by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:43:34

"It seems that No. 3's speed and strength are clearly lacking, and his intelligence is also lacking, so he needs to be upgraded again," Ronnie muttered.
After losing this match, the Rebirth Partners lost interest in the rest of the tournament, and they discussed going home early. Ronnie visited Prof. De Silva once before leaving, and after exchanging a few pleasantries, the six of them left Zi City and returned to You City. Vega would be home on weekends now, and when she saw Ronnie, she asked, "How did the tournament go?"
Ronnie looked at her, trying to think of something to say to save his face. But before he could say anything, Alice took the lead and said, "The result wasn't bad, it was sixth place."
"What? sixth place is not bad, sister, you have low expectations of me," Ronnie asked with wide eyes.
"You think you're so great? I think it's good that you made it to the finals," Vega scoffed.
Ronnie's room was a double and Vega had to sleep with Alice every week when she came home. He was tempted to switch to a triple, but triples had to be requested by three or more people, so he had to give up. At that moment, he remembered that if he could obtain the First Class Medal of the Holy Virgin, he would be able to live in a deluxe room for life, which made him a little tempted, and he planned to apply to the City-state to create three invisible robots first, and then see the reaction from the City-state. He submitted the request immediately, and the next step was to wait for the response from You City. After that, he wanted to go with his sister to visit the bearded man in Shire Town. Alice didn't really want to go, she didn't know what to say when she met him. "Sister, you should be the one he wants to see, there's no point in me going if you're not going," Ronnie advised.
"All right!" Alice had to agree. No.3 was the property of the City-state, except for the competition, Ronnie couldn't get him out. He was a little uncomfortable with less protection from No.3, but there was nothing he could do about it.
The two of them just packed up and went to Shire Town. They were familiar with the town, but after asking in several places, they couldn't find out the whereabouts of the bearded man. Ronnie said to Alice, "Did that guy Laurent cheat on me again?"
"I don't think so! why is he lying to you? maybe the bearded man has left the area."
"Looks like we'll have to see him again sometime," Ronnie said regretfully, he didn't find the bearded man, so he wanted to go to Yurina, and turned his head to ask Alice, "Sister, do you want to go to the Baron's house?"
"I'm not going, you go! I'm going back to the City-state first."
The two siblings then parted ways in town. Ronnie went straight to the Baron's house, and just as he turned the corner, his back was suddenly held in a deadly embrace, only to hear a voice say, "Brother, you've finally been caught by me. He mentally screamed that this time he had forgotten to protect himself from a sneak attack by Yurina's stupid older brother Billy. After Billy had hugged him, his arms tightened, choking him so hard that he could barely breathe, and his face instantly turned purple and black, with white foam coming out of his mouth. "There's no running now!"
Billy's two followers rushed to pull him back. They were afraid that Ronnie would be choked alive, but Billy was a big fat man with a lot of strength, and he was afraid that Ronnie would run away, so he used all his strength. The two of them together could not pull him away, they could not help but hastily shout, "Somebody, please! the young master is strangling people!"
This cry immediately attracted the attention of Yurina, who was loitering nearby. She immediately rushed over at the sound, "Who is being strangled?"
The duo pointed at Ronnie who was about to die, "Your husband, do something.”
Looking at Ronnie who was already rolling his eyes, Yurina was so scared that she shouted, "Big brother, let go of your hand,” she yelled several times but it didn't work, she just happened to have a bag in her hand and picked it up and hit Billy on the head with it. Billy was hit in the back of the head and turned his head to look at her, "You're breaking the rules, you can't use weapons in a match."
Yurina didn't care and continued to smash the bag, cursing, "You bastard, bastard!"
Billy was a little confused by the blow and when he reacted he immediately yelled, "Why doesn't the referee care?" he let go and lunged at Yurina, but luckily the two heels pulled him back and Yurina took the opportunity to escape. "Don't go, the match isn't over yet," Billy ran after him. Ronnie took a breath and touched his neck and coughed, "Ahem .... I can't let that happen again." He was afraid that Yurina would suffer a loss and followed him as well, and his fears turned out to be unnecessary. Yurina had grown up in the house and had many ways to deal with her stupid big brother. She turned a few corners and Billy lost sight of her. Billy couldn't find her, so he went back and came face to face with Ronnie, who was following him. Ronnie learned his lesson this time, as soon as he saw his opponent, he ran into the path. Billy was fat and slow, he soon couldn't catch up, he stopped and muttered, "Am I going to win or lose the two races today?" Ronnie got rid of him and went looking for Yurina. Yurina had long since returned to her room, knowing that Ronnie would surely come here to find her. A while later, when Ronnie found her here, she shouted happily, "This time you came to see me so early, count your conscience.”
Ronnie laughed, "Luckily you showed up today, or I would have been strangled alive by your big brother.”
"So do you have a reward for me?"
"Huh, there really is," Ronnie said and took out a Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid, "this stuff can make a person younger with one injection, your dad should have used it too."
"Where did you get this? Dad said there's no place to buy this stuff with money, only he is qualified to use it in the family."
 "Don't worry, I will give you one every ten years in the future," Ronnie said mysteriously.
Yurina was three years younger than Ronnie and almost thirty. She was also afraid of getting older every day and couldn't wait to be injected with the "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid". After the injection, she looked lovingly at Ronnie and said, "You are so good to me.”
Ronnie looked at her beautiful face and hugged her. He worked his way up and down at the same time, one hand on her breasts and the other on her pants. Yurina giggled, "Why are you in such a hurry? I'm not running away."
Ronnie stayed in the "Doomsday Bunker" for six years. After coming out, although there are a lot of women around, but these people are all his female colleagues, there is no one to make out with. At that time, he was like a drought meeting manna, his heart was as anxious as burning. He bent down, picked up Yurina and went into the inner room. Yurina, as meek as a sheep, was picked up, her hands around his neck, cuddled in his arms. Ronnie reached the inner room and laid her flat on the bed, staring at her for a moment, not knowing what to do next. Yurina laughed out loud when she saw how stupid he looked, "What's wrong with you? have you forgotten how we used to do it?"
"I don't know if it's just an illusion, but I think you're more beautiful now than before," Ronnie scratched his head uncomfortably.
"Let me ask you, who's prettier, Park Hye or me?" Yurina asked.
Ronnie thought for a moment before he said, "You have different styles, she's sexier than you and you're cuter than her."
"Which type of woman do you like more? is it sexy or cute?" Yurina asked next.
"Men generally like sexy, but I prefer the cute type like you," Ronnie said truthfully.
"Do you like me more because I look like Michiko?"
"That ... maybe!"
Seeing that Ronnie can't stop thinking about another woman, Yurina can't help but say angrily, "She's been missing for almost twenty years and you're still thinking about her, maybe she died a long time ago."
 "No, she's definitely not dead, I can feel it, she must be trapped somewhere."
Yurina laughed back angrily, "You're so naive, even if she's still alive, she would have married someone long ago and probably had a bunch of kids."
As soon as the words left her mouth, she heard a "pop" and Ronnie slapped her across the face. She covered her face and looked at the man in front of her in surprise, not expecting him to hit her. Ronnie regretted his action and tried to apologize. But Yurina didn't give him a chance, she raised her arm and threw it back hard, then shouted angrily at him, "How dare you hit me? how dare you hit me for another woman?" she turned around on her bare feet and walked out of the house, "This is your house, where do you think you're going?" Ronnie stood up and pulled her back.
"I don't need you, go away!" Yurina struggled hard but was pulled tightly by Ronnie and was about to kick him with her foot when she was picked up instead and thrown on the bed. Before she could react, Ronnie was already on top of her. She twisted her head away from him, and after half a dozen attempts at coaxing that didn't work, Ronnie went for the balls of her feet, which tickled so much she couldn't help but giggle. "You let go, huh? ... you asshole."
When she laughed, most of her anger went away.
"You can't run away now, can you?"
"You keep pissing me off and one day I'll run away," Yurina pouted.
"Then I'll catch you on the bed and squeeze you again." Ronnie laughed and kissed her on the lips. She didn't resist and came up to him of her own accord. The two were immediately entwined, Ronnie's pleasure coming and going quickly. He collapsed on the bed in a flash, gasping for breath, "Has it been too long since you've done it?"
"Mmm!" Ronnie nodded.
"Why don't you take a break and we'll continue later, okay?" Yurina stroked his chest thoughtfully for a moment before she asked, "It seems like I'm really the only woman you have."
"That's for sure, I'm a devoted man," Remembering something else, he asked back, "what about you? how many men have you had?"
Yurina herself couldn't count how many, so she could only say mysteriously: "I won't tell you.”
 "Yurina, if you want to be with me, I want you to stop hanging out with those guys in the future," Ronnie said solemnly.
Unexpectedly, Yurina scoffed, "For what reason? it's not like you want to marry me, I have that freedom."
"We're not married, but you're also the only woman I have, so that's fair, right?"
 "Okay then! but you'll have to visit me more often from now on," Yurina made her own conditions as well.
"No problem!" Ronnie nodded, then sighed, "It would be nice if you could join the City-state again, so we could be together all the time."
 "Yeah! do you think the City-state will let me join again?"
"That's impossible, the rules of the City-state cannot be changed."
The two talked and their bodies changed again, and it wasn't until after ten o'clock the next day that Ronnie came out of Yurina's room. He dragged his tired legs towards the garden, he wanted to visit Dan, the little girl he had brought from the Doomsday Bunker.

continue to next part