by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:00:41

The train announcer came on again, "Passengers, the City-state has arrived, please line up in numbered order and disembark in that order." Ronnie followed his sister off the train. As they stepped off the train, they saw a female guide walking toward them holding a flag. She gathered the line and said to the newcomers, "Welcome to the City-state, my name is Soldana, I am your guide, the first stop today will be to introduce you to the architectural layout of the City-state, now please follow me."
More than a hundred newcomers followed her and walked about three hundred meters to a hall. Only to see a three meter high AR image hovering in the center. Soldana pointed to the image and said, "Where you just got off is the Southwest Sector, where there is a station, a waste center, and a power plant. Where we are now is the West District, the city-state's scientific research organization. The entire city-state is a nine-grid structure. With the Central District as the center, it is divided into nine districts, the Central District has thirty-three floors, the first floor is the cafeteria, the top floor is the item distribution and kitchen, and the second to thirty-second floors are the dormitories. In the center of the negative floor is the Sea of Dreams, surrounded by item warehouses. The northwest zone contains administrative offices, research laboratories, and factories. The north zone is a school. The northeast zone contains hospitals and communities. The Eastern Zone is item self-service and entertainment. The southeast zone has aquaculture and livestock. The southern zone has farmland. This is the main building structure of the city-state, so if anyone has any questions, please raise your hand. ”At that moment, a girl raised her hand, "Hello Soldana, how many rooms are there in the shelter? how many people can live there?"
"We have four types of rooms, A, B, C and D, they are single, double, multiple and deluxe. With forty-eight rooms on each floor, more than three hundred people can live there."
The girl asked, "How big are the rooms?"
Soldana smiled and said, "This seems to be a question that newcomers ask every year, the single rooms here are forty square meters, the double rooms are sixty, the multiple rooms are one hundred and the deluxe rooms are three hundred square meters.”
After the AR image ended, the pattern on Ronnie's flag appeared. This time he saw it with his own eyes and was instantly shocked when he saw the eagle standing on the pattern, which was clearly a white-headed sea eagle. He muttered, "What the hell is going on? there could be such a coincidence in the world.”
"Look!" Alice tapped him on the shoulder, "doesn't that sea eagle look like 'Monta' and the pattern you drew?"
Ronnie looked at her warily, "Are you saying I copied it too?"
"I didn't say it, you thought it,maybe you just have such a good memory that you saw it somewhere before it was imprinted on your brain, you just don't know where," Alice laughed.
"Maybe! that seems to be the only thing that makes sense," Ronnie accepted that answer for the moment.
Their second stop was a conference room where the newcomers were sitting. Soldana said from the podium, "Upon joining the city-state, each person is given an identification number that is not permanent. When the population of the City-state reaches its limit, some of the population will be relocated and the number will change with your place of residence, so please come here in order of your temporary number to receive your identification number."
Ronnie's temporary number was 086, and as Alice left the stage, he walked up, had his identity checked, and the staff engraved his name on the back of his knight's badge. A few moments later he received a watch and a knight's badge from Soldana, then he returned to his seat and looked at the back of the badge, which read: "Identity Number SH9822-08936, Knight Ronnie. ”And the clock showed that his honor value was zero. When everyone had received the identity number, Soldana raised her left hand, showing the watch on her wrist, and said, "This watch is a necessity in the city-state, it can check your honor value and prove your identity, and it is also the key for you to enter and leave the city-state, It also has the functions of communication, navigation, localization, video recording, audio recording, and answering all kinds of questions and others, in the city-state we all call it the 'Big Butler', now everyone can ask all kinds of questions. "
This time Ronnie raised his hand, "Soldana, I would like to know what the honor value is for? why is mine zero?"
"This honor value is very important, its level indicates how much you have contributed to the city-state. If a knight's honor is negative for a long time, he will be expelled from the city. A more detailed introduction to this will be given later in the ‘Entering the City’ tutorial. ”A few more people asked questions, and Soldana answered them all.
At the third stop, the crowd came to the eastern area, and Soldana introduced everyone: "This is the self-service area, and all supplies are environmentally friendly products. Knights of the city-state are free to choose, the same item can only be chosen once, after the selection must be registered, replacement and damage must be returned to the original old items and registered, but also need to deduct the honor value, replacement deducted Ψ2, damage deducted Ψ10, lost deducted Ψ10, the items can be replaced directly after the period of use, without deducting the honor value. Adult female: 12 sets of clothing, 6 sets can be replaced each year, June 4th is the replacement day each year. Adult male: 8 sets of clothing in total, 4 sets can be exchanged each year, also on June 4th.”
Ronnie whispered to Alice next to him, "Sister, I can't imagine that the honor value is so important that it needs to be deducted to replace items."
"Then how do we get the honor value?"
 "There should be details in the training later!" Ronnie guessed.
While the siblings talked, Soldana continued, "Now, each of you will choose your own outfits, and when you're done, we'll go to the Central District.”
The siblings selected two outfits and signed in. Twenty minutes later, when the crowd had chosen their outfits, they followed Soldana to the Central District. The straight-line distance between the Eastern District and the Central District was only two hundred and fifty meters, and everyone arrived quickly. As soon as everyone entered the ground floor of the Central District, they all let out a "wow" sound at the sight in front of them. On the first floor, there was a cafeteria surrounded by seats for meals that could serve eight thousand people at the same time, there were also forty-four elevators that could go directly to all the floors, and in the middle of it was the six-meter-deep, one-hundred-and-fifty-meter-long artificial lake, "Sea of Dreams", and there was a fine sandy beach, and at this time, the sunlight from the roof of the building would shine through the glass onto the sea surface, providing enough light for the entire floor.
"This is a truly ingenious design, not an ounce of space is wasted, every inch is utilized," Ronnie couldn't help but praise it.
"Yes, the 'Sea of Dreams' is so beautiful!" Alice couldn't help but say as well.
It was now eleven thirty in the morning and Soldana clapped her hands, "Attention everyone, this is the last stop and it's a day off again, so you can all dine in your rooms. Your food can be ordered through the ordering system and will be delivered automatically. Now check in with your Big Butler and click on Accommodation, the system will automatically assign each of you to a single room. Everyone can now return to their rooms to rest, the Big Butler will inform you of tomorrow's arrangements, my mission for today is complete, I wish you all a happy life in the city-state, goodbye!”
After listening to the introduction, Ronnie clicked on "Accommodation": SH9822-A-25-42, and next to it was the description: "Your room is a Type A Single, and the location is on the twenty-fifth floor, room forty-two.”
Alice also checked her room number and it read: SH9822-A-14-10.
"Sister, it looks like we live about ten floors apart."
"That can't be helped, it's not like we're in our own house, we can choose where we want to live."
"Sister, let's friend each other on our 'Big Butler' so we can keep in touch." The two watches were in close proximity for three seconds and then clicked to confirm that they had finished friending each other, Alice smiled and said, "If you're not doing anything, don't bother me, now let's each go back to our rooms!"

continue to next part