by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-20 21:12:15

That day, the siblings were on their way to the lab when they noticed someone following them. Ronnie reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pistol. This one he had was not quite the same as Alice's. It was a lethal weapon that would destroy a person's central nervous system and render them insane. Ronnie had made a rule when he built it that he would never use it as a last resort. This time he pulled it out because they were being followed by Little Eyes, who had harassed them last time. The duo deliberately walked to a place where the surveillance couldn't see them, they turned a few corners and came to a dark utility room, Ronnie suddenly turned and fired a shot at Little Eyes. He seemed to be prepared for that as well. There was no reaction at all when the little needle was shot at him, and he still came closer to the Ronnie sibling duo. Ronnie understood immediately, this person was wearing a bulletproof vest. Little Eyes pulled out a folding dagger and laughed, "This is the path of death you chose for yourselves, you can't blame me.” Alice started to pull out her own pistol, but realized she didn't have it with her. Since living in a deluxe room, she felt much safer and usually left it at home, which she regretted at this moment. Ronnie's small pistol could be fired a total of three times, this time he wanted to shoot his opponent's unprotected face, but he wasn't sure of his shot, Little Eyes saw him raise his gun again and took a piece of mask from his back and put it on his face. Ronnie was completely out of control this time, he sidled up to Alice and said, "I'll hold him off, you run when you get the chance,” he backed away slowly as he said this, and also felt a wooden stick against the wall with his hand.
Alice didn't run, but instead found an empty metal bucket. Little Eyes didn't take her seriously and swung the dagger in his hand straight at Ronnie. His cane was much longer than the dagger, and it hit his opponent's head with a "pop" ,but his opponent didn't seem to feel any pain at all, and still lunged at him. He sidestepped and dodged, then kicked out, but the kick was empty. Little Eyes had already spun, and the dagger went straight for his face. Ronnie quickly raised his wooden stick to block. With a clang, the dagger was blocked. Alice, on the other side, got a chance to raise the iron barrel and bring it down. Little Eyes was at full strength against Ronnie, how could he notice his back? With a muffled "thud," the iron bucket hit his head hard, and he felt only a moment of rotation, and then he didn't know anything. Overjoyed, Ronnie took out his little pistol and shot him in the back of the neck. The two siblings treated the scene briefly and left the utility room. In about five minutes, Little Eyes slowly woke up, touched his head, looked around with a blank face, and muttered, "What is this place? how did I get here?"
The siblings returned to the lab in a panic and hurriedly closed the door. "Sister, it's lucky you're here this time, otherwise I might not be alive."
"Didn't you tell me to run first, now you know how powerful I am!" Alice laughed.
"Yes! I'll listen to you from now on."
Ronnie now had one hundred and twenty-four points, and he set aside one hundred points every month to rent an apartment. After another three days, they went to exchange food after work. This time they exchanged six sausages, four liters of pure water, twenty slices of bread, and a set of women's clothes, spending a total of thirty-nine points and leaving eighty-five points. Alice's clothes were already worn out, she originally couldn't afford to spend thirty points to change her clothes, so this time, under Ronnie's repeated insistence, she was given a set of women's clothes. After exchanging things, they headed home, and as they passed the lobby, they saw a group of people gathered in front of them. Curious, the duo walked over and squeezed into the crowd to see a completely naked man boxing, who else could it be but Little Eyes. Alice quickly covered her eyes. Ronnie had not expected his poison needle to have this effect, he did not want to see any more and pulled Alice's hand to squeeze out of the crowd. The duo had only taken a few steps when a little girl ran in front of them, screaming, "Brother, sister, remember me?"
The duo stopped in their tracks, and in front of them was a little girl dressed in rags with a swollen face. "Are you 'Dan'?" Alice asked, not quite sure.
"You remember me, sister!" the little girl was ecstatic. After not seeing her for over two years, she hadn't grown much taller and was even a little thinner than before. "Dan, how have you been?" Alice asked.
"The nice Rowlands adopted me, but unfortunately she died too." Dan lowered his head, her eyes filled with tears.
Alice sighed, knelt down and reached out to hold Dan in her arms, gently comforting her, "Don't be sad, everything will be fine.”
She was eager to adopt the little girl and looked up at Ronnie for advice. But Ronnie shook his head, he was already struggling to raise his sister and he really couldn't do it if he had another. Disappointed, Alice said to Dan, "I'm sorry, we can't afford to feed you either, you can have this food for now," with that she pulled out three slices of bread and two sausages and handed them to her.
Dan reached out and took them, mumbling, "Thank you, Sister!" then she walked away happily.
There was another important reason why Ronnie didn't want to adopt the little girl. He had been collecting and synthesizing cloaking materials for the past two years, which was enough for one, but now he found that collecting was getting harder and harder, meaning he didn't know how long it would take to gather the materials he and his sister needed for the two of them, and if he added the little girl to the mix, it would be even more out of reach, so he could only reject her with a heartfelt refusal. For the next six months, he completed his tasks on time and lived a quiet, boring life. On that day, there was an uninvited guest in his house, and when he opened the door and saw that it was indeed Laurent, he felt a little strange in his heart. Even though there was no direct evidence that he was the one who had betrayed him last time, he was still filled with suspicion. Alice was even less fond of the man, and fearing that Laurent would come to deceive them again, she told Ronnie, "Don't let him in.”
Laurent had suffered a lot since being caught in the last riot. After being locked up for two months, he was released, blind in one eye, pale and thin. Ronnie looked at him pitifully and let him into the house. The two of them sat down, Ronnie opened his mouth first, "Laurent, what do you want to see me about?"
Laurent looked at him carefully and said, "You know what? yesterday there was another person who tried to escape, and then he was discovered and thrown from the elevator entrance at a height of five hundred meters, and the person fell to mush."
"Why is that again?" Ronnie frowned at this statement, "What do you mean by that?" he asked coldly. He felt that he must have another purpose for coming here, it couldn't possibly be to scare himself.
"Hehe, then I'll say it plainly, I know you're preparing a cloak of invisibility, so I hope you'll take me with you when you leave."
"On what grounds?" Alice said sharply.
"On the basis of what I know about you," Laurent smiled.
Ronnie seemed to have expected this and was not in a hurry, instead he had a calm face, "Yes, but I have two conditions, first you have to keep it absolutely secret, and second you also have to help collect the materials together, I will give you a list of the materials you need, just prepare them according to the above."
"Really?" Laurent's one eye flashed a bright light, he didn't expect it to go so smoothly, he thought it would take a lot of work and happily left the door. After he left, Alice gasped, "Ronnie, why did you agree with him? that kind of villain is not worth helping."
"It would take at least five years to collect them all with just the two of us, and it would be faster if we had his help."
"What about him?" Alice asked.
"We'll leave after we've collected the materials for both of us, I'll leave him another copy of the recipe and the method of making it so he can collect it slowly by himself, it's up to him if he can go through with it or not. Without the recipe, he may have to stay here for the rest of his life, and that's saying something,”Ronnie said with a wicked grin on his face.
"So that's what you were planning, how did you get so bad now?"
"Didn't you just call him a villain?why are you still sticking up for him?"
Alice was about to retaliate when Ronnie pulled out two 'Bira coins' from his pocket and said, "Sister, where did you get these two 'Bira coins'?"
"I got them when I was a city guard, keep them as a souvenir, maybe one day when you see them you'll think of me!"

continue to next part