by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:41:18

It was late November, two days before the annual New World Robotics Competition. Brown came to Ronnie, who wondered, "Where's George? why isn't he here?"
"He wasn't available, so he asked me to come over," Brown replied.
George actually didn't want to come over any more because the last time he went with Ronnie to look for Yurina he felt that she had dishonored his family and this time it was because of what had happened to her. "So what did you want to see me about?" Ronnie asked.
"Yurina is waiting for you at the 9823 station, would you like to meet her?"
"Is she back?" Ronnie was a little surprised and a moment of hesitation flashed across his face. However, he finally agreed to go to station 9823 to meet Yurina. Yurina had automatically retired from the City-state and had been removed from the City-state, so the two of them could only meet at the station in the southwest district. As soon as they met, Yurina jumped into his arms and said, "Where have you been? I looked so hard for you."
"Were you looking for me? don't think I don't know, liar," Ronnie laughed coldly in his heart but said, "How did you know I was back?"
"I went to a friend's house and he said that George had been looking for me and that if he had seen me, he would have told me to come home and that's how I came back."
"Friend?" A nameless fire rose in Ronnie's mind at the word and he pushed Yurina away, trying to keep his distance from her. "What's wrong with you?" Yurina looked at him with wide eyes, confused.
"What the hell is your relationship with these men?" Ronnie asked desperately.
"What? are you jealous?" Yurina covered her mouth and laughed.
Hearing this, Ronnie turned around without saying a word. But only a few steps away, he heard a call from behind him: "Ronnie, stop.”
"Do you think we still need to talk?" Ronnie asked as he stopped.
"I asked you to marry me when I was in the City-state and you didn't agree, now that we're no longer a couple, it's none of your business who I met," Yurina also said angrily.
When Ronnie thought about it, she was right. Amandine was six years old now, and he had been automatically disowned as a couple with Yurina three years ago, and he was left speechless by the argument. Seeing his momentary silence, Yurina continued, "Didn't you also have several women and a child with Park Hye, I didn't have a child with another man," the more she said, the more angry she became, and in the end she cried out with an "Oooh".Ronnie's heart softened and he went forward to hug her, "I'm sorry, I was wrong about you.”
Comforted by Ronnie's words, Yurina broke into a smile, she said softly, "Why don't you come stay with me for a few days? we haven't been together for a while."
 "No, the competition is in two days, I can't go now," Ronnie shook his head and talked briefly about the robotics competition, and Yurina didn't argue this time, just said, "Then come find me after the competition.”
The two reluctantly parted, and Ronnie returned to the 9824th City-state. As soon as he appeared at the elevator, a guardian from the House of the Three Wolves came looking for him with Vega. Vega was eleven years old. Father and daughter hadn't seen each other in six years. Ronnie hadn't seen her since he returned from the Doomsday Bunker, and only Alice had visited her twice. Seeing the strange man in front of her, Vega looked up at her guardian and said, "He's not my father. ” The other man froze, wondering if he had the wrong man, and looked around to see if there were any other men, because according to the Big Butler locator on his wrist, the man he was looking for should be right around here. "Vega, why are you lying?" Ronnie asked angrily.
Then the guardian sized up the man in front of him, "Are you Ronnie?"
"Yes, what can I do for you?"
"That's great, I've been looking for you so many times and couldn't find you, you're such a busy man."
Ronnie frowned at his wordy words, but quickly regained his composure, "I'm sorry, can we talk about the purpose of your search for me now?"
"It's like this, Vega has been too grumpy for the last year, she injured three of her classmates, and yesterday she put one in the hospital. I'm here to tell you this time because I want you to be mentally prepared, if she hurts someone again, she'll have to be locked up in the juvenile detention center and there's a possibility that she'll be expelled from the City-state."
After hearing what he said, Ronnie's face grimaced, "I'm going to say a few words to her!" he was about to put on his fatherly face when Vega shouted at him first, "Who are you to control me? get the hell out of here!" having said that, she broke free of her guardian's hand and ran away.
Ronnie had a bitter look on his face, and he also felt that he was not a good father and never cared for this daughter. She was right, he really had no business taking care of her. His other daughter, Catherine, was much happier and every week Park Hye took her home to be with her family. She was already nine years old and looked a lot like Park Hye, a sweet little girl. Catherine, on the other hand, was much more unknown to Ronnie and he often ignored her existence. Ronnie returned home and immediately complained to Alice about Vega, "If she's not angry, I'll go talk to her."
"Sister, thank you."
"What's wrong with you? still so polite to me," Alice was filled with doubt.
Ronnie scratched his head, he also felt it was too foreign to say, so he could only smile and say, "How about this? from now on we'll pick her up every week and bring her back to stay with us, she's been living alone for the past few years, and she'll get resentful after a long time."
"Good!" Alice nodded, "I hope Vega will agree."
The next day she went to see Vega to find out the whole story. It turned out that two days ago, when Vega returned to the Three Wolves House from school, one of her companions asked, "Vega, is your father Ronnie? can you get his autograph for me, please?"
"I don't know him," Vega replied.
The other male companion laughed, "Kasowitz, her father didn't want her a long time ago, it's useless for you to get his autograph," he paused for a moment and then continued, "her mother doesn't seem to want her either, have you ever seen her mother come to her?"
The companion named Kasowitz nodded in deep thought, "Yeah, I've never seen her mom come to her."
Vega was furious when she heard the two of them asking and answering each other and turned to her male companion and said angrily, "Say that again!"
"What? are you angry?" as the male companion finished speaking, Vega had already picked up the table lamp on the desk and smashed it in his face. The male companion was caught off guard and had his face smashed in, and his screams attracted the guard, leading to the incident where the guard took Vega to Ronnie. Alice, after understanding the situation, did not bother to blame Vega, but simply said, "Vega, from now on, every week, I will take you home for two days, okay?"
Vega loved her aunt the most and was happy to hear this, but hesitated a moment later, "What about him? don't you live with him?"
Alice knew she was asking about Ronnie and said with a straight face, "He's your father, you should give him a chance, I'm sure he'll do better in the future.”
Vega finally and reluctantly agreed. The next day was the robotics competition, which happened to be on a weekend, and Alice brought Vega to watch Ronnie's first robotics match. As soon as father and daughter met, a look of surprise flashed across Ronnie's face, "You're here too?"
Vega just said, "Uh-huh!" and didn't say much. Ronnie also attached great importance to the first match, all six members of the "Rebirth Partners" had come. The rules of the match were the same as the original, but probably because it was the weekend, the number of spectators was much higher than the last time. "Reformer II" was also updated to "Reformer III". This was not only a change of name, but also a great increase in strength. The original No.2 would lose to No.3 in less than two rounds. No.3 carries a broad sword and stands in the ring with his head held high. This time, his opponent was the "Grape Warrior", whose body was covered with pearls. When the match started, the Grape Warrior just stood there and didn't attack, but No. 3 wanted to test his strength, so he moved first. He raised his broad-bladed sword and slashed at the Grape Warrior's head, and the other party's pearls immediately rose up to protect his head. Number Three's sword bounced off, but a few more pearls stuck to it. Number Three drew his broadsword, and the beads exploded around him. Ronnie mentally sighed, "Why are they using that trick again? how unoriginal," he explained to Alice and Vega next to him, "don't be nervous, we were prepared for this trick."
 "Who's nervous? you're getting ahead of yourself, I'd rather you lose the game," Vega thought in her heart.
Only to see the third in the ring, when the pearls were about to explode, he had already plunged his sword into the body of the "Grape Warrior", and with a loud bang, the other party was instantly shattered by his own pearls. Loud applause erupted outside the arena. Vega couldn't help but applaud as well, and she said to Ronnie, "Old Ro, I never thought you were that good.”
This was the first time Vega had taken the initiative to talk to Ronnie since she could remember, and even though she wasn't called Dad but Old Ro, Ronnie was still very happy. He also tried to think of some words to say to Vega, but he didn't know what to ask. Then he saw Park Hye in the crowd. In her thirties, Park Hye looked like she hadn't changed at all and was getting hotter. She was wearing a low-necked blouse that revealed her white delicate neck, holding a little boy in her hand and chatting with Barry, who was born to Park Hye and Barry five years ago, next to her, and in front of Barry was Catherine. Park Hye also found Ronnie standing in the ring in an obvious position, the two of them looked at each other, both unconsciously nodded to each other, and then both looked away. At that moment, Ronnie's heart was filled with emotions, this woman he used to be was now a passerby, she was no longer the shy Park Hye of the past. From Park Hye, he thought of Yurina, the woman he had been separated from for about ten years. "Yurina, does she love me or not?" that was the answer Ronnie always wanted to know. From Yurina, he thought of Michiko, who had been missing for almost sixteen years. He had already searched for Michiko after his return from the Doomsday Bunker, and Michiko was not in the City-state. This time, he asked his father to look for her in the Free World. While he was thinking, the match in the ring had already been decided.

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