was followed by three people, two men and a woman, who saw that he had been thrown badly and rushed to help him up. They kept apologizing, and the girl, lowering her voice, said to him, "This is 'Billy,' the young master who likes sumo wrestling the most,” she pointed at her head again. Ronnie soon understood, he remembered Yurina telling him about a crazy older brother in the family and he admitted he was out of luck, slapped his ass and walked away. Billy saw him go and looked at the girl and asked, "Why is he gone, brother?"
The girl hurriedly explained, "Young Master, he was defeated by you and didn't dare fight you again, so he could only run away, Young Master is number one again this time.”
Billy gave his own thumbs up and shouted, "Cool!”
Seeing this, readers might think that the writer made a mistake, why would Billy call the girl brother too? This is because Billy has "face recognition difficulties”. He saw everyone with the same face and even called the Baron "brother”! He was the oldest in the family, and the Baron's children were more male than female, so calling everyone "brother" was a better way to ensure accuracy. It was this crazy son in his first child that made the Baron take his genes seriously. His first wife was normal and beautiful, but he didn't know that his wife's father was crazy. Not only was the old man insane, but he passed the disease from one generation to the next. After that, the baron had to strictly check three generations to marry a wife, and only those who were genetically stable for three generations could pass the test. He drove his first wife back to her mother's house, and he can't afford to throw his crazy son out the door, so he can only keep him as a pet. Three men were assigned to him every day for special service. Billy's favorite sport was sumo wrestling, and today he accidentally bumped into Ronnie.
Ronnie fell on his face, and when he found Vinique, she asked strangely, "What happened to you?"
"Nothing, I fell!" Ronnie didn't want to explain too much.
"Then why did you come here?"
"I came to say goodbye, I'm leaving."
Vinique was disappointed at the sound of that, she looked into Ronnie's eyes and asked, "Ronnie, I want to ask you something, I want you to be honest, if I had a relationship with you first, would you like me?"
Ronnie didn't dare to look at her and turned his head to the side, "Vinique, we went to school together, I never thought about anything like that, I just started with Yurina and just thought she was affectionate."
"I see, then go away!" Vinique was angry to hear Ronnie say that and gave her the expulsion order.
Ronnie said goodbye to Vinique and went to look for the Baron, but he didn't have Vinique's locator watch, so he turned in a big circle with great difficulty.  The Baron had guessed the purpose of his visit from his appearance. He had just met his own crazy son, who had called him "Brother", and fortunately the two male followers had arrived in time to pull Billy away, just in time to prevent him from making a fool of himself. Billy saw his father running, pointed to his back, and asked: "Brother, why did he run, too?"
The two were in a hurry to vent their usual frustration with the Baron, "That man is a thief, he was trying to steal something and when he saw you were so powerful he got scared and ran away.”
Billy gave another thumbs up and boasted, "Cool!”
Ronnie got right to the point as soon as he saw the Baron, "Uncle Flange, I've come to say goodbye.”
"Huh!" the Baron laughed, "Ronnie, in the city-state, as long as a pair of lovers give birth to a child, they automatically become husband and wife, you can also call me Dad."
The word “Dad” was too strange to Ronnie, he had never met his father and it was embarrassing to ask him to call him Dad, his heart was really twisted, at the same time he also thought that this was not a city-state and the child was not born. He stammered for half a day without making a sound. The Baron covered it up with a louder laugh: "It doesn't matter if you can't shout now, just get used to it later, ”then he said with a straight face, "it's good for you to go to the city-state, don't worry about Yurina, I'll definitely take good care of her. This place will also be your home from now on, you must come back often, the city-state is not far from here."
Hearing these words, Ronnie was a little touched, "Thank you! Uncle Flange." When he left the Baron's house, he went straight to the new City Preparatory Office. Here, in the temporary residence, he found Alice. As soon as the two of them met, a strange smile appeared on her face. And her expression just happened to catch Ronnie's eye as he walked up and asked with a smile, "Sister, did you know I was coming?"
"I made a bet with Vinique that you wouldn't come and it looks like I won. It's just that I didn't expect you to come so soon, I thought it would take you at least half a month to see the letter I wrote," Alice said truthfully.
 "Sister! I'm sorry, I must have worried you."
"It's not your fault!" Alice took his hand and said softly, "Ronnie, all men have to go through trials to grow up. This time you passed the test and I am proud of you."
A few days later, the duo successfully passed the interview and stayed in their temporary home, waiting for November 10th to come to enter the city-state. Ronnie went to the school library every day to study while they waited, and Alice followed him when she had nothing else to do. Looking at this beautiful sister, he thought in his heart, "Sister is also twenty-four years old, she should find a boyfriend.”
"Sister, do you have a favorite boy?" he opened his mouth to ask.
Alice couldn't help but be stunned, she hadn't expected Ronnie to suddenly ask that question, "Not yet, why are you asking?"
"Sister, what kind of man do you like?"
"I like the man like you," Alice blurted out. She stayed in the Baron's house for a month, up to thirty-five and down to sixteen, all the unmarried men had confessed to her, and she didn't like any of them. She didn't like the kind of Cockney who lived a dull life and did nothing all day. She liked the kind of man who was mature, had a good sense of humor, had endured all kinds of trials, and had a will of steel.
"Sister, don't joke with me," Ronnie said with a straight face.
"Ronnie, let nature take its course, if I hadn't gotten married I would have stayed with you for the rest of my life," Alice said with a smile.
In the blink of an eye it was November, Ronnie was staying away from women and after two months of normal life his body was slowly recovering. Alice looked at him and joked, "You look much better now, not like a skinny monkey."
"We're leaving at nine, let's go!" the siblings said as they made their way to the meeting place. When they arrived, they found that the place was already full of people, and they were given temporary numbers, 085 and 086, respectively. They found an empty seat and sat down, and as they waited, more and more people arrived. Not far from the siblings, a tall man and a fat man were talking, the fat man pointed at Ronnie and said, "Look, that country bumpkin really has such a beautiful girlfriend, it's really annoying.”
The big man looked at Ronnie and said, "How do you know they're a couple? maybe they're siblings, look how young the boy is."
The fat man shook his head, "That's impossible, do siblings have to hold hands all the time? It has to be a couple."
"Can't a sister and brother hold hands? your mind is still very dirty," The tall man sneered.
In the middle of this duo's conversation, "Ding!" The bell rang and the doors to the meeting place closed. At this point, an employee of the City-state Preparation Office appeared and called out through a megaphone to the more than one hundred newcomers present: "It is now nine o'clock on the dot, and those who have not yet arrived are automatically considered to have given up, so now you will all line up in the order of your temporary number and set out."
Moments later, the team marched in a long line toward the City-state's 'Train of Courage'. It took about seven minutes for the line to reach the station, and Ronnie and Alice followed the line onto the train, where they sat down in numbered order. Ronnie took Alice's hand and said excitedly, "We'll be in the city-state in half an hour, I really hope we can find Michiko in the city-state."
"Ronnie, why are you so nervous? your palms are sweating."
Ronnie sidled up and asked, "Aren't you nervous, sis?"
"I'm a little nervous too, our ten year wish is coming true, hopefully we'll find our dad this time."
Time passed and the train announcer came on, "Passengers, the train will be entering the city state in one minute, please get ready and line up in numbered order to come out." The siblings stood up and lined up behind everyone else, waiting for the train to open.
"Ronnie, do you know how far it is to Shire Town?" Alice asked in a small voice.
"It's five hundred and eighty-six kilometers."
"That far!" Alice was surprised. After she finished the sentence, the train stopped with a snort.

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