by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:45:54

Lily met Ronnie in the visitation room and as soon as they met, she said, "Did you really harass Park Hye? you can come to me if you want a woman."
Unexpectedly, Ronnie looked at her coldly and sneered, "You have no boobs, no ass, and a body like a chopping board, what am I looking for you for?"
"You deserve it, you really should be sentenced to a few more years, you stinking rascal!" Lily said angrily.
"What do you want from me today?" Ronnie didn't dare to joke anymore and asked with a straight face.
"Two things, the first is to see if you're dead yet, and the second is that Sharlout and the others want to know what you're going to do next, are you going to disband the team, or are we going to wait for you to come out?"
"Two years is not a long time, you guys wait for me to come out, you go ahead and take some projects for a while, of course if you have a good place to go, I won't stop you."
 "Don't worry, I don't care what they think, I'll follow you," Lily made her point.
Ronnie was a little touched by what he heard, but he didn't want to show it and was busy changing the subject, "Lily, why don't you find a boyfriend now? you're not that young anymore."
"You're on your own now, I don't want you meddling in my affairs," Lily got angry and after saying that, she turned around and walked away. As she was about to walk out the door, she turned back and said, "Take care of yourself."
After Barry sent Ronnie to jail, Park Hye's heart went out to him. She felt that Barry had gone too far this time by driving Ronnie to his death, and she was ready for Catherine to meet Ronnie and tell her that Ronnie was her father. Park Hye waited at the front of the school for Catherine to come out of class and when she did, she rushed forward and took Catherine's hand and said, "I'll take you to see Dad.”
"What is there to see when I can see Dad every day?" Catherine asked curiously.
"Barry isn't your dad, I'm taking you to see Ronnie, he's your dad."
"What?" Catherine was stunned and after a long moment said, "The hero of the City-state is actually my dad, I have to get him to sign my autograph.”
Park Hye didn't expect this reaction from her daughter, she smiled and asked, "You seem happy to hear this news.”
"Mom, I've always felt that my current father doesn't deserve you, he's ugly and rude and has a bad job, our teacher said that scientists are the future of the City-state and the role models for us to follow, I want to be a scientist like Ronnie when I grow up."
"Okay, let's go," Park Hye said as she took her daughter's hand and walked to the Northwest District, when she got to the jail cell she didn't go in but stood outside the door and waited, she was afraid of getting Ronnie in trouble. Catherine went in alone to see her father and the first thing she asked was, "Are you really my father?"
"Yes!" Ronnie nodded.
Catherine got the answer and unzipped her book bag from her back, pulled out a notebook, then a pen, handed it to Ronnie and said, "Dad, can you sign this for me?"
Previously, Ronnie had practiced writing every day under Vega's supervision, and now he was still very confident in his signature. He quickly signed his name and handed the notebook back. Catherine took it with great joy and exclaimed, "I finally have Ronnie's signature, I'm the fourth person in the whole school to have it.”
After she calmed down, Ronnie asked, "Who brought you here?"
"It was Mom, she didn't want to come in."
As soon as she got the autograph, Catherine wanted to show it off and she turned to Ronnie and said, "Thanks Dad, I'm gonna go now and see you next time.”
As soon as she was out, she asked Park Hye who was still waiting outside the door, "Why is daddy in jail? what did he do?"
"People misunderstood him, he's not guilty at all," Park Hye said.
"Oh!" Catherine nodded her head as if she understood.
Half a year had passed without Ronnie noticing, and in that time, he had lived quite a quiet life in prison, slowly getting used to it. Until a man showed up and his life took a turn for the worse. The man was over six feet tall, with back of a tiger and waist of a bear; everyone was afraid of him and would avoid him from a distance when they saw him, and the worst thing about him is that he is Ronnie's enemy. His name is "Valinor" and he is the cousin of Dorsom, the "Scoundrel of Shire Town". Valinor joined the City-state only last year, and every time he saw Dorsom being beaten into a vegetative state by Hasegawa, he hated Ronnie and the others with a passion. This time, when he heard that Ronnie was also here, the flame of revenge immediately burned in his chest. Today at noon, he saw Ronnie enter the toilet alone and followed him, but Ronnie didn't know about his relationship with Dorsom, he saw the other man enter and even gave him a curt smile, but unexpectedly, Valinor's face sank and he asked, "Are you Ronnie?"
"Yes," Ronnie tried to control the smile on his face, afraid it would be unnatural.
"Oh!" Valinor nodded, but suddenly shot out and grabbed him by the hair, pushing his head toward the toilet. Caught off guard, Ronnie's entire head was drenched in the sink, his eyes gagged open, his arms flailing desperately to struggle, but he could only make a "whimpering" sound, and Valinor's death grip on his head was an attempt to settle the matter once and for all, to drown Ronnie right there in the toilet. He chose to do it here because there was surveillance everywhere outside, and this was the only place he could choose to do it. He had already been sentenced to nine years, he wasn't afraid of going to jail at all, and there was no death penalty in the City-state. Ronnie struggled in the sink for a while, but his brain suddenly came to its senses, he knew he could not die in the toilet, it would be too unpleasant to spread the word. He tried to resist, but his strength was too small, if he continued like this, he would soon suffocate and die. "Dead? Yes, I'm dead!" at that thought, he immediately gave up resisting, closing his mouth and pretending to look as if he had already drowned. Seeing this, Valinor let out a cold snort and loosened his hand, saying, "The guy is so useless, he died within a few strokes," with that, he turned and left.
Only when he was sure he was far away did Ronnie raise his head from the toilet, wipe off the water stains running down the corner of his mouth, and curse, "Damn bastard.”
He then washed his face before stepping out of the toilet. As soon as he emerged, he saw Valinor standing on the opposite side staring in that direction, and when the other party saw him walk out alive and well, his face turned dark and he coldly asked, "How come you're still alive?"
Ronnie did not dare to look at him, lowered his head and walked away silently, not daring to report him for fear that no one would believe it even if he said it, saying that Valinor wanted to kill him, but he had no proof, and there was not a single injury on his body, only his hair was a little wet. The next few days he did not dare to go to the toilet, had to hold it until the night back to his room to pee, his room is only a urinal, pooping also have to be outside the toilet to be able to solve. He held his shit for five days, his face was purple, and on the sixth day he just couldn't take it anymore and flushed directly into the toilet. Valinor was waiting for this moment, he saw Ronnie enter the toilet and immediately followed him, Ronnie had just taken off his pants when he came in. "What are you doing? help ..."
Before Ronnie could scream, his opponent covered his mouth. In a fit of rage he opened his mouth and bit down on Valinor's palm, he bit down so hard that he took a chunk of flesh off the other man's palm at once, Valinor screamed in pain and he was furious. He pulled him up off the toilet, held his head down and slammed it against the opposite wall, Ronnie knew that if he hit it twice, his life would be in danger. He pulled out one of the pens he had in his pocket and plunged it into the other man's thigh with such force that Valinor's thigh was suddenly soaked in blood with a scream. The pen had been given to him by Saria, and it was also a defensive weapon, so Valinor let go under the great pain. Ronnie hastily crouched down and reached through the crack in his arm. He lifted his pants and ran out of the toilet, urgently calling the guards outside, he thought this time is different from the last time, this time Valinor will not let him go as he is hurt, the guards rushed in from outside and asked, "Ronnie, what are you shouting?"
"I need to see my sister Alice right away, I have something important."
"Then wait," The guard replied.
It took over ten minutes for Valinor to come out of the bathroom, he was limping and pale, his eyes staring straight at Ronnie. Ronnie saw him too, only to see Valinor make a deadly gesture at him and run his palm across his neck. Fear ran through Ronnie's mind and he hoped his sister would come soon. Alice was at the Institute at the moment, she used to visit Ronnie when he was in prison, but she went there less often as Ronnie got used to life in prison. She was chatting with her "Rebirth Partners" when she suddenly received a message from the prison, she felt uneasy and rushed there. Half an hour later the two met. Ronnie almost cried when he saw his sister in the visiting room. He told Alice what had just happened, adding fuel to the fire to make the experience exciting, while Alice listened with her heart pounding as she continued to comfort her brother. "Sister, you go back now and bring Cool Bear here, I want him to protect me," Ronnie concluded.
The two also discussed plans on how to get Cool Bear to the prison. Alice was afraid something would happen to him and quickly returned. Cool Bear snuck into the jail when the guards opened the door. With this bodyguard by his side, Ronnie was emboldened and next he wanted revenge. He told Cool Bear to remember Valinor. The day passed quickly, and at night Cool Bear quietly followed Valinor to his room. The next day, all the men came out of their rooms, and the caretaker did a head count and noticed that one was missing. He said to Peter, "You go and call for Valinor.”
Peter did not open the door even after a long call, so he could only come back and tell the guard, "There's nothing I can do if he won't open the door.”
The guard drew his electric baton from behind him and tried to teach Valinor a hard lesson. He used the key to open the door directly, and the moment the cell door opened, he exclaimed, "Ah!" and saw Valinor naked on the urinal, his head stuck inside, and he had been dead for a long time. Cool Bear was still standing in the corner of the room, watching the cell door open, and quietly walked out. Valinor's strange death became the talk of the prison; they had all become famous detectives. Peter said to Ronnie, "He must have been thirsty and couldn't find water for a while, so he tried to drink the water in the urinal, and finally his head got stuck and he suffocated."
Ronnie agreed, saying, "He looked like a bear, and his mind couldn't have been too agile, I think it's quite possible.”
After Valinor's death, everyone relaxed and peace returned to the place.

continue to next part