by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:44:01

Dan has been staying at the Baron's house since she got out of the Doomsday Bunker. She and Amandine were playing in the garden by the pool. She looked up and saw Ronnie and exclaimed in surprise, "Big brother, you finally came to see me.”
Amandine was having fun and when he was interrupted, he looked at Ronnie and froze in place without calling out. Ronnie looked a little surprised at Dan's enthusiasm and smiled, "Dan, are you having fun here?"
"Of course I'm having fun, Amandine hangs out with me every day."
"How about you? do you like Dan?" Ronnie asked as he turned his head to look at Amandine.
Amandine looked at him coldly, didn't say anything and turned his head the other way. Ronnie put a big nail in the coffin and thought to himself, "I guess I wasn't a good father, none of my kids like me.”
Seeing his embarrassed face, Dan quickly spoke up to relieve him, "Big brother, are you here to see me?"
"Well, yes, I wanted to ask you if you want to live here or if you want to go to the City-state with me?"
"Can I go to the City-state?" Dan asked excitedly, grabbing Ronnie's arm.
"No, you can't go, you have to stay here and play with me!" Amandine shouted sharply.
"You can also come with me to the City-state!" Ronnie laughed.
"I'm not going! it's boring as hell there."
Dan dropped his head in disappointment. She was a sensible child and knew that if she said yes to Ronnie, father and son would surely quarrel. "I'm staying here with Amandine!" she said.
"Okay, but remember, if you get into trouble, go to the City-state and ask for me. I will help you if I can," Ronnie said. Before he left, he looked at Amandine again, hoping to see a change in his face, but unfortunately he had no expression other than anger. Next stop, Ronnie wanted to talk to Vinique about the Enlightenment Chip. Since his disappearance six years ago, the Enlightenment Chip was no longer available in the Free World. As he walked, he looked around, afraid that he might run into Billy again. Fortunately, he was lucky enough to make it to Vinique's place. The two had not seen each other in over ten years and when she saw him, she was very surprised, "Ronnie, why are you here?"
"I'm looking for you for something."
"Is it to talk about the 'Enlightenment Chip'?" Vinique guessed.
"Yes, do you want to continue selling it for me?"
 "Yes, but why didn't you ask Yurina instead of me?"
"She's not really good at it, you're the expert," Ronnie said truthfully.
Selling Enlightenment Chips in the Free World could increase the personal honor value of the entire team of rebirth partners, which was very attractive to Ronnie. More importantly, Alice's honor value was only a pitiful one hundred or so, and he desperately needed to increase her honor value, so he was even more interested in this matter. After Vinique agreed, the two of them talked about some details, and it wasn't until an hour later that Ronnie left the house. He stayed with Yurina for two more days before returning to the City-state. Alice saw this and chuckled, "Pretty self-conscious this time, coming back without me having to rush you," after she had finished speaking, she handed Ronnie a letter, "This is the reply letter from the City-state, take a look at it.”
Ronnie took it and looked at it, "Congratulations Ronnie, your application has been approved, this is considered a reward for your helping the more than two hundred scientists in the 'Doomsday Bunker' get out of trouble last time. The Grand Council of Elders has a proposal for you to donate the stealth technology to the City-state, and we will recommend you to the judging panel for next year's Holy Virgin First Class Medal selection. If you agree, please contact us, and we look forward to hearing from you."
"Well? would you agree? give them the technology for the First Class Medal," Alice asked, looking at Ronnie.
"I want to hear your opinion."
"Of course I want you to get the First Class Medal so that there will be two of us in the family with our names on the 'Historical Tablet' of Zi City, and Mom would be happy if she were still alive."
"Well, since you agree, I'll say yes to them," Ronnie immediately sent a letter back to the Grand Council of Elders. After receiving the City-state's approval, he immediately set about developing the Invisibles. This time, he only wanted to apply for three Invisibles, so he only told Lily. Lily was overjoyed to hear that the City-state had really agreed, she hadn't held out much hope. The two worked for half a day to come up with the final proposal. Due to the rules of the competition, No. 3 was less than three feet tall. Ronnie wanted to increase the height of the stealths to one meter eight this time. Since they were always invisible and did not need to speak, the duo named the invisible man "Silent Shadow Man". The Silent Shadows would only speak when their master spoke a secret word. Two months later, three Silent Shadows stood in front of them, Alice and Lily's Silent Shadows were girls, and one of Ronnie's looked like No.3. Ronnie said to the two girls, "Look at them again, you won't be able to see them when they're covered with the camouflage material.”
"Just paint them, so much nonsense," Lily gave him a blank look and said impatiently.
The trio worked until the afternoon, when the three Silent Shadow Men disappeared from sight. Ronnie wanted to test the effect and said to his Silent Shadow Man, "Cool Bear, help me pick up Lily.” Cool Bear was the name he gave his Silent Shadow Man.
When Lily heard him say that, she ran away screaming, "Ronnie, what's wrong with you?"
She also called urgently to her Silent Shadow Man, "Kona, block him, " as soon as the words left her mouth, the sound of banging and fighting rang out from the Institute. It looked like the two robots were fighting, and Alice hurriedly stepped forward to stop it, "Stop it, both of you.”
Both sides of the fight stopped their Silent Shadow Man at the same time. But Lily wasn't relieved, she suddenly stepped in and grabbed Ronnie by the ear and said, "The next time you pull a prank like that on me, I won't spare you."
"You lighten up! lighten up! it's almost broken," Ronnie bared his teeth in pain as his ear was pulled.
Alice couldn't bear it in her heart and pleaded with him from the side, "Just spare him."
Lily then let go, but kicked Ronnie in the ass again. "I thought you didn't have a boyfriend and you'd be happy to be held by a man," Ronnie rubbed his ass and hemmed and hawed.
"Bitchy man!" Lily glared.
The three Silent Shadow Men had received permission from the Council of Elders to be taken out of the City-state. Ronnie was much bolder with his bodyguard. He had been shuttling between the Baron's house and the city for the past two months, and he wasn't afraid of Billy anymore. Whenever Billy tried to approach him, Cool Bear threw him off. Surprisingly, after being thrown a few times, Billy remembered him and rushed to avoid him whenever he met him. Yurina burst out laughing at Ronnie's glorious deed, she praised, "Big brother was finally subdued by you, you're awesome!" she pressed Ronnie for a Silent Shadow Man. "You can't apply for it if you're not from the City-state," Ronnie apologized.
Yurina thought for a moment, "Then you can make an easier one here, would that be okay?"
After thinking for a moment, Ronnie agreed, he knew that Yurina liked to run around, so a simple "Silent Shadow Man" would be safer. It took him half a month to make one, this simple Silent Shadow Man only has one form and can't transform and fly, it's dressed as a girl, one meter six tall, and her strength and speed is only one fifth of the original version. Still, she was able to defeat four or five men. Add to that her stealth, and she was almost invincible. Yurina looked at this cute robot and was very satisfied, she wanted to give her "Silent Shadow Man" a name, she turned her head and asked Ronnie: "Think of one for me!”
"How about calling her 'Heel'?"
"Doesn't sound good," Yurina immediately shook her head.
"What's a good name?" Ronnie looked at the Silent Shadow Man again and muttered, "She's a girl figure and a guard, how about calling her 'War Rose'?"
Yurina thought that was a good name and accepted it. Once the name was decided, the two of them put meta-skin on "War Rose".
Yurina was thrilled as she watched it slowly disappear before her eyes. Wanting to test the performance, she said, "War Rose, bring me the cup on the table."
A few moments later, the cup on the table lifted into the air and slowly moved into her hands. Delighted, Yurina hugged Ronnie and gave him several kisses on the cheek. "Every time we go to bed, make sure you call her out of the room, or I'll feel awkward," Ronnie teased.

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