by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:01:10

"See you, sis!" they parted here and Ronnie raised his hand to his watch and said, "'Big Butler' take me home!"
The Big Butler was immediately awakened: "Master, please get into elevator forty-one first," so Ronnie, guided by Big Butler, arrived at the door of room 42 on the 25th floor. He stood at the door, not knowing how to open it. Just then, a seven- or eight-year-old boy came out from next door, saw him standing there, and reminded him, "Brother, you can ask your butler to open the door for you.”
"Oh!" Ronnie woke up as if from a dream and awkwardly touched his head, "Oh, I forgot,” he turned to the big butler on his wrist and said, "Big Butler, please open the door for me!"
"Master, I'm sorry, the door cannot be opened, this is not room forty-two."
 "Brother, room forty-two is in front, this is room forty,”the enthusiastic little boy opened the door again.
Ronnie's face flushed and he said, "Thank you, little brother, come to my house sometime."
"I'm free right now, can I come to your house to play?" the little boy lifted his head with anticipation in his eyes.
"This ..." Ronnie was stunned for a moment, he had just said it casually and didn't really mean to ask the other to come over. He just wanted to go home, take a shower and get some sleep. The little boy waited half a day without seeing his answer and realized in his heart. "Brother, do you regret it? Then forget it! I'm going home." He's a real go-getter, and he just walked away. Ronnie couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt in his heart, and he resolved that in the future he would never indiscriminately make promises for things he couldn't do.
He took a few more steps toward room forty-two, and just as he was about to open his mouth to call the butler, the door opened automatically. He said to himself, "This is really handy, I don't even have to open my mouth.”
When he entered the room, the door closed automatically. He wanted to familiarize himself with the surroundings first. The single room was only forty square meters. The first room in the corridor was a small bedroom measuring two meters by five by four meters, next to the bedroom was a bathroom measuring two meters by five by two meters, and through the six meter long corridor he came to the balcony, which was four meters square. Seeing such a simple room, he was a little disappointed. It was already noon, so he asked into his wristwatch, "Big Butler, why is there no kitchen here?"
"Master, individuals within the city-state don't need a kitchen, all weekday lunches are served in the first floor cafeteria, other times can be customized through the ordering system and then delivered through the material access port."
"Then you open up the ordering system." Ronnie said.
Moments later, a projection of the ordering system appeared on the balcony wall. A beautiful virtual waitress appeared on the projection, "Hello! Ronnie, welcome to the City-state Food Ordering System, this is your first time using this system. Please select the cuisine you want, we have eight cuisines here: Italian, French, Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Mexican and Greek. If you want to change, please give us a week's notice." Ronnie selected half a dozen dishes and finally settled on Italian. The waitress asked again, "Would you like a large, small or medium?" Ronnie chose a large. The waitress then said, "Please be patient for twenty minutes.”
The floor of the balcony was grass and Ronnie ordered and just lay down, "It's so cozy! I can sleep right here." Twenty minutes passed quickly, only to hear a "ding" sound, a passage appeared in the wall and an iron hand reached out, carrying a plate. On the plate was tonight's lasagna with Bolognese sauce, which he hurried to catch. He looked at the empty balcony and muttered, "Why isn't there even a table or a chair?"
The big butler heard Ronnie and reminded him, "Master, there are three buttons near the access point, black is the access point switch, yellow is the table and chair switch, and red is the emergency button.” Ronnie pressed the yellow button, the opposite wall immediately unfolded two panels up and down, he saw it and thought it was funny, "This is also called a table and chair?" but he sat down anyway, he didn't want to eat standing up. At the end of the meal he couldn't eat any more and thought to himself, "It seems I can't order a big portion, I can't finish it.” He got up, picked up his plate, went to the bathroom, walked over to the toilet and was flushing all the leftover spaghetti down the toilet when his watch beeped "Tick-tock ... tick-tock ..."
"Ronnie, you have been docked 10 honor points for littering."
Ronnie raised his hand to look at his watch, only to see that the honor value on the watch had changed to -10. He cursed angrily: "Damn it! I just got here today, and you're deducting my honor value."
At this point, his wristwatch rang again: "Ronnie, 10 honor points have been deducted due to your cursing."
Ronnie was furious and didn't dare to curse out loud, only cursing the rules of the city-state countless times in his mind. The Big Butler reminded him again, "Master, please return the cutlery to the entrance of the passage for recycling."
 "Big Butler, if there's garbage, should we use the passageway for recycling as well?" Ronnie asked for advice in vain, he didn't want to lose any more honor points.
"Master, individuals in the city state do not produce waste, all food is directly edible, so fish spines are disposed of first, and fruits are also peeled and wrapped in sticky paper. Also, all small personal items are delivered through the access ports, which only go down, not up."
Ronnie looked at the -20 on his watch and asked again, "How do I earn honor points? isn't it difficult?"
"Master, in a few days there will be a training dedicated to this!"
The conversation with the butler ended and there was nothing to do for a while. Satisfied, Ronnie remembered Yurina at this time, an inexplicable stirring in his heart, his mind dwelt on, "How am I going to contact her?" After considering a number of options and rejecting them all, he finally decided to write a letter. He felt that writing a letter would be more romantic, they would go back and forth and the letter would still have the flavor of the other. He found paper and pencil in his bedroom closet. He wrote the following:
Dear Yurina:
Every minute you're not with me seems like an eternity, but even longer than an eternity are the infinite thoughts of you. I can't eat, I can't sleep, my mind is full of you and it's like there's a hole in me that only you can fill. I just arrived in the city state today, everything is so strange here, I wish you were here too so we could be together every day and play the games only two people can play.
Love you Ronnie, looking forward to hearing from you!
It was half a month ago and Yurina was still at her aunt's house. At the moment she was by the pool, she was becoming more and more feminine since she was pregnant. She was in her swimsuit, lying on the couch, and a handsome boy next to her made her giggle. The boy talked to her and stroked her smooth, snow-white thighs, she didn't refuse and the boy got bolder and bolder until he reached the base of her thighs. All of this was witnessed by Vinique who took pictures and sent them to the Baron. The Baron was very angry when he saw these photos. He was afraid that if Yulinai stayed any longer, Ronnie would be in danger of becoming a green bastard. The next day he called Yurina home and made it a rule that she could not leave the house until she gave birth. Yurina stayed at home all day and couldn't help but hate Ronnie and feel that he was the cause of all this. He had gone to the city state without consulting her, even though he had promised to stay home.
Ronnie wrote the letter and mailed it. He addressed it to the Baron's house to ask the Baron to give it to Yurina for him, but he didn't realize that Yurina had returned from her aunt's house. Yurina, who was locked up and sulking at the time, was not moved by Ronnie's letter when she received it and tore it up after reading it. Letters from the city-state arrived the same day; Ronnie sent two in a row, both of which dropped like a stone.
"Could it be that the Baron didn't send them for me?" he thought.
On the third day, he received a letter back from Yurina that read as follows.
Please don't write or call me anymore, I'm locked up at home by my father and you caused all this, I hate you. You lied to me, you promised to stay at home, but you went to the city state anyway. I am in love with another man now, I have nothing to do with you anymore, after I give birth I will find him, only he can bring me happiness.
After reading this letter, Ronnie's heart could not be calmed for a long time, he couldn't imagine that what he got in return for his passion was Yulinai's hatred for him. Separated for only two short months, Yurina fell in love with someone else. If he really thought about it, he would remember that Yurina had slept with him on the first day of their acquaintance; two months in love with a man was considered rare for Yurina. He could only console himself: "Forget it, it's time for me to give up, just think of it as a dream. "He didn't answer Yurina's letter.
The lovesick Ronnie thought of Michiko: "Was Michiko so sad when she was rejected by me? no, she should have suffered more, my experience with her is something Yurina can't compare, it seems it's better for Michiko to only like me, Michiko, where are you?" he shouted out of breath.
He tried to ask the butler, "What would be the best way to find someone in the city-state?"
"Master, I can look for you right now, may I ask the name of the other person?"
Ronnie didn't expect it to be that easy, he said the name excitedly, "Her name is Michiko."
After a few seconds, the butler replied, "I'm sorry, master, there is no trace of that person. However, there are two possibilities, one is that she has set up a hidden message, and the other is that she is a high-ranking person in the city-state and you don't have enough authority.”
"It's unlikely she's a high-ranking person, she's only been there a few years,perhaps she has a hidden message? is there any other way to find her?"
"There is the use of the City-state's radio, but that requires an honor value."
"Again with the honor value, will it ever end?" Ronnie said angrily.
"If we don't use the honor value, there are nearly 10,000 people in the city-state, and every one of them comes to the broadcast to look for someone, then this place will become a food market."
"Is there another way then?"
"Another way is to go to the cafeteria on the first floor at noon on a weekday, when most of the City-state personnel will be eating there, and you should be able to find them that way."

continue to next part