by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:09:32

At the beginning of the game, the bee flew into the air, and this kind of rogue play was difficult for many players. "The Thunder Eater” looked at the bee and couldn't make a move. Knowing that his opponent was powerful, the bee flew even higher, to a height of more than ten meters, and the two sides faced each other in a stalemate. "The Thunder Eater” sighed slightly, pressed his hand to his chin for about three seconds, and suddenly his body shrank, a pair of wings grew from both sides, and his face changed from male to female. Outside the arena, there was a gasp of surprise: "This must be the third form of 'The Thunder Eater'”.
Some people also shouted, "So the final form of the Thunder Eater is a beautiful 'Female Angel'."
The Female Angel spread her wings and looked up at the bees in the air. She slowly flapped her wings, and her feet gradually left the ground. The bee's face was filled with fear as it tried to fly higher. Just as it did, the 'Female Angel' appeared in front of it like lightning. She raised her sword and swung it at the bee, which was instantly split in two and fell out of the air with a sizzling sound. Loud applause erupted from outside the arena, Andre won the championship by a huge margin, and that was the end of this year's Robotics Competition. Ronnie finished in 18th place, he wanted to visit the Holy Virgin Saria, but the result of the competition made him feel ashamed, so he rejected the idea. The group of eight played in Zi City for two days before returning to their own city-state.
In the blink of an eye, Ronnie and Alice had been in the city-state for six years, the population of his city-state had reached the upper limit, and the 9823 seats of You City had been successfully completed after three years of construction. The new migration was about to start, Ronnie had been considering whether or not to go to a new city-state for the past few days, he found Alice to discuss, "Sister, do you want to move to the new city?"
"You decide! I will follow you wherever you go."
Getting his sister's confirmation, Ronnie's heart was greatly relieved, and he ran to ask Yurina again, the other one said, "You're so stupid, of course I'll follow you.”
When he got to work, he looked at both Lily and Crockett and asked, “Do you want to move to Newtown?" he paused for a moment, then remembered them, "If you don't want to go, then our team may have to disband, because I do."
"Is Alice going over there?" Crockett asked first.
"Of course she'll follow me."
"Then I'll go too."
Ronnie nodded and looked at Lily, "What about you? will you follow me?"
Lily blinked and smiled, "I might consider it if you'd get down on your knees and beg me."
"Looks like you don't want to go over there?" Ronnie said with a frown.
This time Lily had a serious look on her face, "Tell me the truth, do you want me to go over there?"
"I want you to go, even though you're annoying sometimes, you're not bad," Ronnie was honest too.
"All right then! I'll take that as a request on my knees."
And George and Brown agreed to go over, and to everyone's surprise, Butch refused to go to Newtown, saying he wanted to go to Zi City. Alice was devastated and had to break up with him. Park Hye wanted to marry Barry without going over. Ronnie's two daughters, Vega and Catherine, also stayed in their original city-state. On the day of January 10th of the New Year, they moved from the original You City 9822 to You City 9823, and the straight line distance between the two cities was only three hundred meters. Ronnie's identity number was also changed to SH9823-00164. In total, more than two thousand people moved during that time, and there were a large number of empty rooms. Ronnie, seven people, all live on the eleventh floor, he and Alice, Yurina chose a multi-person room of Type C, George and Brown two people chose a double room of Type B, Lily and Crockett each chose a single room of Type A. To Ronnie's disappointment, there was no "Sea of Dreams", but rather a sandy beach with some less colorful plants. But the leaves falling from above added a bit of romantic color to the beach. In the evening, You City 9823 held a grand opening ceremony, Ronnie was so drunk this time that he didn't wake up until noon the next day.
Each new city was to have a new administration, made up of eight members of the Knights' Council, which was to be created in the following manner:
Eight members of the Council of Knights: generated by the personnel of each city-state as long as they have reached the age of 16, by examination of those who have passed the examination, the first 16 candidates were selected, the 16 people stood for election by way of public speeches, and finally the entire personnel of each city voted to elect 8 people.
Each term lasts 5 years, at the end of 5 years 4 people have to step down and new 4 people have to be elected to serve, each person can only serve a maximum of 2 terms in their life (10 years), the resignation of the 4 people has to be voted by the city staff (every second term does not have to be voted).
The new 4 people pass the test, and then the first 8 candidates are elected. The 8 candidates compete for the position by making public speeches, and finally the 4 people are elected by the vote of all the people in each city and state (office address: Prime Minister's House of each city).
The Knights' Committee is mainly responsible for liaising with the City-states, evaluating applications for employment within the city, inspections and complaints, as well as adjudication, personnel management, dispute resolution and organizing various festivals. Alice looked at Ronnie and asked, "Are you going to try to run for office?"
"Sis, I'm not interested, you can try instead, I'll definitely support you.”
Alice was so impressed by what was said that she actually went to register for the exam. She successfully made it into the top sixteen, and the next step was the campaign speech. Ronnie rallied his team to cheer his sister on; sixteen candidates each get five minutes to speak. They used their speeches to promote themselves. Alice came in seventh and graciously stepped up to the podium and spoke:
"Honorable committee members and citizens of the city, my name is Alice, I am from the 'free world' and joined the city-state six years ago. During these six years in the City-state, I have learned what the Knightly spirit of 'Bravery, Integrity and Sacrifice' means. But being a member of the Knights' Council requires more than that, it requires fairness and justice. For me, fairness and justice are not just about following the rules, they are about respecting everyone and having a deep understanding of everything. It's about not taking sides, it's about not ignoring any voices, it's about fully listening to everyone's opinions and making the fairest decisions based on them ..." she spoke eloquently and when she finished Ronnie and Crockett on stage applauded vigorously. When it came time to vote, Alice came in third with over five hundred votes and was officially one of the eight members of the Knight Council.
Yurina's belly was getting bigger and bigger, she and Ronnie were lying on the beach, sunbathing, when Ronnie's "butler" suddenly rang: "Master, Park Hye invites you to her wedding dinner tonight,” hearing this news, Ronnie was stunned for a moment, and Yurina was not happy to see his stunned look, "What's wrong? can't bear to part with her?"
"It's a little sad to part with her, but it's for the best."
"I'll go with you tonight, okay?"
"Good! sister should be there too."
That night, Ronnie took Alice and Yurina up to the thirty-third floor. This floor was the item distribution area and the kitchen, but a special area had been opened up as a banquet hall for sixty people. They had arrived late, and by the time they arrived, there were already over forty people present. Most of them were Park Hye's and Barry's colleagues. Park Hye's expression became a little less natural when she saw Ronnie's trio. She tugged Barry's sleeve to remind him. "Don't be too nervous, we'll go over and say hello," Barry whispered.
Park Hye wore a white wedding dress tonight with brightly colored lipstick on her mouth. She and Barry held hands as they walked towards Ronnie and the other three. Yurina was holding her stomach and her whole body was snuggled up to Ronnie, in fact she was doing it on purpose, she wanted to prove to Park Hye that it was she who had finally won the man's heart. Ronnie was embarrassed and forgot to speak for a moment. Fortunately, Alice stepped forward and said, "Park Hye, Barry, congratulations!"
"Thank you!" Barry nodded his head slightly.
Ronnie saw that Park Hye had her head down and wanted to talk to her, so he cleared his throat, "Park Hye, God bless you, I hope you're happy.”
Hearing his voice, Park Hye raised her head and looked at Yurina who was leaning against him, a nameless fire suddenly rose in her heart and she said coldly, "The same for you.”
This change in her was immediately noticed by Barry. He coughed lightly twice and said eagerly, "Please come this way.” He arranged Ronnie's trio in the second row on the left. As soon as the three of them were seated, Mish walked over, smiled at Ronnie and said, "Oh, when are we going to get your mat wine?"
Yurina was also eager to have an official marriage with Ronnie and looked at him sideways, waiting for him to speak. Ronnie cursed in his heart, "It's none of your business when I get married, it's obviously embarrassing for me to ask such a question."
Luckily Alice knew what he was thinking, she took over, "Ronnie is busy with work now, he won't consider it now, but he will consider it in the future".
Ronnie gave her a grateful look. Extremely disappointed that Yurina didn't get the answer she wanted, she pressed, "Haven't you ever thought about marrying me?"
Ronnie was silent; he had never considered it. He felt good now, and most of all, deep in his heart, he still wanted to marry Michiko. When he said nothing, Yurina continued to ask, insisting that he make it clear, and he was forced to say, "As long as you don't leave me, wouldn't it be good for us to live like this?"
"Yes, yes!" Yurina said with her mouth, but in her heart she was thinking: "One day I want you to get down on your knees and ask me to marry you."
The wedding started at eight o'clock on the dot, and the master of ceremonies had the bride and groom exchange rings, followed by a kiss from both sides. Ronnie had mixed feelings as he watched Park Hye and another man hugging and kissing. He wished this wedding would end sooner and drank drink after drink to numb himself. At the same time, Alice and Yurina advised him, "Stop drinking, who's going to help you go home if you get drunk?”
Ronnie didn't seem to hear any of this, he got so drunk that he didn't even know how to get home.

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