by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:11:21

In an office more than a hundred kilometers away from Shire Town, two men were having a heated argument. If Ronnie were here, he would have recognized one of the men, a chubby former classmate of Michiko's named "Gomez". Gomez said to the other man, "They've already taken three of us and killed one, we need to get even."
"It's better to wait a little longer, we'll listen to what the boss says."
"If the boss doesn't say anything, should we just let it go? one of the people they took was also my brother," Gomez said angrily.
The other one also raised his voice, "Are you going to fight them head on just for your brother?" Gomez was speechless for a moment. The man continued, "The Casa organization and we have always been non-aggressive towards each other, knowing that our common enemy is the City-state. If we fall out with them, the higher-ups will surely blame us."
"Why are they arresting our people this time?" Gomez finally calmed down.
"I heard from the people who came back that the two people they are looking for are the children of their chief, they took some of our people just to make an exchange,the one who was killed was killed because he resisted too much."
"Then the two people they were looking for were really captured by our side?" Gomez asked next.
"They should be, these two are also from the City-state," after the two finished talking, Gomez sighed softly.
Not daring to slack off, Ronnie took on two more quests while staying in the deluxe room. After earning another 60 points in ten days, he was resting at home that day when he heard someone knocking on the door. Alice went to open the door and saw that it was a bald man she didn't recognize, "Excuse me, who are you looking for?"
"Is Ronnie here?" the bald man asked back.
At that moment, Ronnie was lying in bed and when he heard someone calling for him, he got up and went out. When he saw the bald man, he was surprised and couldn't help but ask, "Laurent, what brings you here?"
"Something is going on today, can I come in and talk?" Laurent said with a smile.
"Sure, please come in."
After Laurent came in, Alice closed the door. The two exchanged a few pleasantries before Laurent got to the point, he mysteriously whispered, "There are about a dozen people who want to escape from here, would you be interested in joining?" Ronnie was a little worried by the sound of that, he was thinking about it, he was just struggling to come up with a good idea.
"Can you tell us what method you use?" Ronnie asked.
"This ..." Laurent hesitated for a moment before saying, "Yes, but you have to take an oath that you can't reveal this method, it concerns the lives of a dozen people."
Ronnie nodded and agreed, he said with a solemn face, "I swear to the Holy Virgin, I will never reveal half of what I have heard today, if I go against it, it will keep me from living for the second half of the year".
Upon hearing Ronnie's oath, Laurent nodded his head in satisfaction and then introduced him to the escape method. Ronnie was very disappointed after hearing this. In his heart, he thought, "These people are also scientists of the City-state, how could they choose such an unskilled way?" he felt that the chances of success were very slim, and for a moment, he could not open his mouth to refuse, stammering for a long time without making a decision. Laurent was originally full of confidence, feeling that Ronnie would definitely agree, and he came in with a promise to the others that he would be able to convince Ronnie to join. He saw that Ronnie hadn't made up his mind and was a bit worried: "Well? do you agree to join?"
Ronnie gritted his teeth, "I'm sorry, I still won't join, but don't worry, I won't tell anyone about you."
When Laurent heard this refusal from him, 10,000 curses came into his mind, cursing Ronnie's entire family for three generations. But he said, "It's okay, it's okay!" he quickly apologized and left.
After he left, Alice was a little concerned and said, "Ronnie, I see this man was full of anger when he left, will this offend him?"
"It's okay, what else can he do to me?" Ronnie laughed. Alice thought about it and was relieved.
Five days later, the siblings were on a mission in Lab 52 when an alarm went off. Everyone dropped what they were doing and ran to the lobby in front of the screen. Of course, the siblings also rushed there, only to see a dozen masked men grabbing five people, including the bald man and the mission lady in room 203, and the masked men confronting more than twenty armed men. These twenty or so people were divided into two rows, the first row holding shields and electric batons, and the second row holding guns and the ten-man capture net Ronnie had made last time. The lead masked man offered, "Get us out of here and give us a car, and when it's safe, we'll let these five go."
The scene was quiet for a moment and no one spoke. About half a minute later, a one-eyed, cool-looking middle-aged man walked up, and the bald-headed man immediately cast a sympathetic glance at the dozen masked men. This one-eyed man is the owner of this "Doomsday Bunker", he is famous for his brutality, known as the "Butcher of Death". Farett sneered, "You want to negotiate with me, you really don't know what you're doing.”
These masked men were immediately subdued by One Eye. The masked leader saw that the morale was not right, and with a fierce anger, he pulled the bald man over and struck him hard in the face, causing the bald man to scream and blood to flow from his face. One-Eyed Farett saw this unmoved and simply said, "You better kill him, I was thinking of changing him.”
The masked leader tried to cut another knife into the bald man's face, Farett looked at the crowd of onlookers, at this time one person in the crowd suddenly pulled out his gun and fired a shot into the back of the masked leader's head, and the masked leader fell to the ground dead with his brain splattered all over the place, more than twenty armed men immediately took action, picking up electric batons and stabbing the masked men, and the riot was quickly quelled. Although masked, Ronnie was able to recognize Laurent by the hair on his head and his stature. Laurent was pinned to his knees by two burly men, his face covered in blood, and he appeared to have been badly beaten. Ronnie was glad he wasn't a part of this. The crowd of onlookers quickly dispersed after the masked men were pushed away. Ronnie and Alice also returned to the luxury room. At ten o'clock at night, the two were trying to sleep when a sharp knock came from outside the house. Ronnie felt strange and a little uneasy. He opened the door, and without waiting to speak, six armed men burst in, and one of them, a long-faced man, asked, "Are you Ronnie?" Ronnie had just nodded.
Two armed men came straight up and put his hands behind his back and another pair of handcuffs on him. "You come with us!"
Alice hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "What gives you the right to arrest people indiscriminately?"
The long-faced man coldly said, "Someone reported that Ronnie is the main planner of this riot.”
Hearing this, Alice immediately thought of Laurent. She was just about to explain when the men led Ronnie out the door. Ronnie was taken by the six men to a torture room, and after the handcuffs were removed, he was suspended in mid-air by ropes on his hands and feet in four directions. He was terrified and thought to himself that this time it looked like he would not be able to get out. About half an hour later, the one-eyed Farett came in and looked at Ronnie, "Do you know why you were brought here?"
"I don't know," Ronnie replied with a shaky voice.
"Then I'll tell you that a gentleman next door said you were the mastermind behind this."
Ronnie started to explain, but remembered his oath and held his tongue. Seeing that he didn't say anything, One-Eye sneered and said, "You're pretty tough, looks like you won't talk until you've suffered a little,”he picked up a short sharp knife from the desk and said to him, "I'm going to give you thirty seconds to think, and I want you to tell me everything that happened in this action, and whether or not anyone else was involved besides the dozen or so who were captured, if I don't hear an answer, I'm going to cut off one of your fingers for every question I ask, and after the fingers, it's the toes.” One-Eye started to count as he finished, stopping when he reached twenty-eight and saw that Ronnie didn't answer. He sighed quietly and said, "It seems you really don't know how to die," he jumped straight to thirty. "I really don't know anything," Ronnie shouted.
One-Eye didn't want to listen to this nonsense and went straight over and slashed his left thumb, "Ah!" With a pitiful scream, Ronnie immediately fainted. One-Eye bent down, picked up his broken finger, and threw it to the side of the fireplace. The severed finger spewed black smoke into the fireplace and soon turned into a finger bone, then he turned and walked into the next room. In that room, Laurent was hanging, his face covered in blood, but he was conscious. He saw One-Eye come in and opened his mouth, "I didn't lie to you, Ronnie is the plotter."
One-Eye looked impatient, "Is that so? but why are you the only one who says he's the mastermind? isn't that what the others are saying?"
Laurent couldn't answer for a moment, One-Eye laughed, "Looks like you want to be like Ronnie, I just cut off one of his fingers, want to try it too?"
He held a short knife in front of Laurent. Then he said, "I'll give you thirty seconds too, if you don't tell the truth again, you'll end up like him.”
One-Eye started counting again, and halfway through the count, Laurent screamed at the top of his lungs, "I say! I'm telling you! stop counting.”
Laurent told the truth, and Ronnie's grievance was resolved, and he was carried home at twelve o'clock that day. Alice was heartbroken to see him tortured in this state. She said hatefully, "These people are so cruel to hurt you like this,” and found a piece of white cloth to bandage his wounds, by now Ronnie had woken up.
"Sister, we have to find a way to get out of here."
"Don't say anything for now, just rest," Alice said quietly.

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