by Guohan LIN, 2024-05-21 12:49:46

Vega and Catherine had made up because they now had a common enemy in Amandine. He hogged everything in the house and Alice made them give in every time with the excuse that their brother was still young. Alice actually loved him the most in her heart, he looked so much like Ronnie when he was little. Vega and Catherine were ready to teach Amandine a lesson. They waited outside the school early after school and ambushed Amandine on his way home, planning to beat him up and take it out on him. Amandine jumped out of the school, he was in a hurry to go home to play with the puppy and did not wait for Dan. The two girls saw him coming out, took out scarves to cover their faces, and blocked the intersection Amandine recognized the two girls as soon as he saw how they were dressed, and he called out suspiciously, "I recognized you already, what are you doing with your faces covered?"
The two women dared not speak for fear of being exposed. They rushed over to catch Amandine, but he suddenly turned and disappeared from their view, and the two women were too stunned to speak when they saw this. It was the first time they had ever seen a living person disappear from their sight; it had always been a robot that could do that.After the camouflage, Amandine's heart rejoiced, "This is where the fun begins, Someone has come to play with me."
He took a rope from his pocket, made a circle on each side, and then placed it on each of the two girls. The more the two girls struggled desperately, the more they were strangled, he tied them to a tree and took out a pair of scissors and cut off their hair, leaving them bald. The two were later rescued by the city guards and did not dare tell the truth, saying it was a classmate's prank. They returned home and shouted at Ronnie, "Dad, you're so prejudiced, you gave the invisibility cloak to Amandine.”
"What invisibility cloak? I never gave him anything like that," Ronnie said with a confused look on his face.
Amandine had long since returned home and was currently hiding under the table. He wondered what the two girls would say about him. Ronnie saw the two bald daughters and asked curiously, "Where's your hair?"
The two girls then recounted what had just happened, but in reverse, saying that it was Amandine who had blocked them and cut them bald.
Ronnie was furious when he heard this, "Amandine, come out, I know you are right here.”
Amandine had been wronged and wanted to come out. He took off his cloak of invisibility and came out from under the table, filled with indignation and yelled at the two girls, "You two liars, you're obviously the ones who blocked my way and wouldn't let me go."
Vega and Catherine knew that the lie had to continue to the end, and that they could not be faint-hearted, or they would soon be dismantled. They bit out, "You're the one who blocked our way first."
Amandine was so angry that he couldn't speak. He roared, lowered his head, and lunged like a mad cow, slamming his head into Vega's stomach. Vega was thrown back. Ronnie on the side couldn't take it anymore and rushed out, pulled the emotionally out of control Amandine, regained control of his hands and said in a deep voice, "Why are you bullying your sister?"
"You're still talking about me? didn't you often bully mom too?" Amandine said angrily.
"When did I bully Yurina?"
 "Every time you press against mom without your clothes on, you don't get up even when she's screaming in pain down there," Amandine yelled.
The two girls' faces turned red when they heard his strange words. Ronnie was busy trying to stop him from continuing, "Okay, okay, you stop talking."
Amandine knew a lot of secrets about his family since he got the invisibility cloak two years ago, like: there was a different man coming in and out of Vinique's room every time, Billy liked to cuddle a hen when he went to bed, her own grandfather,the Baron, liked to smile in the mirror, and his father and mother often fought naked.
 "Then let me go!" Amandine shouted, Ronnie let go embarrassed and Catherine rubbed her bald head and blushed, "Dad, why don't you hit him?"
Just then Alice came back from work and saw the faces of the four people and asked, "What's wrong? Everyone is angry.”
Amandine, who didn't like Ronnie but loved his aunt, trotted up to her, took her hand and said, "They're all accusing me wrong.”
Looking at the three children in front of him, Ronnie had a headache and didn't know how to deal with this family conflict. Suddenly, he remembered something and turned his head to Amandine and asked, "How did you get your invisibility cloak?"
"I'm not telling you," Amandine made a face and pulled out his legs.
Yurina seemed like a different person since her injury, staying home all day and asking George to bring Ronnie's favorite turkey to the City-state. Now Ronnie thinks of her every time he sees a turkey. Amandine loved turkey just as much as he did, and when he saw it on the table, he exclaimed happily, "This is what Mommy sent me to eat, and none of you are to touch it."
He picked up a whole chicken and hid and ate it until only the head was left, then he took the head and snuck it into Vega's shoe and threw the remaining chicken bones under Catherine's pillow. The boys who grew up in the City-state usually lived in the "House of the Three Wolves" and were often looked down upon when they went home, but Amandine didn't have to worry about that at all, he liked to be free and went home as soon as he got out of school, and he didn't do very well in school, he was always last in his class. Education in the City-state was divided into four stages: preschool, elementary school, middle school, and university, but there was no strict division; as long as you were a good student, you could just skip to the next semester. But for normal students, all follow these four stages, which are
0-3 years old in the nursery, parents can choose to put them in the nursery or go back to the parents on days off.
-Primary School Program
4-11 years old, focusing on language, simple math, New World Codes, and specialties (choose one - music, art, computer, arts, sports).
-Middle School Program
12-15 years old, four core subjects: Mathematics, Biology, Physics and Chemistry. 2 public lectures per week (geography, history, physiology, etc.).
-Specializations for the university semester
Majors are divided into 17 professions. Those who fail to graduate within the time limit can apply for an extension of 2 years or change professions with a deduction of Ψ80 from their honor value, and those who fail to graduate and change professions again after 2 years are considered invalids and will be expelled from the City-state.
All professions are divided into three levels, the first level undergraduates graduate within 3 years, the second level graduate students graduate within 3 years, the third level doctoral students graduate within 4 years and obtain the relevant profession to apply for the relevant profession.
Ronnie's honor value finally turned from negative to positive, his mind moved again, and he wanted to go to Yurina. Alice knew about it and advised, "You've been out of City-state for more than twenty days this year, so don't go, or you'll be deducted from your honor value again. ” Ronnie looked at the date, in ten days it would be a new year, so he would have to wait patiently. The City-state would have twenty days off every year, excluding holidays, after which the honor value would be deducted. That day, Amandine's teacher found Ronnie and said to him with a worried face, "Your son hasn't come to school for three days, do you know why?"
Ronnie, of course, did not know, so he rushed out to look for him and searched for a morning with no result. Later, more people joined the search, still without result. Then he remembered Amandine's invisibility cloak and took out a pair of glasses called "Fast Revealers", which were specially designed to see invisible people, and Lily had a pair of them too. The two put on the glasses and went around looking for them, but the result was still the same, until seven o'clock in the evening, Amandine appeared at home alone, Ronnie saw him and said angrily, "Where the hell have you been?"
"I came back early, I just got home!" Amandine said laughing.
Ronnie didn't believe it, he had just looked for him at home but didn't see him, "Are you invisible?" he asked.
"You know and still ask, annoying."
"It can't be, I just had my glasses on and didn't see you," Ronnie still didn't believe it.
Amandine got worried and said, "You want to fool me again? I'll just be invisible again and see if you can find me," as soon as his words were out of his mouth, his figure flickered and disappeared without a trace.
Ronnie quickly put on his glasses and looked around, but found nothing unusual. He thought that Amandine had run off to another house and looked from room to room again, but there was still no luck, "Are the glasses broken?" he muttered. "No. I myself saw Cool Bear standing in the doorway earlier, and he was also invisible," he immediately denied this assumption. But beyond that, he couldn't think of a better explanation. Just as he was in the middle of a brainstorming session, Amandine appeared in front of him with a "Woah! "I'm not lying to you! you couldn't find me either," he said triumphantly.
"How did you do that?" Ronnie wondered.
"I'm not telling you!" Amandine smiled mysteriously.
"You stand still and don't move and be invisible again while I test the glasses."
"You still don't believe it?" Amandine muttered angrily, his body shaking as he disappeared again. This time Ronnie reached out and grabbed him as he disappeared. He could be sure that he had caught the creature, but he still couldn't see it. He realized immediately that this was a more advanced stealth technology than his own stealth material. Amandine screamed in defiance after being grabbed, "You let me go, you're cheating!"
Ronnie was afraid that once he let go, he would run away again, so he asked with a straight face, "Amandine, tell me, where did you get your invisibility cloak?"
"I'm not telling you," Amandine repeated the same sentence over and over again.
Asked several times in a row, he just wouldn't tell. Alice also came over and interjected, "Let him go, I'll ask him."
"Good!" Ronnie listened to his sister and let him go. As soon as Amandine was free, he showed himself and pointed at Ronnie, "Too bad, I won't trust you anymore."
Alice laughed, crouched down, took his hand and said, "Tell me quickly, did someone give you your invisibility cloak?"
"How do you know that?" Amandine scratched his head and asked rhetorically.
"And who is this person? can you tell me?"
"I don't know, he wore a mask."
"And was this person a man or a woman, and did he or she say anything to you?"
"It was a man, he just said to live well and don't let anyone know about the invisibility cloak."
After learning the truth, Ronnie's heart could not be soothed for a long time; it turned out that there was still more advanced stealth technology in the world than he had. He told this to Lily, who was also incredulous after hearing it.

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