by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:44:54

Lately, Ronnie liked to eat at the cafeteria on the first floor of the central district because he often ran into Park Hye, and he made a rule to just watch her from a distance and never get involved. Today at noon, he saw her again, Park Hye was wearing a backless dress on top and a short skirt underneath, underneath the skirt were a pair of long and beautiful legs, she was just about to leave after finishing her meal when Ronnie's feet made a scene of independence, forgetting the rule he had set. Unable to help himself, he followed Park Hye, who didn't notice Ronnie behind her, and the two of them left the central district one after the other. At that moment, Barry came up to them and saw Ronnie following Park Hye, pointed at him and said angrily, "Ronnie, what are you doing? why do you keep following her?"
"I ..." Ronnie snapped and was busy explaining, "I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to see her."
Park Hye turned her head and saw that Ronnie was surprised, she was busy explaining to Barry, "This road is so wide, anyone can walk, just leave it alone. ”
Barry was even angrier when he heard this, "You're still speaking for him, he admitted it himself."
Ronnie immediately looked embarrassed, he bowed to Barry all the time and apologized, "I'm sorry!" and left in disgrace.
He didn't go back to the cafeteria for a few days and asked Gina to bring his food to him. Today was Friday, and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow would be two days off, so his mind was active again, and he unconsciously went to the cafeteria again, hoping to see Park Hye again. Park Hye was dressed much more simply these days, and this time she was the one who saw Ronnie looking around first and wondered if she should go over to say hello. Ronnie happened to turn around and see her as well, and he smiled and walked that way, thinking, "With so many people in the cafeteria, Barry can't afford to pick on anything, can he?"
Barry had been following Ronnie for the past few days, and the moment he saw Ronnie approaching Park Hye, he took out the film equipment he had prepared earlier, intending to record this and then sue Ronnie for harassing his wife. Ronnie was still full of joy and went straight to Park Hye, "Do you come here to eat every day?" unable to find a topic, he asked a redundant question.
"Uh-huh!" Park Hye replied quietly and then asked, "What were you looking for?"
Ronnie didn't dare to tell the truth and only said, "I was looking to see if there were any acquaintances."
"Have you been following me lately to talk to me about Catherine?"
"Actually I was more interested in seeing you," Ronnie stammered and finally said what was on his mind.
Park Hye was stunned when she heard it and shook her head, "Don't ever say that again, Barry will be upset when he hears it."
"No, I have to say it," Ronnie suddenly looked excited and grabbed her hand, "I've been thinking about you the last few days, I can't control ... it anymore."
"Let me go, it's not good to be seen," Park Hye hastily interrupted him and struggled to get away from him.
"Sorry, sorry, I'm too impulsive," Ronnie apologized repeatedly and took a deep breath to calm himself. Park Hye looked at him and a trace of darkness flashed in her eyes. A voice inside her seemed to say, "Ronnie, why did you think of me now? too bad it's too late," fearing that she wouldn't be able to resist jumping on him and hugging him tightly, she bowed her head and said, "I'll go first, take care of yourself."
Looking at her distant back, Ronnie was frustrated, “what's wrong with me? as if I had been seduced by her. ”He gave himself two violent slaps and cursed loudly, "Bastard!"
And everything he was doing was being recorded by Barry. Two days later, Ronnie received a summons from the Knights' Council saying, "Ronnie Watson, please go to the Prime Minister's Court tomorrow morning at ten o'clock, we will have a trial on whether you harassed Ms. Park Hye, please be on time.”
Upon receiving the summons, Ronnie was furious and yelled, "This must have been Barry's doing, that damn guy!"
"What the hell did you do? and now you're being sued." Alice asked worriedly.
Vega was also full of fear as she cautiously said, "Is Dad going to jail?"
"Don't worry, I didn't do anything, I just met her once," Ronnie barely managed a smile as he said it, with the same fear in his mind. At the end of the night he lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep until it was almost dawn when he drifted off to sleep. The pleasant dream did not last long, however, for he was awakened by a sudden knock at the door. It was his sister Alice calling him, worried that Ronnie would be late. The two of them ate breakfast and left for the Prime Minister's Courtyard. Ronnie was now considered a celebrity in You City, and when the siblings entered the courtroom, it was already filled with people. Everyone was curious to see how this hero of You City was going to harass married women. Ronnie was immediately nervous at the sight of the crowd, he looked around and saw Barry sitting on the witness stand. When the court staff saw him come in, they asked him to stand at the defense table while Alice found an empty seat in the front row and sat down. Soon after, the eight Knight Council members arrived in the courtroom on time. After the eight people took their seats, the court was officially opened. One of the committee members spoke first, "Mr. Ronnie, now that Mr. Barry is accusing you of molesting his wife, what do you have to say?”
Ronnie straightened up, he first gave a slight nod to the eight people sitting on the podium before he said, "Honorable eight Knights Committee members, I am not a stranger to Ms. Park Hye, she was originally my ex-wife, and I had a daughter with her, I had no other reason for going to see her this time, I just wanted to discuss my daughter's matter with her, I don't think that can be considered harassment! "
"Mr. Ronnie, I know you're a hero to the City-state and I have great faith in your character, but please look at these videos," as the committee member said this, he pointed behind him and several projected images immediately appeared on the wall. The first clip was of Ronnie staring at Park Hye's ass the whole time with a lustful look in his eyes. The second clip was of Ronnie chasing after Park Hye, following her all the way out of Central District, a video spliced together from several cameras, and the third clip was provided by none other than Barry. "How do you explain the last video and why were you holding Ms. Park Hye's hand at that time? she obviously didn't approve."
Seeing these videos, Ronnie's face was ashamed, he lowered his head and didn't dare to argue any stronger. Alice was worried downstairs, hoping that Ronnie would say a few words in his defense. Several committee members saw that he didn't say anything, so they were ready to vote. Each of the eight committee members had one vote, and if there were more than five votes (including five), he was found guilty. Ten minutes later the vote was taken and Ronnie received six votes. One of the committee members pronounced the sentence on the spot: "Ronnie, you have been accused of harassing a married lady several times this month, you are found guilty and sentenced to two years in prison, clearing all your honor values, to be executed on the same day. ”
The two city guards heard the sentence and pulled Ronnie out of the defendant's chair and handcuffed him. Ronnie looked down at Alice and said loudly, "Sis, don't worry, I'll be out soon.”
Alice didn't expect things to turn out like this, this was the worst possible outcome, she lost her voice and screamed, "Why didn't you listen to me?"
Hearing Alice's horrified cry, Ronnie couldn't bear to look at her anymore, he closed his eyes and whispered, "I'm sorry!”
Ronnie's harassment of a married woman became big news in You City, and when Vega heard about it, she got very angry and said, "Why is Dad like this? isn't it enough that he has Mom? what a philanderer!"
"Your dad didn't do anything either, he was just looking for Park Hye to talk about Catherine," Alice stood up for Ronnie.
"Auntie, why do you keep helping dad, he's just being spoiled by you," Vega said unhappily.
"Vega, it wasn't easy for your father to get to this point, he suffered a lot in the 'Doomsday Bunker' and had his thumb cut off, he has suffered enough, you should understand him."
"So his thumb was cut off, no wonder he refused to tell me," Vega hung her head as she said this.
Park Hye had also heard about Ronnie and she shouted at Barry, "Why did you do that?"
Ronnie was sentenced to two years, Barry was happy in his heart and humming when he heard Park Hye screaming, he said slowly, "What's your hurry? he deserved it, who told him to keep harassing you?"
"He didn't do anything to me!" Park Hye defended anxiously.
Barry sneered, "You didn't see the look in his eyes, he was about to pounce on you.”
"You're shameless, he's not that kind of person," after saying this, Park Hye ignored him and angrily flung open the door and walked away.
With Ronnie in jail, the Rebirth Partners are in danger of being disbanded again. Sharlout looked at Lily and asked, "Now that the boss is gone and Alice isn't here, what are we going to do?"
"I'll go see Ronnie and see what he wants?" Lily said and went to find Ronnie in the negative second floor of the Northwest Quarter, a jail cell dedicated to the prisoners of the City-state. Ronnie had been locked up for two days. There were a total of eleven prisoners in the jail; during the day, all the prisoners were in a hall of more than two hundred square feet and could move about freely. At night they slept in a small room of ten square feet with only one bed and a urinal. When Ronnie arrived on his first day, a man recognized him and asked in surprise, "Ronnie, why are you in here too?”
Ronnie looked at the stranger's face in confusion and asked, "And you are?"
The other person introduced himself, "My name is Mortensen, and I've been using the 'Enlightenment Chip' you developed."
"Oh!" Ronnie had an epiphany.
Mortensen liked to chat with people, then he asked, "People like you shouldn't be here, ah, what's the offense?"
Ronnie didn't feel comfortable saying what he was guilty of, and he tried to figure out how to say it to save face. A person next to him overheard the conversation between the two and suddenly interjected, "He's in here for harassing a woman.”
As these words came out, Ronnie's face immediately turned red and he hastily explained, "She's my ex-wife, that's not considered harassment, just a few words.”
"Just a few words and you're convicted? Impossible," Mortensen looked skeptical.
The one who interjected added, "He molested his married ex-wife, and two years is a light sentence for such a person."
"How do you know so much about me?" Ronnie asked rhetorically, looking curiously at the other man.
At this point Mortensen whispered to him, "Peter used to be a city guard, and his wife was also following someone else, so he killed his wife and her lover together, and was sentenced to nine years, and after nine years he will be expelled from the City-state.”
"So cruel!" Ronnie couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.
 "He especially hates people who seduce other people's women, you have to be more careful," Mortensen warned.
Although the duo spoke in a low voice, Peter still heard everything, he stared at Ronnie closely and said, "Do you feel wronged?"
Knowing that the person in front of him was a murderer, Ronnie was deeply afraid of this person, he carefully said, "A little bit.”
"Now that there are more than seven thousand people in this You City, only three couples are officially married, do you know why?" Peter asked.
"Because if they are officially married, they are protected by the laws of the City-state and no one can go and break them up," Ronnie felt like a fool for having to answer such a simple question.
"You know that, and you're going to do it, and you're saying you're not damned,” Peter said word for word.
"But I ..." Ronnie wanted to argue, but when he saw the other party's icy eyes, he was so scared that he shut his mouth. At the same time, he took a few steps back, afraid that the other party would suddenly stand up and hurt someone. There is no death penalty in the City-state, and the maximum sentence is only nine years. Some people are not afraid of going to jail at all, so it is more dangerous to go to jail here than in the "free world". Fortunately, Peter was only angry and did not mean to hurt him.

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