by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:48:10

Ronnie was finally released from prison and the entire Rebirth Pals team came to greet him. Lily smiled and asked, "Ronnie, are you used to being in there?"
"It's okay, except there's a female hooligan who harasses me a lot and I can't stand it."
Lily scoffed, "Aren't you a hooligan yourself, remember how you got in?"
Ronnie was worried, "I'm serious, her name is Alba and she often tries to ask me out and every time I reject her mercilessly, it's a sin for a man to be too attractive."
"Old Ro, you didn't learn anything else in there, but your braggadocio has grown."
It wasn't long before the six were in Ronnie's deluxe room. After chatting for a while, the others excused themselves and left. Toward evening, Catherine rushed in, excited to see Ronnie, and said, "Mom has left the City-state.”
Time goes back to three days ago, after Park Hye was knocked out by Barry, she left the City-state the next day. Barry was also nowhere to be found. Catherine came home today to an empty house, and when she inquired, she found out that Park Hye had left the City-state. Park Hye and Barry's son, who was eight years old, had been living at the House of the Three Wolves and hadn't been home for half a year.
"Why did she leave City-state?" Ronnie asked.
"I don't know."
Ronnie turned to Alice and said, "Sis, you take care of Catherine at home, I'll go out and look for Park Hye," after saying that, he walked out the door and Cool Bear saw him go out and followed him silently. He left the City-state and went straight to the "Shire Town", thinking that Park Hye should have gone home, so he inquired about her family's place, and he really found out. When he arrived at her house, he saw that the door was open, so he went in. The house was dark and the furniture was even simpler, and he saw Park Hye lying on her side on the bed. Her family's condition is not good, the house is especially small, her original room has long been occupied by her brother's children, she was now lying in the living room on a makeshift bed, her family did not give her a good face. The "free world" was now very cruel. Since the City-state dismantled the subsidized stations, those who depended on them have lost their livelihoods. Saria's "Starfire" program was too small and could only help a small number of people. Park Hye went home and ate a small piece of cake for two days. She lay on her bed in despair and cried secretly. She turned inward and didn't see Ronnie come in. Ronnie stood by the bed for a moment, not knowing what to say. Fortunately, Park Hye's brother was in the inner room and heard a commotion in the living room, so he came out to check it out, and when he saw a strange man standing in the house, he shouted, "Who are you? why did you come to our house?"
Park Hye suddenly heard her brother's scream and was startled, she quickly turned around and saw Ronnie and was shocked, "Ronnie, why are you here?"
When Ronnie saw Park Hye's face covered in bruises, he asked urgently, "What happened to your face? who hit you?"
Park Hye's brother had heard Ronnie's name outside the City-state, but he didn't know if it was the same person, so he looked at Ronnie and asked, "Are you the Ronnie who invented the 'Enlightenment Chip'?"
"Yes!" Ronnie nodded and then asked back, "Was it you who beat up Park Hye like that?"
"It wasn't me! it wasn't me! it was Park Hye's husband who hit him, I think his name is Barry," Park Hye's brother was busy waving his hands.
He was eager to please Ronnie and moved a wooden chair for him to sit on before talking about Park Hye. Ronnie couldn't help but frown after hearing this, he thought that this time Park Hye had been impulsive again and left the City-state in a fit of anger, and now it was impossible to go back. The new world has strict rules for entering and leaving the City-state, everyone who enters and leaves the City-state must register, and those who leave the city without registering are considered traitors and will be removed from the City-state. Ronnie had also registered when he left the city just now, and every time he registered, he had to write down the time he left the city and the time he came back, and if he didn't return on time, it would be deducted from his honor value, and the longer the time, the more it would be deducted; the last time he was kidnapped and disappeared for six years, the City-state even sent someone to verify it, so he didn't have his honor value deducted. With things as they were, he could only comfortably say, "It's okay, it's not bad out there, at least it's freer.”
Park Hye's brother heard his words and complained, "Where is it good? now we don't have enough to eat every day, there's not much work in Shire Town, and all the fish off the coast have been caught.”
Ronnie knew how difficult it was to live in the "free world", he also did not have enough to eat every day, but back then there were still subsidized stations he could rely on, but now even that is gone. He sighed in his heart, "Now all I can do is find a way for Park Hye to survive here.”
At that moment, he suddenly remembered something and looked at the man in front of him and asked, "What should I call you?"
"My name is Neeson!"
"Oh! Neeson, I want to know how many star coins the 'Enlightenment Chip' can be sold for in 'Shire Town'?" Ronnie asked.
"Very few people use Enlightenment Chips in Shire Town, everyone here is too poor. I've only heard that some of the teachers at You City Preparatory School have used them, and they all cost over twenty thousand Star Coins."
"That's almost ten 'Bira coins,'" Ronnie did the math.
Neeson nodded and said, "Yes!"
Ronnie pulled an 'Enlightenment Chip' out of his pocket and said to Neeson, "This is the 'Enlightenment Chip,' now go to the Nine Star Union and exchange it for star coins!”
Neeson was overjoyed at the sight of it, grabbed it, and immediately stood up and walked out, happily going. The "Enlightenment Chip" was the property of the City-state, and Ronnie couldn't own it privately, he only had three in total, this was a kind of reward the City-state gave to the inventor. Other people in the "new world" can only use honor value to trade for it, each person can only have one, and it can only be used by that person. Vinique's promoting outside of the City-state was counted as honor value for Ronnie's team based on sales volume. Except for Vinique's income, all other income goes to the City-state. The City-state will use this income to buy "Free World" ores and some special items.
After watching Neeson leave, Ronnie sat on his butt on the edge of the bed, looked at Park Hye, and asked in a low voice, "Does your face still hurt?"
"Trouble for you," Park Hye lowered her head shyly.
Ronnie smiled, "Why are you being so polite to me?"
The two of them were speechless for a while, and after a long time, Park Hye looked up at him and said, "You lost weight, did you suffer a lot in there?"
Looking at Park Hye's blue face, Ronnie forgot to say anything. He wondered if he should send her a "silent shadow man" as well. When Park Hye saw that he didn't say anything, she thought she had said something wrong and asked, "What's wrong with you? is my face too ugly?"
"No, I just thought of something, let me show you something interesting."
"What is it?" Park Hye couldn't help but ask curiously.
"Cool Bear, show yourself!" Ronnie waved his hand and called into the room.
As soon as he spoke, a robotic figure appeared in the corner of the room and Park Hye exclaimed, "Who is it?" she hid behind Ronnie in fear, "Don't be afraid, he's my robot, his name is Cool Bear, he can be invisible and has been following me for the past few years."
Park Hye peeked out from behind him like a frightened bird, looked around the corner and said shyly, "This robot looks so strong.”
The Cool Bear took a step toward the duo and Park Hye, even more frightened, wrapped her arms tightly around Ronnie and shrank her head back down. "I was just thinking about sending you a robot so you won't be bullied."
"Well, it's up to you, I'll listen to you from now on," Park Hye nodded shyly.
The two waited until Neeson returned, then Ronnie stood up and told him, "Take care of your sister, I'll be back in a few days.”
Ronnie had become a savior in Neeson's heart, and he patted his chest and assured him, "Don't worry, I'll take care of her.”
After he left, Neeson turned his head to look at Park Hye and asked, "When did you meet Ronnie? it seems you didn't stay in the City-state for nothing."
Park Hye looked at her brother and remained silent. "What did you just say? why did he come back a few days later? is he here to pick you up?" Neeson asked several questions in a row.
"Brother, Ronnie is my ex-husband and I have a daughter with him, he and I are supposed to be family."
Ronnie came out of Park Hye's house with the idea of making her a Silent Shadow Man. The only place outside of the City-state that was in a good position to do so was the Baron's house. He also wanted to see Yurina and when he arrived at the Baron's house, he didn't see Yurina. Two years ago, when Yurina heard that Ronnie had gone to jail for harassing Park Hye, she was so jealous that she left home that afternoon. At that moment, she lay naked in a man's arms with her eyes closed and let him touch her. The man asked as he touched her, "Yurina, you're in your thirties and your skin is still so soft, you look like you're still in your teens.”
Yurina opened her eyes and smiled tenderly, "Colin, you're getting to be an old man, I don't want you in a few years."
"Maybe you'll be older than me in a few years," Colin said defiantly.
Yurina laughed, not explaining that she had been injected with the telomere rejuvenation liquid. The two were flirting when Yurina's Silent Shadow Man suddenly appeared in front of them. Colin was startled, thinking he was seeing a ghost, but Yurina reassured him, "Don't be afraid, she's my robot,” she said unhappily to the Silent Shadow Man, "War Rose, I didn't call you, why did you appear before me?"
"Master, it's Mr. Ronnie looking for you, he's been released from prison and is now at your house," War Rose replied.
Yurina couldn't help but get angry when she heard that, "Did he send you to my side just to spy on me all the time?"
"No, the mission of a robot is to protect its master, and my master is you. Ronnie is my creator and my father, he is afraid that something might happen to you, and this time he is just looking for you through me, which is also a kind of protection for you."
"Oh!" after hearing War Rose's explanation, Yurina's anger subsided. She added, "Tell Ronnie that if he wants to see me, he should come to me himself."
"Yes!" War Rose said and disappeared again.
Colin froze as he saw War Rose disappear before his eyes and asked, "Why is she gone?"
"Guess?" Yurina asked without answering.
"Is the Ronnie you were talking about the one who invented the 'Enlightenment Chip'?"
"Huh! you actually know Ronnie too, is he famous?"
"'Enlightenment Chip' is used by many middle class people, and its inventor is surely known to everyone." A moment later he added, "No wonder your family is acting as an agent for the City-state to sell the chip, so it's because of your connections."
"Not at all, Ronnie and Vinique are classmates, they've known each other for a long time, I still know Ronnie through her."
"Then what is your relationship to Ronnie?" Colin asked.
Yurina covered her mouth and laughed lightly, "I won't tell you so you don't get jealous."

continue to next part