by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:08:42

The next day, Ronnie woke up to go to work, and when he arrived at the institute, he saw that he was missing someone, so he asked Lily, "Why isn't Crockett here?"
"Boss, every year on November 25th, the 'New World' holds a robotics competition,this year, Crockett and I want to go, do you want to join us? if we make it to the finals, we can also meet the Holy Virgin Saria."
"I asked you why Crockett didn't come, why are you telling me such nonsense?"
"He went to prepare for the tournament," Lily finally got to the point.
"Well then, I'm in, you can't do it without me, what are the rules of the tournament?"
Lily rattled off to Ronnie, probably meaning:
Preliminaries: November 25-27, held in each city-state, first place determined.
Second Round: November 28th through December 25th The top three from each major and minor city will be chosen, for a total of thirty-six spots in the finals.
Final Round: December 27th to 30th at Dream Square in Zi City.
Robot size: No more than one meter in length, width, and height.
Weapon range: No more than ten meters (including laser weapons).
Determination of winner and loser: A competitor raises a white flag, or the robot is immobilized.
Number of Competitors: Maximum of three competitors per team.
Method of Winning: First place is a second-class medal of the Holy Virgin, second and third place are third-class medals of the Holy Virgin, all awarded by the Holy Virgin herself.
Ronnie said excitedly after hearing this, "It's kind of fun, so let's hurry up and get ready to kill the finals and meet Saria.”
"That's what you're in for?" Lily gave him a blank look and scorned him.
"I'm tired of looking at your bitter face every day, I got tired of it a long time ago, can't you let me change my taste?" Ronnie said, getting up and running out the door, knowing that Lily was sure to hit him.
The trio then set about building the robot. Nearly ten days later, a three-foot tall robot stood before them, and the three named it "Reformer 1".The robot's feet were equipped with a pair of springs that allowed it to dodge attacks in a very short time, and its hands produced laser beams when it clenched its fists. Ronnie looked at the robot with satisfaction and said, "The first match starts tomorrow, I hope to have a good start.”
Lily was a little worried, "It might be a little difficult to make it to the finals if that's all it takes."
"Let him play a few games first and we'll change him if we find any problems."
The next day Reformer 1 started his first race. It was held at the casino in the East End. There was a ten meter long and wide ring in the middle surrounded by people. All five members of Ronnie's team were there, and George and Brown each had a snare drum on their chest to cheer them on. Reformer 1's first opponent was a robot kangaroo in a dress. The kangaroo had a baby kangaroo in its pouch, and the baby kangaroo would spit flames when it came near the opponent. Ronnie was somewhat amused by the sight of a kangaroo in a dress. He saw the kangaroo's owner in the crowd, two girls, a redhead and a brunette. The redhead saw Ronnie staring at her and stuck out her tongue before making a face. The two girls were also from the Institute, they just never spoke.
With a whistle, the match began. Reformer 1 struck first, dodging in front of the kangaroo and throwing a punch, the kangaroo raised its front legs to block and backhanded the reformer with a right hook to the face. The kangaroo sidestepped, grabbed his hind leg, and threw him out with an over-the-shoulder punch. The kangaroo rolled several times on the ground and quickly stabilized. The Reformer rushed up again, but just as he reached the other side, the baby kangaroo in the nursery bag suddenly spat a stream of flames from its mouth, catching Reformer 1 off guard and instantly engulfing his entire body in flames. Outside the ring, the red-haired girl was overjoyed to see this and felt that her robot was on the verge of victory. Just as she was about to rejoice, she heard two "ZiZi" sounds, a blast of cold air rose from the surface of the Reformer's body, and the flames were instantly extinguished. Kangaroo was stunned as the Reformer jumped in front of him and delivered a hard kick to his chest. Kangaroo stifled a grunt as his entire body flew backward and crashed into the surrounding fence. A loud cheer went up from outside the arena, clapping and applauding at the scene. The red-haired girl scoffed in her heart, "What's there to be happy about? my mother-son combination will not go down easily. ” In the ring, Kangaroo's skirt had come off, revealing a pair of red shorts inside. The crowd below threw their heads back and laughed at the sight. At this time, Kangaroo's feet stomped, a leap into the air, open mouth shot a ball, the ball spun in mid-air, in a lightning fast momentum straight to the transformation of people smashed. Reformer 1's body shape swayed to avoid it, but the ball turned a corner, chased up, and landed directly on his shoulder to explode. All he heard was a 'crack' and his left arm and body immediately separated. Kangaroo took advantage of the situation to land and raised her front legs for a punch, the Reformer hastily raised his right arm to block, but her power was so great that she actually knocked him back a few steps under the punch before he could come to a stop. Ronnie was a little worried backstage when he saw this; he had thought his robot was perfect, but he hadn't expected it to be so unforgiving.
The Transformer just stood there as the other party rushed at him with another arrow step. This time, he didn't dare to land a hard blow, but moved aside to avoid being hit. But as soon as he turned around, the baby kangaroo suddenly reached out its tiny hand from its pouch and tugged at him. His body froze, and the mother kangaroo had slapped him in the face. He suddenly lost his balance and fell down, and the big kangaroo was so happy that she jumped up and pushed him to the ground, raising her front legs to deliver a fatal blow, Unexpectedly, a triangular laser beam shot violently out of the Reformer's chest, "Boom”! The big kangaroo's body was split in two and turned into a pile of scrap metal. All of this was supposed to happen slowly, but it actually happened in a flash. Seeing that the situation was over, the little kangaroo ran to the outside of the field, raised the white flag in the red-haired girl's hands, and the referee finally declared that "Reformer 1" had won. The redheaded girl, seeing her robot destroyed, ran up to Ronnie and pointed at him, "You've gone too far, you've destroyed my machine like this, I can't even fix it.”
Ronnie cried and laughed, he knew there was no reasoning with the girl, he pointed at Lily next to him and said, "It was all her idea.”
The redhead turned her head and looked at Lily, for a moment she couldn't tell if she was a man or a woman, only that her face looked familiar. At the same time she thought to herself, "It would be nice if he was a man, he's so handsome, but it would be weird if he was a woman." "What's your name?" she asked.
Lily was often mistaken for a man by girls and this time she deliberately roughed up her voice, "My name is George and you're a very good looking young lady."
The redhead was actually average looking, not pretty by any stretch of the imagination. She was overjoyed to be complimented for the first time, and by a handsome man at that. She introduced herself and said, "My name is Sharlout and I'm here for the first time today.”
Ronnie, who was watching from the sidelines, was a little concerned when he saw Lily trying to dress up as a man to trick her opponent. He turned to her and said, "Lily, don't lie to her, show her your true form!”
Lily, who had only meant to make a joke, did not expect Sharlout to take her seriously and hurried to explain: "Sorry, Sharlout, I am actually a girl too."
Sharlout actually froze at the sound, standing still for half a minute before coming to her senses. "Splat!" She swung her hand and slapped Lily across the face, then ran off, covering her face. Lily felt the slap and hated Ronnie so much that she swung both fists at him. Ronnie, not wanting to be hit, fought back. George and Brown saw the two fighting and immediately banged their drums and cheered as more people gathered around and the robot competition turned into a real fight. People laughed and laughed and got in each other's arms. Then one man yelled, "Take off his pants!" At that moment, Ronnie suddenly felt like a clown, fighting with a woman in front of so many people, he suddenly rushed to hold Lily and control her hands again, then said to her, "Stop it! so many people are watching, let's go back and talk about something."
Lily nodded, "Then let me go."
"You can't hit me if I let go?" unsure, Ronnie reminded before letting go and then took a step back. "What are you going to tell me when you get back?" Lily asked, blushing.
Not wanting to talk in front of so many people, Ronnie took her hand and said, "We'll talk about it when we get back."
The crowd dispersed in disappointment as they saw that the two had made up and there was no drama. Ronnie took Lily's hand and walked in front of them. The Crockett and George brothers in the back looked on, finding it interesting how these two had fought and become a couple. They held hands. Ronnie didn't really think much about it, he just wanted to get out of here quickly. As soon as the duo returned to the Institute, he let go of his hand and muttered, "Finally, we're back."
And Lily waited for him to say the next words. After waiting a long time and not hearing a second sentence, she said in exasperation, "You didn't want to talk to me?"
Ronnie was stunned and couldn't help but ask, "What was I supposed to say?"
"How do I know what you were going to say to me? what was the point of holding my hand just now?" Lily said angrily.
Ronnie realized then and was busy waving his hand to explain, "I was just pulling you to get you to leave quickly so you wouldn't be humiliated.”
"You're the one who's embarrassed, go to hell, scum," Lily cursed and left in a huff.
"Boss, it looks like you and Lily are fighting for your feelings and you're going to have to take responsibility to the end," Crockett laughed.
"Cut the crap and get Reformer 1 fixed, there's another fight," Ronnie urged.

continue to next part