by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:03:33

Professor De Silva arrived in Ronnie's city-state three days later, on the weekend, as promised. They were both very happy to see each other, as if they were old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years, he took out a letter and said to Ronnie, "Ronnie, this is a letter of recommendation that I have written for you, with this letter of recommendation you will be able to enter the Institute directly.”
Ronnie reached out and took it and unfolded it and couldn't help but be astonished, "Huh! how?" because he saw that the top line of the letter of recommendation said, "New World 'Umbrella House' Research Institute”.
Professor De Silva was startled by his sudden cry, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing? I just thought the name of the institute was strange," Ronnie pretended to be relaxed and then asked cautiously, "Professor, do you know how the name 'Umbrella House' Institute came about?"
"The name has been in use since the New World was founded, what's wrong with it?" De Silva replied.
Ronnie shook his head and answered nonchalantly, "Nothing.”
The two chatted for the better part of an hour before they left. Ronnie went to find his sister. Alice was also shocked when she saw the letter of recommendation. She remembered clearly that 'Umbrella House' was the name she had given herself, not Ronnie's.
Ronnie laughed and said to her, "Sister, haven't you heard the name 'Umbrella House' before? you even said I plagiarized it."
"I don't know what's going on, maybe it really is a coincidence, I really hadn't heard the name before I named it, forget it if you don't believe me," Alice argued in a weak voice.
For the next six months, Ronnie helped Park Hye with her homework every day. Park Hye also passed two exams and successfully joined the team of agricultural technicians. Ronnie also spent the six months back at school, working and learning. On his first day of work, Peggy was filled with anger when she saw him: "Why are you here? are you looking for me for something?"
Ronnie hadn't expected the woman to be so self-absorbed as to think he was there to see her. He didn't want to talk to her and kept walking. Peggy yelled behind him, "Stop where you are, no unrelated people are allowed in here during business hours.”
All Ronnie had to do was stop, turn around and say, "Peggy, didn't you say you were a scientific researcher, how come you're guarding the gate here?"
"I don't want you to mind my business, you go quickly," Peggy's anger increased.
"You'll find out when you check my identity, bye!" Ronnie said helplessly.
These days, he went to Park Hye's house every day after work, and now their commuting times were synchronized. But they weren't a couple, they were very close classmates and friends. As soon as he arrived at the house, he would ask, "How was work today? is there anything you don't understand?"
"Not yet, I'll ask you if there's anything I don't understand. Ronnie, thank you for helping me!" Park Hye said gratefully.
Ronnie was the least used to this kind of scene and didn't answer for a while. Seeing that he didn't say anything, Park Hye asked cautiously, "What's wrong with you? did I make you angry?"
"No, I'm just not used to this kind of occasion, so don't thank me anymore. I'm glad you lasted this long, it's also the result of your own efforts."
"Well, I'll listen to you," the simple Park Hye memorized Ronnie's words.
The two chatted for a while before Ronnie got up to say goodbye and return to his accommodation. Just as he arrived at his home, he saw Alice standing at the door, he was slightly surprised, "Sister, why are you here? it's really rare, I haven't seen you for half a month."
"Me!" Alice lowered her head in a way that made it difficult for her to speak.
"What's wrong? what happened?" he asked worriedly, noticing that something was wrong with his sister.
 "Ronnie, can I sleep with you tonight?"
 "Of course you can,what's wrong with you? you're shy,it's weird," Ronnie sighed in relief and laughed.
Alice had been feeling more and more uncomfortable with her recent contact with Halle Berry, and today Halle had actually opened her mouth to say that she liked her, which had scared her for half a day and given her goosebumps all over her body. She was even afraid to go home now and could only hide at Ronnie's house. The two of them entered the house, Ronnie listened to her explanation and laughed out loud, "Sister, you're so charming, not only do men like you, but women love you so much.”
"Don't talk nonsense, if you say it again I'll ignore you."
Ronnie collected his smile and changed his words, "Sister, wait a year, let's apply for a double room, my classmate's siblings just live together, what do you think?"
"That's fine, I'll listen to you," this time, Alice agreed without hesitation, and the siblings sat down on the grass of the balcony.
"Sister, I have 153 honor points now, what about you?"
"I only have 92, how did you get so much? it's only 16 a month for everyone!"
"I got 80 for a level 3 project, I should have 173, but they deducted 20 when I first came here."
"Ronnie, I don't think the honor value is very useful in the city-state either."
"Of course it's useful, it's every scientist's dream to get the First Class Order of the Holy Virgin for us researchers, and to have your name engraved on the historical inscriptions in the capital city, and every year the highest honor value in the city-state can be awarded the Third Class Order of the Holy Virgin, and to live in a deluxe room for a year, and to bring loved ones and friends with you. If I get the Third Class Medal, I'll take you and Park Hye with me,”Ronnie said with anticipation in his eyes.
When she heard Park Hye's name, Alice immediately asked, "What exactly is your relationship with this girl? do you like her?"
"I don't know, Yurina should give birth soon too, I don't think about it too much, just go with the flow!" Ronnie mumbled.
"I think Park Hye is more suitable for you, she has a gentle character and a simple mind, she's a good candidate to be a wife."
Time flew, and in the blink of an eye, Ronnie had been in the city-state for more than a year. It took him a year to earn the Third Class Medal of the Holy Virgin, and he became a celebrity in the 9822 seats of You City. He was the 76th scientist in the three hundred years since the founding of the New World to receive the Third Class Medal in his first year in the city. He, his sister and Park Hye also moved to the eleventh floor of the luxury room. The city-state has a total of one hundred and twenty luxury rooms, four rooms per floor, located in the corridor of the surrounding barrier, and each room is three hundred square meters in size. Seeing such a big house, Alice said happily, "This house is so big, I wish I could live here all the time.”
"We can live here all the time if I get the First Class Order of the Holy Virgin, but it's very difficult. I have to be chosen out of 1.5 billion people, and it's only awarded once every five years,”Ronnie said apologetically.
Alice held his hand and comforted him, "Ronnie, don't be too hard on yourself, you're already great, I'm proud of you.”
Park Hye stood at the window and called out, "Sister, Ronnie, come and look, there's the 'Sea of Dreams' below, it's so beautiful.”
Ronnie heard the sound and rushed to her side, lowering his head to look down. He didn't see the sea, but he did see a pair of large breasts. His eyes were immediately drawn to them like a magnet, unable to move away, and Alice saw his lustful eyes, a slight cough to remind him: "Ronnie, what are you looking at?"
Ronnie, who was discovered by Alice, was filled with embarrassment, he didn't dare to look again, he felt that he would be sorry for Park Hye. He took a deep breath to calm himself and then left the window. He hadn't had coitus since entering the city-state, and he and Park Hye had always been friends. Park Hye wasn't a proactive girl and he didn't know how to ask, the two of them were more like a teacher-student relationship and they just dragged out their relationship for almost a year without any progress. He went to his room, closed the door and fell asleep. Park Hye stood at the window and watched for a long time before she realized he was long gone and asked Alice, "Sister, where is Ronnie?”
"Park Hye, do you like Ronnie?" Alice asked without answering.
Park Hye lowered her head shyly and whispered with a red face, "I like him, but I don't think I'm good enough for him."
Alice was about to continue when there was a knock at the door, she had to go and open the door only to see two men standing in the doorway, one tall and one short, one black and one white, the white one was short, the black one was tall and the white one was holding a baby in his arms. The two men identified themselves as Yurina's seventh and eighth brothers. The seventh brother's name was George and the eighth brother's name was Brown. The baby in George's arms was Ronnie's daughter; George and Brown had arrived in the city-state a year before Ronnie, and on that occasion had been entrusted by the Baron with the task of bringing his daughter to the city-state. Yurina had given birth to a baby girl a few months earlier, left a letter, and run away from home. The Baron was so angry when he saw the letter that he almost spat out a mouthful of black blood, and he immediately announced to his family that Yurina was removed from the family name, and he didn't care if she lived or died in the future. But he didn't want to break the connection with Ronnie, so he had to play with the idea of his granddaughter. He sent his granddaughter to Ronnie to give him an excuse to get close to him. Originally he was going to have Vinique send her, but Vinique was adamant about not doing it, luckily George and Brown were in the city state, so the Baron gave them his granddaughter to bring over.

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