by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:10:01

The next day he walked dazed to the institute. Only a few steps away he heard someone calling behind him, he stopped and turned his head to see that the person coming was the male assistant of the Holy Virgin Saria, Dempsey. He opened his mouth first: "Ronnie, do you remember me?"
"Of course, is there something you want to see me about?"
"Yes, I have some bad news, Butch is missing."
"When did this happen?"
"A week ago, I hear it's bad."
"What do you need me for?"
"You don't have to worry about him, I'm just here to inform you, there is one more thing for you to do, Saria saw the last robot competition, she wants you to develop a robot similar to 'The Thunder Eater', but with self-awareness and absolute loyalty, and it has to be mass-produced."
"That's not easy, there must be enough time."
"How long do you need?"
"At least three years."
"Good!" Dempsey paused for a moment and added, "Saria doesn't want anyone to know about this, she wants you to build the robot on the grounds that you're taking part in the next robotics competition."
"Okay!" Ronnie nodded in agreement. The two finished their conversation and went their separate ways. As soon as Ronnie returned to the Institute, he turned to Crockett and Lily, "I'd like to enter the Robotics Competition this November, what do you think?"
"We were waiting for you to say that!" Lily exclaimed happily.
Crockett chimed in, "Last year, we had so little time to prepare that it was good enough to make it to the finals,now we have nine months, so let's prepare well and try to make the top three this year.”
Ronnie wanted to use a few words to convince the two, not expecting them to be more active than he was, he could not help but be pleased. The three of them discussed and agreed to use Reformer II as the basis for upgrades and redesigns. Ronnie spent the entire day developing Reformer II. He only returned home three months later when Yurina gave birth to a baby boy. When he thought it was not his own son, he was not happy. Yurina looked at his face and guessed what he was thinking: "Are you still skeptical about the baby's identity? you go and test his DNA to see if it's your son."
Ronnie didn't want to argue and just said: "Let's talk about this later! You rest first."
Alice chimed in, "Ronnie, you might as well get a DNA test or you'll never be at peace for the rest of your life.”
Heeding his sister's advice, Ronnie took Amandine for a DNA test that afternoon. He could hardly believe his eyes when he got the results. He ran home excitedly with the baby in his arms and was thrilled to see Yurina and hugged her, "Yurina, I'm sorry, I wronged you.”
"It's good that you know, I hope you'll treat him well from now on."
Ronnie stayed at home for a few days, Lily had rushed him several times before he reluctantly left. This time he took Yurina with him to the institute. Lily was slightly displeased when she saw this, "What? are you going to open a husband and wife store? your wife is brought to work."
"Yurina didn't know what to do in the city-state, I had to bring her here to be our assistant," Ronnie said with an apologetic face.
Lily and Crockett couldn't object any more when they heard him say that, and George and Brown were even less likely to object. Yurina did some odd jobs at first, but later she found her own place, brought George along to promote the 'Enlightenment Chip' and achieved good results. Lily, who was against her at first, gradually accepted her. So for the last three months, Ronnie's Reformer II did not make any progress, he began to get anxious, at that time he remembered his father, found Alice and told her: "Sister, I want to go and ask our father about some things I want to work on, will you go with me?"
Alice hadn't seen her father for a long time and agreed right away. Yurina originally wanted to go as well, but was forced to stay by Ronnie, who wanted Yurina to pick up Amandine from the nursery every day after work and bring him home, so that his own son would have more time to spend with his family, and Yurina had no choice but to stay in the city-state to raise the child. The siblings left the next day, and with the experience of the last time, they soon arrived in the town of "Bernal". When they arrived in the city, they found it even more deserted than the last time, with every door and window closed and not a single shop open on either side of the street. The siblings first tried to find the owner of the hotel to understand the situation, but after knocking on the door for half a day, no one answered. They could only go straight to the Ault Clinic. When they arrived, they saw that the door was indeed open, and Alice warned, "Be careful, there seems to be something wrong.”
Ronnie nodded and the two of them approached the room cautiously and slowly. Just as they entered the room, they suddenly felt their bodies go limp and they both collapsed at the same time. After the siblings fell to the ground, two men came out from the back of the room, one of them was tall and said, "Find out who these two are.”
After a few moments the other man said, "I just found out that the man named Ronnie is a scientist in You City, the woman is not on the list, how about killing the woman? she's just an ordinary person."
 "No, the relationship between the two should be unusual, keeping her will better control the man," the tall man said.
Then two more men dressed in white arrived and carried the siblings into a car. Several days later, with several changes of transport in between, the siblings were sent to a base more than five hundred meters underground in Antarctica. They were locked in different locations. Ronnie woke up when he could not find Alice, almost crying, he found himself in a hut of only five or six square feet, there was a bed in the corner, there was a shape similar to the Wishing Fountain toilet, only a little light inside the house. About half an hour later, someone threw in a piece of bread and a piece of paper through a small opening above the iron door. The paper reads: "Doomsday Bunker Survival Rules. There are five mission levels:
Level 1 is worth 10 points/completed in 3 days, Level 2 is worth 30 points/completed in 10 days, Level 3 is worth 60 points/completed in 20 days, Level 4 is worth 150 points/completed in 40 days, and Level 5 is worth 500 points/completed in 150 days.
Points can be exchanged for food, necessities, and upgraded accommodations. Failure to complete an accepted task within the time limit will result in the loss of that task's points, and each task can be completed alone or in a group, but only one copy of the points will be awarded.”
Ronnie's mind wondered after reading this, "What kind of mission is this and what the hell are these people up to?"
After not eating for a day, Ronnie's stomach growled with hunger, he picked up the bread that had just been thrown in and took a bite, and as he ate he thought, "The most important thing right now is to find my sister. ” A bald man said to him, "Come out, it's time to get to work or you'll starve to death in the Doomsday Bunker."
Ronnie got up in a hurry and walked out of the room, looking up slightly, the door number of the room was "Room 25 Doomsday Bunker". He followed the bald man. The two of them walked down a long, dark corridor and came to a large lobby where hundreds of people were already gathered. Everyone was looking up at a large screen on the wall, and the bald man led him over to it, and with a wave of his hand, the people disappeared. Ronnie walked over to the screen and tilted his head to watch, he saw that the screen was full of different quests, arranged in order of points. Most of the quests were for the development of various weapons and tools. Ronnie looked at them and wrote them all down, turning around to see if Alice was here, but after turning around he was disappointed. Instead of finding his sister, he ran into some acquaintances from the city-state. They were scientists from the City-state, Ronnie had met them a few times and remembered their names, the first thing both sides said when they met was "How did you get trapped here too?” From these people, Ronnie also found out some things about this place, such as: There are almost no restrictions here, except that you can't go out as long as you feed yourself with points, and those who can't earn points can only starve. And completing the tasks is the only way to earn points; each newcomer gets three days of free food and water, and then they're on their own. A handful of top scientists have become the most sought-after commodity here. Ronnie still had some popularity in the city-state, and all of these people took the initiative to invite him to join their team. Ronnie politely refused, he just wanted to find Alice, after reading the mission on the screen he knew that without his help Alice would definitely not be able to survive in this castle. Where would he find her now? Just as he was about to despair, the bald head brought another person over, it was Alice. He was so happy to see her that he rushed over, opened his arms and hugged her, the two of them holding each other tightly. There were more men than women here, all casting envious and jealous glances at Ronnie. Seeing the crowd gathered around them, the two siblings quickly let go. "Sister, did they give you anything to eat?" Ronnie asked.
"Yes, I had a small piece of bread, what about you?"
"I ate too, so let's get on with the quest!" Ronnie said as he took Alice's hand and walked over to the other side.

continue to next part