by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:44:27

Today is May 22, 2653, a big day for Ronnie, who has traded in his stealth skills for the biennial "Order of the Holy Virgin First Class". Yesterday he even went to Zi City to receive the award from the new Holy Virgin. Today he was especially busy, he had to receive visitors all the time to congratulate him, most of them were scientists near You City, including Prof. De Silva and Laurent, whom Ronnie knew, and he didn't finish his work until the evening. He smiled and said to Alice, "This day is considered to have met all the scientists in the whole of You City, where do these people usually hang out? I can't see a single one."
Tom interjected, "Boss, you are now the only first-class medalist in the South American region of You City in the past twenty years, and the youngest recipient of the 'New World' in the past hundred years.”
"Ah! this is even more powerful than Father?" Alice was very surprised to hear this.
"Ronnie, tell us what you think!" Lily said with a tap on Ronnie's shoulder.
Ronnie cleared his throat and threw his head up in the air as he teased, "I'll definitely keep up the good work and try for a bigger win."
The others laughed at his earnest statement. However, Lily gave him a blank look and scolded him in a low voice, "Still a cheap man after winning the award.”
After winning the First Class Medal, they could apply for a deluxe room and live in it permanently. Three days later, the siblings moved into the second deluxe room on the sixteenth floor. Almost ten years after the incident, the siblings moved back here with a lot of emotion in their hearts. Alice exclaimed happily, "Finally a home, no more moving around.”
Vega also stays home on weekends. On this day, she shyly bowed her head and said to Ronnie, "Dad, I want to ask you a favor."
She called out twice without Ronnie answering. Alice, however, heard her and with a tug on his coat said, "She is calling you! are you deaf?"
Ronnie then responded, just wondering in his mind, "What's wrong today? Vega actually called me Dad."
"You want to ask me a favor?" he asked.
Vega pulled a basketball, a stuffed animal, and a cup out of her bag. Then she said, "My classmates would like you to sign these,” as she said this, she pointed to the three things she had just taken out.
A strange thought suddenly popped into Ronnie's head, "This First Class Merit Medal of mine is really worth it, it's not only an honor, but it also promotes father-daughter bonding.” He picked up the three things and signed his name, but he hadn't thought of signing for anyone after winning the award, and he hadn't practiced his handwriting well, so he signed it crooked and unreadable. After looking at it, Vega smiled and said, "Dad, you should practice your handwriting , it's embarrassing to write so badly.”
"I'll definitely practice next time," Ronnie's face blushed and said.
Time passed day by day and the relationship between father and daughter got better and better. Sometimes Vega would sit on Ronnie's lap and pamper him, and while Ronnie was dealing with his relationship with her, he thought of his other daughter, Catherine. He decided to ask Park Hye to come out and talk to her. He contacted her through the Big Butler and Park Hye saw it and asked him to meet her in Southeast District. Ronnie seldom came to this district, except for a few times in the past when he taught Park Hye farming techniques. After they met, she spoke first, "Congratulations on receiving the First Class Medal of the Holy Virgin, your wish has finally come true."
"It's nothing!" Ronnie waved his hand and opened his mouth to ask, "How have you been lately?"
"I'm fine, what do you want to see me about?" Park Hye asked in a small voice with her head down.
"I would like Catherine to stay with me every Wednesday so she can bond with Vega, is that okay?"
Park Hye hesitated for a moment, she was fine with it herself but was afraid that Barry would disagree, she said, "I'll ask Barry!"
The two chatted for a while before going their separate ways home. When Park Hye got home and told him what Ronnie meant, Barry's face really sank, "He hasn't cared about the kids for almost ten years, why is he just now remembering Catherine?"
Barry had been in a particularly bad mood lately, and everywhere he went he heard Ronnie's name. Just a few days ago, Catherine had mentioned Ronnie in front of him and wanted to get an autograph from him. He hastened to stop her. Catherine doesn't realize that Ronnie is her father and usually calls Barry Dad all the time.
Park Hye advises, "He only sees him once a week, they're father and daughter, seeing her once a week isn't too much.”
Barry scoffed after hearing this, "Do you want to go over there too?"
Park Hye was immediately gagged and speechless, and after a long time she said, "Okay, I'll refuse him then.”
Ronnie received Park Hye's message and was so angry that he jumped up and cursed, "Barry, this damn guy, he doesn't even agree with this point of my request, my daughter has become his.”
Alice stood aside and watched him coldly, listening to his shouting and cursing, she said, "Do you want to see your daughter? or do you want to see Park Hye?"
"Of course I want to see my daughter," Ronnie defended.
"Ronnie, breaking up someone's marriage in the City-state is a serious offense, think about it," Alice warned.
Could it be that subconsciously I really want Park Hye? Ronnie also wondered. Time back to five days ago, he came out of the institute, near the "Sea of Dreams", he saw the back of a sexy woman from afar, his eyes were staring at the other side of the ass, he secretly praised in his heart: "What a beautiful bottom, whose woman is this?"
It was only when Barry called the woman's name from behind that he woke up, "So it's Park Hye, why didn't I realize it before?"
For the next few days he thought about Park Hye. At that time, when Alice reminded him, he finally realized, "It seems that it's still my sister who understands me the most.” He decided to cut off his love and start practicing his signature in order to immerse himself in the world of art so that he wouldn't have to brood. Every day, as soon as he got home, he lay down on the table and practiced his writing. When Vega saw this, she laughed and said, "Dad, you haven't made much progress even after practicing for days!"
"What do you know!" Ronnie said with a defiant look on his face.
Vega called Alice over and pointed at his handwriting and said, "Auntie, look, isn't Dad's handwriting as ugly as it was?"
"I don't think it's bad, it's a little better than before," Alice, not wanting to discourage Ronnie, praised.
"Auntie, you look younger and younger, any secrets?" Vega asked in a different tone.
Since the injection of "Telomere Rejuvenation Liquid", with the passage of time, Alice's appearance today only looked about twenty years old.
She smiled and said to Vega, "I'll tell you when you grow up."
As soon as her words fell, the radio sounded and a sweet woman's voice appeared, "This broadcast is being sent to all Knights of the New World, due to the newly chosen Holy Virgin requesting an early abdication, the New World will select a new Holy Virgin for the new term. Age 12-20 years old, female, height 165-178 can participate, voted by all knights, the highest vote will be elected."
Ronnie heard this broadcast and wondered, "Didn't the Holy Virgin change just a few years ago, why is she changing again?"
"This new Holy Virgin fell in love with a man, so she had to abdicate," Vega explained.
"How do you know that?" Ronnie asked in surprise.
Vega laughed, "Ha! All our classmates are spreading the word, only you, an old fart, don't know."
Ronnie looked at his daughter and said, "Vega, you're twelve years old too, do you want to join?"
"I don't look pretty, otherwise I'd really go."
"There's no requirement to be pretty."
"Granted, but everyone will vote for the pretty girls, let's forget about the ordinary looking ones like me, it's still your fault that you look crooked," Vega said and began to blame Ronnie.
"Am I ugly?" Ronnie touched his nose and deadened his heart in acceptance, suddenly feeling quite guilty. He looked at Alice and said, "Sister is so pretty, if she was only a little younger, she would have been chosen."
"I'm almost forty, I should be at the age of automatic abdication," Alice laughed.
Vega pulled a Holy Virgin propaganda poster out of her pocket and handed it to her, only to see that it read, "Everybody participates quickly! maybe the next Holy Virgin will be you.”
- Selection
Women between the ages of 12 and 20, 165-178 in height, voted on by the entire nation.The one with the most votes will be chosen. She is not allowed to have love or lust during her reign.
- Abdication
Automatic abdication: A new virgin is elected one year before the abdication, when she reaches the age of 40, and she is allowed to marry and have children after the abdication.
Active abdication: If a Holy Virgin wishes to abdicate early for personal reasons, she must apply for abdication 6 months in advance until a new Holy Virgin is chosen.
Passive abdication: If the Holy Virgin has violated the spirit of Holiness, Justice, Charity and Sacrifice, she must abdicate early at the request of the Grand Council of Elders with a vote of 60% or more of the Knights, and a new Holy Virgin will be chosen after the original Holy Virgin abdicates.
- Role
Pillar of chivalry, representing the spirit of holiness, justice, love and sacrifice.
-Daily routine
The annual National Day, the Coming of Age and Enrolment Ceremony, the Grand Finals, the awarding of the Order of the Virgin, the weekly readings for the Day of Listening, and the drawing of lots.
The Virgin and the team reside in Zi City.
When she finished reading it, Ronnie brought it over to look at it as well, "They're all making ads in the school, it looks like the competition must be fierce."
Vega held for Alice, "Auntie is thirty-seven, but she looks twenty, she should be allowed to participate."
"That rule should have been set when the City-state was founded, when people didn't live that long, let alone have drugs to keep them young forever, and that's why the age was set at that time," Ronnie guessed.
"Why not change it?" Vega asked.
"I don't know, I heard that the laws of the City-state have not been changed since they were set and have become the golden rule."

continue to next part