by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:10:26

After talking to the scientists in the city-state, Ronnie already knew the procedure for accepting the mission. He led his sister down the path on the left side of the big screen, and after about twenty steps he saw a room with a sign on the door that read "Room 203 Doomsday Bunker". This was the place where the quests were collected, and the two siblings entered the room. There were already more than twenty people in line, so they could only get in at the back of the line, which slowly moved forward, and ten minutes later it was the siblings' turn. The mission lady, a young woman in her twenties, asked without lifting her head, "What level of mission do you want to do?"
"Level 2, Item 72," Ronnie replied. The Mission Lady asked him for some more information and then entered it into the mission card, after which he stepped back. She then asked Alice, who was at the back of the line, "What level of mission are you doing?"
Alice was confused and turned her head to look at Ronnie, Ronnie held up his index finger and compared it to the word "1" and whispered, "Item 26", she parroted the words and soon finished her mission as well and the two of them walked out the door. "Go ahead and finish your mission, we only have three days for yours," Ronnie said.
"So what are we going to do first?"
"We're going to the Item 26 lab first, they should have everything we need." The siblings followed the directions on the mission map, turning several corners before finding Lab 26, where they swiped their cards through the door. As soon as Alice entered, her entire body relaxed, she lowered her voice and said to Ronnie, "What if we find a way to escape from here?"
"That's unlikely, I've asked around, there's only one way in and out of here, we're now in the ground at a depth of five hundred meters."
"Ah! that deep? could it be that we'll be trapped here the whole time?"
"Let's take it one step at a time! we have to find a way to survive here first."
"What did you say about the background of these people who captured us?" Alice asked.
"I heard it was an organization from the 'Free World.'"
The two finished their small talk and got to work. This mission was to make some kind of tracking device. Ronnie had made something similar in the city state before, he made it in half a day, Alice was happy to see that he made it so fast and said "So fast?”
 "This mission has been done before, so it's just faster," Ronnie laughed.
The two of them immediately went back to "Room 203 Doomsday Bunker" to hand in the mission. Ronnie didn't go in and stood outside waiting. This time there were fewer people and no line. When the task lady saw Alice return after half a day, she thought she wanted to change the task and was about to refuse. Alice spoke first, "I have come to hand in the task."
The Task Lady looked at her with a surprised look on her face, "Then please wait a little while, I'll have someone check it out." Alice had to sit on the sidelines and wait for the results, she was worried in her mind for fear of failing the test. Ronnie waited outside, expecting it to be quick, and when he waited and didn't see his sister come out, he got a little worried and poked his head in the door and asked, "Still not ready?"
"They said they had to test it, Ronnie, are you sure?"
"No problem, if something that simple goes wrong I'll be disgraced," Ronnie replied confidently. After another ten minutes or so, the mission lady turned to Alice and said, "Congratulations, you passed the test.”
"Thank you!" Alice said, only to hear a beep and look at the mission card in her hand, which read: "A total of 10 Doomsday Points.”She left room 203 and walked a little further with Ronnie to "Room 204 Doomsday Bunker". This was the item exchange office, the two of them entered the door and saw the exchange table displayed on the wall screen:
Five slices of bread/1 point, two liters of pure water/1 point, one five-liter bucket of water/10 points, one bath/2 points, one bowl of spaghetti/3 points, two sausages/1 point, one cooked turkey/6 points, one piece of fruit/3 points, one bottle of wine/3 points, one tortilla/2 points, one wooden cup/3 points, women's clothes/30 points, men's clothes/20 points, accommodation regular room for 30 days/30 points, accommodation deluxe room for 30 days/100 points.
"Ronnie, what do we redeem?" Alice asked.
"Start by redeeming a cup and two liters of water, and the rest for bread."
Alice didn't have much of an idea, she barely had a brain when she arrived at this doomsday bunker, she listened to Ronnie. Taking the exchanged items, the two of them simply walked out the door, her back lapel tugged by someone, she turned her head to look at it, it was a five or six year old little girl, tear drops still hanging on her face, looking at herself pitifully, "Sister, can you give me something to eat?"
"What's your name? where's your mommy?" Alice crouched down and asked.
The little girl didn't answer, just looked at the bread in her hand. A man passing by heard Alice's question and spoke up, "This little girl's name is 'Dan', her parents both died of starvation half a year ago, she has been waiting here every day and there are some kind people who give her some food. If you want to give her food, don't give her too much, she won't be able to eat it and it will be taken away,” After hearing the man's explanation, Alice took out two slices of bread and handed them to Dan. Dan happily took them, unwrapped them, and opened his mouth to bite into them. Ronnie took the newly redeemed cup and went to fill it with a glass of water and handed it to Dan, "Have some water!"
Dan said gratefully, "Thank you, brother."
She drank the water and handed the cup back, but Ronnie said, "Take it, girl! keep it hidden so you don't get robbed," With that, he and Alice said goodbye and left. Dan sensed the good intentions of the siblings and followed them carefully, and when they reached an intersection, she saw the two go their separate ways, and after a moment's hesitation, she followed Alice. Alice walked ahead of her, unaware that she was being followed. Back at the apartment, Dan saw her close the door and sat in the doorway as she pulled out the bread in her arms and began to eat it. Ronnie also went back to room 25 and thought about his mission, his mission was level 2, which was a bit harder compared to level one, this time the mission was to make a big net that could catch ten people at the same time. He still had nine days to go, and now he had a rough idea, so he wasn't in a hurry. He lay down to rest and fell asleep after a while.
Dan crouched at Alice's door until midnight, when the temperature in the bunker dropped and she couldn't stand it any longer, so she went back to where she usually slept. The next day, Alice got up early, pushed open the door, and just as she turned the corner, two men stood in her way. One had small eyes and the other was taller. There were security cameras everywhere and these two didn't dare go too far. The little eyes stepped forward and said, "Woman, will you stay with us?" Alice backed up to the corner, turned and ran to her room, closing the door with a 'bang'. There were a dozen rooms in this corridor, and for a moment they didn't know which one Alice was hiding in, so they had to peer through a small opening in the door and look from room to room. Alice was in room 36, which was further forward, but she had been in too much of a hurry to get in and hadn't locked the door. The duo found room 36 after a while and were about to knock on the door, but unexpectedly the door opened with a gentle push. Overjoyed, they rushed into the room and when they saw Alice standing by the bed, they lunged at her. Alice screamed in terror, and her cries immediately attracted several people, but none of them came forward to stop them, but stood in the doorway to see them. The two men were even braver, they pushed Alice down and pinned her to the bed, the little eyes above controlled her hands, the taller man pressed her legs, but Alice's feet kicked hard, he was unsuccessful for a while. The little eyes above changed tactics, using one leg to press down on her hands, the two free hands going to lift her blouse. Alice struggled desperately, her mouth constantly calling for help, but unfortunately none of the onlookers came to her aid. These people used to be the elite scientists of the city-state, after being locked up here for a few years, they had all become a bunch of hungry wolves, now they preferred to see a woman stripped naked.
Their hope was soon fulfilled, as Alice's blouse was lifted to reveal a pair of plump, white breasts, and a joyous, lewd laughter immediately erupted around them. Alice desperately gave up her resistance. The taller man was about to pull her pants off when the bald man rushed in, electric baton in hand, and struck the small-eyed duo hard on their backs, only to see them fall after a twitch. "Sorry, I'm late," The bald man looked at Alice and said. Then he dispersed the onlookers and dragged Little Eyes and the Tall Man out of the house. At this point, Ronnie was still asleep and didn't get up until almost noon, wondering in his mind, "Why didn't my sister come to see me?" he walked out the door and made his way to Alice's house. It took him a dozen turns before he reached room 36, he knocked on the door a few times, there was no movement in the room. On the contrary, the door of a room next to it opened a small slit, revealing the head of a chubby man, and the fat man thought to himself, "Here comes another flower-picker!"
"What are you looking at?" Ronnie couldn't help but ask, and only then did the other man pull his head back. He looked in through the small opening in the door and saw Alice curled up on the bed. He yelled, "Sister, it's me! open the door!"
After shouting several times in succession, there was still no movement in the house and he stamped his feet in anxiety.

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