by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:42:29

The two talked offstage while the two sides onstage had already won and lost. Lori's leg was broken and she was lying on the floor twitching. Ronnie turned to Saria, "It's my robot competition this afternoon, I hope you can come cheer me on."
"That's for sure, I'll definitely be there." After delivering a Rejuvenation Liquid, the two of them immediately became much closer. In the afternoon, Ronnie brought the six "Rebirth Partners" to the competition site. A moment later, Saria also appeared beside him, and Lily and the others exclaimed in shock at the sight of Saria, "Holy Virgin, are you here to support us too?"
"Yes! Ronnie and I are good friends," Saria laughed.
"Saria and I have known each other for a long time," Ronnie also explained.
Ronnie's opponent this time was his old acquaintance Crockett, the man who used to be his right hand like Lily. This time the opponent represented another team, Crockett knew the characteristics of No.3 very well, Lily was a little worried, "I can't believe it's Crockett, he's too familiar with us.”
"It's okay, we've improved No.3 as well, there are a lot of characteristics he doesn't know, I don't think he's that good," Ronnie said reassuringly.
Crockett's team sent out a flying "Eros" with a pair of wings on its back and a bow and arrow in its hand. Seeing this "Eros", Ronnie immediately understood that the other team seemed to be trying to imitate the bee that had defeated No. 1 last time, the "Sting of Desperation". He laughed coldly in his heart, "Young man, you underestimate me too much, if you want to use the same method to defeat me, you are still too young."
When the match started, Eros really flew into the air. It shot the first arrow, No.3 hastily dodged, but Ronnie still underestimated the opponent, the arrow shot by Eros did not land, but followed No.3 like a shadow. No.3 quickly ran to get rid of it, but the arrow still followed him. The Eros in the air shot another arrow, and the two arrows attacked back and forth, and were about to hit No.3 when his body suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he appeared in the other corner of the ring. No. 3 stepped lightly on his left foot and pressed it against the back of his neck, and in a flash, a pair of wings spread out from his back and he flashed upward. Before the crowd could see it, Eros fell out of the air and when he tried to get up, No.3 stomped on his head, "Don't move or I'll crush your head.”
Crockett, on the outside of the ring, had to raise the white flag in surrender. Ronnie's No. 3 imitated the Thunder Eater in many ways, but No. 3 was twice as fast as the Thunder Eater and had stealth abilities, while No. 3's drawback was that it had a weaker attack. The surrounding audience did not see the Eros fall, many people thought that the Eros itself malfunctioned and fell, so the applause was not enthusiastic. Saria did not see it either and asked Ronnie next to him: "How did the other side suddenly fall?"
Ronnie didn't see it either, but he guessed what was going on, he explained it truthfully to Saria, and she was surprised to hear: "Your robot is so powerful!”
Sharlout was on the side when she heard Saria's compliment and said, "Oh, he's the man who defeated my kangaroo.”
Crockett, who had lost the match, came over to Ronnie and the others and smiled at Ronnie and said, "Boss, you're getting really good at this.”
Lily interjected, "You haven't gotten much better trying to beat us with such lame moves."
Crockett saw that Ronnie was surrounded by almost all the girls and looked envious. He glanced at Alice and Saria and chatted for a few moments before leaving in frustration. There were twelve matches in the second round, and for almost a month, No. 3 played ten more, winning each one easily; today was the last match of the second round, and if he won this time, No. 3 would enter the finals as the number one in You City.
This match was held at Ronnie's home turf, 9824 City-state. No. 3's opponent was the "Guardian of Saria" from 9781. Ronnie felt strange when he saw this name yesterday, and almost laughed when he saw that his opponent was just a big frog. Alice also wondered, "How did such a robot make it to the second round?" That big frog was a nine-member team formed by Holy Virgin Saria's admirers, and the Holy Virgin had seen this team before. Today was a crucial battle for the Big Frog, if it lost, it would stop in the second round. This was Ronnie's home field, but almost everyone was rooting for the Big Frog. The opposing team was still popular in You City by playing under the banner of the Holy Virgin, and right now the only person in the arena cheering for No. 3 besides Ronnie's own team of six was Park Hye, who was hiding in the crowd. She came alone today and Ronnie didn't notice her. Ronnie would have supported the big frog if he wasn't competing with himself. He sent an order through the Big Butler to Number 3: "Save the other side's face and don't let them lose too much."
No. 3 received Ronnie's order and nodded gently. Three minutes later, the game started on time. The big frog hopped and jumped to attack No.3, its attack was to stick out its two meters long tongue, which had a strong acid solution in it, and when it was touched, a stream of black smoke would come out of its body. If it wasn't for Ronnie's command, No. 3 would have defeated his opponent in a single move. At that moment, all he could do was dodge, and the big frog thought that No.3 was afraid of his solution, so he attacked more and more fiercely. Someone outside the arena kept cheering, "Saria's Guardian, burn No.3 now!" someone shouted this, then more people shouted, "Burn No.3! Burn No.3!"
Ronnie under the ring was furious when he heard these words, "Looks like you guys really think I'm a bully if I don't show you something!"
Lily and Sharlout were also angry, and both of them shouted at the same time, "Ronnie, tell No.3 to attack, don't give him face.”
"Good!" Ronnie nodded and resolutely gave No.3 a new order. After receiving it, No.3 dodged while waiting for an opportunity to strike. When the big frog spat out his tongue again, he raised his broad sword and swung it down, cutting off half of his opponent's tongue, the big frog covered his mouth and croaked in pain, and the outside of the arena was quiet for a moment. The big frog didn't die, he attacked No.3 again, who turned his head to look at Ronnie off stage, wondering if his master still wanted him to attack. Ronnie nodded, and with permission, No.3 quickly walked around behind his opponent, jumped on his back, and took out his broadsword and plunged it straight through his head. The big frog let out a strange scream and became still. Park Hye, who was at the bottom of the field, couldn't bear to watch, she felt that the frog's death was too tragic. There were some girls who cried when they saw this scene, Ronnie became the public enemy of the whole court at once, everyone stared at him with their eyes, and Ronnie was full of grievances, "Why can't I fight back? only he can hit me.”
Alice also felt that he had gone a bit too far this time and said to him, "It looks like we can't stay in Block 9824.”
Once again, Ronnie felt the importance of having someone to protect him, and he hurriedly called No. 3 back to his side. At that moment, several men came around him, and when he saw who it was, he said to Alice and the others, "Let's get out of here.”
But he said it too late, and more men on the perimeter approached them. They shouted, "Get Ronnie, don't let him go.” When the "Rebirth Partners" saw this formation, all of them rushed to surround Ronnie in a circle to protect him. At this time, one person suddenly put his hand into the protective circle and pulled Ronnie out. He screamed loudly, trying to hold his head, and a group of people rushed up to his head with a barrage of punches and kicks. In fact, most of these people were the team of nine behind Big Frog, and everyone's emotions were stirred up by them. Among the nine, there was a bald man who took advantage of the chaos and kicked Ronnie in the face so hard that it hit him right in the nose and blood gushed out. Alice and the others tried to help, but they couldn't squeeze in. Park Hye saw Ronnie being surrounded by a dozen people and couldn't do anything to help, so she could only cry silently. At that moment, Ronnie's heart was filled with rage and he shouted, "No. 3, kill these people.”
No. 3 was about to do so when the City-state guards rushed over with electric batons in hand. They quickly dispersed the crowd and rescued Ronnie, who was beaten and covered in blood. This beating strengthened his resolve to make guards, Alice was heartbroken at the sight of him and kept wiping away his blood, Lily was outraged, "These people are a disgrace to the City-state.”
Sharlout chimed in, "Why do we have to be beaten by them when we won the tournament? it's so unfair."
The six returned to the Institute. Ronnie dried the blood from his face and didn't bother to wash it, sitting on the side and sulking. Two days later was the finals, Ronnie's team got into the top thirty-six with the first place in You City this time, but the six were not happy. Alice said to Ronnie, "Cheer up, there are still games afterwards,” then she said to the others, "You guys go home and rest, I'll just stay with him, tomorrow morning we'll get ready and leave for Zi City in the afternoon.”
After the others left, Ronnie said, "Sister, we're going home, too. ”From that moment on, Ronnie kept No. 3 by his side. After returning home, No.3 stood inside the house, he was a robot and didn't need to rest.

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