by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:07:17

Yurina hadn't seen Ronnie since the last time they parted ways at the Citadel station. She hated Ronnie again, even though he had promised to visit her often when he was away. It was hard to wait for him to show up, but instead of coming to see her, he went to see another woman, and she couldn't help but be furious and ready to teach him a lesson. She rushed straight into Saria's room, saw the two of them talking angrily, raised her hand and threw a punch. Ronnie was suddenly hit, the whole person was confused, even Saria looked stunned. With half of his face covered, Ronnie pointed at Yurina and shouted, "Why are you hitting me?”
"Do you remember what you promised me three years ago? you never forget, so you shouldn't have forgotten!"
"I ..." Ronnie was speechless and could only bow his head. Yurina saw that he didn't say anything for a long time and became even angrier, "Say something!"
Saria saw that the two had pretty much guessed what they looked like and she felt the need to come out and say something. After living in the Baron's house for a few days, she also knew Yurina, so she said, "Ronnie is very busy in the city-state, this time he came out because of my invitation, if it caused any misunderstanding for you, I'll apologize to you on his behalf.”
Yurina looked at the forty-something lady in front of her and wondered in her mind, "What did Ronnie like about her? she looks so ordinary and older than Ronnie.” If her father hadn't said before that this person couldn't be offended, she would have opened her mouth long ago. But in her mouth she said, "Don't interfere with my business with him.”
Ronnie was afraid that she would say more inappropriate words, so he eagerly intervened: "Yurina, you go out first, I'll come to you after I've finished talking here.”
Yurina glared at him, "Hmph!" she turned her head and left.
After she was gone, Ronnie breathed a sigh of relief and apologized to Saria, "I'm sorry for making you laugh."
Saria waved her hand in disbelief and the two of them continued, "Right now, half of the twelve members of the 'Grand Elder Council' have openly supported the New Generation side, and 80% of the demographics of the New World are from the New Generation, and the academics are over 95%. I desperately need the support of you Free World scholars right now.”
Ronnie felt a thousand-pound weight pressing down on him and muttered in his heart that Professor De Silva had really found himself a 'good' job that required him to go against the entire scientific community. In the midst of his rambling thoughts, Saria suddenly said, "Ronnie, I want to apologize to you first."
"Apologize? why do you want to apologize to me?" Ronnie froze for a moment.
"For every scientist that comes from the 'free world', I will send someone to inspect them, your sister Alice's boyfriend Butch is the one I sent, but don't worry, Butch is loyal to your sister and he hasn't done anything unfavorable to you.”
"Then why did Professor De Silva say he was the one who recommended me?" Ronnie asked again.
"The teacher didn't know I had someone assigned to you and he didi recommended you very highly."
At this point, Ronnie began to regret getting involved in the explicit fight between the two sides, but since he had decided to stand on the side of the Holy Virgin, he couldn't just talk his way out of it, he had to do something. "Well then, as long as I can help, just give me your orders," Ronnie made his position clear.
After hearing this, Saria was pleased and said, "Thank you for your support, I will contact you in the future through Butch," with that she stood up and hugged Ronnie. Ronnie hadn't expected her to be so passionate and was somewhat flattered. At the same time he thought to himself, "It would have been nice to see her in real life today, but it looks like it will have to be next time.”
As if hearing his heart, Saria smiled and said, "Wait for me a while,” then she turned and walked towards the inner room, leaving Ronnie standing there with a confused look on his face, not knowing what to do. After about ten minutes, Saria's voice came from the house, "Come in!"
Ronnie slowed down and entered the room. When he saw the woman in front of him, he couldn't help but freeze. It wasn't until she tapped him on the shoulder that he reacted. Revealing her true face, Saria looked only eighteen or nineteen years old, even younger and prettier than what she had seen on television, and she said in a lark-like voice, "Are you a little more awake?"
"Your voice just now was fake too?" Ronnie said with an embarrassed look on his face.
"Yes, it's a drug specially made for me by the 'New World' scientists, taking it will temporarily change my voice."
Ronnie didn't dare look up and kept his head down. There was a moment of silence before he said, "How old are you? you look younger than me."
"I'm thirty-one, definitely older than you," seeing his head down, Saria asked, "Why are you afraid to look at me?"
"It's better not to look at you, if I look at you too much things will easily go wrong."
"What do you think will go wrong?" Saria asked, covering her mouth and laughing slightly.
"This ...." Ronnie scratched awkwardly at the back of his head, and after a long time he squeezed out a sentence, "Nothing's wrong, I'll find Yurina, she should still be waiting for me."
Looking at his distant back, Saria muttered, "What a fool.”
As soon as Ronnie left, the man who had contacted him in the city-state appeared in Saria's room. The man said to Saria, "Do you think Ronnie is trustworthy?"
 "Why do you ask?" Saria asked rhetorically with a slight frown on her forehead.
"According to the news from Yin City, he is most likely Elliot's son, Elliot is not friendly to the city-state and although there is no evidence of a conspiracy at the moment, he must be guarded against."
"Dempsey, you've also been with me for ten years and you're loyal, but your biggest fault is that you suspect everything,we won't have friends if we don't trust anyone. I trust my teacher's recommendation, and I trust my own eyes, and Ronnie is not the kind of person who speaks falsely."
"OK! I hope you're right," knowing that Saria was hard to convince, Dempsey stopped talking. Saria left the Baron's house the day after her conversation with Ronnie.
When he came out of Saria's house, Ronnie was already horny. He hurried to Yurina's room. Yurina had been waiting impatiently in her room for a long time, thinking that he had lied to himself again, and was about to go out to look for him when she saw him rush into the room, his face peach red and his breath coming out in a rush, and before she could react she was embraced by him. "Mmmm ..." a tantalizing moan escaped Yurina's lips and she couldn't help but climb onto Ronnie's back with her small hands and wrap them tightly around him. The two hugged each other and turned around until they reached the bed. The bed began to shake and continued for about half an hour. The room finally calmed down when a low growl passed by. Yurina's entire body collapsed into Ronnie's arms, gently stroking his chest as she said coquettishly, "Don't go away for the next few days, stay here with me!"
"Okay!" Ronnie nodded his head in agreement.
The two of them cuddled for a while before Yurina suddenly lowered her face, "If you dare to lie to me again, I'll bite off half your ears."
"What did you just say?" Ronnie jerked awake at the sound of an ear bite. Yurina saw that he was taking it lightly again, and with anger in her heart, she wanted to bite him, but still held back and could only repeat, "I'll let you stay here with me for a few days."
This time Ronnie was true to his word, he stayed for more than a week, his honor value was subtracted by 240, and he didn't leave until Alice came and dragged him back home. "You're also a man with children, why don't you have any self-control?"
Ronnie's face was filled with shame and he didn't even dare to raise his head. Fortunately, Park Hye came over and said to him, "Catherine will be three in six months, and our temporary marriage will be automatically dissolved by then,if you don't like me, I'll move out tomorrow."
"No!" Ronnie hastily apologized, "I'm sorry, I won't see Yurina again."
"I hope you can keep your word, if there was another time, we would be passers-by," Park Hye said coldly.
Ronnie didn't expect Park Hye's reaction to be so strong, to turn into a completely different person. That night, he sat on the edge of the bed and asked, "Why were you so angry in the morning?"
"Do you know how many messages I sent you? you didn't answer any of them. If our sister hadn't come to get you, you would still be at her house,”Park Hye cried as she said this, tears falling like broken pearls.
Ronnie also felt that he had gone too far, he stood up and put his arms around Park Hye's thin waist and comforted her, "Don't cry, I apologize, and you shouldn't say those cold words in the future, it makes me sad to hear them. By the way, Catherine hasn't been home for a long time, you can pick her up tomorrow, I want to meet her."
Catherine now lived in the Northeast District Community Nursery. Children who grew up in the city-state were not close to their parents, and the city-state believed that children were not only their parents, but also the future of the city-state. They were cared for by specialized staff from birth until they reached adulthood at sixteen. Ronnie hadn't seen Catherine for a month. If Park Hye hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten he had a daughter. Park Hye heard Ronnie's apology and stopped crying, and the two of them made up and couldn't help but hug each other.

continue to next part