by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:40:49

Three hundred kilometers was not a long way for Ronnie and George, and they soon arrived in the town of "Dasco". George followed the "Nine Star Watch" and came to a family's yard where he stopped in his tracks when he noticed that the watch was on the hand of a young boy. The boy was about ten years old and still had a snotty nose. He saw Ronnie and George looking at him and was startled and took two steps back. George smiled and asked, "Little boy, where did you get that watch you're wearing on your hand?”
"Why do you ask?" the little boy asked back, pressing his hand warily against the watch.
George pulled a piece of candy out of his pocket and said with a smile, "If you can answer my questions, this candy is yours."
The little boy licked his lips, "Then ask!"
"Who gave you the watch on your hand?"
"I picked it up."
"Where did you pick it up? can you take me there?"
"Over there," the little boy pointed to the southeast, then led the way forward.
After walking more than three hundred meters, the three of them came to a small forest. At a remote spot in the forest, the little boy pointed to a flat area of grass and said, "It's right here,” he finished his task and looked up at the candy in George's hand. George smiled and handed the candy over, asking, "Little boy, would you mind showing me your watch?”
The little boy was generous with the candy and took off his watch and handed it right over. "Why are you looking at the watch?" Ronnie asked curiously.
 "I want to see who Yurina contacted at the end."
Ronnie thought rightly and moved closer to look at it as well. George looked at it line by line, and both realized at the same time that Yurina had made a lot of friends, and judging by the names, most of the friends she had made were male, and the last call she had made was about six months ago, to a man named Colin. George called back and through a short conversation he learned something. It turned out that this Colin lives in the town of "Dasco", Yurina came to visit him half a year ago, stayed for a few days and left, and hadn't heard from her since. George could only call one at a time in chronological order, and after five or six calls, Ronnie began to feel unhappy. He could hear from the call that Yurina's relationship with all these men was not ordinary. George couldn't get it off his face and stopped calling. At this point Ronnie's interest in finding Yurina had diminished greatly and he said to George: "Forget it, let's go back! maybe Yurina will come home on her own in a few days."
"Okay!" George nodded. Returning the watch to the boy, the two of them got up and hurried back to the City-state. On the way back, Ronnie was in a terrible mood and thought to himself, "Yurina, what the hell do you think I am?"
Back in the City-state, he regrouped his team, George and Brown had joined other teams, so he had to cancel the invitation. Lily was the only one of the five to return. That day, the two of them discussed coming up with a name for the team, they discussed and argued for a long time, and finally decided unanimously on the name: "Rebirth Partners". Ronnie asked, "How about that? now you're happy! we're partners now, with equal status, and you don't have to call me boss.”
"If I don't call you boss from now on, what will I call you? Old Ro?" Lily had a new question.
"You're older than me, do you feel comfortable calling me Old Ro?"
"Then it's better to call you Boss, I'll get used to it."
"Whatever, just don't call me husband," Ronnie laughed.
Over the next few days Ronnie recruited three more people, one was an old acquaintance, the owner of the kangaroo in the robotics competition many years ago, "Sharlout". The second was a fat man named Tom, only nineteen years old. The third was a girl named Gina, who was not a scientist and was recruited by Ronnie to promote the Enlightenment Chip. Gina was a sweet looking girl who could sing and dance well. Ronnie called the four people together and held the first meeting, he said, "I'm rebuilding the team this time to participate in this year's robotics competition, there are still more than two months before the competition starts, we will start preparing now and strive to enter the top three this year."
Sharlout, who was standing next to Lily, exclaimed excitedly upon hearing this, "This is great, I lost to you last time, I didn't expect to be your partner this time.”
While Sharlout was happy to stay with Lily even though she knew she was a girl, Lily felt uncomfortable all over. Gina smiled back and said, "Good luck everyone, I'm rooting for you."
Lily hadn't given up on Transformer II after Ronnie's disappearance, and she had solved most of the problems. Ronnie had also used the stealth technology on Transformer II. When several people experimented with it and saw it disappear from their eyes, they couldn't help but be amazed, this time even Lily couldn't help but praise, "Boss, your stealth technology is too powerful, we have a good chance of winning this competition."
"Yes! I'm hopeful too, it's much more powerful than my kangaroo," Sharlout started complimenting him, too.
Lily suddenly saw that Ronnie was missing a thumb on his left hand and asked curiously, "Boss, is your thumb also hidden from you, why is it gone?"
 "My thumb was cut off."
"That must have hurt!" Lily looked at him sympathetically.
Ronnie said nothing, just bowed his head. A few days later, he received an invitation from Professor De Silva to go to Block 9819 in You City. The first thing he said when he saw him was, "I'm taking you to meet someone."
"Who? so mysterious." Ronnie asked curiously.
"You'll know when you see her."
De Silva took him to the North End School, where in a classroom he met the long-awaited Holy Virgin, Saria. Ronnie's heart raced every time he saw the woman, and this time was no exception. "Holy Virgin, what are you doing here?" he asked.
"Don't call me Holy Virgin, I'm not a Holy Virgin anymore, just call me Saria," Saria laughed.
Ronnie had also heard about the Holy Virgin in the last ten days since he returned to the City-state, so he wasn't surprised. He just hadn't expected her to be in You City. "Ronnie, I heard that you saved a lot of the City-state scientists in the 'Doomsday Bunker' this time."
"That was just by chance, I'm not that capable."
"You're so modest," Saria chuckled.
The next conversation between the two got to the point, it turned out that after Saria abdicated her throne more than two years ago, the "New World" no longer provided any help to the "Free World" outside, and all the subsidized stations were dismantled. This time, Saria's main purpose in looking for Ronnie is: She wants to build a foreign aid station to continue helping the “free world”, and the name of this program is “Starfire”.
Ronnie very much agreed with Saria's suggestion and immediately agreed, "How many people are on board now?" he asked.
"There are thirty-two scientists from the City-state and some teachers and healers, more than a hundred people in all," replied Saria.
"It seems that not too many people have joined," Ronnie thought in his mind and asked, "without the support of the City-state, where will we get our food? it's not a small amount."
"We have two bases in You City, but we can only provide food to people near You City."
The two of them talked for a while, Ronnie didn't know what he could do by joining Starfire, he just said that he would do his best to help if needed. After he and Saria parted ways, he left the City-state of 9819. Since Alice returned to the city, the original Knights Committee members have been replaced by new people, and she can only work as a city guard again. Ronnie couldn't bear it in his heart when he saw how listless she looked when she went to work every day, so he asked, "Sister, why don't you go to my place?we can work together."
Alice looked at him and shook her head, "What can I do at your place? it's better to forget it! it'll get you into trouble."
"Sister, I need some people I can trust as assistants, just go!"
Unable to resist Ronnie's repeated persuasion, Alice finally agreed. Next, Ronnie contacted his father and got three "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquids", which he wanted to do in the Doomsday Bunker. The first one he gave to Alice, of course, and the other two he wanted to give to Yurina and Park Hye. He didn't know how rare and valuable the "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid" was. In the "Free World", each bottle of Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid could be sold for 1,000 bira coins, and only 300 bottles were produced each year. His father, Elliot, relied on it for his development and it was an important source of income for his organization.

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