by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:04:02

At this point Alice stood in the doorway not knowing what to do, she had to go and wake Ronnie up. Ronnie woke up with an extra daughter and could not digest it for a moment, he froze and asked, "Whose child is it?"
George and Brown sniffed and wondered in their hearts, "Didn't I just tell you? don't you want the baby?" they had to repeat, "she was born of Yurina and is your daughter."
"My child?" Ronnie murmured, but didn't reach for her. Fortunately, Park Hye came over, saw the little baby and smiled, "What a cute baby, let me hold her.”
George was afraid that no one would pick up the baby, so when he saw someone pick up the baby, he hurriedly put the baby in his arms, then turned around and started to leave. Alice hurriedly called out to stop them, "You too, come in and sit down for a while, I have a few more questions to ask you.”
Seeing that it was a beautiful woman who opened her mouth, the two were too embarrassed to refuse and walked stiffly into the house. The five of them sat down in the living room and Alice asked first, "Has the baby been named yet? how many months is it?"
George was more eloquent and replied, "Her name is 'Vega' and she is over four months old."
Ronnie, who was standing on the side, suddenly spoke up, "Where is Yurina? where is she? why isn't she taking care of the baby?"
George was most afraid of him asking the question, it was a family scandal, but he didn't want to lie to Ronnie either, so he had to tell him about Yurina running away. "She did run away, she has a heart of gold," Ronnie said with a deep voice.
Seeing that the scene was a bit awkward, George and Brown got up to leave. After they left, Park Hye stood up holding the baby and said, "Ronnie, if you agree, I'll take care of the baby from now on."
"Park Hye, thank you, but you still have to go to work, so it's better to put her in the nursery, there are professionals there to take care of her, and you won't be so tired."
 "How about this, every day after work I'll bring her home and take care of her at night, what do you think?" Park Hye asked again.
"All right then!" Ronnie finally agreed.
For the next few days, Park Hye came home from work every day to pick up Little Vega and bring her home. Today, Ronnie came home and saw her and Little Vega playing and joined in. Seeing the three of them having a good time, Alice jokingly said, "You two hurry up and get married!"
Ronnie and Park Hye both turned red at the same time when they heard this and neither of them answered. At that moment, Ronnie had a bad feeling that if he replaced Park Hye with Michiko right now, he would definitely make fun of her. If he replaced her with Yurina, he would have just carried her to bed himself. But with Park Hye, neither was appropriate. He and the girl had more respect for each other, and that was a terrible feeling. He finally came to the conclusion that he probably didn't love Park Hye and was more sympathetic to her. He decided to keep them apart and stayed at the institute as much as possible, often not even going home. Until one day Alice ran up to him at the institute and said, "Ronnie, what's wrong with you? you haven't been home in half a month."
Ronnie told her the same old story, that he was busy and didn't have time to come back. When Alice heard this, she said urgently, "Barry has been courting Park Hye lately, if you don't go back, you won't have a chance.”
 "Sister, forget it, maybe the two of them are more suitable," Ronnie said calmly after hearing that.
"You're not acting like a man, you're hesitating, I don't care about your business from now on," Alice got angry and left.
Mish's brother Barry saw Park Hye moving into Ronnie's house and saw her carrying babies home all day and thought that the duo had the child and wanted to give up. Later, after finding out that the baby is not hers and that Ronnie is living at the institute, he goes on a wild goose chase after her. Yesterday, he proposed to Park Hye by kneeling down in public in the first floor cafeteria. Park Hye was so shocked that she froze and didn't know what to do. There were nearly 2,000 people eating in the cafeteria at the time, and when they saw the public proposal, they went crazy: "Marry him! Marry him! What a smitten man."
Mish also spoke up for her brother: "Park Hye, after living together for three years, you know my brother's character, he really likes you."
Park Hye already had no idea, and this time it was a scene with thousands of people, her mind went blank. But she only remembered one person's name: "Ronnie!" This made her hold back and not say yes to the proposal right away. Luckily, Alice came out to relieve her and said to Barry, who was kneeling, "Barry, you stand up first! let Park Hye think about it."
Mish recognized Alice, knowing she was Ronnie's sister, and said unhappily, "My brother is proposing to Park Hye, not you, what's your hurry?"
"This is not a proposal from you, it's just a forced marriage," Alice said angrily.
She took Park Hye's hand and said, "Park Hye, let's go."
Park Hye's whole body was numb as she pulled her along. The crowd gasped when they saw that the proposal didn't work and dispersed. When the two returned home, Alice said, "If you really like Ronnie, hurry up and marry him or I don't know what will happen in the future.”
"Sister, why doesn't Ronnie come home? is he avoiding me?" Park Hye asked.
Alice couldn't help but be stunned, she sensed this problem too, but she could only comfort her like this, "He must be busy with work and can't get away, I'll go look for him tomorrow.”
Ronnie had indeed been busy lately, trying to set up his own research team. He was looking for 4-5 assistants. George and Brown, who used to work in the mechanical and electrical design, production, and maintenance department, saw that he was hiring and wanted to give it a try. Ronnie had already hired two people, a boy and a girl. The boy's name was Crockett and he was good at math. The girl's name was Lily, three years older than Ronnie, unisex dress, short hair, flat chest, and a pair of breasts that weren't nearly the same size. But she has a sweet voice, if you don't hear her voice it's hard to believe she's a girl, she's good at all kinds of mechanical and electrical manufacturing.
In the research institute, Ronnie saw the white and black brothers, it was not easy to open his mouth to refuse for a moment, how to say that these two are also the elders of his daughter Vega.Gritting his teeth, he left them behind. George and Brown weren't useless, they could still do simple jobs. The two brothers had been miscellaneous in their original department, and it was still the same here, but they didn't mind. Ronnie was now a celebrity in You City and the duo wanted to be close to him, which was the job the Baron had given them.
Ronnie's favorite thing to do was to joke around with Lily, because he liked her sweet voice, but also because it reminded him of how he felt when he joked around with Michiko. That day, Lily took the initiative and said to him, "Boss, do you have a girlfriend? do you want me to be your girlfriend?"
"Stop it, you're older than me but your breasts aren't as big as mine, I don't want you," Ronnie waved his hand.
Lily gave him an annoyed look, "You're so horny and boring!"
Crockett was a quiet man who couldn't say more than two words a day. The black and white brothers just stood by in the outhouse, only coming in when someone called. Luckily, Lily and Ronnie were there to chat and liven things up, otherwise the place would be boring as hell. After Barry's failed proposal on his knees that day, when he came home, Mish asked him, "Brother, do you really like Park Hye that much? do you dare to get down on your knees again?"
"Still kneeling, haven't I been humiliated enough today?" Barry said in a bad mood.
"You're so stupid, if it wasn't for Alice you might have succeeded today, Park Hye doesn't have much of a brain and is easy to handle. Tomorrow I'll stall that hateful woman, you go and propose to Park Hye, you must be in tears, she'll definitely agree."
Barry, having been instructed by his sister and feeling that this had an extremely high chance of success, agreed. The next day, Mish went to the Northwest District Administration Building to find Alice after she finished work in the morning. The two met and she began to stall for time by talking about things. At the same time, Barry had knelt down in the cafeteria and proposed to Park Hye, trying to learn how to cry loudly, but unfortunately he just couldn't. The onlookers were amused by his funny expression. Various voices filled the air, "The man really doesn't get discouraged and comes back for a second time.”
"It's called being in love, learn from it!"
There were also women who sympathized with Park Hye, "This girl is also quite pitiful to be forced to be speechless.”
Although Park Hye was simple-minded, she was not a fool. She knew that if she accepted a marriage proposal in public, she couldn't go back on it. The city-state valued promises above all else. Making a promise and not keeping it would be classified as a second-degree offense, a second-degree offense would result in three years in prison, expulsion from the city after three years, as well as being removed from the city-state and permanently blacklisted. The Mish siblings tried to use this to coerce Park Hye. Park Hye was at a loss for words, thinking that Alice would come out to help her like last time, but when she didn't see her coming, she let out a scream. The onlookers watched as the girl cried and turned to Barry. A woman in her thirties stood out and shouted at Barry, "You're a big man, you force a girl to marry you all day long, are you good at it?"
The words ignited anger in the crowd and some men moved to hit Barry. He didn't dare resist, letting the fists fall to his body as he continued to apologize: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. "The crowd didn't hit him hard, of course, just taught him a lesson.

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