by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:11:49

For the first time, Ronnie developed a strong desire to get out of here. He rested at home for two days and began taking jobs again, which he did while looking for a way out. Another month passed with no progress on his escape plan. He became depressed and Alice saw it and comforted him, "Don't push yourself too hard, it's not supposed to be easy unless we can be invisible.”
Speaking without thinking, Ronnie slapped his thigh, "Right! if we can be invisible, we can get out." But it wasn't easy to be invisible, and he had tried and failed several times.
In a certain city in Asia, Scarred Elliot sat alone looking at a photo in his hand, the photo was of the three of them together. This Scarred Elliot was the body of Ronnie's father, while the one in North America was his clone, he used the blood of Ronnie and Alice that he collected last time, and spent more than a year to clone a total of six Ronnies and two Alice. Among them, No. 1 and No. 2 Ronnie followed him, these two clones of Ronnie were closer to the main body and had been engaged in scientific research. And the two Alice clones were in North America and Asia, accompanying the two Elliots. At that time, clone Alice came over and when she saw Scarred Elliot, she asked softly, "Dad, are you thinking about Mom again?"
Scarred Elliot immediately smiled on his face when he saw Clone Alice, "Yes! Ronnie and Alice haven't been found yet, I'm a little worried."
"The 'Nine Stars United' would rather risk turning us in than handing someone over, I wonder what they're up to."
"In that case, we'll flip out with them," Elliot said coldly.
"Dad, our enemy is the City-state, do we really want to go to war with them?"
"The purpose of forming this organization in the first place was to protect my family, that's why I used the name 'Casa' (Spanish for 'home'), if we can't do that, then there's no need for this organization to exist.”
 "Then we'll go to war with them and force them to hand over the people."
"Notify the North American side immediately, and if they see anyone who is a mid-level or high-level member of 'Nine Stars United', arrest them all for me."
In Zi City, nine of the twelve members of the Grand Elder Council were sitting together in a rare manner, and in the middle was a rotating chairman, a man with a full head of white hair, but his face was young, looking to be only in his thirties. In a low voice, he said, "Hundreds of City-state scientists have gone missing in recent years, and we must take this seriously as well.”
"There are tens of millions of scientists in the City-state, so it's normal for a few hundred to go missing, these people are eccentric in their personalities, and some of them just left the City-state without saying anything," the one who spoke was a young woman.
The white-haired man glanced at her quickly and said indifferently, "But as far as I know, none of them left of their own accord, they were kidnapped."
At these words, there was an outcry from below. The young lady also snapped, "Who would have the audacity to kidnap someone from the City-state?"
"Recently, your You City had the highest number of missing people, and you didn't even know about it,” the white-haired man let out a cold laugh and said.
"Then how did you know about it?"
"No comment on that," the white-haired man clearly did not want to say anything more.
The next nine members spoke about Holy Virgin Saria, "I propose a referendum to allow Saria to abdicate early, she is no longer fit to be a Holy Virgin," this time it was the same white-haired man who spoke.
The young lady's face had an angry look on it when she heard this proposal, "Saria hasn't made any major mistakes, why should she abdicate early?"
There were a few members who also nodded in agreement, one of them said, "It's a big thing to make the Holy Virgin abdicate, I'm afraid it's very hard to get 60% of the city people of the 'New World' to agree, and right now I don't think the time is right.” There was a heated debate between the two sides, with neither side able to convince the other, and in the end the matter had to be left unresolved.
Ronnie went into the Doomsday Bunker for more than two years, at that time he was in despair. In those two years, he had been searching for stealth materials, and he found a kind of super material called Meta-skin, he put this material on his body, it will have a stealth effect, but this kind of material is too difficult to obtain, it is not easy to be coated all over the body. He spent all his time researching stealth technology, forgetting that he had a mission to complete. He had no points now, and he had not completed his last quest, and he had been deducted thirty points, and now he had negative twenty points. He had moved out of the deluxe room and into his original room of 25. Worse, he had a high fever and hadn't eaten in two days. Alice stayed by his side all day, helpless, she had begged several acquaintances in the City-state, but none of them were willing to help her. She remembered the bearded man who was the caretaker of the place; the bald head had not been seen since the last riot. Now replaced by this bearded man, Alice dressed lightly and went to his room. The bearded man lived in room 84, she knocked on the door and after a while a head popped out from behind the door, "What's your business?"
"My brother is sick, can you give me some fever-reducing medicine and something to eat?" Alice looked at the other party with anticipation in her eyes.
The bearded man looked her up and down, "Then come in!"
After hesitating for a moment, Alice stepped into the room and gently brought the door with her. The room was not large and simple, there was only a bed and a wooden chair, the sheets and covers were all white, and there was a picture frame on the bed, the picture was of a seven or eight year old boy. She sat down on the chair and the bearded man said, "I can help you, but you have to pay something."
"What is it?"
The bearded man didn't say anything, he just stared at her breasts and after a while he said, "I haven't touched a woman for more than two years since I entered this hellhole, do you understand?"
Although she had a premonition, Alice still had a disgusted look on her face, but for Ronnie's sake, she could only hold her tongue and say, "I'll think about it!"
"Good, come back to me when you've thought about it," the bearded man made a friendly gesture.
In the middle of the night, Ronnie's fever got worse and he started talking nonsense, Alice's heart burned with fear, and she thought to herself with a straight face, "Forget it, saving people is important, just think of it as a deal, and I don't want to preach about it.”
She immediately went back to room 84 and knocked on the bearded man's door again. The bearded man, who was sound asleep, was a little less than thrilled to be awakened, and he asked, panting and misty-eyed, "What? have you figured it out?"
"Yes, but I have a condition, you must give me medicine and food first, I need it now."
The bearded man rejoiced at the news and immediately came to his senses and readily agreed. Ronnie took the medicine he gave him and the fever began to break. Early the next morning, Alice saw how much better he looked, and her heart sank. Determined to keep her promise, she knocked on the bearded man's door a third time and entered the house. The bearded man had long since made his bed, was wearing a formal dress, and was clean-shaven, looking like a different man. Alice took off her pants as soon as she entered the house, then lay down on the bed and lifted her legs, "Please hurry, I have to attend to the patient.”
Looking at her smooth white thighs, the bearded man's heart was thrilled and said, "Good!" having said that, he rushed over and put his head between her legs to fondle her. He was also considered a manly man and did what he said he would do and quickly completed the task. In less than ten minutes, Alice returned to Room 25, and as she looked at the sleeping Ronnie, she secretly prayed in her heart, "Ronnie, get well soon so your sister doesn't have to be bullied anymore.”
Unfortunately, the bearded man only gave her two days' worth of food, and Ronnie was just getting better, so she had to make another trip to Room 84. It took two hours to get home this time, but there was a little more food, enough to last them for ten days. Ronnie also took a week to accept the new assignment and pay off the twenty points he owed, leaving ten points. They exchanged the ten points for bread and some pure water, and ended up with only two points left, Alice ate only a small piece of bread every day, she didn't dare to eat more because she wanted to leave more bread for Ronnie.
"Sister, why are you eating so little?"
"I am not hungry, I already eat some, you have to eat more when you're sick."
"Sister, it's okay, are you afraid we won't have enough points? it won't be a problem in the future," Ronnie laughed.
Alice watched him speak with confidence and ate another small piece. Ronnie learned his lesson from the last time, he collected Meta-skin while carrying out his mission systematically. Two months later the duo moved back into the deluxe room, Alice hadn't showered in three months and the first thing she did when she entered the deluxe room was to take a shower. Ronnie lay down on the bed, stretched his limbs and said excitedly, "It's not easy being back here.”
Alice came out of the shower and rolled up her long hair, but Ronnie saw at a glance that she had small wrinkles on her face, she was thirty-two years old and no longer young. "Sister, when we get out of here, why don't you go see Dad and get a telomere rejuvenation injection?"
"What's that?" Alice asked curiously.
"It can reverse telomeres so you can get younger, it has to be injected every ten years."
"That's good, when we get out we'll go find Dad."
The siblings chatted a little longer, shared a bowl of spaghetti, and went to bed.

continue to next part