by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:04:28

On the other hand, Alice was being harassed by Mish and was annoyed. Then she reacted and rushed to the cafeteria.
By the time she arrived, the place had dispersed. When she saw Park Hye, the first thing she asked was, "Did you promise him?"
"I didn't promise," Park Hye shook her head and explained what had just happened. Alice said angrily after listening, "I can't imagine that the brother and sister are so hateful that if he kneels down again in the future, you'll turn around and run away.”
"Huh! I know."
"Park Hye, if you really love Ronnie, take the initiative, even though you're a girl, someone has to take the first step."
"Sister, I'll look for Ronnie tomorrow," Park Hye said with a nod.
The next day, the story of Barry's proposal reached Ronnie. Lily spoke with righteous indignation as if she had been forced into marriage herself, "Boss, you didn't see it, the man was even uglier than you and kept kneeling there, and then the girl was made to cry by him.”
When Ronnie heard that he was interested, he asked, "What happened then? did the girl say yes?"
"How beautiful the girl was, how could she agree to marry that pig-headed man? After the girl cried, everyone took pity on her and beat up the ugly man so badly that he fled and I went up and kicked him twice," Lily said happily.
As the two were talking, a woman with a plump figure and delicate appearance walked over. Lily couldn't help but open her mouth when she saw her, the heroine of yesterday's story was standing right in front of her and she was also looking at Ronnie shyly, what was the situation? She wanted to ask a question. Ronnie had already stood up and said to the woman, "Park Hye, why are you here?”
Park Hye lowered her head, red-faced, and said shyly, "Your sister told you to come home at night, and I wanted to see you too.”
"Okay, I'll go home tonight, it's been a long time since I've been home," Ronnie agreed happily.
"Then I'll be off!" Park Hye was overjoyed and immediately had a smile on her face as she happily walked away.
After she left, Lily patted Ronnie's shoulder, "All right, boss, so it was you who charmed that girl, no wonder she didn't say yes to anyone else's proposal."
"Ah ... the girl you were talking about is Park Hye?" Ronnie shouted as an afterthought.
Lily gave him a blank look, "Men like you are the most annoying, you get a bargain but still sell out."
In the blink of an eye, it was time to leave work and Ronnie returned home. Park Hye and Alice had been waiting at home and both women got up at the same time when they saw him return. Alice picked up Vega and said to him, "You two have a nice chat, I'm going out for a while,” she looked at Park Hye again, signaling her to take the initiative, and Park Hye nodded slightly in response. After Alice left, she took a deep breath, walked over to Ronnie and asked, "Do you like me?"
Ronnie was stunned, he hadn't expected Park Hye to ask him that directly, he didn't know how to answer and could only bow his head in silence. In the morning, when he heard Lily say that Park Hye had been proposed to, he had mixed feelings in his heart, but did it count as liking or not? He didn't know either. When Park Hye saw that he didn't say anything, she was disappointed and said, "Why don't you say anything? do you dislike me because I was a paramour?"
 "No, not at all, I just wasn't thinking clearly," Ronnie hastily waved his hands to explain.
"I want to go swimming in the 'Sea of Dreams' now, will you join me?" Park Hye turned the conversation around and said.
"But I can't swim very well, I can only paddle like a dog," Ronnie said honestly.
Park Hye laughed, "It doesn't matter, I'll take you and prepare a life jacket for you."
Ronnie hadn't been to the Sea of Dreams once since he came to You City and he was eager to see it. Park Hye went into the house to get the duo's swimsuits and walked out the door. Ronnie was now a celebrity in 9822 You City. It just so happened that Park Hye had been proposed to again yesterday, and many people recognized her, and there was constant chatter about anything and everything, which the duo didn't take seriously. They took the elevator to the middle section of the first floor. This was the first time Ronnie had come close to the Sea of Dreams, having only passed it before. All that was visible was a wooden sign on the beach that said, "Please don't take a grain of sand.”
 "Where do we change?" Ronnie asked.
Park Hye pointed to the glass rooms around the beach, "These are the rooms, above us are the deluxe rooms, and on this level are the changing rooms.”
The two went their separate ways, Ronnie quickly changed into his swimsuit and waited at the breakup. After waiting more than ten minutes and not seeing Park Hye come out, he started to get a little impatient and was tempted to get angry: "Women are so annoying, they take so long to change."
When the girl appeared in front of him wearing a see-through swimsuit, his anger was instantly gone. He looked at her pair of proud breasts in fascination and couldn't help but swallow. Seeing his expression, Park Hye couldn't help but laugh and said, "Are you thirsty?"
 "I'm not hungry yet!" Ronnie replied icily.
Park Hye giggled at this statement and the two of them felt much closer, she walked over and hugged Ronnie's neck, leaned in close to him, lightly patted his chest and chirped, "You're so bad!" Ronnie was pulled into the water as if lost in thought, and it wasn't until they reached the surface that they remembered they hadn't brought a life preserver. "Then we'll swim around here!" Park Hye apologized.
As soon as Ronnie got into the water, he practiced the doggy paddle, Park Hye thought he was joking, but she didn't realize that he really only knew that position and was amused by his antics again. As soon as she opened her mouth to laugh, she choked on the seawater and sank instantly. Ronnie, not daring to save her for fear of being pulled down with her, swam back to shore and called for help, "Help! someone is drowning."
As soon as he finished speaking, a lifeguard on the shore quickly jumped into the water and swam toward Park Hye. When he was within three meters of her, he grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the water, then swam back to the shore with her. The lifeguard was so quick that it took less than three minutes from the time he entered the water to save her. He immediately performed CPR on Park Hye, and after spitting out a few mouthfuls of water, Park Hye woke up, and the first thing she asked was, "Where's Ronnie?"
"I'm here, are you feeling better?"
Ronnie quickly appeared and stood in front of her.
"I'm fine, thank you!" Park Hye said the last sentence to the lifeguard who saw that she was fine, waved his hand and left first.
The two discussed going home and not trying to change. Ronnie tried to pick Park Hye up, but she bit her vermilion lip and sulked, "I want you to carry me!"
Ronnie had no choice but to squat on the floor and carry her. Park Hye, on the other hand, was on top of him like an octopus, and just two steps away she bit Ronnie hard on the back of his neck. Ronnie let out an "ah" sound and let go of his hand in pain. In shock, thinking that Park Hye had gone mad just like Michiko, he pointed at her with a trembling voice and shouted, "Why did you bite me?”
"What are you afraid of? I'm not going to eat you, I just want to leave my mark on you," Park Hye covered her mouth and laughed slightly.
"You, you!" Ronnie pointed at her, making sure her expression didn't look like she was in a state of madness. He crouched down to carry Park Hye again as the two of them walked and chatted, "I'm going to get a vaccination later."
Park Hye asked curiously, "What's the vaccination for?"
"I was just bitten by a dog," Park Hye saw Ronnie comparing her to a dog and bit his back again, but this time she bit lightly. "Why did you bite so lightly this time? didn't you want to bite?" Ronnie asked.
Park Hye grunted and said, "Don't flatter yourself, I'm afraid you're going to throw me off again.”
The two were so lost in their sweet love that they didn't even remember how to get home. Park Hye was feeling better, but still lay on Ronnie's back. Once inside, she whispered in his ear, "I want to give you a baby."
Ronnie hadn't touched a woman in over a year and hearing this was like the sound of heavenly royalty. Carrying Park Hye on his back, he rushed into his house and the two of them dried each other and got into bed. Just two minutes later, Ronnie collapsed on the bed, hanging his head and feeling old. Park Hye comforted him softly, "It's okay, try again later."
Alice had been out shopping for three hours and felt that Ronnie and Park Hye had almost finished talking, so she returned home. She heard the commotion in the duo's room and smiled as she said to little Vega, "Looks like you're going to have a new mommy."
The next day was a Wednesday rest day, Ronnie and Park Hye tossed and turned all night, and when the duo hadn't gotten up by ten in the morning, Alice went over and knocked on the door, "You two are up for dinner!"
Park Hye heard Alice calling and got dressed and tried to get up, but Ronnie pulled her hand, "One more time and I'll let you go."
 "What? can't you stay away from me?" Park Hye grinned.
As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Ronnie pushed her back onto the bed without saying a word. Alice overheard the duo's conversation from outside, sighed softly and turned to leave. As long as it was a day off and she came home from work, little Vega would be picked up and brought home, and when she saw Alice, she crawled up to her, mouthing, "Mommy! Mommy!"
"Little Vega, I'm not your mommy!" Alice laughed as she knelt down and picked her up, "Your mommy is Yurina, she ran away from home, hopefully one day she will come to the city-state to find you."
Little Veega listened in confusion and kept shouting under her breath, "Hungry! Hungry!"
Alice gave her a cup of powdered milk and she stopped crying. After she drank the powdered milk, she patted her tummy with her little hand and burped. It was almost noon when Ronnie and Park Hye came out of the house. Ronnie went straight to the toilet. When Park Hye saw Alice, her face turned shy and she bowed her head, "Sis, I'm sorry! I got up late today."
 "You can't spoil Ronnie too much, he tends to get in too deep," Alice said in a deep voice.
Park Hye nodded, "I know, sis!"

continue to next part