by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:03:01

Mish's house was on the eighth floor, room 15, a type C shared room. The duo walked and chatted and before they knew it they reached Mish's apartment and Ronnie followed her in, where a man and a woman were chatting. Mish pointed to the boy and introduced him, "This is my brother, 'Barry', you've already met him, a station guard in the city-state.”
She then pointed to the girl who blushed and bowed her head at the sight of the stranger, "And this is 'Park Hye'."
Ronnie felt an inexplicable affinity for Park Hye as soon as he saw her, which might have something to do with the fact that she, like Michiko, was yellow. Park Hye was twenty-two years old, of medium height, with long dark hair, a voluptuous figure, rosy cheeks, a nose with a slightly curved tip, and sexy lips with brightly colored lipstick. Park Hye had heard of Ronnie when she was in school, but they had never spoken. Ronnie, trying to make up for his rudeness as a student, took the initiative to speak and held out his hand, "Hello! Park Hye, I'm Ronnie, nice to meet you."
Park Hye blushed and extended her hand as well, but instead of shaking it, she touched it lightly. Seeing Ronnie's eagerness to please her as well as the lustful look in his eyes when he looked at her, Barry had anger in his heart and said to Ronnie, "Aren't you the master who was thrown out of the gambling house that time, how come you're here too?”
Ronnie didn't want to get on Barry's bad side and ignored him. Mish frowned, she found her brother rude and impolite. Three years ago, when she wanted to enter the city-state, she looked for her brother to join her, but he didn't agree. Then she asked Park Hye, who was a simple-minded and unassertive girl, and she agreed, and her brother agreed when he saw that Park Hye also wanted to join the city-state. At first, Park Hye chose the profession of "Backup Emergency Personnel" like Mish, but she failed the test several times, and then she can only choose to be a paramour. When Ronnie heard that Park Hye was a paramour, it was as if he had swallowed a fly. He didn't look down on the profession, but he thought that such a simple girl shouldn't be working in such a place, and he decided to help her.
Barry has been courting Park Hye for three years, but she hasn't said yes yet. She doesn't want a man as stupid as her. Mish also had selfish feelings and always put in a good word for her brother, wanting him and Park Hye to get married. Park Hye was so harassed by the siblings that she had no choice, and today she and Barry were discussing moving out. They were waiting for Mish to return, but they didn't realize that Mish had brought Ronnie with her. The four of them were speechless for a moment, and Mish broke the silence first by asking, "What were you talking about, brother?"
Barry didn't want to mention Park Hye's wish to move out in front of Ronnie and didn't answer. Park Hye saw that Barry didn't say anything and said for him, "Mish, I want to move out. I get off work late sometimes and it bothers you."
Mish was surprised to hear this and didn't know how to speak for a moment. If Park Hye moved out, leaving only her and her brother, the siblings could only move into a Type B double room. According to the city-state's regulations, Type A single rooms - 1-2 people over the age of sixteen can apply for them, Type B double rooms - 2-3 people over the age of sixteen can apply for them, and Type C multi-person rooms - 3-6 people over the age of sixteen can apply for them. All rooms are on a first-come, first-served basis, room changes require a year of living in the room before applying, an extra room must be available at the time of application, and private room changes must be applied for.
The four people fell into silence again, this time Ronnie opened his mouth, "I think it's good to live alone, I just live alone and my time can still be arranged freely.”
When Mish heard his words, she couldn't help but feel some anger in her heart. She felt that Ronnie should be helping her convince Park Hye to stay instead of helping out here. Park Hye accepted Ronnie's support and gave him a grateful look. And with the affirmation of the beautiful woman, Ronnie's spirit was energized as he continued, "The city-state has less than nine thousand people now, so there should be plenty of empty rooms.”
This time, Barry was completely enraged and shouted at Ronnie, "You are not welcome here, please leave!"
Mish quickly stopped, "Brother, you're going too far!"
 "Mish, it's okay, I'm leaving," Ronnie said with a calm face. He glanced at Park Hye as he left before walking out the door.
Back at home, he began to study Park Hye's work schedule. He knew that from now on he couldn't go to Mish's house, he could only find Park Hye when she was at work. He asked the big butler who gave him a complete work schedule:
Days off: Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday are days off.
The following occupations are rotated on days off, and 33% of the staff will be on duty for one day at a time, receiving Ψ4 for the day of duty.
②Teachers in schools and universities
③Medical personnel
④Outside Knights
⑤City guards
⑥Officers of the Prime Minister
⑦Artifact food managers
⑧Mechanical and Electrical Design Production and Maintenance
⑨Paramours: Unlike everyone else, Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays are workdays, and the other four days of the week are rotated.
⑩Garbage collectors
⑪Station managers
⑫ Breeders
⑬ Emergency reserve
⑭ Cooks
⑰ Holy Virgin team
Daily schedule: 9:00 am - 12:00 noon, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm.
Researcher Work Schedule: 9:30am - 12:30pm, 2pm - 4pm
After reading the schedule, Ronnie went straight to the North End school library. He found books on planting and farming, and wanted to use the agricultural experience he had gained during his years of research on 'Strange Island' to teach Park Hye what he had learned through a combination of theory and practice. He spent the night reading several monographs on agriculture. The next day he dragged his tired body to his first day of work. Alice saw him in this state and asked, "What did you do last night? why are you so tired?"
"Sister, I want to change my job, when I first chose City Guard it was to make it easier to find Michiko, now it doesn't feel convenient anymore."
"What will you do then?"
 "Professor De Silva is coming to see me in a few days and I think he might invite me to the institute."
"Then go! I'll stay at the City Guard for now, it will help to inquire about our father."
The City Guard office was located on the first floor of the Northwest District Administration Building. Since Alice had arrived here, she had become the center of attention. The City Guard now had a total of fifty-eight people, only two of whom were women, the other being a tall, stocky, married mother of thirty-four. The City Guard didn't usually have much to do, and were only called upon to deal with disputes and emergencies. Nothing happened to the siblings on their first day. Ronnie sat around all day, getting more and more bored. Alice still had people offering her favors, so she didn't feel that way. She also made friends with the married mother who was trying to find out about her father by talking to her. The married mother had actually heard of her father and knew that he had been convicted as a "traitor" and sentenced to nine years in prison, but she didn't know much about what happened after that. After work, Alice told Ronnie the good news: "Sis, you're so good, you found out what happened to Dad so fast!"
"That's for sure, how can I be like you?all you can think about all day is Michiko."
Ronnie's face heated up and he cheekily asked, "What exactly does Dad do? why is he a 'traitor'?"
"Dad is a scientist for the city-state, and you got your genes from him by being so smart."
"But I wonder where Dad has gone now? maybe he left the City-state."
Alice sighed, "Yes! they all get kicked out of the city after their time in the city-state, and they get blacklisted too."
 "At least now we know he should be alive, don't be too sad, sis," Ronnie comforted.
"Ronnie, I want to find out why Dad is a 'traitor'."
"Okay, since Dad is a scientist, I should be able to find out something by going to the institute."
The siblings talked it over and went their separate ways home. Tomorrow was Wednesday, Ronnie's day off and, conversely, another working day for the paramours. He looked up Park Hye's place of work and headed to the East End. Someone was already in Park Hye's room when he arrived and he waited outside for half an hour. When the man finally came out, he straightened his clothes, smoothed his hair and went into the room. When he stepped into the doorway, his heart was beating like a drum and he thought to himself, "Why am I so nervous, like I'm going on a blind date? He stood in the doorway for a while, and Park Hye inside the room felt strange and called out softly, "Sir, you can come in now!"
Ronnie gathered his courage and entered the house with a red face. When Park Hye, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, saw that it was him, she quickly took the sheet on the bed to cover her chest and then moved back a little while lowering her head and asked, "Why are you here?"
Ronnie didn't dare get too close for fear of scaring her. He stood five meters away from the bed and said, "Don't misunderstand me, I just came over to help you, I have a few years of farming experience on an island, and I've been doing some more homework for the last two days, so if you learn these farming techniques, you can get a new job, what do you say?"
Park Hye knew that the man in front of her was very smart and trusted him. She lowered her head and murmured, "Uh, I'll listen to you.”
Having won her trust, Ronnie's heart was so happy that he turned around and let Park Hye get dressed, then slowly approached the bed and sat down. He took out the prepared materials to explain to the girl. Starting with the basics, of course, an hour passed without him noticing and he could only leave. The rules of the city-state limited each guest to one hour with his paramour. The two had to agree to go to Ronnie's quarters after work to continue their studies. He waited outside until four in the afternoon, when Park Hye came home from work. "Let's go!" Ronnie turned to her and after a moment's pause asked, "are you still staying at Mish's?"
"Well, they've given me permission to move out and the application will come down in a couple of days," the two of them walked and talked, Park Hye letting go more and more and not being so shy anymore, except that she still didn't dare to look up when she spoke.

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