by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:41:55

The referee on the stage announced that Reformer Three had won by a large margin. The next match was another one that Ronnie didn't care much about, he secretly looked at Park Hye in the crowd. Barry noticed his furtive glances and pulled Park Hye along, "Let's go."
 "The game isn't over yet?" Park Hye asked suspiciously.
Barry didn't explain and insisted on leaving. Park Hye looked across the room at Ronnie and seemed to understand. As he watched the four members of Park Hye's family walk out of the crowd, Ronnie immediately lost interest in the rest of the game. He had planned to go over and give Park Hye the Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid, but at that moment, he rejected that idea as well. Fearing that Barry would misunderstand, he turned to Alice and the others and said, "Let's go and prepare for the next game.”
Ronnie's every move was now in Alice's eyes, and she reminded him in a low voice, "Don't you give up? she's already married."
"Sister, you misunderstood, I just wanted to go over and say hello to her, nothing else," Ronnie explained quickly.
Gina still had some skills, she had actually collected the information of the opponent in the second match. Ronnie looked at it and praised it, "Gina, you're so capable, how did you get it?"
 "Heh! I'll keep it a secret," Gina laughed.
Ronnie didn't bother to ask her again, he picked up the information and looked at it, the screen showed that the other party was a long haired gorilla with a lot of strength and a high pressure jet of water coming out of his body. He called over to Lily to discuss, "Should we make some waterproof preparations?"
"It shouldn't be necessary, I've thought about the waterproofing."
Sharlout hadn't contributed much since she joined Ronnie's team. She wanted to offer a golden idea, but couldn't think of a better one, so she jumped at the chance. It was at this point that she realized there was a downside to being on the top team and that she couldn't get her foot in the door at all. Tom, the fat man, asked a question: "The key is not to be waterproof, but to resist high pressure, if we can't defend against that, there's a chance he'll get washed out of the ring."
Ronnie nodded his head, "Tom, you have a good idea, is there a way to fix it?"
"We know its weakness now, we just need to block its spurts as soon as possible."
Lily agreed wholeheartedly and then went out to get ready. The second match was about to start and Ronnie was confident this time. As soon as he arrived, he scanned the crowd for Park Hye, but unfortunately she wasn't there this time. Vega had gone to school and hadn't come with her, but Reformer 3 was in the ring and he had found his opponent's water spout. The referee whistled for the match to begin, and as Number Three quickly approached his opponent, the arena erupts in cheers of "The Snow Monster of the City-state .... The Snow Monster of the City-state ..." Ronnie didn't realize how popular the other team was and how little support there was for his Number Three. He whispered to Gina, "What's going on? everyone is supporting the other side.”
"After the 9824 City-states were built, The Snow Monster of the City-state had represented the City-states in the Robot Competition every year, and last year it even made it to the top 36," Gina explained.
"Oh, no wonder!" Ronnie realized.
The cheering from the stage had no effect on Number Three. First, it sprayed a cloud of glue to precisely block its opponent's water spray. The Snow Monster of the City-state was enraged and rushed straight at Number Three. It swung its palms at its opponent, but Number Three easily dodged them. The snow monster was strong but slow, and its biggest advantage, the water spray, could not be used, so it was trapped in a passive situation for a while. Number Three deliberately teased his opponent, taking the snow monster all over the arena. Ronnie watched anxiously from the stage and shouted, "Number Three, hurry up and finish it.”
At this remark, the whole crowd stared at him. Number Three on the stage heard Ronnie's command and suddenly stopped. As the opponent approached, he suddenly bent down and swung out his broad sword to slash at the opponent's feet. The snow monster's feet were thinner and were immediately levelled and cut off. He staggered and tried to stand up straight, his body swaying a few times before finally falling head over heels to the ground. A sigh of relief rang out from the stage, and some pointed out that Number Three hadn't won honorably by blocking the Snow Monster's outlet in the first place. The Snow Monster's owners were also a team of six, and two of them cast hateful glances at Ronnie and the others. With a defiant face, Sharlout said, "Why can't they afford to lose?"
"Ignore them," Gina chimed in.
"If I had known, I should have told Number Three to cut the snow monster in half," Ronnie said even more viciously. He deliberately raised his voice when he said this. The other party heard it as well, and the two of them immediately walked over to him, pointing at him and asking, "What did you just say?”
"I ... "Ronnie unconsciously took two steps back as he called Number Three into the ring. Number Three heard his master's command and appeared in front of him like lightning, "Block them!" he pointed at the two men in front of him.
Number Three flashed and blocked between the two sides, saying, "Please don't come forward again, or don't blame me for being rude to you.”
The two didn't take the robot's words to heart and continued to approach. Alice and the others also went over to stop them, asking, "What do you want?" The crowd of people watching from all around heard the noise from this side and all gathered around as well. Ronnie's side only had two boys, Tom was still a fat man, not as useful as he was, his morale was obviously not as good as the other two, and he was forced to retreat. At that moment, No. 3 instantly disappeared, and at the same time, the two of them suddenly bent their knees and fell to the ground. A few moments later, No. 3 reappeared in front of the crowd, but all of this happened in a very short period of time, the surrounding crowd did not see it. Ronnie saw the two kneeling and knew that it was No.3 who had struck while he was invisible, he laughed teasingly, "Why are you being so polite? get up quickly, you two."
The two of them didn't know what just happened, they just felt that their legs were hit hard and they knelt down. Ronnie's stealth technology was successfully developed in the "Doomsday Bunker", and he didn't give it to the City-state for fear of being misused, and currently only he and Lily possessed this technology. The two of them stood up with lousy faces, one of them pointing at Ronnie's nose and saying, "Just wait, next time I will definitely dismantle your robot.”
Ronnie was very pleased with No.3's performance when a thought flashed through his mind, "Looks like we'll have to create some more invisible people to protect ourselves and our families,” he whispered to Lily, and the other asked back, "How many do you want to make?"
"Not too many, three."
"Who do you want to protect? are there any for me?" Lily asked next.
"Of course there are, to protect you, me and my sister."
"That's more like it, we'll start after the tournament."
"Lily, I don't want the City-state to know that we have a cloaked man and want to do it in secret."
 "Does that count as betraying the City-state?" Lily hesitated a moment before speaking.
When Ronnie heard the word 'betrayal', he remembered that his father had been condemned by the City-state for developing it privately, and he asked, "Then what?"
"Let's apply to the City-state! If they agree, we'll do it, if not, we'll give up," Lily said.
For the first time, Ronnie felt the lack of freedom in joining the City-state and had to nod helplessly. Over the next two days, Reformer Three played a few more matches, winning all of them and entering the next round as the number one City-state in 9824.
Today was the first match of the second round, and Reformer Three was scheduled to play in block 9819 of You City this afternoon. This was the City-state where De Silva was, and Ronnie went over to meet him, and the other said, "I have a robot coming out to compete today as well.”
"Ah! what's the name of your robot? it's not going to be a race against mine, is it?" Ronnie said with a shocked look on his face, he didn't want to face a strong opponent in the first match.
"My robot is called 'Angel of Judgment', it shouldn't be a match against yours," De Silva laughed.
"Oh!" Ronnie was relieved, he remembered that "Angel of Judgment" was playing in the morning match, at the same time, he was eager to see how "Angel of Judgment" performed, he told the other members of "Rebirth Partners" to prepare for the afternoon match, he took Alice with him to watch the match. In the ring, Angel of Judgment was holding an iron rod, with a big hat on his head, and his feet were suspended in the air. His opponent was a girl with a musket, a robot with the cute name "Gunslinger Lori". Both sides were supported by the crowd, and it was a very lively scene. When the match started, the girl with the musket smiled wryly and fired a shot at the angel, who didn't dodge, and the bullet bounced right off her body. She raised her iron bar and swung it at her opponent, Gunslinger Lori couldn't avoid it and was hit in the left shoulder, she yelped, "That hurt!”
And offstage, Ronnie's shoulder was similarly tapped, he turned his head to see that it was actually the Holy Virgin Saria. "Why are you here too?" "I came to support my teacher's fight, what's so strange about that?" Saria said with a smile.
Alice, seeing Saria up close for the first time, looked a little nervous and said shyly, "Hello Holy Virgin!"
Saria looked at her and asked Ronnie with a sideways glance, "Who is this?"
"This is my sister Alice," Ronnie introduced.
"Your sister is so young, she looks more like your litter sister."
More than two months after Alice had been injected with the Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid, she was getting younger every day, and right now she looked only about twenty-five or twenty-six years old. Ronnie smiled and said nothing. This time, Saria was standing close to him. He noticed that at thirty-eight, slight wrinkles had appeared on Saria's face. During her reign, the New World had given her a telomere rejuvenation injection when she was twenty-four. After she was forced to abdicate two years ago, she had not been injected again, and she was slowly aging. Ronnie remembered that he still had two Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid in his hand, and he hesitated to give one to Saria, but in the end he decided to give Park Hye's to Saria. Saria was so happy to get the Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid that she kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you!" Ronnie's face turned red when he was kissed and he didn't know where to put his hands for a while while the men around him looked at him enviously. At this time he had a kind of unreal feeling again, his mouth mechanically squeezed out three words, "You are welcome!”

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