by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:05:25

Just then, there was a knock on the door and Alice called out, "You two, get up for breakfast!"
Hearing his sister's call, Ronnie got dressed and started to get up, but Park Hye pulled his hand and whispered in his ear, "One more time and I'll let you go.”
When Ronnie heard this, he was horrified, "Wasn't I supposed to say that?" with a tired look on his face he yawned, "I'm so tired from last night, let's go eat first."
"Okay!" Park Hye was slightly disappointed, but all she could do was get dressed and walk out of the room with him. Ronnie couldn't help but ask when he saw Alice remembering the dream, "Sister, do you have a boyfriend?"
"Yes!" Alice replied dryly.
"Ah! you really have a boyfriend, he wouldn't be called 'Uma', would he?"
"No, his name is 'Butch.'"
"When are you going to bring him out so we can meet him too?"
"I can call him now," Alice said and sent a message to her friend, and in a moment a handsome boy appeared in front of several people. She pointed to the boy and introduced him, "His name is 'Butch' and he is an employee of Premier House.”
Ronnie looked up and down at the person in front of him and felt that he was no match for the man. Butch is over six feet tall, blond hair, blue eyes, his features are well defined and deep, with a wild and unrestrained aura shining in his eyes, standing together with Alice is like a character on the cover, it's just too perfect, this is the man who matches his sister, it seems that this time he is not in a dream. He shook the man's hand and introduced himself, "I'm Ronnie, I'm Alice's brother, nice to meet you.”
Butch laughed and said, "I heard your name a long time ago in the City-state and your sister mentioned you often."
Ronnie overheard this conversation and felt that the world was unreal again because the conversation was almost exactly the same as in his dream. Both sides finished their introductions. Alice suggested, "How about going to the casino today?" as soon as she said that, some of them were very much in favor of it; Ronnie didn't really want to go, but he could only agree so as not to spoil everyone's fun. The four of them took Vega and went straight to the East District Casino, went up to the third floor, Park Hye introduced, "There are stage plays, amusement arcades, music cafes, saunas, theaters, cinemas, bowling alleys, dance halls, and concert halls, which one do we want to play?"
"No Thrill Island on the negative floor?" Ronnie asked, speaking up.
"No, the negative floor here is a big swimming pool,what's Thrill Island? this is the first time I've heard of it," Park Hye asked with a puzzled face.
Ronnie didn't answer in the affirmative, but said, "Let's play a lighter game, how about going to the movies?"
The other three had no other ideas and agreed unanimously. The theater was very small, there were only two dozen seats in all, when they came in half of them were already seated, the four of them sat down, little Vega was carried by Alice, the movie started in ten minutes on time, the title of the movie was 'Oath of Eternal Love'. Ronnie frowned at the title, he didn't like this kind of romantic movie. Park Hye leaned over and whispered in his ear, "I love this movie."
"You liked it just because of the name? you're not asking for much," Ronnie laughed.
The movie went on for half an hour and there was a scene where the hero and heroine said goodbye. The hero emotionally said, "Catherine, no matter how long it takes, I'll definitely come back for you, whether you remember me or not."
"No, I won't let you go, if we die, we will die together," the heroine shouted, her voice filled with sadness and pain.
"Fine, then we'll die together!" they hugged and kissed each other. The voice said, "See, that's the great thing about love, you can give anything for love! even if it means sacrificing your life, you have no regrets."
Ronnie sneaked up to Park Hye who was crying and secretly bitter, "I really shouldn't have come to see this movie, it's as scary as a nightmare."
It was a new day, Ronnie who was working at the research institute said to Lily, "Our team has been set up for more than half a year and we haven't had any big results, it can't go on like this".
"What do you have in mind? you're the boss," Lily asked rhetorically.
"Do I have to ask you if I have an idea?" Ronnie replied without a word of humor. He looked at Crockett, "Do you have any ideas?"
Crockett was surprised and froze for half a second before saying, "Boss, you have the ability to never forget, it would be great if we could develop a chip that could be as smart as you."
"Huh, that's a good idea," Ronnie couldn't help but praise.
Crockett's spirits were lifted by his boss's affirmation and he continued, "For this chip to interface with the human brain, it must also record the information through vision, of course we can also store the information directly in the chip, but we're not good at either of those aspects.”
Lily interjected at this point, "It would require a brain neuroscientist, the most famous in this field in the New World is Professor Sturgis, I happen to know him, shall I go and ask him to join us?"
Ronnie shook his head in disbelief, "Are we going to ask Professor Sturgis? if the research and development is successful, who's going to get the results? or do we figure it out ourselves?I was on an island once ..."
Lily stopped him from continuing, "Boss, stop it, are you going to say again that you were once on an island with nothing on it and ended up building it into a paradise on earth, I've heard it hundreds of times, are you sick of it?"
"You ..." Ronnie huffed as he blanched at Lily's words, "I'm not going to agree to let Professor Sturgis come anyway, it's up to you."
"I'm with the boss, this is our own idea, we can't let anyone steal it," Crockett chimed in to help.
Lily gave him a blank look and muttered, "Flatterer!"
The three of them were speechless for a moment and the scene cooled as Crockett searched for something to say, "What about a name for the chip?"
"Bah....." Lily let out a long, contemptuous sound, "Names are given before the first sign of success, and it's embarrassing enough not to be able to do it when the time comes."
To show his dissatisfaction with Lily, Ronnie picked up on Crockett's words, "It's good to name it, since it's related to intelligence, how about calling it 'Enlightenment Chip'?"
"That's a good name, bosses are bosses, the names they come up with are top notch," Crockett clapped his hands in praise.
"The name is fine, but I admire Crockett's level of flattery even more, didn't you used to keep quiet, it turns out you've been keeping quiet all along," Lily continued sarcastically.
"It was the boss who just asked me, so I said it, I'm not flattering," Crockett defended himself sharply.
The three of them discussed a few more details and began to divide up the work to get ready individually. Lily and Crockett started reading up on 'nanochips'. Ronnie went to the library every day to read about "Brain Nerves". This day he came home from the library and Alice asked him when she saw him, "It's Vega's first birthday in three days, are you coming home?"
"Sister, you and Park Hye will celebrate it for her! I really can't get away."
"Are you really that busy? you can't even take a half-day vacation, you haven't been home for ten days," Alice spoke with some anger.
Seeing his sister getting angry, Ronnie didn't dare say anything else and could only agree. Little Vega saw him and staggered over to him, her mouth constantly shouting, "Daddy! Daddy!"
"Vega, what did you do at home today?" Ronnie asked as he smiled and picked her up.
Little Vega didn't answer his question, but kept patting his head with her hand and spitting at him. Alice, who was standing next to him, explained, "She said she was playing with water at home today.”
"Sister, her spitting in my face is playing with water? would that be too far-fetched an explanation?" Ronnie couldn't help but ask a question when he heard her explanation. It was after work now and Park Hye had returned home, as soon as she saw Ronnie she jumped on him and gave him and Vega a kiss on each cheek before happily saying, "Ronnie, I'm pregnant, it's already two months."
"What?" Ronnie was so shocked by what he had said that he almost dropped little Vega, who was in his arms, to the floor. "Is it mine?" he asked a strange question.
Park Hye said angrily, "You're crazy, who else could it be if it's not yours?"
This time, even Alice didn't help her brother and kicked him hard. Ronnie hastily apologized, "I'm sorry, Park Hye, I just said something stupid, I should have believed you.”
Luckily, his 'butler' rang at that moment, "Master, George is looking for you, he said he has something important to talk to you about face to face."
Ronnie looked carefully at the two women in front of him with a questioning tone, "Is it okay if I go see him for a while?"
Alice didn't say anything as she looked at Park Hye, wanting her to make a decision. Park Hye was actually reluctant in her heart, but she couldn't say it out loud, so she reluctantly nodded and said, "Then go early and come back early, we'll have dinner together in a while.”

continue to next part